penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
there had been a WEIGHT sitting on penelope’s chest since tuesday’s wheel ceremony, growing heavier and heavier with each name that was called. some of her close friends had been among the missing people ( t a k e n, not missing -- she knew that, they all knew that, but it was still too much to think about ) and the sense of loss, of being left alone to figure out a mess that was bigger than she could even comprehend was both familiar and all-too consuming.
the heavy silence that seemed to hang over the entire town ( what seemed to be left of it, anyways ) was o v e r w h e l m i n g. the air felt thick enough to choke on and nobody would meet anybody else’s eyes. it left penelope feeling lost and afraid and helpless, and whenever that happened the only way she could manage to deal with her feelings was to attempt to bake them out. it almost never worked, of course, but it hadn’t stopped her from trying. penelope had gone home from the ceremony, locked herself in her apartment, and had been non-stop baking ever since. instead of leaving her feeling satisfied, though, it left her with flour in her hair and a sickly-sweet sense of d r e a d in the pit of her stomach. cookies weren’t going to solve her problems, she knew that rationally, but it was like she couldn’t stop her hands from moving. by late afternoon it seemed as though she had covered every available surface of her apartment in some kind of baked good, and before long she realized it was time for everyone to join their search party.
she wasn’t exactly sure what one needed for a search party, but she filled a small pink backpack with what she hoped were essentials -- a flashlight, a few water bottles, and a mini first aid kit ( being who she was, penelope had quite a few of these on-hand at all times anyways ). and then, before she could talk herself out of it, she had also filled a large tupperware container with macarons. she had enough to go around by now, and, well, they were going to need to keep their energy up for their search. that’s what she told herself anyways. 
soon enough penelope was striding towards the northern end of town, backpack over her shoulder and cookies in her hand, towards the two other women ( who also seemed to have come prepared, although neither of them were lugging around a giant tupperware box ), who she had been teamed up with. she approached slowly, her own nerves beginning to show as she held out the box to the other ladies with shaking hands.
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❛ does....does anyone want a macaron before we start? ❜
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
She was gentle and funny and she had a disarming curiosity and an incredible quality—of involving you in yourself. She would figure out that you had a problem and she would ask around it and you’d find yourself blurting out some private thing.
John Gossage, from Diane Arbus: A Biography (via brit-rps)
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
a hundred thousand bad ideas in almost thirty years, and somehow, taking penelope park out for drinks seemed to be the worst one she’d ever had. it had hardly been four hours since she had walked into penny’s bakery, a shit-eating grin on her face and a bottle of vodka in her hand, lovingly dangled in front of penny’s face as she pleaded for her company – one or two drinks couldn’t hurt, could they ? hah ! hanna had assumed that, considering penny stood at four foot nothing, and was the human personification of cotton candy, that she would be a lightweight, but she couldn’t have begun to imagine just how intoxicated penny would get, or how quickly. the shattered shot glass ( and the cracked bar-top beneath it ) had been her first warning that, perhaps, she should escort the little lady home – and fuck, hadn’t that just gone well ?
hanna was no stranger to pain, or the sensation of bones shifting and grinding beneath the skin. the pops and cracks of dislocations had become familiar, almost soothing sensations to her, but that had been when she was with normal humans, or at the very least, mutants with normal strength levels. as penny wrenched her arm, dancing out of her grip, hanna felt a very real sense of alarm that this was one injury which she wouldn’t come back from, muscles & tendons & skin stretching to an uncomfortable degree, pain shooting up her arm, into her shoulder, her chest; why had she agreed to go drinking with a stubborn child with super-strength ? her arm was falling off. it had to be. fuck.
so she was a horrible friend. so she abandoned penny to stumble into the ladies room, tearing her jacket off, her shirt immediately after, heedless of anyone who might have been using the bathroom. beneath the strap of her bra, her right shoulder was bruising before her eyes, brown skin turning black and purple, the darkness spreading down her arm, just a little; towards her neck, down to her chest, fuck. touching fingertips to the bruises caused her to wince, and gripping her elbow to slide her shoulder back into the socket would have done the same, had that touch not caused her to realize that her elbow and forearm had fallen out of place too. not bad work for a living cupcake, she had to admit. caught up in her admiration of penny’s handiwork, she paid no mind to the music which thrummed through the speakers and into the bathroom – at least, until the sound of penny’s voice broke through the wall, and she remembered just what she had been trying to stop her from doing.
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well, she thought, glancing towards the door. that fucking failed.
but what else could she do ? penny was already on the stage, and goddamn, she was doing good. who knew that such a voice could hide in so tiny a girl ? she was killing it. could she really go up there and spoil her fun ? ( could she risk almost losing yet another limb ? ) it didn’t take long to find an answer, one which came to her in the bastardized version of an old, and rather dark, irish proverb – ye can bate the wife, ye can bate the child, ye can bate the dog, but ye cannot bate a bitta music. upon re-dressing and emerging from the bathroom, hanna instead made her way to the foot of the karaoke stage, shouting encouragement ( and, of course, lewd comments ) to penny as she … well, dancing was a strong word for what she was doing, but she certainly was moving, anyway. for the duration of the rest of the song, hanna cheered. the second the music ended, she vaulted onto the stage, pain radiating through an arm which now seemed to be broken on a molecular level, and attempted to scoop penny up and over her shoulder.
❛ you absolute mad bastard, ❜ she told her with a laugh, warm and genuine and only slightly strained. ❛ fuckin’ yoncé would be proud of ye, girlo – but it’s fuckin’ late, and you’re like… five, at most. ‘mon. we’re goin’ home. you can take my bed f’r the night, i’ll go on the sofa, an’ please, for the love of all good fuck, don’t break my fucking arm again. ❜ she paused for a moment to look wistfully at the karaoke machine ( oh, she would do such a good version of heaven is a place on earth … ) before looking back at the inebriated toddler in her arms. no. she had to be responsible. she had to get penny home.
she was barely managing one night. how the fuck people parented for eighteen years and more, she had no idea. ❛ we’ll stop by the chippy on the way home an’ everything, ❜ she offered, a bargain, a bribe, a beg – please, let’s just get out of this bar. people were staring, but not because of penny’s singing anymore. they were drawing attention. midnight was getting close. the ringleader was going to kick her ass up and down the island, and penny was still. not. budging.
❛ ‘mon, y’wee shit ! ❜
penelope lost herself in the music, s t u m b l i n g around the stage in the best attempt at dancing that she could manage in her inebriated state. she would have never done anything like this sober -- sure, she’d pretend to be beyoncé by herself in the kitchen sometimes, but who doesn’t really? and as the song came to a close and she took her bow ( to a rather large amount of cheers, thank you very much ), she sent a small prayer of gratitude up to the alcohol gods, without whom none of this would be possible.
it was only when she raised her head that she noticed hanna beside her. penny had kind of...forgotten about her friend in the midst of performance. had she been there the whole time? was she doing backup vocals? had they harmonized well at least? penelope didn’t get much of a chance to investigate before hanna attempted to usher her off the stage and out the door for the second time that evening.
penelope dropped like a lifeless doll in the older woman’s arms, becoming dead weight in the hopes of stopping her friend before she managed to drag her out of the bar.
❛ hanna noooooooooooo! don’ wanna go home, ‘s not fun at home, ‘m havin’ fun here, ‘ren’t you havin’ fun here? we shoul’ have more fun here! ❜
it was the truth -- penelope was having fun. t o o much fun, in fact, if the looks they were getting from the other patrons were anything to go by, but she didn’t care about anyone else. hell, she didn’t even notice anyone else, too caught up with the floaty feeling of her own body and the half-thoughts spinning around her jumbled mind. there was a r e a s o n penny usually limited herself to one or two drinks on the rare occasions that she went out: she didn’t handle her liquor very well. the small path of destruction she had been leaving behind as the night progressed was testament to that, and while hanna was aware of their surroundings ( and the danger that penny was putting them in ) penelope herself had no clue. in fact, she was so wrapped up in herself that it took her a few moments to truly digest what her friend had told her.
she looked up at hanna, eyes wide like a puppy’s and already beginning to fill with tears. her lip began to quiver, although she wasn’t even aware that she was crying.
❛ did i -- did i really break y’er arm ? -- oh hanna ‘m so ❜ 
❛ sorry ❜ 
❛ ‘m a -- a ❜ 
❛ monster ❜
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
"You still get points for doing good."
❛ i do not get any points for this, joaquin ! ❜
she pulled her face out from behind her hands ( where she had been hiding in shame ), only to meet joaquin’s gaze with a pained grimace.
❛ if anything i get bad points -- hell points ! i get hell points for this ! ❜
to his credit, at least, joaquin was smiling -- although it was kind of hard to focus on his expression while he was scratching away at the hives that had erupted across his face and neck. penelope let out a guilty whine as she looked him over, her hands flying up wildly around her as if she could no longer contain the guilt inside of her body.
❛ i wish you would have told me you were allergic to pineapples before i made you a pineapple upside down cake ! ❜
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
MARVEL’S JESSICA JONES sentence meme. or, send  ╳  for a random sentence that my muse will say to yours. 
“I usually like a little more romancing.”
“Would you put day drinking under ‘Experience’ or ‘Special Skills’?”
“I’m scared for you.”
“I’ve been asking the impossible of you, I see that now.”
“Now, that sounded like flirting to me.”
“Don’t… have feelings, okay?”
“Hey, last night was fun, but that doesn’t mean I want your opinion.”
“Again, I don’t flirt, I just say what I want.”
“Yes, you are a paragon of mental health.”
“I’m tired of missing you.”
“You think you can take your shit and dump it one me? You don’t get to do that. So you take your goddamned pain, and you live with it, asshole!”
“Knowing it’s real means you’ve got to make a decision. One, keep denying it. Or two, do something about it.”
“We get it, you’re a real gift to humanity.”
“You still get points for doing good.”
“I want you to know, I forgive you for everything. I’ll say it every day. For as long as you need to hear it.”
“If this is a booty call, I like your chances.”
“God damn you. Just had to be a hero, didn’t you?”
“You are a hard-drinking, short-fused, mess of a person. But you are not a piece of shit.”
“When you wake up, I won’t be around to screw up your life anymore.”
“I don’t get asked on a lot of second dates.”
“I can’t risk you.”
“You’ve been keeping tabs on me?”
“You shoot at me, I’ll pull the bullet out of my ruined jacket and shove it up your ass with my pinky finger, and who do you think that’s going to hurt more?”
“Don’t apologize. I don’t want that from you.”
“I was never the hero that you wanted me to be.”
“You’re exactly the hero I wanted you to be.”
“I don’t give a bag of dicks about what kinky shit you’re into, just be into it quietly.”
“It’s people like you that give people like you a bad name.”
“I let you fight my battles for too long.”
“The way I see it, most people go both good and bad going on. Just depends on which part wins that day.”
“They say that talking about a trauma… that it helps.”
“You help people. That’s who you are.”
“I thought about you. I knew it wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t help it. Picturing us.”
“You’re the first person I ever pictured a future with.”
“They say everyone’s born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you’re the villain.”
“I’m life threatening. Steer clear of me. Please.”
“You’ve never loved anyone. You’re not even capable of it.”
“I hate feeling this way, I don’t know how you handle it.”
“Do what you’ve got to do.”
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
🎵 for me to shuffle my playlist and use my favorite line of the next song as a starter
hanna. ( @bitchcassidys )
penelope took a deep breath, probably a mistake as the heavy scent of sweat and spilled drinks immediately poured in through her nose, but she needed to center herself a bit for what she was about to do. 
-- well, she needed to attempt to center herself anyways. her whole body felt sort of loosey-goosey and if she focused on any one place for too long the room would start spinning. hanna had already voiced her concerns ( somewhere around the 5th shot if she remembered correctly -- that was the glass she slammed so hard down on the bar it shattered ) and had tried to pull penny as far away from where she was currently standing as humanly possible. in fact, the older woman had tried to pull her right out the door. 
but penelope was having exactly none of that.
she had yanked herself out of her friend’s grasp ( probably dislocating something in the process -- she was going to have to remember to apologize for that later ) and marched herself right up to the back of the bar, before hauling herself ( not without a good bit of fumbling ) up onstage -- after all, it was her turn.
the stage lights, in direct contrast with the overall dinginess of the rest of the bar, were shining a little too brightly in her eyes, but it didn’t even matter. she knew all the words.
she swayed ( well -- teetered ) to the rhythm of the music as she waited for it to queue her in, and when it did, she didn’t hesitate.
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
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it’s always sunny in aglæca - 1/?? ( feat. @penelopexpark )
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
send me a 🙌
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ELI BAILEY ➳ penelope’s first boyfriend – first everything, really, and to date her longest relationship. they were together for two years, throughout their junior and senior years of high school and were absolutely in love with each other. eli had even made plans to stay in san francisco for college, just so they wouldn’t have to be apart. penelope’s parents never really approved of their relationship – not out of any hatred for eli, but out of fear for their daughter. she was told, in no uncertain terms, that she was never allowed to tell eli about her mutation. she agreed, it being the only way her parents would allow her to keep seeing him, but it left a heaviness in her heart and a disconnect between the couple.
finally, a few months before graduation, penelope had decided she’d had enough. she loved eli, he loved her, and as far as penny was concerned, they were going to be together forever, and that meant he should see every part of her. so one day, when they were home alone, she told him. he didn’t believe her at first so she decided to show him. by lifting the living room couch up over her head. 
needless to say it didn’t go well.
penelope knew he would be shocked, but she was hoping that once she was able to explain herself it would be fine. they were in love, after all, and nothing was going to change that. 
she was wrong. 
eli tried to run. 
penelope wasn’t going to let him leave, though, not without listening to her first. not without making him understand that she wasn’t some kind of monster. in the scramble to get away, penny managed to accidentally break his arm. it was the first time she managed to injure anyone besides herself because of her power, and she never forgot the fear she saw in his eyes. he ran out the door after that. she didn’t try to stop him. it was the last time they spoke to each other.
the last few months of high school were heartbreaking for penelope, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, the moment when everyone in school would find out that she was a…a freak. but they never did. eli never told anyone. to this day she doesn’t know why he kept her secret. perhaps it was just out of fear, but peneople liked to hope, at least, that the part of him that fell in love with her kept him from saying anything.
feat. nico mirallegro
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
reblog n add what wikihow article ur muse is 
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.
This means any minor ‘background character’ in my Muse’s life, such as a relative, coworker, friend, rival, etc. that they interact with in their personal canon. 
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
👀 + who's the hottest /fire performer/ in aglæca 😏 ( jus' so y'know, if ya say jameson i'm cuttin' this friendship bracelet right!! off!! )
send my muse “👀 + a question”
❛ well i mean, since he can actually withstand fire he might like physically be hotter? ❜
❛ but then again, you make flames, and you probably have to have, like, some kind of crazy internal temperature, right? ❜
❛ ....you know what i think the only way to answer this question is with a thermometer. ❜
( @thefirebug​ @bvrningmvn​ )
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
She’s known sadness, and it has made her kind.
Nathan Filer, The Shock of the Fall (via wordsnquotes)
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
He wasn’t really supposed to be here, as he didn’t work in the amphitheater itself and was not one of performers, but, one, Felix found himself to be quite bored and two, he figured nobody would even exactly know he doesn’t belong there. And some were just too busy doing their own thing. Would it be rehearsing, putting on make up, clothes or just smashing everything into bits and pieces.
He cleared his throat, announcing his presence, and made just the tiniest step forward to look at the crime scene better. “You should probably do something about it before—”
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“—anyone notices..” A soft pause as he returned his gaze to her, a little bit confusion between his brows in a form of a crease. “Oh wait.. I saw that.” In his defense, he wasn’t exactly in his sober mind—he never was, but the chemicals were just reaching their peak in his brain, and he took in information before him in a different, slower way. “Bummer, really. Do you want super glue?”
penelope had pulled herself to her knees ( ow. that was going to be a b r u i s e. ) to survey the damage beneath her when she heard a voice not too far away. she looked up, trying to school her face into something a little less like a guilty puppy ( to no avail ), and locked eyes with -- one of the teachers from the school, was it? she didn’t know him very well, seeing as penelope was a little too old to attend school, but she had seen him around town enough times to recognize his face.
speaking of his face, he looked a little....a b s e n t. face just a little too slack, eyes just a little too dazed. she didn’t really question what was wrong with him -- she’d seen plenty of people with that expression back home to know exactly what was going on -- but she was a little worried that he seemed to have wandered in all on his own.
at his words she looked down at the mess beneath her ( a makeup vanity? oh she was going to be in deep trouble with somebody ) before her eyes flashed back up to look over his face once more. “ i think i might need something a little stronger than that. but thank you, though. “
with a little difficulty ( she would go see dr. reed in a bit, she would probably need to be bandaged somewhere ), penelope raised herself to standing and faced the man head on. well, chest-on, really, he seemed to be at least a head taller than her, as most people were.
“ could you, maybe, just...promise not to tell anyone about this? “ 
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“ -- i mean i don’t want to force you lie, or anything, you have, like, every right to say no, but i -- this is like the fourth thing i’ve broken this month? and i think i would feel less terrible if i didn’t have to tell anyone about it. at least not right away. “
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
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GREED: low
GLUTTONY: medium
WRATH: low
SLOTH: very low
ENVY: very low
LUST: low
PRIDE: very low
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
👀 + if given the chance, would penny go back to her old life ?
❛ i -- ❜
            ❛ yes. ❜
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penelopexpark-blog · 7 years
BOLD what applies to your muse.
financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.
medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged.
class or caste: upper / middle / working / slave / unsure.
education: qualified / unqualified / studying.
criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no.
married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated.
has a child or children / has no children / wants children.  
close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased.
orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s).
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded  / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between 
loyal / disloyal / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.
belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in aliens: yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care.
religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious.
philosophical: yes / no.
pro-choice / anti-abortion /  doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-marriage / anti-marriage / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-death penalty / anti-death penalty  / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-drug legislation / anti-drug legislation / doesn’t know or on the fence.
left wing / right wing / middle / doesn’t know or on the fence.
heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual.
sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable.
romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable.
sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.
potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all.
potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all.
combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. 
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess. 
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. 
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
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