pixieinorbit · 1 year
God the bots on this site make it practically unusable
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pixieinorbit · 1 year
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Incredible. They're so close to getting it.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
Here's a reminder that psychosis isn't always fun and neither is being locked up because of it.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
i know we're all sick of self-care being a marketing tactic now, but i don't think a lot of us have any other concept of self-care beyond what companies have tried to sell us, so i thought i'd share my favorite self-care hand out
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brought to you by how mad i just got at a Target ad
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
i need tumblr dot commies to understand that while yes, many wheelchair users are ambulatory, i.e. can walk a few steps on good days, a location or event being "wheelchair accessible" means that it is accessible to wheelchair users who cannot walk, not even one step, not even on their best day, not even to save their lives
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
tumblr guide for chad twitter users (REAL)
your priv is your main
you know when you tweet on circles and then have an additional thought to add in a second, shadier, much funnier tweet? those are your tags
no one knows how many followers you have. all are equal in this ring of hell. who among us can dictate the order of sin?
if you get a mean anon just screenshot it, block the person who sent it to nuke their ip address from your blog, and post the screenshot with your funny reply.
you will probably never get a mean anon unless you do something very funny and cool but keep trying
getting a lot of notes on a post does absolutely nothing but show you that 80,000 humans can have the exact same thought and tell it to you, heedless of those who came before. day in and day out the wheel of fortune turns you toward madness
your theme is like your carrd but if your whole twitter was on your carrd? i guess
you can curate your space but it will never fully free you from your demons and those of every idiot you were foolish enough to follow. for ten years you might follow your virgil only to watch helpless in horror as he sinks into the mud of powerpuff girls discourse in the two thousand twentieth year of the lord. and then you will walk alone. as we all do.
everything in the dark loves you
everything in the dark wants to eat you
you can change your dashboard color theme in the settings 🤯
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
I know I already made a post about this. But ICWA is LITERALLY being challenged by a white couple that wants to adopt indigenous children to erase their culture and Christianize them. The tribe, whom has a say in who can take their children, is like "Nah, we don't want our youth Christianized like you tride last time"
And the lawyer that's helping the white couple try to overturn ICWA (so that they can erase the cultures of indigenous children) is doing it pro-bono (which means he's not charging the couple anything).
AND that lawyer is a big time lawyer whose clients are usually oil and gas industries. He's literally fighting for indigenous children to be ripped from their tribes and culture so there's less indigenous people to protest big oil destroying their sacred land.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
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I need you guys to listen so bad, but I’m at least glad people on Twitter are starting to talk about this. The government of Canada is expanding Medically Assisted Death to cull the poor and disabled, and now suicidal and mentally ill (these are usually interchangeable of course here). It is EUGENICS and every single disabled rights organization is against it.
Disability payments are $1,200 a month. The average one bedroom apartment rent in the Greater Toronto Area (greatest pop. area by far here) is $2,000 a month. People with mental illnesses are on months long waitlists to get even a single publicly funded session. Weeks to get privately funded care which costs at least $200 a session. There is no housing here for disabled people. We are in one of the worst housing crises in the world right now.
Doctors are now offering MAiD unprompted to young suicidal people. This woman is 21, a health practitioner literally suggested she kill herself.
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This is one of the worst Disability Rights Violations we’ve ever seen in Canada. The government is killing us because it is cheaper than funding healthcare, cheaper than giving people housing and food and basic human rights.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
All ill say if the us supreme court decides to turn over the indian child welfare act and i don't see white people talking about it, especially white lgbt people, i will be pissed
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
schizospec culture is blankly staring at people who call others psychotic/insane/mock others for 'not being sane'
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
Ok some more bullshit for twitter refugees who need to learn the Tumblr Etiquettetm
Change your blog icon. Do not leave it as Tumblr default bc you will be seen as bots. Also helps if you change your URL to something fandom related/unhinged. urls like sarah-x-lynn will cause people to think you are a bot and block you
There's no algorithm. Whatever pops up on your dash is yours to deal with. Unfollow/block people as you please.
Again, there's no algorithm. The content on this site is user-circulated. Abuse the reblog button.
Abuse the tags. If there's something you wanna say on a post but don't want to intrude, use the tags.
Follower numbers don't matter here
There's no character limit on posts or in blog descriptions. You can post the bee movie script 50 times if you want. Go ham
This isn't twitter or tik tok or whatever. There's no need to censor yourself. Outright admit you want to kill a us senator, no one will judge you.
If you're gonna trigger tag something, don't censor it. Don't use like #r/pe tw use #rape tw
Lastly, don't be a dick to people. Abuse the block button for all it's worth.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
what are your twenties if not an endless string of the ghosts of who you thought you would become
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
abled ppl who insist they aren't ableist are actually so chill with eugenics until you call it eugenics
"well offering euthanasia to people with disabilities who can't afford to live is–" eugenics. it's eugenics.
"why do disabled people have children? I mean they're just consigning them to this painful life–" eugenics <3
"but their quality of life is so reduced how can they justify bringing kids into–" ✨eugenics✨
"maybe medicine has advanced too far. I mean why are we keeping people with [insert condition here] alive when their quality of life–" EUGENICS
idc if you're ✨concerned✨ for my ✨quality of life✨ that's a) not your problem and b) something which could be improved by providing better accommodations for disabled ppl and making sure we have to deal with less ableist bullshit and ableist assholes like yourself.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
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I need you guys to listen so bad, but I’m at least glad people on Twitter are starting to talk about this. The government of Canada is expanding Medically Assisted Death to cull the poor and disabled, and now suicidal and mentally ill (these are usually interchangeable of course here). It is EUGENICS and every single disabled rights organization is against it.
Disability payments are $1,200 a month. The average one bedroom apartment rent in the Greater Toronto Area (greatest pop. area by far here) is $2,000 a month. People with mental illnesses are on months long waitlists to get even a single publicly funded session. Weeks to get privately funded care which costs at least $200 a session. There is no housing here for disabled people. We are in one of the worst housing crises in the world right now.
Doctors are now offering MAiD unprompted to young suicidal people. This woman is 21, a health practitioner literally suggested she kill herself.
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This is one of the worst Disability Rights Violations we’ve ever seen in Canada. The government is killing us because it is cheaper than funding healthcare, cheaper than giving people housing and food and basic human rights.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
watching twitter implode in realtime is definitely funny but also anyone else utterly disgusted at the fact that one billionaires temper tantrum cost thousands of people their jobs, countless more across its userbase and is destroying what is one of the biggest websites on the internet? one guy. literally one single fucking guy who couldn't just admit to a fuck up and is taking the whole thing down with him because of his big mouth. its one guy and he has enough money to just tear down the website. one guy.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
Disabled people are allowed to be pissed. Disabled people are allowed to be negative, angry, bitter. Abled people lament and complain about the hands they're dealt all the time. Disabled people have no more obligations than abled people to be always positive and looking for the bright sides.
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pixieinorbit · 2 years
The thing about bipolar a lot of people don't seem to get is that it isn't "Manic = Happy, Depressed = Sad".
The way I think of it, when I'm manic I feel everything I didn't feel when I was depressed, in overdrive. Mania for me is despair and rage and confidence and shame and joy and love and hate. Depression mutes all of those things.
When I'm depressed, all of my emotions sound like they're screaming at me from under several meters of water, and I'm finally able to see the world for how it really is without all the feelings getting in the way and clouding my judgement. And the way the world really is, when I'm depressive, is a world that isn't worth participating in. I still feel things, just.. less. Like my mania burnt through all my emotional resources, and now I'm running on fumes; until I'm manic next.
People think that someone with bipolar is in the worst of it when we're depressive, but we're not. That's not where the danger is. The danger is when I'm energetic, and I'm motivated, and know with every fiber of my being that this is as good as it will ever be for me, and it's fucking shit, and I feel like I might be capable of doing just one thing right.
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