paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
I feel like deleting this blog...
[ Because who cares about how much development I’ve put into this character... because who cares about if I am a chemist or not when I run a genderbend blog. All my confidence about blog was just wiped away today and... to be honest, I feel like no support from anyone either. Even from people that I thought are my suppoters, I’ve heard that I should delete, because the new Singed appeared and is a man Singed... So... I suppose that is it... All the warriors of internet justice can be happy now. One less R63!blog, I suppose... ]
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
Going through rough times now...
- { You know, I am not usually the kind of person who’d ask for help, because I try to be strong enough to deal with my problems by myself, but I can’t anymore.
As plenty of you know, I was kicked out of school because teachers hated me, I was a burden for them even though I had straight A’s and I just don’t know what to do. I lost my scholarship and also money coming from my father now, so I have no money to live from, because even from the little money I will get in my part-time job, my mother won’t give me a single CZK from it.
Thus I ask for help. I need to pay to my mother to be able to stay in house, I need to pay her for buying food for me and I need to deal with her guilt tripping me every day and making me miserable. I am going through a lot of stress which makes also my health problems even worse, not speaking of that I am a person who deals with chronical depression, paranoia and very strong anxiety and also have some physical health problems as well...
I can’t ask much from you. I know I can’t, especially because I am not one of those very famous blogs followed by many people, but even a dollar will help. The only thing I can give you back can be some little THANK YOU! doodles, but that’s all... I am sorry for bothering all of you...
You can donate by clicking the donate button on my blog... Any help will be appreciated and also, I am very sorry for bothering you. Thank you for at least listening to me...
Kari } -
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
One thing...
- { Being gay, lesbian, asexual, transgender etc. doesn’t make you special nor being cis and straight doesn’t make other people special, because we are still people. We are all the same even when we have different preferences and different opinions. The funniest thing is that usually trans etc. people discriminate cis and straight ones, because they are “usual”, but once you don’t want anyone to force their opinions in your face, you are automatically transphobic etc. Good job. } -
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
/// *presents a tied up twitch. do with him what you want
  { ☣ } ;; The Chemist stared at the tied up rat, unarmed and obviously not very pleased. Closing her eyes, she picked up a tied up rat and started to scratch behind his ears. ❝ The boy you cooperate with doesn’t seem to like you much, right, my little smelly friend. ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
- { I got kicked out of school... My dreams of being a forensic expert or anthroplogist are shattering. My hands are dirty from my eyeliner, because I tried to wipe my tears away... I’ve tried so hard, I did what they wanted me to, yet I got kicked out... I feel worthless... empty... depressed... angry at myself... I’ve did everything teachers and classmates wanted me to. I dealed with them bullying me 24/7 then I am the one who gets banished... I just want to die right now... I just feel like I gave up everything to gain nothing... I am worthless... stupid... not useful for anyone or anything... } -
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
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   { ☣ } ;; ❝ Tch... I kill everyone in his village and yet he still follows me around and stalks me. ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
- { Please, wish me a good luck today, guys! I am going to meet a sub-headmaster of my school, because I need papers to be able to continue in my practice and not need to go to school anymore. I am just nervous, because the practice officially starts today and I spent most of the time there even though I was supposed to go to school, but before this guy told me that I can do whatever I want if it helps my studies... I am just so creeped out, because I am afraid of teachers and stuff... I hate my anxiety, because even now in the morning, I am getting a little panic attack, because of it... Fml. } -
-{ P.S. My official practice is on pathology even though I am currently supposed to go to a chemical factory where I don't want to go, because I refuse working with ammonium (they wanted to put ME there, because some guys refused to go to practice, lel) } -
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
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- { Happy Munday! } -
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
"*wheeze* So how is your mother? Alive or dead?"
   { ☣ } ;; ❝ Dead and probably tasty for maggots. ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
Chemist, was the hate for your mother mutual? Did your father share it as well?
    { ☣ } ;; ❝ Spend years with woman who uses you as an ashtray, beats you for every little mistake you do and keeps reminding you that you should have been died because she wanted to go to abort her pregnancy just because she was going to have a daughter. Go and spend years with woman like that who should get a prize for the best mother of century. To be honest, we hated each other. I hated her for years and father couldn’t stand the fact she abused me, but he couldn’t do much about it… Though he knew well who poured cleaning agents in her drinks, her food… I have no regrets about what I did. Like I’ve ever had any regrets… ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
    { ☣ } ;; ❝ The worst thing about Sundays is also the fact even when I live in a house, my windows are unfortunately facing windows of the house of my neighbours... Sometimes I see such interesting things, though nothing is probably more interesting than one of my co-workers who used propane-1,2,3-triol as a lube. ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
    { ☣ } ;; ❝ Just seeing how many people are getting all horny on Sunday makes me want to produce the aphrodisiac me and Warwick tested in a huge amount. I’d be a billionaire soon... ❞
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
In celebration of Mother's day, ask my muse anything about his/her mother
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
Reblog if your muse is a villain
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
Send me ‡ for my character’s reaction to yours climbing into bed with mine.
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paradichlorobxnzene · 9 years
- { Would anyone here be interested in a huge Resident Evil (Biohazard) AU from era when Institute of War still existed? I will write all the stuff after, but I’d appreciate at least one person from each faction. Already have one from Piltover and few villains. Summoner OCs working for Institute can also join! So, is anyone here interested? } -
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