Totally unforeseen, but we, I, conquered.
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Looking back in the past two years, I can't believe how 'normal' things were and how carefree we can be. Never, in a million years, have I imagined that I would be able to experience a pandemic in my lifetime. Probably because it had been 100 years since the last pandemic and no one, in my circle, have even thought about it. I could probably consider it as unprecedented.
I remember having a conversation with my bestfriend early 2020. During this period, Taal Volcano erupted and caused massive ashfall all around the metro. Face masks were being sold out everywhere. Before this, news broke out regarding the wildfire in Australia. Due to these unfortunate events that seemingly came consecutively, I vividly remember asking my bestfriend: "What if a global event will take place and it would end up taking millions of lives and you will be a casualty, would you think that before you end up in oblivion, you have lived your life happily up to this moment?" Funnily enough, after 3 months, COVID-19 happened.
I've always struggled with my mental health every since I was young due to my dysfunctional family. However, I remained strong and firm. Maybe it's innate, or maybe it's just a survival skill that I unconsciously associated myself to.
But this pandemic, had totally blown me away. The lockdown, the uncertainty, the paranoia. I have no problems being alone but knowing that you have to isolate just because there's a killer virus out there that you might get with no visible trace. It's just downright scary.
Despite all this, I am still here, well and alive. Breathing, still able to write. We are probably in the tail-end of the pandemic but I ought to share some tips that I believe would greatly help us especially during this new normal.
1. Distance physically, but not socially. Even if this pandemic ends, our 'normal' would never be the same as it was. Social distancing will probably be still in practice. However, keeping a social distance does not mean breaking all your social contacts, but physically keeping yourself away from others. Staying connected with the people of your life is important to your mental health.
2. Stay informed - through credible sources It is also important to be up to date on the latest developments, new policies, and possible limitations.
3. Plan your days and try to have fun What are some of your favorite enjoyable activities? Allow yourself to have a good chuckle. It quickly improves the overall appearance. Laughter also reduces anxiety and tension.
4. Be physically active Even if you don't feel like exercising, give it a shot. Physical activity boosts your mood and overall health while also lowering stress and anxiety levels.
5. Get enough sleep We are all aware that getting enough sleep improves our happiness and health. Every day, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Avoid using your phone or watching TV in bed to fall asleep faster.
Life is full of difficult situations. We are all going through an unbelievable and difficult predicament as a group. Some of us are being hit harder than others. Remember that you are not alone, and that assistance is available.
The Republic of the Philippines: Department of Health has a crisis hotline that is available 24/7. With them saying: Kumusta ka? Tara, usap tayo!
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For more information visit their site: Click here
Thanks for reading my blog and I hope that I was able to connect with you.
Lots of love, Rizza Rosales
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