p0k3d3x-blog1 · 4 years
Do you need SEO Service
What does SEO mean?
SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization", or search engine optimizer, or the person who deals with this aspect. The decision to use an SEO is an important decision that can potentially improve your site and save you time, but it can also involve the risk of damaging your site and your reputation. Make sure you understand the potential benefits and damages that irresponsible SEO can cause to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
Examination of the content or structure of the site
Technical advice on site development, such as hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
Content development
Management of online campaigns for the development of commercial activities
Keyword research
SEO training
Experience in specific geographical areas and markets
Advertising with Google will not have any effect on the presence of your site in our search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in its search results. Additionally, there is no charge for being included in Google's organic search results. Free resources such as Search Console , the official Webmaster Central Blog and our discussion forum can provide you with a wealth of information on how to optimize your site for organic search.
How to get started
If you run a small local business, you can probably do much of the work yourself. Here are some useful resources:
Watch our 30-minute video series on how to create an online presence for your business.
Instructions for Google webmasters
Google 101: how Google crawls and indexes and makes websites available
The Getting Started Guide to SEO describes many of the things your SEO can do. Even if you are not required to know this guide yourself, if you entrust the work to a professional it will be useful for you to know these techniques, in order to know if SEO wants to use a technique that is not recommended or, worse, definitely discouraged.
Remember that it takes time to see results, typically from four months to a year from the time you start making changes.
If you feel you still need further assistance from a professional, read on to find out how to choose an SEO.
Choose an SEO
If you are thinking of using the services of an SEO, you would do well to hurry. One of the best times to start using SEO services is to coincide with a site design update or with the launch of a new site. In this way, you and SEO have the guarantee that the site will have a design that facilitates the search engines' crawling. However, good SEO can also help improve an existing site.
1. Commit to implementing the recommended changes. Making changes recommended by an SEO takes time and effort; if you are not planning to invest time to make the necessary changes, it is not worth it to contact a professional.
2. Plan an interview with SEO potential. Some questions that it is useful to ask an SEO are:
Can you show me examples of the work you have done previously and give me some examples of successful optimizations?
Do you follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines?
Does it offer online marketing or consultancy services to complement the organic search service?
What kind of results do you expect to achieve and in what timeframe? How do you measure your success?
What experience do you have in my sector?
What experience do you have in my country / town?
What experience do you have in developing international sites?
What are your most important SEO techniques?
How long have you been doing this activity?
How can I communicate with you? Will you inform me of all the changes made to my site and will you give me detailed information on your suggestions and the reasons behind them?
Find out if SEO is interested in you and your business. If it isn't, find someone who is. SEO should ask questions like:
What makes your business or service unique and valuable to customers?
Who are your customers?
How does your business make profits and how can search results contribute?
What other advertising channels do you use?
Who are your competitors?
3. Check the professional references of SEO . Ask previous customers if they think this SEO provided useful service, if it was easy to work with, and if it led to positive results.
4. Request a technical and research check for your site to get its opinion on what needs to be done, why it should be done and what the expected results should be. This service could be paid. You will probably need to provide read-only access to your site on Search Console (at this stage you don't have to grant write access). The potential SEO should be able to give you a realistic estimate of the improvements and the work needed to make them. If you guarantee that with your changes, you will appear first in the search results, trust someone else.
5. Decide whether to start the collaboration.
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