pxisonkiss · 2 years
“I was trying to make a sentimental moment, but it seems that both of us are incapable of it.” Oswald sighed, leaning back into the plush couches that lined the side of the Iceberg Lounge. “Don’t bring up Edward when i’m trying to relax. And he’s crossed me far more time than I have crossed him.” Oswald said, knowing his version of the scoreboard by heart. “We’re even now. Settled the score by breaking him out of prison. Hypothetically. If anyone asks, I know nothing about it.”
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Pam smirked briefly, glancing over at Oswald. “I wouldn’t have mistaken you for sentimental,” she said. “At least not anymore.” Considering the pitfalls sentiment had lead him into in the past. She laughed lightly at his response to Edward, glancing over at him. “Mmm, I have a feeling that’s not his version of the story,” she said. “Then again, he certainly views things in a unique way.” To say the absolute least. “Oh, of course not,” she said, smirking again. “You never have your finger in any Gotham pies.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
“I’m kind of her brother.” He grimaced. The kind of part could be applicable to his being her half brother or the fact they didn’t know for sure as of yet. Nonetheless, it was hard for him not to consider her a sister already (he didn’t have too much experience with it, but he hoped this was how it felt. It was nice). “Just wanted to stop on by and check in.”
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Pam arched an eyebrow as he spoke, looking over at him. She personally didn’t think he looked a thing like Barbara Kean, although he did remind her of someone else -- even if the name eluded her at the moment. “What’s your name?” she said finally, still regarding him cautiously. “I would advise you against becoming a thorn in that woman’s side. She’s the type who would gladly set herself on fire to burn someone who made her angry.” 
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
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On a few rare occasions, Charles tends to subconsciously speak whilst projecting into another mind and this happened to be one of those times, words jumble constructing varying sentences. Cocking his head delayed from retreating out of his student’s mind whom was having a bad day, flushing all in the same. “Isn’t my face red.” Charles said, chuckle tasted as awkward as it sounded. “Wouldn’t expect you to be my therapist we don’t know each other though, naked truths with strangers tend to be the best.” He said, clearing his throat before informing her. “I do, apologise. I happened to be talking with a student,” Charles lightly tapped against his temple. “Sometimes I projected outwardly. But I couldn’t agree more about the biggest hurdle bring that of the incline.” He said, retreating fully from his student’s mind once he saw that the student was alright. “Actually, I wanted to meet you after my partner spoke so highly of you, Dr. Isley.” 
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Pam’s eyebrows drew together in a little scowl of consternation as the man continued to speak. She’d always thought she perfectly projected an air of don’t, especially when it came to men, but evidently it was either ignored or completely unobserved in this case. “With your mind?” she clarified, arching an eyebrow. She supposed she had seen odder things during her time in Gotham, but considering the man was a stranger, she wasn’t immediately ready to take him at his word. It was entirely possible he was just bananas, as Harley would probably call it. He seemed urbane enough, but then again, she knew plenty of rogues who could project an air of civility while also being mad as hatters. She snorted softly as he spoke. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way, I suppose,” she said dryly. “I just lack the will to help the majority of people.” She glanced at him. “And who is your partner?”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
     “Oh?” Selina rose a brow at that. “I guess it’ll just be the three of us then” she mused. She missed spending time with them both but she understood that their loves were all a lot busier lately. At least with Pam there Selina stood a chance at not being completely distracted. She was a big fan of not getting caught when it came to things like this. There were only so many favours she could call in with Bruce, believe it or not. 
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Pam sighed softly. She wasn’t one for confidences, and Harley’s mental health certainly wasn’t her story to share, even if she had such a personal stake in it. “Yes, I suppose it will just be the three of us,” she said, and smiled briefly. “Unless you want Lucy to come. She’s half-Harleen and her personality is virtually identical.” She gave a little toss of her head and offered a faint smile. “I’ll be there to make sure Barbara doesn’t distract you too badly with those sparkling blue eyes of hers.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
Gamora nodded her head “there is no lie there, we can destroy worlds with a mere smile, we are always seen as non-threatening.” She mused before shrugging “the blame rest solely on those who imprisoned those simply because society demands certain things from women, Space is different from this planet here, I’m not quite sure I like it.” She offered before nodding her head “We have one of those in our group, too many they don’t understand why we even allow them as part of our group but they are important to our teammates.”
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Pam chuckled faintly. “It’s a double-edged sword,” she commented. “On the one hand, we should be seen as the powerful creatures we are. On the other, it can be helpful to lure someone into a false sense of security. Be the serpent under it, and all that.” She snorted. “Where else have you been?” she said. “I doubt many planets are as backward as ours.” She gave a dry laugh. “To be fair to Ed, he is a genius. He’s more full of himself than a Russian nesting doll, but he is a genius. The problem lies in the fact that he’s very much aware of it.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
@gentleman-bird​:  true wealth is the friends you make along the way.
Pam glanced over at him, arching an eyebrow as an amused smirk touched her lips. “I would think you of all people would flat-out gag at that sort of tripe,” she said, her lips twitching into what passed for a smile when she wasn’t looking at Harley. “Although I suppose you could always trade a so-called friend for something you want, so they do have some value for you.” She paused, considering. “You and Nygma have traded each other back and forth a couple of times, haven’t you?” 
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
“Sorry I was looking for Barbara,” The bar was pretty quiet this time of day, being so early and all. Theo wasn’t too surprised frankly, nonetheless he’d been hoping to catch Barbara at an opportune time. She wasn’t even here. “Sorry for bothering you.” He grimaced sheepishly. 
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Pam glanced up at the young man, arching an eyebrow. She didn’t tend to put her nose in Barbara’s business, but she had to admit she was curious as to why this stranger was looking for her. “Who are you?” she said bluntly. “And what do you want with Barbara?”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
Harley bit down on her lower lip, wondering if it was safe to tell Pam the truth. What if she thought she was going crazy and wouldn’t want her anymore? That happened with Joker a lot. She’d do something too high profile when he wanted to stay hidden, and he’d toss her to the side like she was a broken toy. “Mhmm,” she lied, a soft smile appearing as her girlfriend kissed her fingers. “I know, baby,” she replied, desperately trying to escape from Joker’s voice inside her head. She could picture herself running from his words, their sharp edges catching her skin as they whizzed past her. “I’m just hearin’ things again,” she blurted out, unable to help herself. “It’s oki doki, though! I know how ta make it stop fer a bit.” Nodding, she grabbed her mallet, which was on the floor beside her. “Ya just gotta whack-a-mole my head an’ I can escape.”
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Pam looked up at Harley, watching her for a moment. She loved this woman more than anything else, and she hated the thought of Harley being in such mental and emotional turmoil. One of the most important things in her life was Harley’s happiness. “What sort of things?” she said softly, trying to keep her expression calm as if her heart hadn’t sank at the words. “Is it him?” She shook her head, squeezing Harley’s hands gently. “You know I can’t do that,” she said softly. “I would never do anything to hurt you, ever. Even if you think it would help. I’m here, I can help you. Just not like this.” 
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
“Somehow I doubt that.” She said once Pamela said she missed her terribly. Pulling back from the other woman, she felt herself sigh. Her relationship with Pamela was a complicated one. Of course, she respected the way she slaughtered people in the name of plants. It was a fun little gimmick and of course, there was the way she controlled people with pheromones. As someone who played around with chemicals, she couldn’t help but admire it. The only thing she didn’t like has how quickly she took Harley after her arrest. She hummed to herself. “I’d normally try to kill you for replacing me… but the trouble is. I really like your spunk.” 
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Pam shrugged her shoulders delicately, glancing at the younger woman. Of course she hadn’t quite missed Punchline, but she -- perhaps surprisingly -- didn’t bear any grudges toward her. She had made a mistake in leaving Harley, and while wrath was her specialty, she directed it toward those who deserved to be punished. As much as it hard hurt to see Harley with someone else, she’d understood -- and that was another complicated matter. She knew how much Harley cared for Punchline. She couldn’t bring herself to loathe someone who had made Harley happy. She arched an eyebrow. “Darling, you replaced me,” she said mildly. “I would advise you to remember that.” She shrugged. “But I admire yours too.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
Gamora looked at the other; she had to admit the woman on Terra seemed to just give into their roles throughout time but she would never be one to conform that much was certain. “It’s quite the shame actually, given how this world mostly holds only women. You seem different than the ones you talk about, you would never allow such injustices to happen to yourself.” She mused looking at the plants smiling softly “they are quite the testament to your skills that much is certain” She replied impressed with the other simply because of her talent and beauty. “I shall have to be on the lookout for him then, though I don’t take kindly to people acting with the sense
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Pam smiled faintly and shrugged her shoulders. “I think men have always been afraid of women,” she said. “Or rather, they are afraid of anyone who might topple them from the power they have selfishly seized.” She chuckled. “No, I certainly wouldn’t,” she said. “Though I don’t criticize the women who are still trapped under the proverbial boot heel. We shouldn’t blame them and avoid placing blame on the ones crushing them.” She smiled. “Oh, certainly,” she said. She very much hoped Hazel and Thorn would return to Gotham one day soon. She couldn’t help but sort. “Yes, Ed Nygma is an acquired taste,” she said. “Although he would say a required taste.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
“i look incredibly hot today and i think it’s a crime against humanity that no one is appreciating it.” // @pxisonkiss​
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She said nothing for a moment as she took in what Pam had said. Why would she say that? Harley always thought she looked hot, and she thought her girlfriend knew that. Was she not vocalising how much she appreciated her enough? Did she need more love? Harley was a little distracted lately. When she was off her meds, she tended to get lost in her thoughts and live in a fantasy world. “I do appreciate it,” she finally said, a hint of a pout tugging at her lips. “I always appreciate ya, daffodil. I think yer the hottest woman in the world. I thought ya knew that, considerin’ we’re at it like cute lil’ bunnies most of the time,” Harley shrugged. 
Pam couldn’t help but frown a little, her eyebrows drawing together. She had just been teasing, or at least trying to be teasing, and it seemed like Harley had taken in the wrong way. “I know, darling,” she said, reaching out and tucking a strand of fair hair behind her ear. “Are you alright?” she asked her softly, kneeling down so she could look up into Harley’s beloved face. She took both of Harley’s hands in her own, gently pressing kisses to her fingers. “You know I am here for you through anything, always. There’s nothing you can’t tell me.”
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
❝ Nice entrance. That was a solid 8 out of 10. ❞ 
“I am known for my theatrics.” She replied. Tossing the meat she carried in aside for the hyenas to tare apart. She could hear their quiet growling beneath the heavy clacking of her heals against the floor. “Hiya, plant girl. It’s been a minute.” She said, pushing closer to her and leaning up to get into her face. “Did you miss me?”
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Pam snorted softly. “Oh, is that what you’re known for?” She glanced over at the hyenas as they enjoyed Punchline’s treat, before looking back at the woman herself as Punchline leaned in close. “Oh, I just missed you terribly,” she said archly. “I felt your absence every day.” Which was true, though she didn’t elaborate on just how. 
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pxisonkiss · 2 years
Gamora took in all the plant life around them Groot would love this place there was no denying that, everything was well loved and flourished. “Yet if you were a man you would be seen as taking control over an impossible situation, this planet’s ideals on the genders is ridiculous. Sometimes certain situations call for extreme measures. I don’t disagree with your methods.” she mused before looking at the other for a moment “Daughters? It’s a pretty color I’ll give to you, I don’t know Edward Nygma…”
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Pam couldn’t help the crooked grin that spread across her features as the other woman spoke. “The story of womankind since the beginning of time,” she said dryly. “Men take control and get lauded, women do it and get torn down.” She smiled. “Well, I’ll continue even if no one agrees, but thank you.” She nodded. “Yes, I have three,” she said. “I created them myself from sporelings.” Pam laughed lightly. “He’s difficult to miss. Tall, thin, usually wearing at least one green item. Thinks he’s the intellectual superior of virtually everyone he comes across.”
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pxisonkiss · 3 years
     “I’m not trying to diminish your other feelings when I say that…more…trying to make sure you’re alright now” Selina tip toed around the subject. She and Harley had only recently reconciled and while Selina could tell that they were both happy, Pam was pretty hard to read. “Right” she nodded, feeling possessive suddenly. Not only did she want to be there to make sure that Barbara was alright there was something else…something more. She hadn’t openly admitted it to anybody yet even if it had probably been obvious to her close friends but she’d developed feelings for the blonde. Feelings that had no place being there given how the other had made it very clear that she held no interest in such a thing right now. “It’s with me or it doesn’t happen…speaking of which. I was kind of hoping you and Harley might come along?”
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Pam gave a delicate little shrug as the other woman spoke. “I understand,” she said. She was not someone easily given to confidences, even with someone that she genuinely liked, as she did Selina. Especially when it came to a subject that made her feel as vulnerable as Harley did. “I’m alright.” She couldn’t help the faint smile that flickered over her lips as she noticed the way Selina’s voice changed. It was certainly evident that Selina Kyle cared more for Barbara Kean than one cared for a friend, and if asked, Pam would have genuinely wished her good luck with that. Barbara was basically a living minefield -- granted, a beautiful one, but there were so many untapped problems, waiting landmines, that one false step -- or one bad day -- could trigger an explosion. Pam liked her, but she definitely would not want to be the person walking that ground. Pam frowned a little. “I’ll go,” she said. “I’m not sure if Harleen...she’s been rather occupied with Jeremiah since he woke up.” It was her way of saying she sensed something off with her Harley since the Joker knock-off had woken up.
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pxisonkiss · 3 years
Dawn watched her for a moment. “Yet you have all this power but you choose not to help. That reason may be different but that makes you the thing you judge.” Dawn told her sternly. As she claimed that she would destroy the world for herself, Dawn didn’t flinch. “How is that working out for you?” She asked simply.
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Pam arched an eyebrow. “Why would I help a species that has done nothing but destroy the planet while benefiting from that slaughter?” she said. “And in any case, I never took up a profession that dedicated itself to protecting and serving. That’s the police. Nor do I have an infinite amount of wealth at my disposal. That’s Bruce Wayne. Why should it become my job simply because they’re shirking theirs?” Pam shrugged, and roots lifted from the ground underneath her, carrying her up and fashioning themselves into a throne, so she could sit as she towered over Dawn. “Fairly well, thank you.”
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pxisonkiss · 3 years
Gamora found she didn’t mind the other; it was rather telling that the few words spoken between them didn’t want to have her wanting to just run her through with a dagger. “Eco-terrorist seems a bit extreme for someone who is quite obviously into loving the planet. Poison Ivy? That is quite the name given; it’s linked to somewhat tame plant life.” She mused before nodding her head “A Doctorate in botany I assume?” She had done a bit of reading while here on Terra if only to understand more about Peter’s world. “That makes the most sense. I seriously doubted many of your people here took on the green pigmentation, but it’s always worth it and asks.”
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Pam gave a soft chuckle as the other woman spoke. “It’s definitely extreme,” she said, with a little shrug. “I do occasionally...” Often. “Engage in activities that may be construed as violent...” Such as murder. “But it’s all for the greater good. Powerful men get away with poisoning the environment, up until I stop them, at any rate. Sometimes they serve as an example. But that example has to be significant for it to matter to other people like them.” She smiled. “That’s right,” she said. She snorted softly. “No,” she said. “Only myself and one of my daughters. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if Edward Nygma would go green.”
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pxisonkiss · 3 years
@mindsovermetal​: “There’s something wrong with me.”
Pam looked over at him, arching an eyebrow. “And?” she said. How was that her problem? “You may have mistaken me for your therapist or your physician, but I’m neither.” She smiled briefly. “Although I do have a PhD. But considering you aren’t full of chlorophyll, I have neither the inclination nor the qualifications to help you.” She paused. “The biggest hurdle is the inclination, if I’m being entirely honest.”
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