"Oh?" She looks curious and interested in the thought of someone else having the same talent as her. "I would love to meet her sometime. It would be nice to have someone to possibly get advice from" She smiled in a friendly way at him feeling safe around this seemingly friendly man.
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First day || Louis & Kiara
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"Nice to meet you Louis" She hesitated at his next question unsure of answering for a brief moment but she knew she had nothing to fear here, her parents had been wrong in casting her out because she was different. "I need to learn how to control my powers. I can shape shift into a lioness but its happening at random and not of my own free will like its supposed to."
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First day || Louis & Kiara
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Kiara smiled warmly at the man who approached her "Hello, I'm Kiara who might you be?" She tilted her head curiously and began playing with her hair which was a nervous habit of hers.
First day || Louis & Kiara
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First day || Open
Kiara walked into the academy looking around at all the unfamiliar faces hesitantly but kept her head high she debated on a direction and began to wander around.
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My earliest memory is of my adoptive parents when I was 4, they were telling me about me being adopted and that they sadly knew nothing of my birth parents or where I came from. 
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