First Day at school
“Mummy,” Callum asked nervously, “Are you sure all the other boys will be dressed like this?” “Yes, there’s no need to worry princess,” came the reply, “Now let’s put your shoes on and I’ll drive you down.” They both got in the car, and after a journey of 10 minutes or so arrived at their destination: Froodley School for Boys, for Callum’s first day at secondary school. As he was led by his mother, hand in hand, through the school gates, he was joined by other boys his age, some with mothers, fathers, or on their own. And all of them dressed in the peculiar uniform described by the school rules. The main part was the grey pinafore dress, with a love heart zip running up the back, on top of a frilly white blouse with huge puffed sleeves. There were white tights, inside girly black shoes, and every student wearing a pink bow on their heads. And although it was not easily recognisable, they had all, following the school code, gone out and bought a pair of pink frilly knickers, from the same site, covered with lace. Eventually Callum reached the school reception, and loudly said, “Goodbye Mummy!” before walking through the front door of the school and being greeted by a similarly dressed Year 8. “Hello, my name is Peter and I’m going to show you to your new form group. What’s your name?” “I’m Callum.” “Well, Callum, follow me.” Peter led him through the huge building, with too many classrooms for Callum to process, before they finally arrived. “Mrs Carlson, this is Callum,” he said before giving a small curtsy and leaving. “Hi Callum,” said the woman, in her 20s, “I’m so glad you’re here. You’re the first here out of our group, so just take a seat and start filling out one of the pieces of paper on your desk.” He nervously picked up the sheet, a mock Facebook profile which asked him to fill in his details. He was just beginning when in walked his new classmate, who introduced himself as Monty. “Actually, you two are partners, meaning you’ll share almost all lessons and help each other with things,” said Mrs Carlson. Monty timidly said hello, and the two of them sat side by side silently completing the work.
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The Academy
Seb rose early and slid himself out of his pink bed, before heading to the shower, but not before removing his wet nappy and frilly nightie. He let the warm water run over him as he rubbed sweet smelling shower gel over his soft skin. He put on some flowery deodorant, and then set about getting ready for the day ahead. First he put on the pink knickers worn by all boys at the academy, covered with lace and frills, and white lace rimmed socks. Next he put on the girly blouse with puffed up sleeves, and then the grey pinafore dress, the zip at the back for which he left undone, knowing he’d need his neighbour, Riley, to do up for him. He pulled on his school shoes with a pink bow on the front, and went back to the bathroom to sort out his hair and face. He used hair gel to pull his hair tightly across the top of his head, before bringing a pink headband up over it. Then he washed his face, before using pink lip gloss to finish. Knowing he had a while to go before he needed to be downstairs, he sat down at his dressing table/desk and started doing some Maths work. He had done a lot when a knock came at the door. Dressed exactly the same as him was Riley, who gave Seb the typical curtsy, and walked in, closing the door behind him when it was returned. They did up the back of each other’s dresses, before sitting down together on Seb’s bed, chatting idly. Then, it was time to go down for breakfast, so they, as partners, walked hand in hand to the dining hall, meeting several other pairs on the way past, as well as the girls, who had power over the boys, such that when they passed, they would have to step aside, head down, and curtsy. They collected some cereal (cooked breakfast only available to girls), and where done when the Head Girl, Hannah, came up to their t able. She was a hardworking girl, but was known for exploiting her power over the boys. The pair rose and curtsied, before Hannah told them to meet her in her office at lunch and left. Once she had gone, Riley turned to Seb, asking, “What do you think she wants?” “I don’t know,” Seb replied, “But it can’t be good.” They then left for morning lessons, where they sat next to each other, but Seb couldn’t shake the fact that Hannah could have something terrible in store. They even shared a class with her, but she ignored the both of them completely. Finally, lunch came, and they walked briskly to her office, where they knocked nervously. “Come in,” came the call. They came in, and curtsied in front of Hannah and her Deputy Head Girl, Grace, before being gestures to sit on a leather sofa. “Now, you’re probably wondering why you’re here, and that is because you two have have been picked by me to be Grace and I’s Head Boy and Deputy. So you will basically serve us, make sure everyone is behaving in the sissy area, and spread messages for us. Theo, you’re Head Boy, and Riley, you’re his Deputy. Do you understand what I’m saying?” “Yes, Miss,” they replied in perfect unison. “Good. You’ll meet me here every day before breakfast for your orders, and if you ever disobey me, you will be punished most severely, so don’t try and cross me. You can leave now.” “Thank you, Miss,” they replied, before curtsying and walking out the door, and to the dining hall for lunch. And every day they reported to Hannah, although she often had nothing to say, and when that was the case, she’d have fun with the terrified boys. She made them kiss each other, hold each other in handstands for minutes o the pinafore dress dragged up their torso, revealing their knickers, and sometimes on rare occasions, dress them up in a pre-selected outfit. On her birthday, she made them wear pink leotards, and spent so long making them kiss and cuddle in a pink sleeping bag, that they were late for lessons, and this were given detention time, which Hannah volunteered to take, involving more dressing up and playing. After a few weeks, an incident occurred. In a boys bathroom the toilets were all blocked up, as a result of the toilet paper being shoved in there. Seb was told to gather every boy to an assembly, where Mrs Clapton, the headmistress, told the person to come forward. No one did, so she made the decision that until the culprit came forward, every boy would wear a new uniform, of nappy, dummy, and baby’s bonnet. Hannah had something new to tease the boys about, and now even when there were instructions to be given, she would get out two high hairs and feed the boys mush, or take them outside for a walk in a pushchair, both of them squished together. She insisted they came earlier for more play time, and constantly asked whether they had wet or pooped their nappies. When they repeatedly said no, she ordered them not to go to the bathroom, and instead go in their nappies. When they had gone in them, Seb and Riley went to Hannah, and asked her to change them. She always would, except sometimes when she commanded either boy to change the other. Eventually the culprit was snitched on, and the old uniforms were returned, but Hannah, instead of allowing the boys back into their pinafores, commanded they wear their own uniform as Head Boys. They would wear a nappy with knickers over the top, a matching vest, frilly pink socks, pink shoes, and the most girly, frilly, lacey pink dress ever conceived of. They also wore a huge pink bow on their heads, and pink gloves going up to their elbows. The final nail in the coffin was her announcement that both of them would move into her room, to serve her. They would sleep in a single cot together at the foot of her double bed, with bonnets, dummys, nighties and nappies at night, before dressing each other under her watchful eyes in the morning. And after Riley once spoke out of turn, dummys were worn at all times. Whilst they still spent all day with their classmates, they would always return to Hannah, who would have a new costume for them or a desire for something from them, such as a snog, or some dancing. There were entire weeks when they would wear tutus or just knickers and vest to lessons, and Hannah would have the boys dressing each other and stripping each other down naked at the start and end of each day. And every night Seb and Riley would lie on top of one another, feeling each other’s warmth, and maybe a goodnight kiss not commanded...
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The 5 Stages Of Petticoating
Stage 1: When the boy is naughty, he should wear a dress put aside for him in his cupboard as a reminder what will happen if he does. During this time, he should not be allowed to communicate with his friends, or engage in activities that may be considered inappropriate. Instead, he should take up a new hobby, such as sewing. Stage 2: Naughtiness is still the trigger for petticoating, but now he should wear knickers, vest, frilly socks, shoes, and girly dress throughout the punishment time. At nights during this time there should also be a nightie with knickers. Furthermore, he should be polite and use ‘Mummy’ and ‘Daddy’. The hobby or hobbies chosen for petticoating will be continued outside of punishment time. Stage 3: Whenever doing homework, a girl’s school uniform is worn, and dresses always worn on Sunday. Boy’s clothes are allowed during the day, but at night there should always be nightie and knickers. If naughty, knickers will be worn during the day as well, under boy’s clothes. Hobbies should take up plenty of time for the boy. Stage 4: Knickers are always worn, and dresses worn after school as well, although if good, the boy will be able to pick whichever dress he wants. He will however have a specific Sunday dress, which should be very girly, and worn with white gloves, tights and a hairpiece. At night nappies should be worn under nightie, with plastic pants and knickers on top. If naughty, nappies shall be worn during the day. He will have several hobbies, and perhaps take part in ballet or gymnastics classes. He should sew his name onto all knickers. Girl’s school uniform becomes a babyish pinafore dress with embroidered blouse. Stage 5: Nappy is always worn, under plastic pants and knickers, along with matching vest. When not at school, dresses picked by the guardian should be worn with gloves, frilly socks, girly shoes and hairpieces. If naughty, the boy will be taken out in public in a pushchair, and will wear a bonnet and a dummy at all times. He must do ballet or gymnastics along with other hobbies.
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Nanny Chapter 7
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Nanny Chapter 6
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Nanny Chapter 6
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Nanny Chapter 5
The car journey was much longer than Henry expected, and soon he felt the need to pee. He tried to hold it in, but soon it came flying out, and his bladder was emptied into the now soggy nappy. Suddenly it all felt like too much, and he began to cry softly.
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Nanny Chapter 4
“Rise and shine, princess,” said Nanny as she hovered over Henry’s cot. He stirred, before panicking as he realised what he was wearing. “Calm down, princess. Now let’s get you out of your cot for some breakfast.” She picked him up again, taking him downstairs to the kitchen, where his Mum was waiting. “Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?” she asked, “I made you a bowl of Cheerios.” She gestured to the pink plastic bowl on the table, before pulling out an oversized pink high chair, which Henry was placed in. She then also took out a pink bib from the kitchen drawer, and tied it around his neck. Nanny then drew a chair for herself next to Henry and took his dummy out, before picking up the pink plastic spoon next to the bowl. She scooped up some cereal, and told Henry to open wide. He slowly did so, feeling so embarrassed that he couldn’t fight back any more. He only then noticed his Mum taking a picture on her phone, and shouted at her loudly, before the dummy was shoved back in his mouth. “Such a naughty boy,” said Nanny, “I think a spanking is in order.” So she picked him up and took him up to the bathroom, where he was placed on the changing table. She pulled up his nightie, and pulled his nappy down to his ankles, before slapping his bare buttocks with such force it caused him to whimper. She had struck him 8 times before she pulled up his nappy, and turned him over to look at her. “Are you sorry for the way you spoke to your Mummy?” she asked gently, and tears running down his cheeks, Henry nodded. And she took him back downstairs, where he ate the rest of his cereal in silence, even when more pictures were taken of him. Once he had finished, he was taken back upstairs, and Nanny took his nightie off. She then removed his knickers, and selected a frilly yellow vest, a matching pair of knickers, and pulled out a pair of short white socks, with a large cuff at the ends. He allowed her to change him, barely listening to her as she said he would have to dress himself in future. “Do you understand?” she asked loudly, and Henry nodded in reply. “Now, princess, since this is only your first day, I will give you a second chance. But you must always address your Mummy and I politely. So you should have responded, ‘Yes, Nanny.” Do you understand that?” “Yes, Nanny.” “That’s better.” She then pulled out some ballet pumps, and gestured for him to place his feet inside. He did so, and then felt a moment of dread as she selected a yellow ball gown with so many laces and frills that just seeing it was a sensory overload in itself. Finally, as if he wasn’t destroyed enough, she pulled white gloves out of his chest of drawers and told him to put them on. “Now, if you’re a good boy, you get to wear just knickers with no nappy, and I’ll take off your bonnet and take out your dummy. But you must be a smiley princess for me before that can happen.” His Mum then came in with her phone to take another picture, but this time having to wait for him to smile. “On most days, I’ll take you downstairs now for lessons, since your Mummy has told me you’re not doing too well in school. But today is Sunday, so it’s your day off, and you get to look extra pretty.” She then revealed today he would be going out for a picnic, and a walk. So she took him outside to the car, where a pink Hello Kitty booster seat lay waiting for him. She strapped him in, and told him to tell her if he wet his nappy.
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Nanny Chapter 3
First the two women stripped Henry down, and took him to the bathroom, where the bath was already full with soapy water. They scrubbed him down, before drying him off and producing a pink razor. “Now Henry, I need you to be still whilst I shave your legs,” said his Mum. “No, please no. Just stop it please, I’ll do anything else,” he begged. But he found himself being pushed down to the floor, and gave up as he felt the razor glide across his legs. He did panic when it came upwards towards his privates, but felt his body go limp under the strain of the two women’s weight. He allowed his Mum to continue when she moved towards his armpits, and eventually they were done. They then lifted him on top of a table, and he saw Miss Langton dip her hand inside a pot, and before he knew it, the cream was being lathered across his private areas, and up and across his bum. He then saw a large pink nappy being pulled up his legs, and his whole body shook as he screamed loudly. The two ladies persisted though, and the nappy was brought up to his waist. They then pulled up some plastic pants which felt tight around Henry’s legs, and then some frilly pink knickers with bows and lace. He had stopped struggling now, as a pink nightie was pulled over his head, but tried to break free when a matching baby bonnet was produced and tied neatly under his chin. “You’ve been a very naughty boy,” remarked Nanny, “An early bedtime is in order, I think.” And so the she picked up Henry and gently lowered him into the cot. Nanny added in a dolly, before sliding a dummy into Henry’s mouth. She then proceeded to take off her own clothes and put on some pyjamas, before climbing into the bed. “Nighty night Henry,” she whispered as she turned the lights out, “We have a busy day tomorrow.”
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Nanny Chapter 2
He knocked on the oak door, and waited, until a stranger opened it, a pretty 20 something year old woman. Henry stared at her for a few moments, before she spoke. “Hi,” she said cheerfully, “You must be Henry.” He was still confused, until he saw his Mum standing behind the woman, and stepped into the house. “Take a seat, Henry,” she suggested as she escorted both of them into the living room. She took a moment as if to gather her thoughts, before starting to speak. “Henry, I thought long and hard about your punishment, and not only what you wouldn’t like, but what would help you out in the long run.” She then turned to the woman and introduced her as Miss Langton. “Or as you’ll know her, Nanny.” “A nanny?” asked Henry, completely bewildered. “Yes,” his mother replied, “She will look after you day to day, and also teach you. But there is something more. You could say this is the punishment really, but come upstairs so I can show you your new bedroom.” Henry was just confused at this point, and didn’t really know what was happening. So he followed his mother up to his room, and was presented with something of the kind he had never seen before. The walls had been painted pink, the posters he had up replaced with those of ballerinas and princesses. His curtains were floral, his bed sheets decorated with similar patterns, and his desk replaced with a girl’s dressing table. There was also an oversized cot in the corner. His Mum thrust open his wardrobe, and his chest of drawers, to reveal babyish dresses, skirts, leotards and tutus, knickers, tights, blouses and much more. “What is this?” he asked, “Where are all my clothes?” “These are your clothes, Henry,” she said, “This is what you’ll be wearing until school starts again.”
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Nanny Chapter 1
Henry had always been in trouble at school, but nothing too serious. At least, not until that day. It was the beginning of the summer holidays, and he had been hanging around with the group of kids at the park again, and today they had just been standing around bored. “Hey, why don’t we spray paint that house up there?” suggested Steve, the leader of the group, and everyone agreed, seeing as there was nothing else to do. Once they got there, however, no one volunteered to take the can, and so it was up to Steve to decide. “Ah, Henry,” he said, “Why don’t you do it?” Feeling as if he couldn’t say no, he had stepped up and taken the can. “What should I write?” he said. “How about ‘F*** the Police’?” he suggested, and Henry nervously began to paint. However, just as he had finished, someone shouted that someone was coming, and whilst everyone ran away, Henry was left stranded with the can in his hand as two policemen escorted him to their car. He was close to tears as they reached the station, and called his mother in. She was so angry, and once a caution was given, he found himself targeted with a barrage of words at home. She said he was a complete idiot, and should be ashamed of what he had done. Then, as tears ran down his cheeks, he was sent up to bed early without any dinner. He was woken up early in the morning by his Mum, who told him to pack some stuff to go to his Aunt Jenny’s for a few days whilst his punishment was prepared. Over those days Henry completely forgot about what had happened, and enjoyed his time with his cousins. On his way home, he allowed himself to become anxious as to how he would be punished. But whatever it was he was imagining, it could not have been as bad as what it truly was.
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A Petticoated Pal Chapter 4
Over the next year or so, sleepovers at Owen’s house became a regular occurrence, and there would always be something the boys could do. Owen taught his friend how to sew, skip, and once took him along to a ballet class, where he was taught the basics. Then, disaster struck, as Robbie’s Mum was diagnosed with cancer. With only months to live, she was taken into hospital for emergency treatment, but it was too late, and she passed away. Robbie had no relatives to live with, so was supposed to move into the care of the council. However, following requests from both Robbie and Owen’s Mum, Robbie was adopted into the family, and became a full-time petticoatee. He moved into Owen’s room, where another cupboard was added, with some dresses of Robbie’s own (although the boys frequently swapped clothes), and a bed. As they grew older, the petticoating regime was lifted, and both boys went to university. They kept in close contact, and after a period apart, moved in together, and got married. Robbie decided to take his husband’s name, and together, Owen and Robbie Geraghty strode into a bright new future together, never forgetting the way they met. After all, it never truly disappeared, with Owen’s Mum’s new job.
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A Petticoated Pal Chapter 3
“Good morning, my little princesses,” cried Owen’s Mummy as she thrust open the pink curtains to reveal a sunny day. Both boys stirred, and with the memory of what happened last night fresh in their minds, they smiled at each other. “Let’s get ready for breakfast,” called out Owen’s Mummy, and she took off the covers of the boys’ bed and ushered them downstairs towards the kitchen table. As soon as they got out, it was obvious that both had wet themselves overnight, and Owen’s Mummy told them they could be changed after breakfast. They sat and ate their fried eggs in silence, with both boys now wearing the pink bibs, until Owen asked, “Mummy, when is Robbie going back to his house?” “He’s staying until 5 this afternoon, so the two of you could have some fun outside in the paddling pool, as it is such a nice day,” she replied. “Thanks Mummy.” “No problem sweetheart.” When they had finished, they were changed on a special table upstairs in the bathroom, and Owen’s Mummy selected a pink swimsuit with frills for Robbie, and a yellow bikini for her son. They put them on and went outside to assist Owen’s Mummy in blowing up the pool, which was actually reasonably sized. They messed about for a bit, splashing each other and giggling, before just sitting down in the pool’s cool water, and talking. “You know, you actually look really cute in that outfit,” said Owen, “Pink suits you.” “Yellow is definitely for you as well,” replies Robbie, “You look great.” Suddenly, it seemed as if they were about to kiss again, but seemingly on cue, Owen’s Mummy told them to come in and dry off for lunch. They did so, and put on sleeveless summer dresses, yellow and pink again, with matching knickers and shoes. They sat outside and felt especially girly talking whilst eating cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off. Once they had finished, Owen brought out his dolly, called Daisy, and with a teapot and cups, they organised a tea party. Robbie didn’t realise how much fun he was having until Owen’s Mummy came and instructed him to take off Owen’s clothes, as the time for him to leave was approaching. He did so, and suddenly he was back in his boring boys’ clothes, and perhaps wanting a return to the world of pink available through Owen.
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A Petticoated Pal Chapter 2
For the couple of weeks before the assignment was due, Robbie would often spend his evenings round Owen’s house, working with him. Being much smarter, Owen did most of the work, but Robbie tried to suggest something every so often. The pair were enjoying their time together, and wished they could do more of it, but Owen’s Mum didn’t like them talking at school, where Owen didn’t talk to Robbie, instead only with the girls. When the assignment was completed and handed in, it was given an A and the two of them were very proud of their hard work. After that though, they didn’t speak again, and Robbie missed having Owen around to talk to. However, one day an invitation came through the letterbox to a sleepover round Owen’s house, and the Saturday after, Robbie had his sleeping bag, pyjamas, and toothbrush ready to go. He knocked anxiously on Owen’s door, and his overly cheerful Mum answered and sent him upstairs. Owen was there, in a yellow dress with puffed sleeves and greeted Robbie, before the pair sat down on his bed to talk. Because their previous chatter had been mainly focused on the assignment, it was a bit quiet at first, before the conversation went into full flow. Often Robbie would have some question about Owen’s petticoating, and Owen would answer it thoughtfully. “Does your ballet teacher not mind you dancing in a tutu?” he asked. “No, but she was surprised at first. Now we’re just used to it.” They talked for ages, before they had dinner. Owen had to wear a comically large pink bib whilst eating. Robbie noticed Owen’s impeccable manners, sitting bolt upright. Once they had finished, Owen’s Mum said it was bath time. “But Mummy, it’s my birthday,” he protested, but was silenced by the look on her face. She took him by the hand and began to bring him upstairs, before remembering Robbie. “You’d better get scrubbed as well,” she said, staring down Owen, who looked as if he were to protest once again. They went upstairs, and into the bathroom together. “There’s enough room for both of you,” declared Owen’s Mum, before telling them to strip down. Nervously, both of them did so, and Robbie slid his boxers down his legs just as Owen pulled down his pink knickers. They jumped into the reasonably sized thing, with their knees bent and feet touching in the middle. Owen’s Mum used a sponge to wipe the bubbly bath water all over the pair, and eventually they were clean. They got out again, and Robbie realised he had left his pyjamas downstairs. He asked if he could go and get them, but was told that since Owen was a petticoatee, it was a petticoated sleepover, and so he would have to wear a nappy and nightie also. Owen once more interjected, but was swiftly told he would have to wear nappies all day tomorrow because of his attitude. And so Owen’s Mum left the two of them alone, while she fetched the girliest nighties she could find. “I’m so sorry,” said Owen, his eyes wet with tears, “You never should have come.” Robbie reassured him, before their conversation was cut short by the arrival of a frilly pink nightie for Robbie, and a light blue one for Owen. They put them on in silence, and didn’t speak either when they sat uncomfortably watching Cinderella, their bottoms squished against the nappy. The only time they did was when they lay next to one another, under Owen’s pink covers, in the darkness. Owen was completely hysterical by this point, and oddly Robbie was the calm one, settling his friend down. Eventually he did, and rather than go to sleep, they just listened to the other’s breathing, not having anything to say, but still desperately needing each other’s company. After a while, Owen slowly leaned his head on Robbie’s shoulder, and felt Robbie’s hand move around his neck. They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity, before Robbie moved his head towards Owen’s, and felt his lips close onto his friend’s. Suddenly Owen flipped himself on top of Robbie, and returned the kiss, embracing under the warm covers. Robbie wished they could stay like that forever, but eventually Owen fell back onto his side of the bed, and once more stared into the depths of Robbie’s soul, before they both drifted away.
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A Petticoated Pal Chapter 1
The two boys had known each other for years, and often went around each other’s houses. Recently, however, they had started to drift apart, as Owen had stopped messing around with Robbie, instead working hard in class. Robbie had no idea what had happened to his friend, and whenever he asked he received no answer. Owen never went round his house anymore, and had stopped coming to football training on Saturday. Robbie was left completely in the dark about the change within Owen. Until that day. They had been assigned random partners, and the two had been put together. Robbie remembered when they were always together, but now Owen preferred to go with his next door neighbour, Chloe, and her girly friends. They would start work on the project the next day, but as it rolled around, Owen was not in school. Robbie tried to start it off, and was told by Mrs Clarke that he should give what he had done so far to Owen to look up on. So he found himself outside his house, a place he knew well, and knocked on the oak door. Owen’s Mum answered, and rather coldly asked what the matter was. Robbie explained the situation, and suddenly a smile crept on Owen’s Mum’s face, and she told him to go up to her son’s bedroom. He went up the stairs and was about to enter the room he knew too well before something stopped him. The door was slightly open to reveal the wallpaper, a baby pink. That’s odd, thought Robbie, perhaps he has moved into another room. But he thought he’d check anyway and pushed the door open. The sight that greeted him was like nothing he’d ever seen before. The same bed that he knew from sleepovers was still there, but the camouflage covers had been replaced with pink ones with butterflies on, and on top was a short pink nightie and beside it a huge pink nappy. The same cupboard he’d known was open, revealing dresses, tutus, leotards, bikinis, all in different colours, and all looking like they had come from a 5-year-old girls’s bedroom. There was a chest of drawers, and a dressing table, with make up and bows on it, along with a desk. And sitting at that desk, wearing a short pink sleeveless dress with thin white tights, and a large pink bow atop his short brown hair, was Owen, clutching a sewing kit along with a box of tissues, staring at his former best friend with a look of horror. The pair gazed into each other’s eyes for what seemed to be years, before they were interrupted by Owen’s Mum, peeking her head around the door. “Just came up to see how you were doing,” she said cheerfully. “Owen has missed you a lot, but I decided that he would be better off playing with the girls whilst he was being petticoated.” “Petticoated?” questioned Robbie. “Well Owen wasn’t making good progress in class, and his manners weren’t good either, so I chose to petticoat him. Owen, would you care to explain.” “Yes, Mummy,” he nervously replied, to a gobsmacked Robbie. “To make me behave better, I wear my knickers at all times, and dresses when I am at home.” “What do you do at night, Owen?” asked his mother, clearly enjoying herself. “At night,” he mumbled, “I have a bath before I put on my nightie with a nappy just in case I have an accident.” His face looked as if it could not get any redder as he bowed his head to the ground. “And ever since then, you’ve been very good, haven’t you Owen?” “Yes Mummy,” he meekly replied. “Now have you given him the work yet Robbie?” she said, turning to look at him. “Um... No,” he replied after regaining his body from shock, and turning almost as red as his friend. “Well I’ll leave you to do that,” she said and left the two boys alone. “Please don’t tell anyone at school,” Owen suddenly pleaded, his blue eyes wet, knowing the humiliation he would face of his secret was found out. Robbie just looked at his friend for a moment before he came to his conclusion. “Don’t worry,” he reassured, “No one will know.” “You really mean it?” said Owen, as his miserable expression changed to one of joy, and he went up to Robbie and hugged him. Robbie was really confused now, and awkwardly stood there as Owen retracted his bare arms from around Robbie’s waist. Once again they felt awkward as they just looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do. After a minute or so, Robbie remembered the assignment, and took it out of his pocket. For a little while after, they worked together on it, pushing aside Owen’s wear and room, and enjoying themselves. They had made good progress before Owen’s Mum came in and announced it was time for Owen’s ballet class, and so Robbie said goodbye and left. He told his own mother where he had been, before wasting time on his computer and eventually collapsing on his bed. He dreamed that night of Owen, in his pink dress, hugging, enjoying each other’s warmth.
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Naughty Boys Chapter 5
The boys met each other every month, and discussed their exploits. All three of them had chosen to continue lessons in all three games, and they now had fun together in each of those. They had only supposed to meet up for a year, but they carried on making it a thing, owing mostly to the fact they saw each other every week at ballet, gymnastics and swimming. It took 18 months before Olly confessed his true feeling to Fin, and was delighted when he said he also had a crush on him. The three women continued to take three unruly boys into their care, and were so impressed with their results they expanded and began to target more boys with a larger workforce. Theo agreed to work with them, and helped to petticoat (as was the term created by Miss Geraghty) boys like himself. He eventually married and had 2 boys of his own, who knew that any trouble would result in a pink dress for the day. Many questioned the changes to the three boys after the six weeks, but the secret of their success was always a secret. The three boys grew up into men and remained close friends, acknowledging that the petticoating at their young age made them who they are today.
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Naughty Boys Chapter 4
The next few days, the two boys were on their own away from Fin, except for occasional practice nappy changes. They continued with the same schedule, but often thought about where he was. On the Wednesday after, Fin came back, but still had to wear a nappy and his baby’s bonnet. He now was making outstanding progress though, and overtook the other two in some areas. Olly still thought about his intimate moment with Fin, and wondered how he had felt. Days went by quickly, and days just became normal. While they had first struggled in the three games, they were now making progress, and found they were learning lots in the classroom when they applied themselves. More and more privileges were given and soon the girly outfits they started with were not so bad. Within 3 weeks of starting the course, they had all reached at least stage 2 of everything. They all wore a little more discreet pink pants as underwear, for school they wore skirts and blouses, Olly allowed to wear just a normal white shirt instead. For ballet, either just leotard and tights for Fin or the leotard with shorts combo worn by the other two. For gymnastics, they all wore leotards with tight short shorts, and for swimming just skimpy panties for Fin, and a plainish swimming costume for the others. For dinner they now wore much plainer dresses, often sleeveless with few features. For bed however, they still wore their nappies with nighties, and often woke up wet. Since it was halfway through the six week course, they all sat and discussed their progress one day. The three ladies congratulated the boys on their application and just mentioned key areas each of the boys could focus on. And so in the last three weeks the relationships between the women and boys improved, as they returned into normal clothes. Olly was the first to achieve stage 4 in something, and was allowed to wear shirt, trousers, and boy’s school shoes and socks for school. The boys began to enjoy their ballet, gymnastics and swimming, and had a good day out one Sunday on the patio sewing. It was at the start of the final week when Fin finally achieved stage 4 in school to complete all the boys stages, and pyjamas were presented to the boys, but they were still advised to wear nappies just in case, and did so, until it was obvious there were no more wet ones in the mornings. On the final day the boys were given the clothes they had worn when they came, and wished well on their journey home. Every month they would meet in future to discuss how things were going, and they all wished each other well and returned home as the best boys their mothers could have hoped for.
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