preston-logs · 2 years
LOGS #11
Okay.... okay. Settled down a bit now. We took on the gym, figured that was the best thing to do... It went... okay? Would’ve been easier with Cassidy at my side but... alas. What can you do. I need to stop rushing ahead and thinking I’m just all frazzled from that fight with Felix. This blows.... 
I suppose Slateport is my next destination, I’m just trying to relax, settle the team a bit and all you know? Well. See you next update, Mr Briney will be back soon.
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOGS #10
Okay so... a bit of an update, we haven’t delivered the letter yet, I thought I could just... I suppose. WALTZ into Granite Cave but the idiot I am is once again shining through and now Cassidy is heavily injured... I’ve already made the decision to have her stay here with Mr Briney and heal, I think thats the best thing. I can come and visit her when I need to but Arcues I-... I’ve never felt so panicked like that before. She’s okay, just weak, needs rest.
I suppose my next motion is to take on the gym, I’ll have no luck scrounging through that cave without the use of flash... What kind of idiot hangs around in a deep dark cavern anyways?! Ugh. Either way, the team is okay, a little shaken... Merryl still isn’t paying much attention to me. I’ll update later, I’m going to relax and maybe try to fish a little.
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preston-logs · 2 years
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preston-logs · 2 years
Well.  I’m currently sitting in a cafe in Rustboro trying to recount what on earth happened. 
I caught the guy, who ran off, turns out he stole some goods from a big corporation in town- the one’s who made the Pokenav actually, and one of their employee’s was trying to get them back. I chased after... and um .I didn’t really see the guy, but Felix tagged along out of nowhere. He started making a lot of like ‘Oh, yeah, can’t let my Rival outrace me’ like... nudges? I suppose? Um. I got the goods back, we both went to go see the head of the company for a reward, was even trusted with delivering something to his son, Steven but...
Something else is on my mind currently, Felix just- kept... I don’t even know if embarrassing is the right word but, frustrating me, for sure. Perhaps I should’ve been a tad kinder, easier on him. He was just excited and I’ve been in a rush all day... I have a year. I just wasn’t expecting company... I don’t know. Felix pisses me off, makes me feel aggravated, by how much he keeps ribbing me- We haven’t seen each other in years! Didn’t even have a conversation about this and he just decided to throw himself into my business trip. 
... I snapped at him. Pretty badly, when we were leaving, I told him I was sick of him constantly traipsing around after me, waiting up for me and most importantly making me look like an absolute jackass in front of others... That wasn’t true, I was just angry and hot and tired, I had just slept on the woodland floor... but. He. I suppose I didn’t expect an angry reaction back, he immediatly started saying that I didn’t view him as a good enough rival... and that he wanted to fight then and there, I couldn’t even think, his Pokemon were so fast... I couldn’t even remember what moves mine knew. I lost... before I could say anything he stormed off, calling out to me... He called me pretty boy? I don’t really understand why. 
But now I’m sitting here trying to figure out what to do. I need to get this letter to Mr.Stone’s son, but I haven’t moved an inch since the encounter, just trying to recoup my team... Merryl won’t even look at me, Beatrice won’t stop casing around me and essentialy circling my legs, I think its a protective thing? I’m not sure.
Either way, might be a bit until my next update. I have a lot to think about... and apology to start working on, I believe. I haven’t even added him to my Pokenav, but truthfully I’d rather do this in person. It feels disingenuous otherwise. 
Until then.
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preston-logs · 2 years
Stone Badge acquired. A little scary, I wasn’t expect Roxanne to have a 6 party team but here we are. Merryl did, admittedly, great. I say this through gritted teeth as she was a LITTLE too eager to wreck everything in her path but for the most part alongside Nelly we were able to secure a victory.
It feels kind of nice... I’ll admit, holding that badge in my hand. Oh! I should mention, Beatrice AND Gertrude ended up evolving before the gym, I was expecting Gertrude to be slightly bigger... but shes still small enough to fit in my pocket, haha. Her flower seemed to grow with her too, no rest for my allergies it seems. Oh! And Nelly evolved too, a pretty looking Lombre she is!! She was a GREAT help in the gym, she evolved before we got here but she’s always been so quiet and relaxed she sort of just blends in! She’s a lovely companion haha.
I’m starting to understand this Pokemon thing a bit better, I’ve always liked Pokemon but never really had my own... Oh- Beatrice is an absolute darling- I know I mentioned before, but she LOVES being pet and brushed, her mane is GORGEOUS and I’m quite intent on making sure she’s pampered enough to look positively gorgeous in battle, make everyone else jealous! She reminds me of those show Furfrou sometimes! 
Ah. I’ll have to cut this entry short, I just saw a man run past in ... I think some stripes, with a poor old fella in a suit trying to keep up with him. I’m going to go see what all the commotion is about, report back later.
- Preston
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #6
A quick one! While training, a friendly Shinx seemed to stumble upon my little ragtag group! She is a DARLING and is CERTAINLY coming along with me! From what I can tell she adores to be brushed! I named her Beatrice.
Right now everyone’s gearing up to take on the gym, we did venture into the cave a little along the route but the only thing in there was a Paras, who I boxed for the time being. First guy aside from Rudolph on the team, haha, I guess I’m going all girls right now.
The gym should be up soon, I ran into Felix a little while ago, but I’d rather not discuss it too much... Arceus above, does he frustrate me to no end.
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #5
So. To cut a long story short, I got lost. Petalburg Woods was not as simple as it looked... and I ended up having to camp overnight- I also learnt, through a chance encounter on Route 104 that I have a HORRIBLE pollen allergy, though I’m going to have to bear it due to the newest team member. Since Gertrude, A Flabébé, is constantly pulling a little flower around with her. She’s... terribly small, but such a sweet little face often kept me at ease during the rather scary camping session I had to take.
My Pokemon did more than enough to settle me, and one even joined me during the time I was sharing the little food I had (note to self, stock up more in Rustboro) A shroomish, who I named Joanna (seriously WHAT is with all the ladies?)  The team is looking pretty cozy, as it is.
You wouldn’t believe this either!! At one point, Merryl, the fucking rat ran off! She came back a fully evolved Marshtomp! Maybe she knew the gym was up ahead or what, but that still unnerves me, especially the fact that she won’t stay in her pokeball... I’m terrified of her disappearing. I’m going to do my best to keep an eye on her. 
But regardless, I am out, It is morning ,I have barely slept. There’s probably grass stains on my suit but I need to get a move on and sorted, the gym is somewhere up ahead... although. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hasty, take some time to level up my team perhaps? I heard some local children talking about how scary the Gym Leader can be and I don’t want to take any chances... As much as I have a year to do this, I think it would be silly of me to just throw myself at a wall...
So training time it is!
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #4
Finally made it to Petalburg... I don’t know how but I lost sight of Merryl and a good moment to find her!I had to go off of the trail and everything, messed up my suit... Augh. I do kind of hate it out here.
Felix was there when I arrived, outside of the gym. I was going to inquire if he’d seen his dad yet but he sort of immediately jumped on top of me (Figure of speech, he didn’t actually  jump on me) and we were chatting again.
I don’t... hate Felix, by any means, he’s an old childhood friend, but Arceus above he DOES bother me. He does annoy me, all of this excitement over the journey or whatever I don’t have time for. I have to get four badges in a certain time limit, granted its very generous and I’m thankful for that but I don’t have time. 
Regardless, I hold my tongue, let him speak... Before I know it we’re heading into the gym. It’s nice to see Norman again, he has a firm handshake but before I could even say anything some child comes waltzing in here asking for help catching a partner... Is this what Gym Leader’s have to put up with?? Either way, the kid didn’t look the best... a little sickly in my opinion, but Felix seemed eager to help, of course. 
I felt a tad awkward saying no, especially after Norman had lent the kid a Zigzagoon so we went off to go supervise. The kid, Wally, I think his name was, caught a Ralts. I told him that was a nice find... never been much of a kid person, but hey, it was the truth. Coming back, I was told Norman wasn’t able to fight due to him not wanting to fight us yet? Odd, but alright, I suppose. I think I overheard Felix making a bet with his father? I was a little too busy checking my phone at the time.
I wanted to get a good head start towards Rustboro so I gave Felix a quick goodbye and got myself prepared, I could already smell the salt from the sea, being so close to the coast and all... It was quite refreshing.  Hopefully I’ll be through Petalburg Woods before nightfall properly hits, but really, how hard can it be? Update later.
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #3
Another update, I’m now through Route 102 with yet another addition to the team. This time a Lotad, who Merryl RUDELY jumped on as we were admiring the clouds from afar. It was a bit of a nightmare to pull the two apart, admittedly, but surprisingly it seemed Cassidy was able to quell things long enough for the fight to stop. I haven’t really ever seen Pokemon talk like this before... It’s quite fascinating all things considered! 
Cassidy seemed to take quite a liking to this little lady (sidenote, what is with all the female Pokemon with me right now?) and part of me felt compelled to maybe suggest bringing her along? Well. Here we are. Nelly the Lotad, the newest addition. All things considered my type matches are NOT looking too good right now, I wasn’t expecting to become a Mono-Water trainer but I suppose we’ve only just started, and we’ll be seeing where we’re going!
Right now I’m taking my time through Route 102 here, both taking in the sights and letting my Pokemon have some slight free roam. I know Petalburg City is coming up sometime soon, to which I’m pretty sure Felix’s dad is the owner of? That’s pretty nice. Though admittedly right now I’m a little pissed due to some rat of a kid saying he targeted me out because he thought he could beat me? Is it because I’m wearing a suit? 
I also haven’t seen Felix in a bit, not sure if he went up ahead or we just haven’t crossed paths yet, but I’m sure with us going the same way we’re bound to stumble into one another soon... This is not in a good sense, mind you. 
- Preston
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #2
A tiny update, that Wingull has now joined my team, I’ve decided to name her Cassidy. She’s taken upon perching on my shoulder which I think, admittedly, looks cool. Having a bird perched atop of my shoulder is very nice indeed, she’s a lot more calmer than Merryl, who will NOT stay in her pokeball, at ALL. Brat.
At least Cassidy is being a complete angel, never fared much interest for Wingull before, but I suppose Cassidy might change that, the little darling. A short update, as it appears Merryl is now harassing local wildlife up ahead. Honestly, it’s like having a child but worse. 
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preston-logs · 2 years
LOG #1
Well. I’m home. It was around 2pm when I finally returned to Littleroot, it was nice to see my Mother again, I’ll admit. I couldn’t help but spare a bit of time to chat with her but she was in fact the one who urged me to go pick up my Pokemon... She certainly made me feel like I was 10 again. It admittedly instilled a tad more excitement in me than I thought could be possible about doing this...
That. However, was drained the second I stepped into Birch’s lab. On old childhood friend of mine, Felix, was seated comfortably inside and giving me the look over, as if he’d been waiting for me all things considered. It made my blood boil. Before I could even find my words, Felix began talking about how he’d heard I was coming back to do the league challenge and he was going ‘tag along’ because I need a ‘rival’ or whatever.
To be quite honest with you, I don’t want a rival, nor companion, but I managed to hone in my frustration and at least be civil... It had been a few years since I’d seen Felix and I’d rather not throw a fit in the lab right now. 
It wasn’t a hard choice. Mudkip. Easy enough to pick, evolves in a water/ground type with good coverage and resistances. When asked for a nickname I wasn’t quite sure, I’ve never been one for names but... Merryl was what I ended up going with. Felix picked Treecko, of course. However, this choice is proving to be my downfall right now and I’m not talking about type advantages, I’m talking about the fact that Merryl is an untrained little wretch of a water type who will not listen to a word I say, she won’t even go back into her pokeball! 
She is constantly wandering off and having to grab her is a pain every single time because she just soaks my jacket with ease! I don’t know how a beginner let alone me, a 28 year old man, is supposed to handle this! I’m doing my best to deal with her antics as much as possible though it made for quite an embarrassing struggle to keep her under wraps as Felix set off alongside. His Treecko seemed well behaved... why do I have to be stuck with this aggressive little brat?
Getting to Oldale Town I decided to part ways with Felix as I had my own issues to deal with in terms of Merryl. I know a lot of Pokemon raising is to do with care and getting through to them so if that’s how this was going to be then so be it. I decided the best case of action was to catch my next Pokemon now, whatever I saw first. A Poochyena. Good early dark type... He was quick to come along with some coaxing, I named him Rudolph. 
I wanted to say that my plan to show Merryl how a good Pokemon is supposed to act went well, I want to tell you that it went SPECTACULAR and that I am THRIVING out here in the woods with my dog and my mudfish but nothing is ever easy and I’m sure getting that lesson jammed straight down my throat today.
Upon my first battle encounter with a Weedle, Rudolph took one, singular, Bug Bite to the paw and dashed off, I hadn’t even had a chance to ensnare him in a Pokeball yet. and here I was. Yet again, stuck with Merryl on my lonesome, miserable, frustrating journey.
I’m taking a break to eat as I write this, up on Route 103 looking over the water... A quiet Wingull has joined us in sharing a sandwich I’ve bought, she seems friendly enough. I think she might be interested in coming along, if more sandwich might be in her future haha. 
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