New week, new goals
Happy Monday, new week, new goals, new destinations, and new success. Wishing you all a blessed week ahead. Make it great and everyday be thankful and grateful. Make it everything you want it to be and more.
Todays thoughts: Examine your Beliefs
So many times we continually live in defeat. Smallest of challenges throw us off balance. Things seem to take our attention elsewhere and cause us to…
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Sitting here reading my book this morning I came across a few points that hit home for me.
The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
You have to know who you are to grow to your potential. But you have to grow in order to know who you are.
You will never fulfill your destiny doing work you despise.
Passion gives you an advantage over others, because one person is…
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Happy Tuesday everyone… Wishing you all a great week and many blessings to you. I truly love and appreciate each one of you from the depths of my heart and I am forever grateful for your friendships and love and support.
Todays thoughts: choices
Most of us either truly believe the Lord is God or you don’t. That is the choice before you today. Most of us believe in God because he has brought us…
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Happy Friday EVERYONE… well here it is another week in the books and another chapter in your life. I hope everyone has had a wonderful week full of blessings. I wish each of you a blessed weekend also.
Have you felt like you’ve been stretched to your limit? Feel like its never gonna end? God puts us through these types of things so we can learn to ask him for help, lean on him when times are…
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Well Here it is… Another Tuesday and another day in the next chapter of our book… its another day to be blessed and be a blessing. Wishing you all a very happy Tuesday filled with many blessings from above and joy. When you are blessed, be a blessing.
Today’s thoughts: NO
So many times in our lives we hear NO on so many levels and we tend to get discouraged and seems like our prayers are never…
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Defeat your giant
Happy Saturday everyone. Wishing you a blessed, joy filled weekend. So did you accomplish your goals this week? Have you felt like you hit bottom? Are you facing a giant that you cant seem to conquer? Pray and be patient. Your answer will come.
Todays thoughts: Defeat your Giant
You may be facing some tough times, a giant in your life right at this very moment. It may be a giant of sickness or…
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Break free
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HAPPY MARCH 1, 2019 TO MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY AND FRIENDS… Well here it is another month, a new beginning, a new focus and a new chapter in your life. What will you accomplish this month? Will you be proud of your achievements? Are you planning to take action or sit in idle while you wait for that change?
You will never accomplish anything until you put Action behind those words, thoughts, and…
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Never give up
Good morning everyone. Wishing you all a very blessed day and praying for all those in need.
Today’s thoughts: never give up
So many times in our lives we feel like giving up and throwing in the towel on all the progress we’ve made but if we do this it means we must start over from the very beginning and conquer all the progress again that we already went thru before. Why do this to yourself?…
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Love and Abundance
Happy Tuesday everyone. Hoping today is a blessed day for you with much love and many blessings. Take a moment or two to talk with God and watch your day flourish.
Todays thoughts: Love and Abundance
Some of us have low expectations of what God will provide for us materially in this life. We trust him to feed and clothe us, but we seem to not trust him enough to do that well. Somehow we’ve gotten…
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The Breakthrough
Happy Friday everyone. I just have a few things on my heart this morning. First, i want to thank the Lord for helping me thru some tough times this week and for working things out within. I have been struggling this week under the pressures of the world, the weight of world and feeling like I’m drowning. But even as low as i felt, unworthy, unloved, unappreciated and like a failure, that’s when…
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Happy Sunday my Beautiful Family and friends. Wishing everyone a blessed day. Time to relax and reflect on the week and what we can do to make it the best week ever. I am always looking for ways to help others and encourage, love and pray for all those in need. I love each of you with all my heart and i am striving to be a better person, a better friend, a better faithful person in christ. I have…
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HELP IS ON THE WAY Happy Saturday Morning Everyone. Wishing you all the happiest of days. My love and prayers go out to all who are dealing with the loss of loved ones, the sick , the afflicted , the poor and the needy. God loves you! You are not alone. Never give up because your answer is on its way. Love to all.
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HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO EVERYONE. I hope your have a great day. Wishing you a blessed day and hoping you have an even greater weekend.
Todays thoughts: Love is the power charge.
John 15:12-13
“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as i have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay doeen his life for his friends. ”
Love is the first and foremost command that jesus…
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Your breakthrough Happy Sunday Morning Everyone. Wishing you a blessed day. Wishing you a Breakthrough today, like a bursting forth of waters.
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Called to be intercessors
Happy Saturday everyone. Wishing you a blessed weekend. For all those who are on the roads, be safe out there. For everyone , my love and prayers to you all. No matter what you are dealing with, going thru or whatever your needs, never give up, Help is on the way.
To pray through means ” to break through the barriers that have stopped the work of God in the lives of others” it means to use your…
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HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Wow its already midweek. What have you gotten accomplished? Are you getting things done or are you procrastinating? Life is too short to procrastinate and not get things done. If we keep doing this we will have more unfinished business and regret at the end of our journey. I, for one am working on maximizing my time and learning to keep a schedule. Although it’s tough at times, I…
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Uncommon protections
Happy Tuesday blessings to you. Wishing each of you a happy, healthy, successful day.
Todays thoughts: uncommon protection
The devil hates people and is out seeking to destroy as many as he can while he has time left to do so. Its no wonder why we see so much tragedy and disaster in the world today. Its amazing that we dont see more. It takes a long time for the devil to set up major disasters…
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