poojash · 2 years
Top 3 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Positivity
According to studies, these social media platforms frequently cause more harm than good to our mental health. However, f f you look through Instagram first thing in the morning, you can inspire yourself and get a head start on the day by following these accounts. We had access to various inspiring accounts thanks to social platforms like Instagram, where motivating quotations, stories, experiences, films, and photographs kept us interested, intrigued, and happy. Many of these accounts have been around for a long time, motivating individuals to improve their lives through self-development and spreading the idea that optimism originates from within.
Whether you need a daily dose of positive news, therapeutic self-care suggestions, validation messages, or heartfelt graphics and comics, we've got you covered. Here are some Instagram accounts to follow!
1. @thegoodquote​
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As the account's name suggests, the account uses quotes to promote positivity. The Good Quote is a popular Instagram page dedicated to happiness, mental health awareness, and positive vibes. The Good Quote was founded by Meggan Roxanne as an outgrowth of her successful Tumblr blog, which she launched in 2011. Motivational quotations from Stephen King, Ruby Dhal, and Nicki Minaj, among others, can be found.
2. @humansofnewyork​
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The pieces are about New Yorkers and their remarkable stories of love, compassion, sorrow, hardships, courage, and achievements, all of which readers may relate to right away. Humans of New York has inspired people all around the world to start similar projects in their cities.
3. @nationalgeographictravel 
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Traveling is one of the most successful ways to bring positivity into one's life. National Geographic Travel allows you to travel across the world without ever leaving your home. The account features images from some of the best travel photographers, serving as a reminder of how beautiful the world is. This account is the ideal virtual holiday from Alaska to Paris.
So, follow these accounts to boost your happiness every day!
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poojash · 2 years
Character Strengths
Everyone seeks good character in others, whether it's employees, classmates, friends, or potential romantic partners. These are people's positive qualities—a collection of positive features that showcase their strengths—rather than a collection of defects and issues, which are commonly referred to as character flaws.
Character qualities aren't about avoiding the negative; rather, they assist us in overcoming life's unavoidable challenges and building on our strengths. Our character qualities help us maintain and improve our mental health while also acting as protective barriers against mental illness. You can't be brave without being scared; you can't be tenacious without wanting to quit, and you can't be self-control without being tempted to do something you shouldn't.
Hence, it is necessary to understand one's strengths in order to build on them accordingly. As a consequence, the first step is to identify your character strengths.
The 24 character strengths are depicted in the graphic below.
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Click on the link below and take the ‘Brief Strengths Test’ questionnaire
Then, view the link below and attempt a few activities for your top 3 traits
Our strengths are the foundation of who we are and pave the way for a happy existence. Upon doing this exam and exercise, I have a greater grasp of who I am, my abilities, and how I can use them socially and professionally.
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poojash · 2 years
positive psychology
With the given circumstances of the pandemic and online university, many activities have been put on hold. Hence, this year, I took positive psychology as an attempt to be more optimistic in this pessimistic environment. We were given small assignments to express our thankfulness via journaling, writing letters, trying new hobbies, and making friends; basically, relishing the simple things in life. It's a great class. After six weeks of gratitude journaling in this class, I discovered how big of an influence it had on me, my perspective, and my mental health. As a result, I encourage everyone to write down something positive that has happened to them here!
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