prunedbloom · 3 hours
happier headcanon q’s! 
1. what gives your muse hope? 
2. what is your muse’s favorite joke?
3. what is your muse’s favorite hobby?
4. what is your muse’s happiest memory?
5. what does self-care look like to your muse?
6. what is your muse’s favorite kind of weather?
7. what would your muse consider a perfect day?
8. what does your muse love doing with other people?
9. what does your muse consider their biggest success?
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
11. does your muse think people deserve second chances? 
12. what is something that will always make your muse laugh?
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
14. what was the best/funniest dream your muse has ever had?
15. what is something that’s made your muse so happy they’ve cried?
16. has your muse ever laughed so hard they’ve cried? what caused it?
17. what was the best/most thoughtful gift your muse has ever received?
18. what kind of hugs does your muse give? gentle? tight? pick and spin?
19. what would be the best way to cheer up your muse when they’re sad?
20. what is a way that your muse shows love and affection without words?
21. what is something good that your muse carries with them from childhood?
22. what does your muse consider the most beautiful place they’ve ever been?
23. does your muse like receiving gifts? what would be the best gift to get them?
24. what is your muse’s favorite animal? have they ever gotten to see one in person?
25. during difficult times, what is something your muse holds onto to get them through?
26. if your muse could go on vacation anywhere, what would be their dream destination?
27. when it comes to gift giving, does your muse tend to lean funny, practical, thoughtful? 
28. after a fight, how does your muse go about apologizing/making it up to the other person?
29. what is something that was difficult at the time, but taught them a valuable lesson they still hold onto?
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prunedbloom · 3 hours
sad headcanon q’s… 
1. who does your muse hate?
2. how does your muse handle grief?
3. what is your muse’s biggest regret? 
4. how many scars does your muse have?
5. how long can your muse hold a grudge?
6. how does your muse handle loneliness? 
7. what is one of your muse’s greatest fears?
8. what does your muse fear losing the most?
9. does your muse think violence is ever warranted?
10. what is the worst illness your muse has ever had?
11. what would your muse consider their worst failing?
12. does your muse tend to push themselves too hard?
13. how does your muse outwardly express their anger? 
14. what is the worst injury your muse has ever received? 
15. what might others consider your muse’s worst failing to be?
16. does your muse have a short fuse when it comes to temper?
17. who does your muse wish they had said goodbye to, but didn’t?
18. does your muse suffer from nightmares? how often? what about?
19. out of everything your muse has lost/given up, which hurt the most?
20. what is something your muse wants to tell others, but is too afraid to? 
21. how hard is it for your muse to open up to others? what holds them back?
22. looking back, what is one thing your muse wishes they had done differently? 
23. does your muse tend to be hard on themselves when they do something wrong?
24. does your muse lean more toward “forgive and forget” or “resent and remember?”
25. does your muse recognize their faults, or do they have trouble with self-reflection?
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prunedbloom · 1 day
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they turned her into a sweet treat....
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prunedbloom · 9 days
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sweet nothingness
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prunedbloom · 11 days
just told my mom i was gonna freak it sensitive style and she hyped me up with “ooh quiet down…. quiet down..” while i was dancing
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prunedbloom · 17 days
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A cat in a flower meadow - Enzo Bellini, 1998.
Italian, b. 1932 -
Line etching , 35 × 25.5 cm, plate: 23 × 16 cm,
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prunedbloom · 18 days
*me, flirting*: would you like to hunt me like a hungry wolf?
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prunedbloom · 20 days
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Bothersome beast, comforting friend
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prunedbloom · 21 days
loretta isn't usually one for jokes but i think she has a very dry kinda sense of humor. as in she will say smth totally outlandish with a straight face if she's feeling silly
one of her kids' friends to her once probably when they were in high school: hey do you know where jamie is
her: i ate him. 😐
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prunedbloom · 23 days
as per new blog tradition i place inbox call on the dash... as a little tasty treat...
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prunedbloom · 23 days
i'm on a jamie's mom roll while i chill and be eeby, so one more thing
she speaks both taiwanese and mandarin. jamie knows a bit of both but not enough to be fluent, just general conversational stuff. he can understand fairly well though
she often speaks taiwanese with him bc that is the main language she uses with her family. their yearly phone calls are in that language and it is always a joy seeing jamie fumble his words as he speaks back.
i like to think they play a game to see how long he can last before he gives up and slips in some english bc he doesnt know the words....
anyway jamie's a bilingual king….ish.
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prunedbloom · 24 days
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"how do you report someone on chess . Com?"
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prunedbloom · 24 days
speaking of jamie's mom, here's the jamie's mom post
miss li huiwen (going last name-first name) ... english name is loretta, she likes to be called lorrie :]
very stoic, but not cold, really. she just doesn't outwardly express much emotion, and definitely doesn't smile often. her emotions are locked away very tightly! this is mostly a deliberate choice - she sees no need to serve them up or bring eyes to them. i also like to think her parents claim she rarely cried as a baby.
values her community quite a lot, especially now that she lives alone with her plants (and her cat). she manages the plant nursery which she has been working at for many many years. her coworkers adore her. though there are definitely some frequent customers that think she's 'offputting'
has always found true solace in gardening. she names her plants, talks about their different 'personalities'… they're her little friends who need her. she likes to have something to care for, to be needed by something - a plant, a pet, a child. it keeps her tethered to the world.
she is fascinated by human anatomy and the workings of it. originally that was what she was studying - she wanted to become smth like a physical therapist or smth in forensic science. then she got her silly plant nursery job which was supposed to be temporary but she was like ugh. i like this so much more
still she loves to critique gore in movies and books. "an injury like that wouldn't bleed that way" / "that is NOT what happens if you get sliced there" / "that is NOT what that organ looks like" etc etc
loves mae so much. as everyone does! she sends her holiday cards in the mail, complete with fun animal facts or something. she is very happy to be a grandmother, even though she doesn't see mae very often.
when jamie graduated, he and his mama went out to dinner afterward, and she told him she was proud of him. he cried. and now she makes it a point to tell him she's proud of him - she always ends their calls with that
not afraid of any bug. she will beat the shit out of the scariest roach you've ever seen. she'd be a great monster hunter.
she can play the piano!
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prunedbloom · 24 days
hi hello holy moly i've been gone a while but look!!! i bring you prompts! and these are MONTHS old according to my notes app! but basically i'm two weeks and four days away from returning to my home country, and my mother sent me some tea from home, and i just got thinking about the sheer power of a cup of tea, yk? anyway! here it is! and here are my conditions! DO NOT ADD OR CHANGE THIS LIST! and also feel free to add "REVERSE" if you want to switch the rolls, i suppose!
[ COLD ]: With a notable drop in temperatures, the sender makes some tea for themself and the receiver, if not for drinking then for the warmth and comfort of holding the mugs in their chilled hands.
[ SHOCK ]: Having found a most-definitely-in-shock receiver, the sender makes a big, strong, and immensely sweet cup of tea for them in order to restore them a little bit.
[ ANOTHER ]: While preparing a cup for themself, the sender makes a second cup for the receiver in a polite and low-effort gesture towards them.
[ FIX ]: The sender, realizing the receiver is genuinely upset about something, comforts them and makes some tea in the hopes of lifting their spirits some bit.
[ WEARY ]: After a mutually extensive day, the sender and receiver return home, and the sender prepares some tea as a soothing introduction to their bedtime routine.
[ BETTER? ]: The sender, at a loss for how to approach the receiver who has clearly endured a very difficult time, decides to make some tea in an effort to console them and possibly encourage them to talk about it.
[ GUEST ]: The sender welcomes the receiver into their home with open arms and two strong mugs of tea. (There may also be food of some kind, that's for you to decide!)
[ WHY NOT? ]: The sender prepares some tea for both themself and the receiver, not out of any great need or want, but because their default setting is making tea and frankly they can't see any harm in it either way.
[ DECAF ]: The sender subtly intervenes in the receiver's sleep schedule by bringing them a cup of tea rather than a cup of coffee in the hopes that they might get some sleep that night.
[ TRY ]: The sender just received a new kind of tea, and prepares some for themself and the receiver because who better to share the experience with than the receiver?
[ COPING ]: In the aftermath of some terrible and life-changing news, the sender busies their self with preparing some tea to give themselves something to do other than think about what's just happened.
[ INSTINCT ]: Something isn't quite right with the receiver, and the sender knows it. In order to get them to open up, the sender prepares some tea.
[ REFRESHMENT ]: Someone made cookies, and what is a cookie without a cup of tea? The receiver won't need to find out; the sender is already making a cup as we speak.
[ TEA ]: The receiver has just arrived with some particularly excellent and scandalous gossip; the sender, unwilling to let the receiver's voice dry out during the revelation, prepares some tea to go with it.
[ RELAX ]: After a particularly stressful day, the sender prepares some tea so that they can finally begin to relax and unwind in the evening.
[ OLIVE BRANCH ]: The receiver is angry with the sender; the cup of tea is just the sender's cautious attempts to heal the relationship.
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prunedbloom · 24 days
garden of earthly bodies.
dialogue prompts from garden of earthly bodies by sally oliver.
do you think this is a mistake?
i think you should say you changed your mind.
do you remember what we talked about?
i have endless stores of self-pity.
i feel less awful than before.
you're allowed to lose it now and again.
i don't mean to be horrible.
you can't adopt someone's pain to dilute your own.
stop being smart with me.
you'll give me a heart attack one day.
you're pushy.
life has a way of revealing the truth to you before it occurs.
how come you haven't said anything?
i wish you'd take things more seriously.
i wish i knew when i was going to die. then i could be ready for it.
i'm relieving you of your conscience, alright?
i don't want to write about it. i don't owe that to anyone.
nobody has seen your face in half a year.
i had a strange dream in the night. you were in it.
you probably won't remember most of it.
you need to look out for yourself. nobody else will.
can you stay in my room tonight? i don't want to be alone.
there's no point in being secretive.
you can't shut everyone out. one day they won't bother.
i don't think i'm really in myself.
i miss you all the time.
are you in any pain?
i'm bored of waiting for everything.
you're almost smiling again.
think more of yourself and less of others.
don't give away your thoughts. you won't get them back.
you don't have to say anything if you don't want to.
i wanted you to love me the same way i love you.
do you believe in god?
what can you not tolerate in others?
what is the quality you least like about yourself?
i love my parents, but i've never understood them.
this is the most alone i've ever felt.
i have to find something to wear.
hospitals manage despair, not disease.
it helps if you're stoned. only, don't do that.
i don't want to leave you if you're so unhappy.
watch the road, not me.
do you visit cemeteries often?
female comradeship is its own religion.
don't pull that sad, serious look you do.
i'm running out of ways to procrastinate.
i could like anything about you.
i wonder if you'll ever hate me.
life is too long and too brief.
i was always going to come home again.
you don't look like you.
you'll get back to feeling like your old self. just let it happen.
i don't even know what it means anymore. to 'be myself'.
i know who you are. i just can't believe it.
i'm not going to make this easy.
nothing is ever as sinister as you think.
i can tell something's not right.
we'll move at your pace.
i miss who i was. i don't feel like the same person anymore.
a life can end and not be over.
you had me. what about me?
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prunedbloom · 26 days
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🌿 that strange woman, the one who never smiles… the grieving widow who feeds the cats—
mutuals only + crossover & oc friendly, of course. sideblog to @jfouler !
here lies horror, eerie mountain woodlands, and the blurred lines between love and hate. also, cats. and fun flower symbolism, probably. 🥀
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prunedbloom · 1 month
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Leonora Carrington, from The Hearing Trumpet
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