pagodo · 4 years
My memories start mostly when I was twelve (is that normal?) I mean yeah I do have some from when I was a bit younger but a hodgepodge of them, random with no sequence or continuity. When my grandad died, (whom I only have one memory of ) we all went back to London for the funeral, which us kids were not allowed to attend, so we were sent to stay with our Aunts, Uncles and Godfather. Playing knock on Ginger in the Council flats with my cousins and brothers, running wild up and down the floors laughing and screaming with joy, until we got caught. Then the day we got the news we were moving, to Canada. Where the fuck is that! No memories from living in London just the small town of Haverhill. My mums sister and husband with their two kids around the corner and my dads sister and husband with their three kids down the hill and up the next. Playing football on the university’s pristine grounds and being chased off by the caretaker on his tractor. Apple scrumping at the orchard, eating till our belly’s ached and being chased by the farmer on his tractor. Now we were trading all that for the snow and Praires of middle of nowhere, Winnipeg. Getting made fun of and bullied because I spoke different than my class mates. Attempted beatings because it turned out my older brother was paying a dollar to anyone to fight me. All because he was jealous that the girls liked his younger brother more than him.
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