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Who is the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi For Liposuction Surgery ?
 Liposuction Surgery in Delhi         
Dr. Sachin Rajpal is one of the most respected and renowned plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Delhi. With over 15 years of experience in the field, he has worked on a variety of cases ranging from reconstructive surgeries to aesthetic body contouring procedures. Dr. Sachin Rajpalis known for his attention to detail when it comes to understanding the patient’s needs, ensuring that they are completely satisfied with their results. He also takes a holistic approach to her treatments, which means that he focuses not only on providing excellent results but also ensures overall wellbeing for his patients.
Liposuction in Delhi
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure in both men and women. It is nowadays known by many different terms like Liposculpture, Lipo or Lipoplasty. It is a surgical procedure which evacuates excess fat deposits from the body that have not been responding to diet and exercise. This procedure helps in improving body contours and proportions and can safely be performed on most of the body areas including face, neck, arms, abdomen, back, thigh, chest and thighs.
When a person gains weight, the size and volume of fat cells increases and these large fat cells are sucked out by liposuction thereby decreasing the number of fat cells in that particular area. The changes after liposuction are generally permanent as long as your weight remains stable.
Candidates for Liposuction
Healthy individual
Localized fat pockets that don’t go away with diet or exercise
Not having lot of excess hanging skin
Have good muscle tone
Do not smoke
Good skin elasticity
Before the surgery, the areas to be sucked are marked out carefully in erect position. Once patient is under anesthesia the procedure involves the removal of fat through small incisions approx. 0.5 -1 cm which are given in the hidden areas of body through which the hollow tubes (cannulas) are inserted and fat is removed with the help of vacuum and suction.
Types of liposuction techniques
Suction assisted liposuction (SAL) : Most common type where tumescent solution is infiltrated into affected area which contains an anesthetic agent and medicine to decrease bleeding. Fat is sucked out with the help of long hollow cannulas attached to suction apparatus with appropriate negative pressure.
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) : Here the cannula moves rapidly in back and forth position and the vibrations generated by rapid motion helps in breaking the fat cells which are then sucked out. PAL is more useful in more fibrous areas.
Ultrasonic assisted Liposuction/Vaser/ High definition Liposuction : Here ultrasound energy is used to emulsify the fat first which is then sucked out using the suction cannulas. Vaser has nowadays gained popularity as it helps in achieving the precise definition of body contours and also causes less trauma to tissues.
Post Operative complications
Contour irregularities :  This can occur in some area if there is uneven removal   of fat or if there is poor skin elasticity leading to bumpy or wavy appearance.
Fluid accumulation : Collection of fluid (seroma) under the skin can happen which is usually temporary & which usually resolves on its own in some days. It may sometime require needle aspiration. Wearing compression garments can also help in preventing fluid collection.
Skin discoloration/ Bruising : This is common and can take about 4-6 weeks to settle completely.
Decreased sensation/Numbness : Affected area may have decreased sensation or numbness after the surgery but it is usually temporary and settles down in weeks to month time.
Infection : Skin infections are rare after liposuction surgery but can occur which may sometime require surgical intervention for wound management.
Results depend on the quality of skin elasticity and the amount of fat that is suctioned out and the expectations of the patients. For final results it takes anywhere between 3 – 6 months.
TAG : Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetc Surgeon in Delhi, Liposuction Surgery in Delhi
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Rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi | Will A Rhinoplasty Improve My Overall Appearance?
 Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
Face is the foremost part of one’s presentation. An appealing face with all features in harmony is the key to one’s inner confidence and to be impressive. The nose is the central and prime part of the face which contributes to your overall facial personality. Thus having good aesthetically pleasing nasal features is the desirable need of every individual.
“Rhinoplasty” or more popularly called as “Nose job” is the cosmetic surgery procedures aimed at changing the shape of the nose and its structures to more pleasing one. This procedure which has gained much popularity in the cosmetic field and has become one of the commonly sort procedure.
Will A Rhinoplasty Improve My Overall Appearance?
Before having rhinoplasty, it is essential to understand which facial features will be changed if you’re considering it. You might be afraid of having rhinoplasty done because you worry that you won’t look like yourself afterward. However, it’s also important that should not ignore your feelings about disliking your nose profile. Here is all the information you need to know.
What does a rhinoplasty surgery involve?
The majority of us have some knowledge about rhinoplasty surgery, also known as a "nose job." Rhinoplasty can be used for a variety of cosmetic and functional purposes, including reshaping the patient’s nose and increasing a patient’s capacity to breathe comfortably. In order to best meet your needs, the plastic surgeon will suggest a personalized rhinoplasty approach based on your particular issues and goals.
What will change with rhinoplasty?
Despite the fact that the vast majority of people choose rhinoplasty surgery merely for aesthetic reasons, the operation concentrates on the aesthetic and functional aspects of the nose.
Nevertheless, having a dislike for your nose does not always mean that you also dislike your other features, such as your eyes, lips, and cheeks. However, many rhinoplasty patients seem to look entirely different post-surgery, so it’s simple to assume that surgery doesn’t just impact the nose.
The rhinoplasty procedure is only done on the nasal structure, until the patient and plastic surgeon agree to include other facial surgeries along with it. To reach the desired outcome, the surgery will change the form, projection, look, size, or a combination of these factors.
Why can changing your nose change everything?
As already indicated, many patients wonder as to why altering the nose may have such a striking effect on the surrounding nasal features and even the facial appearance as a whole. Think about how the nose, the central feature of the human face, is a single structure that projects forward from the cheeks, forehead, and jaw to create dimension and definition. A nose can give the profile its shape and structure from the side and establish the framework for how the rest of the facial features will fit together.
The nose can make or break the facial harmony of any man or woman because of its important positioning. The entire perception of the face will change drastically if the nose is too big, too small, crooked, hooked, or flat. Rhinoplasty usually makes it easier for the other facial features to stand out by restoring the balance and harmony of the face.
Could a nose job boost your self-esteem?
Rhinoplasty surgery aims to address and fix the flaws we don’t like about our noses, like humps, bumps, symmetry problems, and nose size. Many patients have found that it goes much beyond that and boosts their confidence.
The nose is considered the "focal point," as it is located right in the centre of the face; therefore, enhancing the shape of your nose with rhinoplasty can have a number of positive effects. Not merely the physical modifications but also the emotional and mental benefits can make rhinoplasty worth considering.
What changes a cosmetic rhinoplasty can make to your face appearance?
Numerous cosmetic issues might be resolved with nose jobs and the below list demonstrates the changes for which a nose job might be helpful:
A nose that is too big
Excessive nasal hump
A sharp nose
A nose that doesn’t seem to fit the patient’s face
Tip of the nose that is turned down
A nose that is excessively wide
Too small or too large nostrils
 Plan your rhinoplasty surgery with the best plastic surgeon in Delhi
You can boost your confidence in your looks by having rhinoplasty surgery to change the size, shape, or appearance of your nose. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Sachin Rajpal, one of the finest plastic surgeons in Delhi, right away to talk about your requirements and find out more about the surgery itself. To ensure that the surgery achieves the desired results, he pays attention to each of his patients. If you’re not satisfied with the way your nose looks, book an appointment with him and express your concerns.
TAG : Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeron in Delhi, Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
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Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty in Delhi By The Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
 Abdominoplasty in Delhi
It is one of the most common aesthetic procedures in which we deal with both aesthetic and structural reshaping of abdominal wall. This surgery is done to get rid of unwanted excess skin and fat from your abdomen along with tightening of your abdominal muscles. Post-surgery one can expect a firmer and more toned abdomen.
Candidates for Abdominoplasty
Men and women with healthy body conditions.
After weight loss procedures leading to loss of fat and loosely hanging skin
Post multiple pregnancies leading to flabby abdominal skin
Who should not undergo Abdominoplasty?
Individuals with chronic medical conditions like chronic heart disease, uncontrolled DM, HTN
Individuals with unrealistic expectations
Chronic smokers as it may impair healing and compromised results
Women who have still not completed her family and plans to become pregnant.
Types of Abdominoplasty
Each patient has specific indication for type of procedure for which it is necessary to consult your plastic surgeon for proper assessment and examination so as to formulate the best plan for you. For knowledge purpose :
Standard Abdominoplasty : When there is excess of skin and loose musculature in middle and lower abdomen like after massive weight loss or multiple pregnancies.
Mini Abdominoplasty : when loose skin is localized over lower abdomen only. It is done with smaller incision as compared with the standard one and may or may not require muscle tightening.
Lipoabdominoplasty : This is a modern abdominoplasty which is more popular these days and is safe and there are less chances of skin necrosis. It consists of combination of liposuction and surgery. It gives more definition to abdomen post-surgery.
High tension lateral abdominoplasty (HLT) : This combines additional contouring of lateral thighs and hips along with abdomen shaping
Post-operative recovery
We prefer early ambulation of patient post-surgery
Immediately after surgery patient will be given a firm dressing over abdomen and which is to be changed to compression garment in 3 to 4 days. Compression will help in controlling the swelling and seroma collection and also in redraping of skin
Lifting of heavy things of any kind to be avoided for about 6-8 weeks
Patients are advised to refrain from smoking in post op period to prevent delayed healing
Final results may take up to 6 months to show final results. This is the time body requires to get rid of swelling and skin redrapping
Residual minor contour irregularities can be present which can be taken care of with minor procedure if patient wishes to.
Risks of procedure
Seroma: Fluid collection underneath the skin flap is the most common complication after the procedure. Though it does not require and special treatment but regular evacuation by your surgeon and gradually it should settle
Scarring of suture site
Altered sensation in operated area of abdomen which is usually temporary and should recover mostly in due course of time. 
Tag : Plastic surgeon in delhi, Cosmetic surgeon in delhi,  Abdominoplasty in Delhi
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Why is Dr. Sachin Rajpal the Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi?
 Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
Dr. Sachin Rajpal is one of the most respected and renowned plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Delhi. With over 15 years of experience in the field, he has worked on a variety of cases ranging from reconstructive surgeries to aesthetic body contouring procedures. Dr. Sachin Rajpalis known for his attention to detail when it comes to understanding the patient’s needs, ensuring that they are completely satisfied with their results. He also takes a holistic approach to her treatments, which means that he focuses not only on providing excellent results but also ensures overall wellbeing for his patients.
His expertise lies in face lift surgery, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation surgery as well as scar revision and reconstruction. In addition to this, he has developed innovative techniques for hair restoration treatments that have helped many people regain confidence and self-esteem.
Dr. Sachin Rajpal’s commitment to providing excellent care to all his patients is unparalleled. From minimal invasive procedures such as Botox injections, to more complex surgeries like facelifts or breast augmentation, he takes a personalized approach to each patient's treatment plan. With an emphasis on safety, accuracy and natural looking results, Dr. Sachin Rajpalensures that his patients get the best possible outcome from their treatments.
What is Plastic Surgery?
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that involves the reconstruction, restoration, or alteration of the human body. It can be used to improve a person's physical appearance, as well as their confidence and self-esteem. Plastic surgery can involve anything from simple procedures such as Botox to more complex surgeries like rhinoplasty or liposuction.
Although there are some cosmetic benefits to plastic surgery, it is mainly used for reconstructive purposes. This includes correcting birth defects, repairing skin damage due to burns or accidents, and treating the effects of certain diseases and illnesses such as breast cancer. Other common plastic surgery procedures include Gynecomastia, Liposuction, tummy tucks ,Hair transplant,face lift and nose reshaping. Regardless of why someone chooses to have plastic surgery done, it is important that they consult with an experienced surgeon who can evaluate their individual needs and recommend the best course of action for them.
Is Plastic surgery the same as Cosmetic surgery?
Plastic surgery and Cosmetic surgery are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but the difference between them is not always clear. Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty focused on reconstructive procedures, which generally aim to restore form or function to a specific part of the body. In contrast, cosmetic surgery focuses on improving the aesthetic appearance of an area of the body.
Cosmetic surgeries include: -
Gynecomastia (Female like chest in male/Man’s Boob)
Hair Transplant
Breast reduction 
Breast Augmentation 
Tummy tuck
Eyelid lift
Liposuction Body Contouring (Surgical)
Facial contouring
Scar Revisions
How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi?
Choosing the best plastic surgeon in Delhi is an important decision, one that can mean the difference between a successful outcome and an undesirable one. There are many factors to consider when selecting a qualified plastic surgeon and several resources available to help you make an informed choice.
When looking for a plastic surgeon in Delhi, start by researching credentials and experience. A qualified surgeon should be certified by the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and have extensive experience with cosmetic surgery procedures. Additionally, ask your family doctor or other medical professionals for recommendations so you can find someone reputable who has been recommended by people you trust.
It's also important to meet with potential surgeons before making a final decision. During the consultation, ask questions about their qualifications and techniques used during procedures; this will give you insight into their experience level and whether or not they’re the right fit for your needs.
TAG :  Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi, Rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi, Liposuction Surgery in Delhi, Gynecomastia surgery in Delhi 
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Plastic Surgery in Delhi
This section deals with some other non-cosmetic procedures that are being done in regular routine and these includes facial soft tissue injuries, maxillofacial trauma, finger/ hand injuries, lower limb injuries, cleft lip / palate surgeries.
Though these entities are grouped under non cosmetic but every surgery is done keeping in mind the aesthetic surgery principles so as to achieve the near normal results even in trauma cases.
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