peterdvidsn · 1 year
Do you always use all that brain power to read peoples minds? I could really do with something stronger, but beggars can't be choosers, so let's go do tequila slammers and cry real quick.
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gotta stay up on my game, looks can fade, and all of that, so i better stay prepared with my brain. just in case. i feel like you meant that "fuck people" more than your usual "fuck people". sounds like that calls for getting shitfaced. ill meet you down there.
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
pete: need me to smuggle you into his room on a room service cart so the paps don't see? 'cos i'd do it, you know. anything to let my best friend smash.
pete: don't call me out like that, i got some self control, a'ight? it's not like i haven't already noticed she's got this really cute new pj set that makes the morning time extra hard, if u know what i mean.
pete: yeaaah, see, even coming from you, i can't believe that. you mind? that's my non-wife you're talkin about. who wants to see 'ariana jonas' written anywhere anyway? dumb name.
miley: lmfao u can play whoever u'd like miley: we'll see, we'll see. don't need everyone going crazy that niley is getting back together, so imma try to keep it as lowkey as i can. which isn't a lot if u've noticed miley: jet lag for sure, regret?? nah and it's not like u won't be regretting not doing it.. miley: do u, pete. but u know ari is my girl and all imma say from being in the middle is that this shit isn't one sided. u two are so blind to how the other actually feels its pretty sad. but lemme not, cause that's apparently my future sister in law all things considered if something goes right there
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
me @ all the people who didn’t like me but wanna be friends now
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
If he had half the balls that Ariana had when she was laying her heart out on the line, he would've told her that he never intended to make her feel like a fool - he only let her keep pouring her heart out because he needed to hear it. He needed to know that he wasn't completely delusional, and the only one still harbouring feelings after five long years, and that his brain would continue to eat away at him for many more years to come if he'd cut her short. But the words seemed stuck in his throat, leaving a bitter taste there, like he'd just dry swallowed his Klonopin and it was refusing to budge, so her idiom about her happiness being a hard pill couldn't have been more on the nose.
All the slivers of hope that came about when she'd throw in something he could cling on to like a life vest that his life depended on - 'I'm not in love with Joe', 'I've never loved anyone the way I loved you' - they all dissipated once he realised that as pretty as they sounded coming out of her mouth, they still didn't mean he had what he wanted. He still didn't have her. It was all nothing more than a siren call -- the promise of something amazing that would surely be ripped out from under his feet again, as soon as he got close enough to touch it.
So do it. Drop him. Give him nothing more than a phone call breakup and show me you mean what you said. Take what you actually want, and don't feel guilty about it.
He thought inwardly, desperately pulling at the knot in his tie to busy himself with something else so all the things he wanted to say wouldn't just come tumbling out. "Don't even try and give me that. You can feed me all the bullshit you want if it'll make you feel any better about missing the mark completely, but in case it wasn't clear enough for you -- you had five whole years to say this shit to me. I never took away your options. You really think that I wouldn't have dropped any of the other girls I dated if you even breathed in my direction again? You were the one who married yourself off. I was the one who told you I'd be here waiting, if you needed me. And yeah, somewhere along the line, I may have lost sight of that, but that's only because I never imagined it'd take you five fuckin' years to come to the realisation that I'm the one you needed. With the way I thought you felt about me, I was expectin' you to show up back at my door within a couple of weeks! I had to keep myself busy, otherwise it would've drove me fuckin' insane. I know you know what it's like to expect someone to walk back through the door and to know deep down that they're never comin' back. We've both been through it one too many times for one lifetime, and I'm not doing it again". The crack in his voice made Pete realise a little too late that he'd began to raise his voice, so with a quick clear of his throat, he returned to a normal octave. "So yeah, I'm fuckin' ecstatic for you -- for both of us -- that we can be happy with other people. Just do me a favor and don't bring him around me. I don't wanna see it, I don't wanna hear about it, let's just ride this week out, then we can go back to pretending we don't know eachother".
"yeah, the difference is that you let me pour my heart out to you and make myself look like a god damn fool and then told me that you were seeing someone. i didn't know that me being happy was such a hard pill for you to swallow. me posting about my relationship isn't rubbing it in your face. if i was parading joe around our shared hotel room that would be rubbing it in your face. but posting photos of someone i care about is where you draw the line? i'm not fucking in love with joe, but i do care about him." every word that leaves his lips hurts her more and more to hear. though she can't bring herself to stop the conversation, afraid that when it ended that would be the last time she'd get to hear his voice again. even if he was angry at her, he was still feeling something because of her. in her sick mind, that was enough. provoking feeling from him was significant enough to mean that she still mattered to him someway, somehow.
" ... my ability to move on so quickly. don't give me that bullshit, pete. not when you told me that you couldn't throw everything away for me again. not when you told me that you could see you and chase going the distance, and about how she's this great girl, whatever. i would have chose you, a million times over. so don't make me seem like i'm an awful person for moving on when you gave me no other options. don't you think that even for a second i would much rather be with you? for fuck sake! i've never loved anyone the way that i loved you, pete. and i'm sorry that things didn't work out, that i hadn't been a little bit braver and stuck it through to see the ending. that's on me. but this time? it's on you. i would've dropped everything for you, no questions asked. you don't get to make me the villain because it will make it easier to love chase. -- all of that shit about wanting to be there for me? was that all bullshit? because if any of it was true, you'd be happy for me. you'd be the happiest you could be that i found a guy as great as joe is."
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
pete: can i play 'screaming girl holding teddy #3' in the remake?
pete: that's the option i was rooting for, tho. teenage exes comin back for another go is like rediscovering your favorite flavor pop tart after seven years of staying loyal to strawberry. go for the hot fudge sundae, miley.
pete: of course you'd support that. you just don't wanna be the only one nursing jet lag & regret when we get home.
pete: you do you, though. i'm personally sleeping mummified in a pillow fort of my own making so i don't have to see her sleeping like a cute, irresistible child of satan for the entire duration of this trip. i got morals, you know? and maybe the fact i'm deletin these messages after sending them means they're a little shaky - but at least they're there.
miley: davidson u are a gem miley: might pull a taylor and re-record 7 things (miley's version) after tonight.. let's leave it at that miley: naahh lmfao 💀 idc if the both of u are seeing other ppl, there's no way u don't do something this trip. my lips r sealed. miley: 🤐
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
pete: blessed. i'll roll & meet you down at reception in 10?
pete: wait, which one we talking? australian adonis or disney beau? 'cause my response'll be different ex-depending. pete: bold of you to assume i wouldn't also be down to fuck. pete: there'd just be a lot of crying & regret involved afterward.
miley: i thought you'd never ask miley: this trip is getting fuckin weird.. my ex hit me up to hang out. unlike u and urs, i'd be down to fuck mine 😛
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥 ⇾ 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓀
pete: yo pete: wanna take a walk? 🍃
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
You did always astound me with the way your brain worked...doing sudoku for fun 'n shit. But nah, fuck people. I'm tired. Wanna meet up at the hotel bar and get shitfaced?
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i pride myself on my brains over beauty, i just got lucky on that last part, good genes. that sounds like a prime location, actually. i cant imagine you would stay away from civilization too long though, youd get bored.
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
You think it might be a good idea to write a little "Dear Pete's future wife, from one woman to another" thing that I can hand to them as a disclaimer whenever something starts looking serious? 'Cos I don't wanna false advertise here. I wish I could share your optimism, Mai, but skepticism has won this time. Imagine four days ago I was considering telling Chase that we should spend some time apart, then not even a week later seeing all over the internet that Ariana's already got a new dude. Honestly, I must have schmuck written across my forehead for actually believing she still felt something towards me and wasn't just trying to pass the time. She really just 'break up with ur girlfriend, i'm bored' her way in and out of my life again.
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Bigger the balls, the more audacity. Got it. I'm writing that one down. I'm not messing with any big balled boys anymore. Straight to red flag hell. You are disgusting. I hope whoever marries you is prepared for the hell that comes with sharing a space with you. I'm going to tape off the living room so you can do gross stuff on your side and I can nap peacefully without working if I'm going to get pink eye from my throw pillows. But what if she wasn't ready then and is now ready for you? I know it ended badly and you got hurt but if you let her get away in 10 years she'll be the one that got away and it's going to eat away at you until you're old and wrinkly. I'll support you even if you don't go to her, but I just think testing the waters and seeing if she's really in it this time... I don't know, I have hope for your happy ending P.
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
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SEBASTIAN STAN Bupkis (2023)
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
Pete can barely bring himself to look at her. One glance in her direction and he felt as if all the hard work he'd done - all the therapy sessions he'd sat through skirting around the real reason he felt he could never feel true happiness again - all of it, would come tumbling down. It was easier finding the will power to ignore her messages when she wasn't right there in front of him. Now, although he hated the context of the conversation, he found himself never wanting it to end. Being in her presence, listening to her practically scold him, it was better than not hearing her voice at all, though he could hardly contain the scoff that fell from his lips at her last comment. "Yeah, the key difference is, I don't rub it in your face, posting that shit all over social media like you've been in love with the dude your whole life-". Admittedly, Pete couldn't see the posts for himself, but that hadn't stopped his friends from sending them to him, and one of the main reasons it'd stung so much was it was exactly the sort of giddy posts she'd make about him, once upon a time. And he hadn't seen anyone pull that sort of reaction out of her since, not even the man she married.
"And it's been four days! Four fuckin' days since you told me you thought you were still in love with me -- when the fuck did you have time to get all cozy with a Jonas brother?!" If he sounded jealous, that's probably because, he was. It was unavoidable. Joe was exactly the type of man that he'd always envisioned losing out to, in the end. The millions of comments from insignificant people with their biased opinion had always resonated with him, as much as he liked to pretend they hadn't. Everyone had always wanted better for Ariana -- apart from the one person whose opinion truly mattered -- her own. And that was all he'd ever cared about, but now it seemed she'd finally realised that herself and leveled up. "I'm not jealous. I'm just somehow still surprised at your ability to move on so quickly. Your word doesn't mean shit to me when you follow it days later with some bullshit pretty little new romance. So what's the deal, Ari? Why'd you say it? Were you just bored?".
she has to remind herself that he's not hers, that there's another girl somewhere else in the world right now that he loves and cares about -- enough to keep his distance from her. their last conversation replays in her mind and it never gets easier, and part of her wishes that she'd never said anything in the first place. that the two of them could continue on with their lives, never having known how the other one was truly feeling. ariana shifts, leaning back against the dresser as she pulls the oversized sweater down only slightly further. her eyes watch as the keys slip from his hand and onto the covers of the bed, a soft sigh slipping past her lips.
"you sound jealous," is all that she'll allow herself to say, afraid that anything else could give her too much time to ramble; to out their fake relationship and admit that it was all a ploy to get a reaction out of him. she couldn't allow herself another outburst, not one that would only further her embarrassment. "you're the one with a girlfriend. one that you think you could 'go the distance' with. -- you know what? you actually have no right to make any comments about who i choose to see. or who's bed i'm choosing to sleep in. i forgot that you're the only one allowed to move on and be happy, pete."
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
Pete wasn't sure if he'd ever experienced a crueler trick of fate than the one that landed him as Ariana's roommate for the entirety of Cannes. Someone up there had to have been laughing at him and feeding off of making him as uncomfortable as possible. How else would you explain the events of the last few days - which were spent avoiding his own girlfriend out of fear she would sense that his mind ( and heart ) were with someone else entirely - to then have to see Ariana in person for the first time in years, hanging off the arm of another man. Had he really been so naive to believe that she'd meant a word of what she said, or was it all just some game to her? The eye roll that had occurred the moment he set sights on their matching monocrome outfits had to be one for the history books, and he was pretty sure his stomach hadn't felt like this since the infamous wedding photos - it was a feeling he hadn't missed, and one that he'd been trying to avoid by not even getting involved with her again in the first place. Maybe it would have worked too, if they hadn't been thrust together now.
With his key in the lock, the amount of anxiety Pete felt over what would be on the other side of the door was immeasurable, and though the sight of her half-dressed in a hotel room was nothing new, nothing about this felt natural to him, and he froze in the doorway until the silence between them was broken. Part of him was grateful she'd been the first to come up with something, though none of it were things he wanted to hear her say. The idea that she'd turned cold in the few days since they last spoke had Pete automatically switching into defence mode and he found himself trying to one-up her by seeming indifferent as he moved past her small frame into the room. "Cool". He shrugged, tossing the room keys onto the double bed as a way of laying claim. "Fine by me. I imagine you won't be around much anyway, right? I would say I'd take the couch, but I know you have the option of another bed in another room, so no reason for you to be around much".
for the most part ariana had been doing a stand up job at avoiding pete and their shared hotel room for as long as she possibly could. as soon as she'd gotten checked in and heard the news that she'd be stuck sharing a room with him all she could think about was how to go as long as possible without seeing him. they hadn't spoken much since her impromptu trip to new york, one that cindy had convinced her to take in attempt to brighten her spirits following her divorce. running into pete wasn't necessarily a coincidence, more so fuel for her trip after finding out that he'd been scheduled to host snl that weekend. their talk was nothing short of bittersweet and ariana wasn't sure that she had it in her to have a repeat of it.
getting over pete would take more time, and more deliberate action. though she was stuck at a cross roads for what she really wanted to happen. part of her was coming to terms with the fact that she couldn't change their past, and despite each of them having regrets, maybe it was time to move on for good. the other part of her was telling her head and her heart that she was making the wrong choice; that there was something worth fighting for there and that she should try to see it through. show pete that she meant what she said and that she was going to be in it for the long haul. -- and what better way of showing him that than parading around the cannes festival with joe jonas of all people. her new fake boyfriend.
it's only after the red carpet that she finds her way back to their shared room, silently hoping that pete wouldn't have made his way there yet and that she could be in and out before he caught up with her. she's about halfway done getting changed into something more comfortable to adventure in when she hears the door of the hotel room unlock. her heart beats quicker before it falls to the pit of her stomach when their eyes meet for the first time in what feels like an eternity. she can't help how small she feels, like the suite they shared somehow shifted in seconds to create a larger gap between the two of them.
lips part as if she wants to say something, so desperate to break the silence that fills the room, but she can't find the words so she says nothing. until the awkwardness is too much for her and she can't bear it any longer. "i was just getting changed, i'm about to leave now. so you don't have to worry about me being in your hair or professing my love for you again. -- i already spoke to the front desk to see if there as an accommodation that could be made so we don't have to be a burden to each other for our stay. but all of the rooms are booked. you can have the bed, i'll take the couch, and we can just.. not speak." / @peterdvidsn
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
You and your families ability to find out the tea before I've even been able to process it myself literally terrifies me. Do I have a rogue Kris poised in the tree outside my house with binoculars right now? Idk though Ken, I'm still considering the fact it might be some elaborate prank at my expense. Either that, or Taylor Swift lied and London boys just really ain't cutting it. I think you're just gonna have to go ahead with phase two and start inviting me to the family shindig's yourself 'cos I'm gonna be real with you, I don't think there's a second season of me and your sister on the cards. As nice as it was, we both needed something from each other and we got that and stayed amicable, no need to overstay our welcome and let it turn sour, you know?
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i think that i would be terribly concerned for you if you decided to switch up on all of us randomly. -- speaking of switching up randomly, the hot gossip on the street is that ariana has been barking up your tree. what's that about? cause you know that you're supposed to end up being my brother in law; i'm going to be devastated if you don't make your way back into the karjenner family. maybe i'll still invite you to all of the events, just to piss off my mom, and kim.
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
'Scuse me for pysco-analysing here, but I'm gettin' the vibe that part of you wouldn't mind if it was leaked because it'd somewhat solidfy what you have with him -- without needing to put as much of a label on it, people would know that he was yours, right? Feel free to tell me to fuck off whether I'm right or wrong, I'm just thinkin' out loud over here. I don't think anyone would be surprised to learn I'm fucking someone ten times hotter than me -- I think they'd be more surprised to learn that we haven't already, but the truth is I don't think I'd last five minutes with you, so I'd rather leave it this whole big mystery while you can still believe I'm a 6'4 sex god with a huge hog. The manic side of me is already online buying our matching balaclava's so we can pull this off swiftly, while the giant pussy is clawing itself out of me imagining how sad she'd be when she gets home and notices he's missing...
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yes, you. however silly it may be for trusting you with such a secret, i don't even think i can be mad if it eventually comes out. people are keen on me sleeping with my co-stars, evidently, so i'm sure that this only further feed into people's delusions. should we just start telling everyone that we've also slept together? i'm making a roster of hot leading actors i've played against. -- all of the dirty details, sheesh. you're gonna have to get a cocktail in me before i start spilling my guts. a child of near divorce, i can't stand you. do you get visitation? can we steal piggy smallz back? would that top my other birthday present?
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
I personally store all of mine in my giant balls. Damn, that triggered, huh? You just wait 'til you find out what I've done on the table you eat from. What the fuck else was I gonna do, Mai?! Drop everything once again for a girl who had no issue dropping me? I'm not about to break a heart just for history to repeat itself and end up looking like boo boo the fool. I've got a good thing going right now -- Chase is a sweet girl. I've literally wrecked my car with her inside and she didn't run a mile like she should've, and has stood by me recently through everything. I think I'd be more dumb to go off chasing fantasies like the life I wanted with Ariana, which has chalked up to be nothing more than a pipe dream.
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I do not understand where men get all this fucking audacity from!! I'm glad it caught on fire and you bought a knew one. If I had found out I was warming up my left overs in the same place you do.... that... I may actually have killed you. oooooohh fuck! PETER! What did you do? What did you day? WHY DID YOU BLOW IT? Are you dumb? Don't answer that, you're fucking insane for not just laying your heart out on the table and fighting for what you want.
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
Look, in my stoned brain, it made the world of sense, alright? Heat dries things. How was I supposed to know they'd catch on fire?! I went out and bought the exact same brand to replace it with before you arrived home, so, you're welcome. Ch'yeah, I wish this story had a dirty ending, the real story's a lot more anxiety-inducing. She...kinda told me that she might still be in love with me? And all this other stuff that I've only ever dreamt up her ever sayin' to me again, only it didn't end the way I usually imagine it to like that one scene in the Notebook with the kiss in the rain -- I had to just sorta brush it off and tell her about Chase? Yeah, it didn't go down well, now I'm 99% sure I'm gonna go back to getting aired by her.
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my life would be quieter, that's for sure. whoa, whoa, whoa.... back it up dickhead. You did what with the microwave?!? I'm going to hurl! you're vile. what happened with ari? tell me everything... unless it gets dirty, than keep those details to yourself. yeah, actually i do. bring home some flowers to apologize to the house for the barbarian you've been!
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peterdvidsn · 1 year
Hey, you didn't make a fool out of yourself, I mean -- you weren't to know, right? We've been keeping things super private, super casual, so she can't exactly be mad at you if you didn't know. Or...maybe I just won't tell her. I think an ex fiancee coming back onto the scene would send anyone spiralling, let alone that ex fiancee being you. I don't -- that's not what I want, Ari. For you to just disappear again. I can... at least I think I can attempt to separate what you just told me so we can get a semblance of a friendship back? I can't just have you ghost on me again. All those things -- the comin' to me when you're excited about everything great going on in your life, you can still do that? I want to be there for all of those moments, no matter what terms it's on. I can't lose you completely again.
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wow, holy shit. i -- fuck, wow. i mean i totally should have ... asked that before -- wow. gosh. no, no, i wasn't aware. i would never have even said anything in the first place if i -- ah. you're right, it's a lot of me to even insinuate. and i would never, ever expect that. well, whoever she is... i hope that the two of you are incredibly happy, and that you go the distance and get your happy ending. you of all people deserve it. annnnnd this is my cue to dip out and go into hiding for the next six months, so if you need me, i'll be hiding out in my apartment acting like i didn't make a giant fool of myself.
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