I'm not a child anymore, and have no interest in having updates here. This one is important though.
For the past two years ever since I moved out she's been telling me I was prescribed Anoro and giving it to me. I believed her stupidly and had been taking it on and off the whole time until about a month ago.
I stopped taking it because I got nervous when I noticed much worsening breathing issues and the development of bronchitis among many other issues
I was going to go to urgent care for these worsening symptoms but we looked up the medicine just to see if maybe it was causing any of it by some weird chance
Anoro is a COPD medicine. The highest contraindication is asthma, often being fatal to take if you have it. A quick Google search told me that as well as the side effects of the medicine, all of which are the symptoms I'd been having. Dizziness, nausea, digestive issues, respiratory infections, high blood pressure, worsening asthma, etc
This medicine had been poisoning me. I would have killed me had I continued or had I been taking it consistently. I had to go to the emergency room the other day and felt like I was on the brink of death. The only reason I do nothing about it is because I have no money and I don't want harm to come to my cat which she still has living with her.
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She most definitely is going back to bad habits. She’s acting like she did when I was a kid. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take, so I’m trying to just stay away from her place as much as possible.
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She’s doing that thing again where she suddenly has money. I’m worried she’s selling my stuff or stealing.
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I had two phones, one that could call and text and one that can’t and was a gift from someone. I haven’t been able to find my Android in a couple days, and I told my mother today that I need it to text people that are very important to me including anyone that can help me move and my friend that would depend on me if he was in crisis. She told me to just hook up my remaining phone to her phone bill like my other phone is. I’d rather avoid that, because then for my phone I’d be dependent on her. I said my Android has to be here somewhere, to which she paused and glanced away and said “unless you lost it”. Now, I haven’t seen it since I went to Ralph’s with her the other day but I know it was with me when I got back and I didn’t take it out of my deep secure pocket the whole time I was in the store so it isn’t there. I suspect she did something but I don’t know what.
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She keeps talking about al this money she’s spending when she gets the big money despite me advising strongly against it. If when it’s all said and done, she begs me for money because she spent it all, I don’t want to go back to this stress. Or worse, if she dies because she blows it all on something dumb, I don’t think I’d be able to get over that.
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Talking about stuff that would result in her being given medical weed
“I haven’t found anything bad enough yet”
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Her story
A homeless gang stole her gas and others in her apartment and the police will have a report in a couple days about it
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Really, again with the gas card?
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Of course, my uncle didn’t know anything either
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I messaged my Aunt and Uncle to check in and ensure they’re alrigt and so far my Aunt replied and has no clue what’s going on. I should’ve known this was a random attempt to manipulate me
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I’m on good terms so I mean no ill will with this
But she confessed to taking all the money she took from my grandmother so at least I know I’m not crazy now. I don’t like how casually she brought it up as if she didn’t threaten so many times and cause so much shit about it
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We’re on good terms now
I am mildly annoyed at how selfish she’s being when it comes to moving, though. Leaving all the work for everyone else.
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Did I really spend all that money? I have no memory of how much I started with
Did she take it? I hope not,,
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God she guilts me so much
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There’s no way that’s true
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I’m so upset I can’t even breathe
I don’t want anyone near me though. I don’t want this acknowledged around my friend I’m with at the moment because it’s not his business and I’m uncomfortable with him seeing me upset.
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