princeofillusions · 6 years
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Like/Reblog if you’re interested in interacting with the human personification of Vanitas’ keyblade Void Gear. Since this is a side-blog, I can’t follow back on Void, but please don’t be discouraged from interacting with me! I will check my activity page to see when I owe replies. Please check out my About and Rule pages for more information about how I play Void.
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princeofillusions · 6 years
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Yo, if you’re interested in RPing with a Reno blog, please like/reblog this post. While my about page verse is canon based, this is mainly a Kingdom Hearts AU blog. Please check out my About, Rules, and KH Verse pages.
Since this is a side-blog, I can’t follow back, but I will check my activity page for any replies I owe so please don’t be afraid to interact.
About | Rules | KH Verse | Main Blog (hiatus) | Void Gear blog (active)
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princeofillusions · 6 years
(( this blog is currently on hiatus. Cries. Lost my muse for ienzo from lack of content. For now I’m on @bladeofemptiness and will try to get @slumturk up and running again ))
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princeofillusions · 7 years
(( ... wow it’s been a long time... ))
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princeofillusions · 7 years
If her remembered, in the past, Ienzo was always inside. Once in awhile hell see him out. Well, he seemed to be sneaking around back then. He looked around at every spot Ienzo looked at. Nothing special. “I guess your gonna spend the rest of the day outside, huh.” Boring for him, though, fun for the little Ienzo.
Ienzo glanced back at Vanitas and gave him a small nod, finally answering one of his many questions. He furrowed his brow as he picked up the sound of people in the distance. If he recalled correctly... that’s the direction where Ansem used to take him to get ice cream. He wondered what kind of shops there were now.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
He frowned and followed.’ Why did he want to go outside for anyway. Perhaps he wanted some fresh air?’ He asked himself as he looked around. There was nothing special about going outside. It was warm out so he didn’t really need to run back to get clothes.
While Ienzo’s face remained neutral as ever, his eyes were constantly flickering around to take in his surroundings as he walked, which gave away the fact he was excited to be outside. Or at least, as excited as he was capable of being.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
He looked outside but didn’t quite get it. “You want to just go outside? What are you going out there for?” And the questions kept coming. He didn’t understand little Ienzo much, even back then. 
Ienzo may be smarter than the average child his age, but he still had the same curiosity as one. In fact, he may be more curious because of his neverending desire for knowledge. Since he was normally forbidden to leave the castle walls, he took any opportunity to sneak outside whenever he could... and since he wasn’t in his right time, there wasn’t any reason for him not to go outside.
He stared at Vanitas for a little bit longer before turning away and going outside.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
Vanitas wasn’t fully dressed, just in a white tank and some shorts. But still he followed him where he went. It did annoy him when he didn’t answer, so he asked again. “Where are you going?…… Ieennnzo.” 
Why did Vanitas insist on asking such rhetorical questions? The child inwardly sighed as he reached for the doorknob and twisted it open. He glanced over at Vanitas and then gestured outside, wondering if he’ll get what he was trying to say.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
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Hey there! Please like and reblog this if you’re interested in interacting with an Aeleus | Lexaeus (No. V) from the Kingdom Hearts series! 
Penned by Corey | Side blog to thegaleandlance
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princeofillusions · 7 years
He did sit there for a moment, but when he saw little Ienzo walk out the room he quickly stood to follow.” Where are you going?” He wasn’t going to let Ienzo walk around like that, he felt the need to, protect him in a way.
Ienzo didn’t even bother stopping when he heard Vanitas’ footsteps and his question. To him the answer was obvious. He was leaving the room. Really, what was the point in asking such questions? He had explored the house before he went to wake Vanitas and so he knew exactly where the front door was.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
Ienzo just stared at Vanitas and frowned ever so slightly at the tiny comment. Of course he was small. He was still physically a child, even if he knew his intellect surpassed others his age.
He placed the clock back down and decided that if Vanitas was just going to sit there, he would go do something productive himself. He moved away from the bed and headed towards the door.
He slowly sat up. He was a kid. Again. “H-how? What did you do now?” He said as he rubbed his eyes a bit too roughly. “Ugh…What time is it…” He blinked a few times and gave another stare just to make sure it wasn’t a dream, or jut him being tired.
If Ienzo was the type to get offended, he would have given Vanitas a glare for his comment that implied he had done something to get himself into this predicament. He instead glanced around and shuffled over to the bedside table to pick up the clock and show it to Vanitas.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
He slowly sat up. He was a kid. Again. “H-how? What did you do now?” He said as he rubbed his eyes a bit too roughly. “Ugh…What time is it…” He blinked a few times and gave another stare just to make sure it wasn’t a dream, or jut him being tired.
If Ienzo was the type to get offended, he would have given Vanitas a glare for his comment that implied he had done something to get himself into this predicament. He instead glanced around and shuffled over to the bedside table to pick up the clock and show it to Vanitas.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
Ienzo pulled his hand back and tilted his head when his name was said. He mouthed the word ‘hello’ at Vanitas, but no sound actually came out. Now that Vanitas was awake, Ienzo decided to slide off from where he was perched on top of him and then proceeded to get off the bed also.
A small hand reached out and then gently patted Vanitas repeatedly on the face. Ienzo had somehow managed to get deaged or simply displaced in time and was now sitting on top of a sleeping Vanitas. He let out a small huff as Vanitas barely stirred and continued to pat his cheek until he woke up.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
A small hand reached out and then gently patted Vanitas repeatedly on the face. Ienzo had somehow managed to get deaged or simply displaced in time and was now sitting on top of a sleeping Vanitas. He let out a small huff as Vanitas barely stirred and continued to pat his cheek until he woke up.
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princeofillusions · 7 years
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Like/Reblog if you’re interested in interacting with the human personification of Vanitas’ keyblade Void Gear. Since this is a side-blog, I will be following back with my main account @princeofillusions​. Please check out my About and Rule pages for more information about how I play Void.
| About | Rules | Main blog | Other side-blogs |
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princeofillusions · 7 years
How Zexion's sass works
Zexion is an interesting case of sass because the reason he comes off sassy is that he says rude things but he says them in an ostensibly polite way. He never insults anyone straight out. 
Some examples (note: some of these are from the original CoM which has a slightly different script but the changes are small) 
What he says: I think eavesdropping is intrusive. Why are you even here? You and Xaldin were tasked to recruit new members. Have you forgotten or were you procrastinating?“  What he actually means: Xigbar you lazy, nosy shit get back to work 
What he says: You don’t have to eliminate them all. It’s your choice. Just like I don’t have to respect you for slinking back to the castle while there’s still work to be done What he actually means: Don’t be a lazy ass Roxas 
What he says: "Don’t I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?” What he actually means: Rude much Lexaeus?
What he says: You hated being an islander, so you opened the door to darkness and destroyed the islands. It was YOU! You were pulled into the darkness then, and now you belong to the darkness. What he actually means: You’re an ass 
What he says:  Zexion: Roxas, you and I and all the Organization’s members are what we call Nobodies. Roxas: Well, that’s not very nice. Zexion: With a capital N.  What he actually means: Give me strength to deal with this fantastical moron
What he says: Nice to see you too, Vexen. It’s such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together./Nice to see you too, Vexen. You know, it’s deplorable… The Organization used to be the rope that binds us. And now it’s full of kinks. What he actually means: Y’all rude 
Now granted not all of these are sassy but it does play into the idea that Zexion is not a frank speaker. And on top of this in Japanese Zexion always speaks in polite form even when social convention says he doesn’t need to (like when he’s talking to Roxas who is both younger than him and his subordinate and also to people he’s obviously known for a really long time and is likely super familiar with).  Like if you watch the Japanese cutscenes you’ll see a lot of ます at the end of his sentences which is used in polite verb conjugation 
A conjugation chart with sample stem 「遊び」ます conjugationsStem+ます Plainます遊びます Negativeません遊びません Pastました遊びました Past-Negませんでした遊びませんでした
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He also doesn’t drop the です at the end of sentences. です means to be and often times it can be dropped or replaced in a sentence when you’re not being formal. 
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btw that last can literally translates as “Is there a message of greeting? Lexaeus.” Which means “aren’t you going to greet me Lexaeus?” And it has です and か at the end of it so it’s said politely.  か is the question particle that you add at the end of a sentence to make it a question. It can be dropped in informal speech…you can drop a lot of things from a sentence is Japanese. Like hell if it’s obvious what you’re talking about you can drop the subject/topic from a sentence. It’d be like me in English going “My cat is black. is fat” instead of “My cat is black. He is also fat”. (not the best example but you get the idea) 
And finally someone who went to Japan told me that “The more you say in Japanese the politer you’re being” meaning that the more words/sounds it takes for you to say something the more polite it probably sounds. Which given informal forms are usually shorter than formal forms make sense. And we all know how much Zexion talks. 
So case in point, despite saying impolite things, Zexion sounds polite/formal. 
It makes for interesting sass as most sassy people are much more direct about their sass. It also makes for more clever sass as “hey I’m not sassing you because it sounds polite”. 
It also plays into Zexion’s personality of working from behind the scenes. He never insults someone directly, he does it backhandedly. He’s kind of rude and yet he hides it behind politeness. 
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princeofillusions · 7 years
(( laughs at my inactivity for the past two weeks on all my blogs. I’m a terrible rper. ahahahahaha... ))
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