paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
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The Aristocats (1970) dir. Wolfgang Reitherman
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paladxns · 5 years
*puts on cool socks* Ok ready to go
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paladxns · 5 years
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               𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘   𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑   𝐒𝐇𝐄   𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐃   𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅   𝐒𝐇𝐄   𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍'𝐓   take   an   early   class  .   yet   ,   every   following   year   she   found  herself   in   ONE   early   lecture   .  eyes   barely   managing  to   stay   open  long   enough  to   LEARN  a  thing  in  the  classes  .  &   today  was   going  to  be  a  repeat  of  one  of  those  days  .   a  single  headphone  in  ,  eyes  mainly  on  the  phone  in  her   hands   as  she  makes  her  way  closer  to   the   classroom  .  although   stopped   shortly  by   someone   grabbing  her   attention  .   the   reason   why  makes   relief   flood  through  her   :   the   other  holding  onto  her   debit   card  .    ❝      fuck  ,    ❞    she   breathes   out  ,   grabbing  the  item   from   him   ,   ❝    i  don’t   say   this   often   ,   but   thank   you  .   losing   that   would’ve  been  a  fucking  hassle   that   i’m  too  tired   to   deal   with   .    you’re  a  lifesavor  .   ❞
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his brows raise slightly at her little curse, an amused grin soon following as he watches her take the card back. theo found himself slightly entranced by the girl, trying to find the right thing to say before opening his mouth. “ do you intentionally try to avoid saying thank you wherever possible or... does no one ever do anything for you ? ” he asked, not sure why he was interested, but he wanted to know. “ it’s alright, ” theo nods, knowing all too well the hassles she was referring to as he had lost a number of different cards over the past few years. “ though you CAN pay me back if you like.. ” he offers her a coy smile, a small shrug following as he retreated his hands to his pockets. 
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paladxns · 5 years
jaemin  liked  to  IMAGINE  that  he  had  a  good  grip  on  his  patience  ,  never  letting  it  stray  too  FAR  out  for  him  to  lose  the  general  mask  of  indifference  he  approaches  his  days  with.  there’s  something  about  visibly  alerting  his  peers  of  the  day  appearing  too  much  for  him  to  handle  that  doesn’t  sit  well  with  jaemin.  for  the  most  part  he  didn’t  mind  early  classes  ,  naturally  preferring  to  get  them  out  of  the  way  so  he  could  go  on  with  his  day  and  make  plans.  though  ,  there  was  a  special  place  in  his  heart  for  the  CONTEMPT  he  held  now  for  his  nine  a.m  when  the  person  sat  to  his  left  (  combined  with  the  shrill  voice  of  his  professor  )  found  new  ways  to  wear  his  patience  thin.  so  when  he  was  able  to  zip  up  his  bag  ,  pull  up  the  hood  of  his  sweatshirt  and  dart  out  of  the  classroom  to  call  it  a  day  ,  there  was  little  hesitation  in  doing  so.  the  ANTICIPATION  he  felt  to  return  to  his  room  back  at  the  frat  was  halted  at  a  voice  calling  out  to  him  ,  his  lips  pursing  in  response  to  keep  the  frown  at  bay  when  he  turned.  chocolate  hues  meet  the  figure  reaching  down  to  grab  jaemin’s  pencil  case  and  he  lets  out  a  breath.  ❝  thanks  ,  man.  probably  WOULDN’T  have  noticed  if  you  haven’t.  ❞  jaemin  replies  lightly  before  gesturing  back  to  the  classroom  they  both  just  left.  ❝  with  a  class  like  that  it’s  hard  to  anything  BUT  run  outta  there.  ❞
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theo smiled as the other took back his case. if anything, this guy got it: theo would have been the same had he dropped something — he was so oblivious to some of the most obvious things most of the time. “ who could survive without their pens, am i right ? in other words: i just saved your educational life. ” theo spoke as though he knew what he was talking about — of course he didn’t, but he had a natural confidence in the way he held himself. “ not a fan ? ” he asked, his tone genuine with curiosity. theo didn’t care for the class much, but he didn’t care for a lot nowadays, so it was always worth knowing other people’s opinions to help him form his own. “ sometimes i don’t mind it, but today i was really feeling a nap so i’m not sure i took any of it in, you know ? i was mostly just daydreaming the whole time. ” he smiled in defeat, knowing he probably should have been paying more attention to the professor but he couldn’t help it when he was surviving off hardly any sleep from the night before. 
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paladxns · 5 years
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      a small whine escaped her lips as his hand moved to tickle her, her own flying towards his quickly to pull it away. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry!!” she laughed, trying her best to get as far away from him as possible to stop said tickling. she was very ticklish – but she absolutely hated getting tickled, for obvious reasons. the smile remained on her face though, still happy to be in his company despite that little attack. “you could compete with them.. just depends what i’m in the mood for.” even she couldn’t keep a straight face with that joke, a small laugh following before her arm moved back to link with his. “you don’t need to do any competing, theo.. i promise.” she’d always love the attention she got from other people, but the attention from theo was always like nothing she had ever felt before. he always did his best to make her happy, and she tried to do the same for him, but she just knew they’d always be in a good place with each other. “it’s college, dude.. of course all i’m doing is going to classes. if i missed one class, it would surely mess me up.” it wasn’t fun, but it had to be done. at least he was going to classes too. she probably should have been lecturing him to go back to his apartment to finish work or to look over notes, but now that he was around her? she wanted it to stay like that for just a little longer. just the two of them. “now that sounds cute.. a bunch of cats and you?  tell me at least you got one picture.” gabriella grinned, waving her hand in refusal. “i have things to do and if i even think about smoking.. that’ll be me done for the day. all yours.. but thank you for offering.”
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after a few seconds he finally stopped, his cheeks pushed up by the corners of his mouth shaped into a mischievous grin. damn, she was cute. he knew he’d probably pay for those tickles later, but it was worth it to see her uncontrollable smile.“ i get that — i guess i’m not always in the mood for you, either. “ theo spoke nonchalantly, simply trying to wind her up. he wasn’t sure he could ever not be in the mood for her; there wasn’t one thing he could think of that could change that. despite being someone who did sleep around quite a lot, he was glad that he continued the bond with gabriella even outside of the bedroom. “ i hope you’re not just saying that to make me feel better... i’d totally beat anyone — i’d refuse to lose. ” he nodded with a new found confidence, more so due to her confirmation he didn’t have to compete. in reality he was sure the opposite was true, there was simply no way she didn’t have much better people interested in her. “ mmm.., “ he hummed, pursing his lips for a second before shaking his head, “ then what about this weekend ? are you busy ? i could take you out. forget about classes and...school — that’s all so boring to me. “ theo admitted. even if he was attending his classes, which was a feat in itself, he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be spending most of his evenings doing work. he knew he had to, though, if not for himself then for his mom and his family back home. gabbie had such a positive influence on him, he was certain he’d have quit his major had he not met her; she was a very big reason for him to stay. “ i got millions of pictures, here lemme show you. “ theo smiled, quickly getting out his phone and opening the gallery to hand over to her. “ we’re usually not allowed our phones but i’m a teacher’s pet so they love me. “ he shrugged, an angelic smile on his lips. “ that’s fair, ” he nodded, lighting it up and inhaling. even if she hadn’t had a reason, he’d have accepted her refusal as he knew not everyone was quite as dependant on it for every day function as he was. “ i was actually thinking about cutting down but every time i run low i just panic and buy more. ” theo spoke softly, a small laugh leaving his lips as he watched the embers burn on the end. “ i’ll have to stop when i become a fully trained vet i guess.. ” he shrugged.  
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paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
(breaks into your house) can i pet your dogs
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paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
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hana was taking time for herself — her therapist always went on about self-care and the little things she could do to make a big difference, so she was taking that advice and decided to exclude herself from the sorority party that was occurring downstairs.  she popped down every now and then but no one had really caught her eye, and she didn’t catch anyone else’s either. so, she just stayed in her room with one of her favourite mangas: fruits basket. the music was loud, and she kept hearing ominous bangs and she was certain something had been broken earlier, but she managed to block it out enough to actually enjoy her time alone. 
it didn’t last as long as she wanted as someone barged in, clearly a little lost, maybe drunk, but regardless, she hoped to god they weren’t looking for her. quickly hiding the book under her pillow she opened her mouth. “ can i help you ? “ her tone was just a teensy weensy bit annoyed before turning to glare at them.
♥ open ♥
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paladxns · 5 years
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“so i put up an add on instagram that i was looking for a model for this small project and this older woman replied back and asked if it was a nude shoot. i told her, no and then she was like ‘you wouldn’t be able to handle this anyways.’ so here i am in this coffee shop unsure what to say. i don’t know how she got the idea of sleeping together but yeah, anyways, i need a model. you know anyone or you wanna do it?”
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“ i mean, depending on what the project is, she could be perfect for it... but i totally understand her because the amount of times a guy has asked me to model and he just wants to fuck — it’s crazy. obviously you didn’t ask her directly, but you did say she was older, so maybe she just got confused. i don’t know. ” she mumbled her last words, shrugging her shoulders to match her tone. “ ummm, what kind of person are you looking for ? i know so many attractive people. if you can’t find anyone, though, i’d totally do it. ”
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paladxns · 5 years
(     ☆     )  .    *     snap   ​​​​​​​ /  @paladxns​​​​.
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𝕄𝕀𝕐𝔸  :  uh  ,  no  invite  ?  this  is  a  crime  .
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hana: well u clearly have better things going on  hana: ... but ok i guess i do feel a little guilty  hana: i’ll book us a massage to make it up to u !!  ♥  hana: tomorrow ? 
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paladxns · 5 years
hey it’s me: a huge fan of attention and validation
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paladxns · 5 years
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paladxns · 5 years
theo ft @ofgabriellas
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