pinkfina · 5 years
there’s something about the sight of steps leading down into the water. it feels like the ocean telling me to come home
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pinkfina · 5 years
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Attention all! We would like to tell you a little bit about who we are! We have had to stay quiet about some things but would like to tell you all about our community’s new home. Many of you may have seen our site already, and we want to let you know that our landing page is in place to protect our name and give you a small tid-bit about our project. On our site, there are instructions regarding downloading your blogs from tumblr, and where you can find us on social media.
First and foremost: We are NOT affiliated with Tumblr, or ANY of its registered trademarks. We are the adult content alternative for when they cut us all loose on December 17th. 
Cumblr, LLC is a newly formed business focused on creating our community’s new home. Our office is in Newark, Delaware. We will be transparent about this address, and it will be the address you’ll see when signing up for our mailing list to stay informed about our progress! [ Head over to cumblr.com to sign up for the mailing list today! ] We will provide more information when we are legally allowed to do so!
The name Cumblr ™ is a trademark of Cumblr, LLC. So please, do not use this name for other similar sites! We are all part of the same community and we aim to give you the best place to blog adult / mature content.
Everyone watches porn, it’s time to have an open conversation about it. We aim to educate the community with vital information about safe sex, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual etiquette, consensual sex, sex positivity. We also want to have open conversations about the issues; sex addiction, pornography addiction, body imagery and many more. Its time to start respecting sex again as a community, and we’re going to get the conversation going. We’ll shed light on a few other values values that we think the world could benefit from. We are absolutely open to suggestions here as well. 
What we are doing:
We are currently developing a social media platform that allows you to upload all of your old blogs from tumblr, and continue where you left off. 
We want to inform you of some things that we will allow on our site. We have been also working on a number of legal documents to ensure your safety when participating in our community. Please keep checking out the website for the release of these important documents. Please follow our guidelines… really, we don’t have that many. 
We Encourage - Nudity, sexually explicit content, consensual sexual acts, and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content.
We accept - people’s blogs of all sexualities: including, but not limited to - straight, bisexual, lesbian, gay, transexual, pansexual and the list goes on! We also accept blogs from the BDSM community. If your “area of expertise” isn’t listed here, just let us know in the comments below!
We will not tolerate - Child pornography, zoophilia, or any other content that breaks local, state, federal, or international laws.
We pledge to create a safe place to migrate your old blogs, and to truly become the community’s new home. We have a multi stage implementation process in the works to ensure our users have the best experience possible on our site! 
Our Progress: We are planning on releasing some updates regarding our progress before D-Day (December 17th). Please stay tuned for an info-graphic outlining our short, mid and long term goals for this incredible project!
At this time, we are aiming to make this platform FREE to the whole community. Make sure to follow our ACTUAL Social media accounts to get the most up to date information:
Instagram - @cumblrofficial
Twitter - @TheRealCumblr
Tumblr - cumblr-com
Q: “Can i post things other than posts related to sex on Cumblr ™ ?”
A: Of course you can! Our community is open to whatever it is you have to offer. But we wanted to be clear that we openly accept explicit / mature / adult content as well (as long as it complies with our legal documentation, which will all be available on our site before we launch).
Q: “Will there be iOS or Android Apps?”
A: At this time, we are focusing on creating the browser based website so people can start on Cumblr before D-Day. We are aiming to create mobile applications in the near future after we launch, and also plan on optimizing the web-app for mobile users. It is likely that Apple and Google Play will not welcome our app on their stores, but we will have direct download links available on our website once we have developed them.
Q: “Will we be able to upload our old blogs?”
A: YES! We are working on implementing an upload feature as we speak on our test servers. 
Q: “Can I sign up yet or is it still too early?”
A: Not yet, but we want to let you know as soon as we’re ready to roll. Head to our website “www.cumblr.com” and subscribe to the mailing list to stay updated.
Q: “Will there be messaging like on tumblr?”
A: We plan on having messaging, but it may not be available on initial release. We are tackling some technical issues to ensure Cumblr ™ is a safe space for everyone - and a few bad users don’t ruin it all.
Q: “Will Cumblr ™ be STRICTLY 18+?”
A:  Cumblr ™ will be strictly 18+. You’ll be able to find the full details once we publish our legal documentation.
Q:”Will the site be free or paid only?”
A: As of now we aim to make the site free to everyone, with plans to add premium subscriptions that allow for enhanced features. While donations are completely voluntary, at this time our project is 100% funded by community donations. 
We encourage you ALL to ask as MANY questions as you’d like! Comment below and please share this with the whole world! We will update this post with other questions that are asked by more than one commentator below.
Want to help? If you would like to contribute to our cause, please visit our Patreon page at: https://www.patreon.com/cumblrofficial . We will also need a dedicated development team to handle this project moving forward. Once our business scales, hiring will become a priority! Please send your resumes to [email protected] and we will review them as quickly as we can! If you have done any front end OR backend development at “other blogging sites” in the past, we will be sure to move your resumes to the top of the stack.
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pinkfina · 5 years
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been doodling a bit and i’m working on a demon lore universe. this is lilith the mother of all succubi so shes a type of goddess. she has 3 queen daughters so there are 4 queens ruling. maybe ill doodle more about them. 
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pinkfina · 5 years
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Maz Cambion Brothel Keeper “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Received this guy as a gift, the original adopt is by lucifuu on dA
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pinkfina · 6 years
Porn blogs still posting porn until December 17th is the equivalent of the band playing while the Titanic was sinking.
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pinkfina · 6 years
I dont suppose you have any more Galeno art. ;-; H-He's just so cute.
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I don’t really have any atm, so this tiny Galeno will have to do meanwhile
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pinkfina · 6 years
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Next in the series “there is almost no fan content of this book yet, so I’m drawing the characters myself”: Nahri and Dara from The City of Brass
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pinkfina · 6 years
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my favourites are all the same and very easy to guess, ugh
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pinkfina · 6 years
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Since its halloween i realized i never had a vampire oc before so thanks to inktober Veronia is born
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pinkfina · 6 years
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pinkfina · 6 years
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pinkfina · 6 years
Hearing about a friend’s hot oc for the first time like
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pinkfina · 6 years
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pinkfina · 6 years
character: *has fangs, claws, horns, wings, or any other ‘monstrous’ features*
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pinkfina · 6 years
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inks and markers for a 12x12 show in Seattle, WA
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pinkfina · 6 years
Sharp teeth are Yes.
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pinkfina · 6 years
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Some of that bewitching Aradia.
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