pzskye ¡ 2 years
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I posted 96 times in 2021
92 posts created (96%)
4 posts reblogged (4%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 286 tags in 2021
#utapri - 40 posts
#uta no prince-sama - 39 posts
#yandere - 37 posts
#yandere au - 32 posts
#yandere male - 30 posts
#prince/princess/angel asks - 24 posts
#au - 24 posts
#starish - 23 posts
#yandere males - 21 posts
#quartet night - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this one probably seems less yandere but since i like to build relationships instead of just throwing a yandere into it you'll probably see
My Top Posts in 2021
Blog Masterlist
Their Yandere Types (ST☆RISH)
Their Yandere Type (QUARTET NIGHT)
Their Yandere Type (HE★VENS)
Ringo Tsukimiya & Ryuya Hyuga Type
Satsuki (Shinomiya) Type
Haruka Nanami Type
Tomochika Shibuya Type
Seiichiro Jinguji Type (Possessive & Manipulative Type)
When You First Meet -
Otoya Ittoki
Masato Hijirikawa
Natsuki Shinomiya
Tokiya Ichinose
Fairytale AU -
Otoya Ittoki (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Masato Hijirikawa (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Natsuki Shinomiya (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Tokiya Ichinose (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Yandere Shining Live AU -
Syo & Ranmaru (You getting trapped inside.)
Natsuki, Ren, & Cecil (You getting trapped inside.)
Ren & Ai (Switching them to another.)
Exploring inside Shining Live with Natsuki and asking to see the others.
Fantasy AU - 
Yamato Hyuga Scenario.
Eiichi, Kira, and Eiji Scenarios
See the full post
20 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 23:24:51 GMT
Oh! A Fantasy AU! I'm a sucker for those ones. I saw the Fantasy AU you made for Yandere Yamato, and I love it. How would you cast the rest of Heavens in your AU, if that's okay? If that's too many characters, I'd like to hear how you would cast Eiji, Eiichi, and Kira in your Fantasy AU.
Aah, thank you so much! I also love Fantasy AUs too which is why I made my own here! Also thank you for all the asks you sent in! (I’m assuming they were all from you?) You gave me some very exciting things. (Also my Fantasy AU is pretty much my Monster AU I created for Halloween last year but never actually wrote but shhh it’s okay.)
~ ~ ~ ~
Eiichi Otori:
You were treated as a monster by the town’s people as soon as he turned you. Why you ever thought it was a good idea to go find a vampire’s castle was beyond you. All you wanted was to try to get to know him, despite all the risks. You thought that if he knew he had a friend, a human ally then you would be able to convince the people that monsters and fairytale creatures shouldn’t be feared.
That everyone could live in harmony.
It worked out too, in the beginning. Even if he seemed closed off at first you were able to get him to open up. You figured out that he wasn’t harmful. He only acted that way to close out other people so he could protect himself. Yet you were able to get him to trust you. You were able to learn so much and how he truly cared for the people close to him.
You figured out he had a brother who lived close by in a garden, and that he had five other allies who came to see him often. What you never knew before it was too late was his overpowering feelings for you. You never realized the desire, the want. He was always kind but you never thought he felt that way.
He was obsessed and talked about you to his friends in such great lengths. For when it was time for you to go, it was hard for him to accept it. So when you visited him on the next blood moon he offered you what you considered to be a harmless hug. Yet the pain of his fangs sinking down into your neck shattered that thought.
He drank and drank until you passed out. Your blood was delicious to him, it was impossible for him to stop. When you finally went limp did he come to his senses and realized what he had done. He felt guilt over what happened. Until he realized that you were going to be with him, forever.
Then as soon as you woke up the next day you noticed that change. The sudden craving for blood. When he offered you his help you denied, quickly running out of the castle. By the time you got into town they all knew. If Eiichi didn’t come down to save you then you would’ve been killed.
Now you're stuck. In this castle only with him. You can’t go back to the life you previously knew. Even though he’s fine with it. Now he has you to help with his loneliness, and soon you'll see the bright side in all of this.
Kira Sumeragi:
You try to wriggle your way free but he’s got an extremely tight hold on you. After a while you stop in hopes to try to gain some air back into your lungs. You move your head back and stare up at him. Those golden snake eyes staring down at your small form. Your eyes trail down to the scales along his neck to his chest. Turning into a snake tail that you're caught in.
His grip around you loosens only enough for you to breathe properly again. He moves his long tail to bring you face to face with him. You’re so high up that you don’t even dare to struggle. He moves in towards your neck and smells it before darting out his tongue to give it a slow lick. You close your eyes and your ears atop your head twitch in response.
You were always adventurous and wanting to live away from your family, so you decided to live in a different forest. His forest. Your parents always told you to never trust a snake or else you’d become their next meal. Yet you trusted him. He was your first friend, the one who showed you around. You relied on him.
It wasn’t until you noticed how all of the other predators left you alone. How he knew the forest like the back of his hand. How he controlled everything. As soon as your senses told you that something wasn’t right you packed up and left as soon as possible. Except that decision was also what led you here. Stuck wrapped in his tail, about to be his next meal.
“...I love you…” You're frozen at his words as he pulls back to look at you. He moves his arms to wrap around you. His tail falls off of you and you're placed in his lap. He pulls you into a soft yet secure hug as you feel the coolness of his scales. He starts humming a certain melody, making your body go limp. Slowly you drift off into a deep sleep. Not knowing when or where you’ll wake up.
Eiji Otori:
You pound at the glass of your captivity. You thought that the two of you were friends, but he went and stuck you in a glass jar. With your wings taking up most of your space it is hard to move around, much less it’s not like you could just knock the jar down or grow back to human size. You look behind you at your torn wing. You had to walk until you found him in hopes he would help, but instead he did this to you.
As a fellow fairy and a friend you thought he would heal you so you could use your magic again. Instead he was quick to put you in a jar and tell you that everything will be alright. You were angry. You trusted him, a half-breed like yourself but you never knew it would turn out like this. Your situation even made you think about that other fairy who suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.
Even Eiji was surprised to hear they were missing, but it also seemed like he knew something the rest of us didn’t. The door opened pulling you away from your thoughts. Eiji walked in and flew straight over to you. You shot him a deadly glare but he was still happy to see you. He apologizes for keeping you locked up from time to time, but now all he talks about is the two of you being together.
He points out the things he loves about you and habits he’s noticed. He tells you everyday how much you mean to him. Even if you did once feel the same way, you can’t accept what he’s done to you now. It’s always the same thing. Everyday all he does is talk to you when he’s home.
It was surprising when he took the jar and decided that the two of you should have a little “date” together. Then as soon as you felt the sun your mood instantly brightened up. When the two of you were alone and out of hearing reach he opened up the lid to the jar. You propped yourself up to stare at the world you loved and missed.
“I’m sorry (Y/N)... I’ll heal you now so you can be free.” You turn around to stare at him. His words caught you by surprise. You could see remorse in his eyes and it made you look away. You thought about those days he talked about you and suddenly realized how much he really knew about you, how much he really loved you. You moved your small hand to touch his holding the jar.
Then you looked in his eyes for a second before dropping yourself back into your confinement. You hear him let out a surprised, but happy gasp. You sit as best as you could and hug your knees to your chest. Somehow, that budding flower of love has planted itself back into your heart.
21 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 22:34:10 GMT
I remember you did Starish reacting to their senpais trying to steal their special someone but how about the opossite? How would QN react to one of their kohais trying to steal their special someone from them?
I’m going to do this as though STARISH are not yanderes, but if you would like them to be yanderes for this ask then please just request again!
Reiji Kotobuki:
    Reiji really thought he could’ve trusted Otoya. Otoya was like a little brother to him after all! He cared for Otoya and taught him well as a senpai, so he never thought he would do something like try to take you away from him. In Reiji’s eyes, he couldn’t trust Otoya anymore. All Reiji had was you, and Otoya… tried to take that away.
    Reiji can’t help but to hide you away. Making sure his kouhai could never reach you again. He knows it will hurt you at first. The two of you were so very close after all. With how you two would talk together privately in the corner of rooms about music. You always fidgeting in excitement as you talked about his songs. 
    Then all it took was for him to look away for a split second. That one little second that changed everything. When he looked back at the two of you, you were gone. Vanished, disappeared. Just like that. Reiji felt his world crashing. Anxiety hitting him and ripping him apart. A flash of the ocean waves crossed through his mind before he roughly shook it off. 
    He had to find you. He needed you. He wouldn’t let his other best friend slip away from him. Reiji had to find you, fast. Who knows what you are doing to yourself right now. What if you’re doing the same thing as him?
    Reiji was spiralling. He quickly left in hopes of catching up to you. As he ran out of the Master Course he saw you go into a black car with Otoya. Otoya, caused this hurt. This pain. Otoya always made everyone happy, Reiji thought that happiness could’ve been trusted. Now there’s only dark clouds covering the sun. He could make Reiji happy no more. He could no longer make you happy either.
    It connected to Reiji. You weren’t trying to run away from him. Instead it was Otoya trying to take you away from him. With this realization it finally made sense to Reiji. You were being controlled by Otoya. You would never want to leave him of all people. You love him, why would you want to leave him?
    Reiji quickly went to his own car. He tailed the two of you until you stopped. As soon as he saw you get out of the car he got out of his own and ran towards you. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him.
    “It’s okay (N/N)... I’m here to save you. To protect you from him.”
    Reiji started to stroke your hair ever so gently. He felt you shake in his arms, but that’s only natural when you're just with someone who kidnapped you from the one you love. Otoya comes around to see Reiji holding you as though you are going to break. Otoya can’t help but to stare afraid at the sight. Reiji knows that it’s because he was caught in the act.
    Reiji can’t help but to stare in hatred at Otoya. He doesn’t say a single word to him. Just calmly and gently urges you into his car, saying it’s time to go home. All you could do was obey. Leaving Otoya behind as the two of you went home. As soon as you walked through the door all of Reiji’s previous feelings left. Relief washed over him in a huge wave.
    He quickly took you to your shared bedroom and made quick measures to make sure Otoya could never take you again. To make sure no one could take you again. The chains he’s been keeping put away finally come out. Now is a good time as any, to finally put them to use.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    Ranmaru always knew Ren was a flirt, but for him to go so low as to try to take you away from him? He couldn’t stand it. There’s no way you’d be happier with someone like that. Someone who flirts around with girls and doesn’t dedicate his time to you. He hates even thinking about you enjoying a life like that.
    So when he catches you chatting it up with the playboy he can’t help but to feel anger well up inside of him. Especially since this isn’t the first time the two of you have been caught. Ranmaru strides over towards the two of you. Making the once happy, playful atmosphere turn serious. With Ranmaru’s added presence you look away from Ren. Ren focuses his eyes on his senpai.
    Ranmaru takes your arm and pulls you into him. He glares at Ren and threatens him before leaving with you by his side. Instead of going into another room the two of you leave the place all together. Once the two of you are in the car back home his anger subsidies just enough to notice that you're shaking. Ren must’ve done this to you.
    Ranmaru can’t handle how that flirt has been with you. What if things became more than talking? What if you ended up becoming his? He hates the thought. Especially since your Ranmaru’s. He’s the one you should love. He’s the only one you should love. 
    Ranmaru takes your shaking hand. You slowly turn to look at him with fear clearly in your eyes.
    “Don’t worry. I’m here for ya now.”
    Ranmaru keeps true to that promise. As soon as the two of you reach home he makes sure no one can reach you ever again. Forever locked away in your home filled with cats. Never to see the sunlight again.
Ai Mikaze:
    Natsuki has been getting too close. Far too close then Ai would like. He’s been talking more to you and touching you more. Giving you hugs and affection. Even when he’s not there he knows what’s going on. 
    Of course Ai knows that you love him the most, but he just refuses to share with his kouhai. He has to get you out of there. He has to stop all your interaction with Natsuki. To stop whatever he’s feeling. A feeling that he doesn’t understand.
See the full post
23 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 01:24:06 GMT
If you feeling up it, I want to make a request which is... I'm kind of curious it
pov: you spent a lot of time with one of the starish and quartet night member in utapri shining live game, one of the member starting to act strange but you shrug it off because you think it's the featured of the game..
Then next thing you know, you got forced inside to trap in the game forever..
-- Can you do for Syo and Ranmaru? - -
Thank you for the ask! When I first read this ask I got super excited for it! I really like this idea! So if you or anyone else would like to request anything (more) pertaining to this au(?) then please go ahead and ask!
(Note: Some line spoilers for higher level bonds.)
~ ~
    After a hard day of work you come home and move to a comfy spot to start your evening of relaxation. Of course, the choice of app to relax your overworked brain is none other than the rhythm game “Uta no Prince-Sama: Shining Live”. You open it up to get greeted by your best boy on the screen...
Syo Kurusu:
    “I was waiting for you! Y'know, you're welcome here any time!” A smile blossoms across your face, a smile that unknowingly sends his heart to race. He’s so happy that you decided to see him again today. He watches as you switch the mode to portrait, making you focus all of your attention on him. You tap his chest and pure bliss is the only thing to describe what he’s feeling.
    “Oh, hey... I'm happy you're here.” His blue eyes watch as you bunch up in joy at his words. He feels like doing the same, but it would be risky to go off script right now. You tap him on the head this time, “Ahh, I feel so relaxed when you stroke me like that.”. Continuous happiness flows into him as he feels the bond growing higher. He knows that he’s your favorite. You have the highest bond with him after all. No one is even near to the number you have with him.
    He loves all the effort you put into the relationship. Every smile you send him fills him up with butterflies. When you would tell him that you love him and gush over him. When you would tell him about your day and what happened. The roller coasters of the good and bad things, he was there for all of it. He doesn’t even remember when he started to feel this way. To feel so in love that he just wanted you with him, constantly.
    He wanted to act off script for you. He wanted to respond to the times you would cry and laugh a lot more seriously and carefree than the lines he was given. He fully wanted you to know how much he was there for you outside of his written code. Everyday he was terrified about something happening to you. What if someone attacked you, or hurt you in a way where you could never be fixed.
    He was scared of those thoughts. Those days he would see tears worried him. He wants to protect you. He needs to protect you. Still, this screen is blocking him from doing so. From being a full beam of support and protection. Like he wants to be.
    “Hm? What's with all the staring? I'm here to look after you, so don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.” You remained idle for too long. You were just staring at him with a lovestruck look on your face, but it also held a bit of sadness to it too. That’s when he figured it out. He has to do what he’s been planning on. Now is the time to do it. It’s so obvious from the look on your face. You want to be here with him too.
    You move to touch him again. He meets your touch against the screen with his hand. A blinding white light goes across the whole screen. When it disappears the screen is gone. He’s left to look around in the chosen scene and outfit to see if it worked. He walks around the area and then finally spots you.
    You’re lying on the ground a little ways off. Syo runs to you afraid that it went wrong. That you're hurt or worse. He falls down to his knees. He picks up your torso and cradles your head. Faint breathing can be heard coming from your sleeping form. He lets out a sigh of relief as he buries his head in your chest.
    He’s so happy it worked. To be able to feel and hold you right now. Nothing could make him happier than this. To have you by his side for forever and beyond. With no screen getting in the way.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    “You're just the person I wanted to see.” All the tension from the hard day instantly melts away. Ranmaru’s happy at how much he can change your mood just by being there for you. You tell him a simple line of “me too” before giving him a tap.
    “I've been waiting for you. From now on, this time is ours, and I want your eyes on me and me only.” You flash him a smile and give him words of conformation, “Alright, all my attention is on you, for the rest of the night.” He loves it when you talk back to him. He enjoys hearing your voice and having your attention on him.
    “Hey, how about you join me here?” He asks, taking a chance off script. You tilt your head a little surprised and confused. In your head you shrug it off thinking of it as a voiceline you haven't heard yet. Your smile is quickly placed back on your lips. You shake your head, “Well Ranmaru, if I could I would, but that’s impossible.”
    Ranmaru knows there’s a way. He’s happy that you accepted his offer, because there’s nothing he wants more than to have you here. He worries so much when you’re gone. He knows you would be happy here. Then you could talk to him and cry in his arms. He’ll always be by your side through the ups and down at any time you need it, not just when you have the time to log in.
See the full post
25 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 22:47:32 GMT
Hey-o! It's your friendly neighbor artist, here to make a request for the yandere shining live AU (I'm assuming that what you're calling it). POV: You've had your favorite STARISH or Quartet Night boy on screen for a very long time and You've build up a pretty strong bond with them. However, one day you decided to switch them for another and he doesn't take to kindly to it...// Can you possibly do Ai and Ren's reaction?
Hello! Thank you for the ask! That’s correct I am calling it that. Also thank you for all the drawings you do of my AU here. I really love and appreciate it, everytime you tag me I get so excited and happy because I never thought anyone would want to draw anything I wrote or created. So it’s always a little surreal, but it leaves me happy for the whole rest of my day and even when I go back to look at the work you did. So, thank you so much!
(Note: Some line spoilers for higher level bonds.)
~ ~
Ren Jinguji:
You let out a sigh from the long and hard day you had, but now it doesn’t seem to matter since you can relax and enjoy the rest of your day with your best boy….
“It's great to see you. I hope this time with you never ends.” Ren as always is happy to see you. Especially since you’ve been visiting him more and more. It seems like every free chance you have you are going straight to him.
It makes sense, with how your days have been. You’ve been far more stressed and tense then you ever were. You would tell your feelings plainly then after you tell him how you feel so much better spending time with him. Even just looking at his face seems to put you in a much more happy and relaxed mood.
Yet instead of giving him a tap you click the “Idol” button. A wave of fear hits him but he tells himself that you’re probably just going to change his outfit and/or wallpaper. Except, you end up clicking on Masato instead. You select him as your favorite and spend your time smiling and talking to him.
Ren can’t help but to feel betrayed. He thought you loved him as deeply as he did you. He was certain you wanted to be with him here. So why did you go for someone else? Should he of acted off script so you knew he was really here for you? Not only that but how could you have chosen Hijirikawa over him?!
Deep jealousy spread throughout Ren as questions floated around in his head. He hated the conversation taking place without him. Everything you were saying was things you would only tell him. So Ren made sure you knew he was listening. He made sure the only voice you heard was his own. You don’t need Hijirikawa. All you need is him.
Everytime you would tap Masato, Ren would speak one of his lines instead, “Thanks for always being with me. I promise to devote myself to you from here on out.”. You were shocked to hear Ren’s voice come out of Masato’s lips. Even Ren’s lines showed up in the chat bubble when he would speak. Even restarting the app it would still always be Ren. Eventually you just gave up and switched back to Ren.
Which of course, is how it should’ve always been.
Ai Mikaze:
You open up your favorite app to rest from the overworked day. You get comfortable and get ready to greet your best boy…
“We make a great pair, you know that? Let's keep at it.” You came right on time as he expected. He was content chatting with you as you would talk and tap him for a reply. He could only speak the lines written, but he wanted to talk to you as a normal human.
Then after a little bit, as the conversation was dying down, you suddenly clicked the “Idol” button. Ai wasn’t worried at all. He knew the two of you were a couple and that you wouldn’t change him out for anyone else. If anything you just wanted to change his look and scenery. Except once your hand went to tap for Reiji, something started to swirl inside of his chest.
It felt as though you were cheating on him. Like you were denying the “love” you two had for each other. Of course Ai didn’t believe it. Maybe he did something you didn’t like, which makes him determined to change it. Since he knows that you love him, and only him. You clicking Reiji was just a mistake, a way for him to see how hurt you were.
He can’t stand being in the background as you talk happily to Reiji. He has to show you that he’s willing to fix things. To be there for you when you need it. So, with Ai being the tech-savvy person he was, he quickly started to take apart code to put himself where Reiji was. The device’s screen would flicker between the two, causing the scenery to glitch in and out between what the two idols had.
Ai kept deconstructing and constructing code. You stared at the screen in worry and fear. Reiji’s smile was gone as he pulled a look of sadness, and pain as this was going on. It was an expression you never saw and you doubted it was one of his usual expressions. Then there was Ai’s voice, “I’m here for you… so please don’t leave me again.”
After hearing his voice in a desperate manner in a line you’ve never heard before, as the screen was switching from him and Reiji, you finally restarted the app. You took a few moments to yourself wondering if it was all in your head or if that really happened. Your heart was racing so fast in fear and horror at what you saw. After recollecting your thoughts you opened back up the app. Hesitating before you did so.
The title page seemed normal and when you were greeted with your idol on the home screen, it was Ai, “I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to keeping a diary. After all, our memories together are precious.” You let out a relieved sigh to see that his lines are normal. You were still shaken up but you decided to leave your favorite as Ai, as usual.
All you can do is hope that it doesn’t happen ever again.
34 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 02:41:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Kuzuriha Yoru — Third Interview
21. Phone call or text?
Texting. With me and the other guys, calling just ends in a fight. Texting turns into a fight sometimes too, though.
22. Are you a morning person?
Fuck, no. It just pisses me off. ⭕️mornings.
23. Are you a gamer?
Y’know the guys in the pipes? The brothers with mustaches? They’re the fuckin’ coolest! I’m a fan of ‘em.
24. What do you always do before a live show?
Stand in front of a mirror and get focused.
25. When it comes to taking care of yourself, what do you keep in mind?
Keep myself in “bad condition”. By keepin’ up a “bad” state, I can perform at my best.
26. What’s your signature fashion style?
I’m a fan of leather. I’ve gotten pretty used to the texture. Isn’t leather pretty damn sexy against bare skin?
27. What brands do you like?
Brands, brands, it’s all anyone fuckin’ says. If you say that a bestseller is automatically the top option, then the best would be that “fast fashion” shit that makes me wanna puke.
28. When it comes to women, what’s your type?
This is fuckin’ stupid. Seriously, what am I supposed to say? If I told ya’ what kind of shit I think is cute, I’d kill myself.
29. What do you think you’ll be doing ten years from now?
We’ve all changed a lot over time. But the things that matter most haven’t changed a bit. Even after ten years, it ain’t gonna be different.
30. A final message to your fans, please.
Damn it. Guess I’m gonna have to say some lame kinda shit. If you haven’t heard our music, I can’t call ya’ a fan yet. What I’d say to our fans in the future… ah, I got it. You all are the best.
52 notes ¡ View notes
pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Hasumi Neight — Third Interview
21. Phone call or text?
It depends on the situation. I’ll do phone calls if it’s necessary. It can be good for people to exchange words directly.
22. Are you a morning person?
It’s not so much that I’m not a morning person as that it’s when the changing out happens. In the morning, will it be one side or the other? It might as well be a game.
23. Are you a gamer?
I’m alright with playing them, but I’m not very invested. I master them a little too quickly.
24. What do you always do before a live show?
25. When it comes to taking care of yourself, what do you keep in mind?
One thing a day. That’s how you make yourself feel like you’re improving. Studying, hobbies, or anything else.
26. What’s your signature fashion style?
High-quality things that will last.
27. What brands do you like?
Rather than brands, I make my choices based on quality and personal taste.
28. When it comes to women, what’s your type?
Someone who’s intelligent and socially adept. Aside from that, beautiful hair always gets my attention. As for someone else, though, I assume it’s quite different.
29. What do you think you’ll be doing ten years from now?
I have a clear vision of success, right alongside Erosion.
30. A final message to your fans, please.
With sounds that no one has heard before, we’re aiming to become the most extraordinary band. Come alongside us, please.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Carnelian Blood 4koma — Part Four
1 // 2 // 3 // 
4 // 5 // 6 // 
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Akabane Toxin — Third Interview
21. Phone call or text?
Phone call. Texting alone just doesn’t get the message across.
22. Are you a morning person?
Very much so. Out of all of my brothers, I’m probably the most of one. I even beat my alarm. When I was younger, I’d stop it before it even went off.
23. Are you a gamer?
I play video games once in a while, but that’s about the extent of it. I don’t particularly like them. Especially not the ones on your phone.
24. What do you always do before a live show?
Drink hot water with honey melted into it. It keeps my throat from getting too cold.
25. When it comes to taking care of yourself, what do you keep in mind?
I try not to hold onto stress, and I do things that I enjoy when I want to do them. If irritation builds up, I can’t keep myself under control.
26. What’s your signature fashion style?
I’m fond of hoodies. As for colors… I wear a lot of monochrome things. Other than that, I guess I like neutral colors, like khaki.
27. What brands do you like?
I don’t care a bit about brands. If I like something, I like it.
28. When it comes to women, what’s your type?
Someone with beautiful hands. Rather than someone’s face, I always find myself looking at their hands.
29. What do you think you’ll be doing ten years from now?
Still singing with all of us in Erosion. We don’t always get along, but, well… we’re still brothers. It works out.
30. A final message to your fans, please.
Music is wonderful. Music will endure throughout time, and will always leave its mark. We, Erosion, will do so as well. Count on it, okay?
42 notes ¡ View notes
pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Somekari Creha — Second Interview
11. What animal are you most like?
Hmmm… A dog, maybe? A thin, black one.
12. What’s your favorite food?
I guess I’m fond of spicy food. Death sauce, for example. My sense of taste is wrecked, so that’s probably why…
13. What’s your least favorite food.
I can’t taste much, so there’s nothing to say I dislike.
14. If you were at a cafe, what drink would you order?
If we’re talking drinks… room-temperature water?
15. Do you like studying?
There are things I’d rather do than study. Singing, gaming…
16. What’s your favorite place to be?
The bathroom. It’s a good place to calm down, on the toilet seat.
17. Do you have any strange fears?
Mm… Not really, but being touched without warning sets me off. It’s a habit that I doubt I can shake.
18. Do you have any fetishes?
You’re awfully nosy, aren’t you? Do you wanna die? Or do you want to be bitten?
19. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
Well, nothing as of now. What a disappointing answer, huh? I think so too. To be honest, I’d really like that to change.
20. What do you secretly enjoy?
Taking long walks. Seeing various places, different areas in town, and scenery that I like is nice, you know.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Carnelian Blood 4koma — Part Three
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Amemiya Byakuya — Second Interview
11. What animal are you most like?
A kitty for sure! Pien.
12. What’s your favorite food?
Umm… It’s chili oil! The person who made it has to be god, huh~? It’s amazing, right? You can just eat it, y’know? It’s the besties~!
13. What’s your least favorite food.
Tough foods like rice and meat, and anything else like that. Aren’t they super gross?
14. If you were at a cafe, what drink would you order?
Something sweet! Drinks don’t get stuck in your throat, so I really like ‘em~
15. Do you like studying?
I mean, of course I can do something like that~ I’m a genius, y’know?
16. What’s your favorite place to be?
My nice, fluffy bed! Ah, don’t take me anywhere cramped, though… ‘cause I’ll die!
17. Do you have any strange fears?
Dirty things. When I see something filthy, it’s psh*, psh, psh~! Over here, psh, psh, psh~! Over there, psh, psh, psh~! Everywhere, psh, psh, psh, psh… psh, psh, psh, psh, psh~!
18. Do you have any fetishes?
Fetishes? Hmmm… eyeballs. I like ‘em, I think. When they do that thing where it looks like they’re rolling… A-Ah, I’m sorry… It’s just so good…
19. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
That I haven’t died yet. Does that count? A-Ah, it doesn’t? Meanie…
20. What do you secretly enjoy?
Pien. Making games with my computer, I’d say~ Do you want to try one next time?
*The sound of a spray bottle.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Hasumi Neight — Second Interview
11. What animal are you most like?
I’m awake now. So, what now? I’m in good form today, so I’ll give you some special answers. An animal? A hawk.
12. What’s your favorite food?
Heheheh… Meat. Something like dry jerky is the best. You’d best give me some as an offering.
13. What’s your least favorite food.
Don’t ask me useless questions.
14. If you were at a cafe, what drink would you order?
Did that Neight really submit to such a pointless interview? For your answer, nothing.
15. Do you like studying?
You dare to ask me something so worthless? I could kill you for such a thing. Hnn— Damn it… I’m getting drowsy…
16. What’s your favorite place to be?
Hnn… My apologies, I was replaced for a moment. Place? The stage. When I’m on it, I’m unstoppable. I feel like I become a monster.
17. Do you have any strange fears?
The unpredictable nature of humanity. Sometimes, it terrifies me. I’m not a fan of crowds.
18. Do you have any fetishes?
Personally, I have none, but I wonder about the rest of them.
19. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
There have been a lot of things. Simply being alive, for one. Surviving along with everyone and playing the music I love.
20. What do you secretly enjoy?
Strength training. One’s body and muscles are enough. They’ll never betray you. Now, as much as I’d like to continue here, we’ll have to save it for another day.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Carnelian Blood 4koma — Part 2
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*In 2, Byakuya is talking about the sounds of washing dishes. 
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Kuzuriha Yoru — Second Interview
11. What animal are you most like?
I’m a fuckin’ person, not an animal. You think I could compare myself to one? ”Anything will do?” Fine, a pig. Happy, you bastard?
12. What’s your favorite food?
Chocolate. Hot chocolate, to be specific. And it tastes best when I’ve made it myself.
13. What’s your least favorite food.
Japanese miso. It just looks like shit to me.
14. If you were at a cafe, what drink would you order?
I wouldn’t be caught dead at a cafe. Though if I had to drink… fine, sake. Though I guess I’m a minor, so I can’t drink it. And so that no stupid brats will get the wrong idea, breaking the rules isn’t what rock’s about.
15. Do you like studying?
⭕️! With a nickname like “failing-grade machine”, do you think someone like me fuckin’ likes it?
16. What’s your favorite place to be?
The rooftop, probably. The night sky is pretty nice. There are times where the sky is so huge it’s kinda scary, but that’s part of the appeal.
17. Do you have any strange fears?
When people are too nice, it puts me on edge. Don’t be nice to me, not yet.
18. Do you have any fetishes?
None, fuckin’ shithead. Do I look like a pervert to you?
19. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
The fact that I was able to form a band with those shitty guys. It’s a miracle that dumbass brothers like the lot of them could get together.
20. What do you secretly enjoy?
Horror movies make me laugh like fuckin’ crazy. I ain’t scared of ‘em at all.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Akabane Toxin — Second Interview
11. What animal are you most like?
A wolf, maybe.
12. What’s your favorite food?
French toast. It’s wonderful when I can eat it drowned in syrup.
13. What’s your least favorite food.
Anything green and leafy. Cilantro, for example. Other than that, I’m not really a fan of sour things.
14. If you were at a cafe, what drink would you order?
A cafe latte. One with loads of sugar.
15. Do you like studying?
If it’s something I’m personally interested in, then yes. Lately, I’ve been studying English. Neight’s been teaching me. I’d really like to read my favorite poetry collection in its original text, but unfortunately, all of those copies have been lost.
16. What’s your favorite place to be?
Right now, I’d say the studio. It’s a little cramped, but I can still say I like it. Yoru does nothing but complain, though.
17. Do you have any strange fears?
Not really. Byakuya’s obsession with cleanliness is kind of sad, though. I feel bad for him.
18. Do you have any fetishes?
Hmm… well… lovely hands always catch my eye.
19. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
I don’t really care about objects. Although, if I had to say… it would have to be Erosion.
20. What do you secretly enjoy?
Practicing piano in the studio when no one is around. Time to myself is important.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Carnelian Blood 4koma — Part 1
1 // 2 // 3 // 
4 // 5 // 6 // 
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Somekari Creha — First Interview
1. How old are you?
2. What kind of person would you say you are?
Seriously… If I knew that, I wouldn’t sing.
3. What instruments do you play?
I can’t play anything. All I can do is sing. I’m practicing, though.
4. What does Erosion mean to you?
Roots. Even though all of the different parts are spreading out, what’s underneath is still supporting the tree.
5. And rock?
It’s something like lying naked on the asphalt.
6. Any notable memories of your brothers?
Are memories really something to look back on?
7. What made you so devoted to music?
I like when there’s only “yes” and “no”… “good” and “bad”… When it comes to Erosion, which one will it be for you?
8. What’s the genre that you could talk about forever?
Seriously… Sorry, but when if I hear things like that, I’ll wind up so immersed in it that everyone will be worried. So don’t say that, please.
9. What are your weak points?
Hmmm…. what I’ve been told is that my ability to concentrate is so strong that I often can’t see anything but what I’m focused on.
10. What is your motto for life?
Hah… I still don’t know how to say it… I don’t want to hurt people with unnecessary words.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Amemiya Byakuya — First Interview
1. How old are you?
Seventeen years old!
2. What kind of person would you say you are?
I might be a little crazy, haha! But there are tons of strange people in the world, seriously. Is it me that’s crazy? Or is it the people around me who are?
3. What instruments do you play?
Hmm… keyboard! But composition and lyrics are written on Compy-chan. Wanna hear its name? He’s called Alice-kun, and he’s a boy. Cute, isn’t he? Mhmm!
4. What does Erosion mean to you?
I love-love it~! Pien! Ero, ero, ero, ero… Erosion!
5. And rock?
Rock, you say… Well, all music is good. It helps me forget about things. When I listen to it and the sound washes over me, all of my pain disappears. That’s why I loooove it!
6. Any notable memories of your brothers?
Aha! They told me to sing with everything I had. To put all of my soul and feeling into it, and do it with all I had in me. It was so painful it felt like I could die, and I felt like I could just kill all of them— But I gave in… You should try too! Just be sure not to die! Pien!
7. What made you so devoted to music?
It’s a really strange thing, y’know? I seem to have loved it from the time I was born. That’s what the people around me say!
8. What’s the genre that you could talk about forever?
Yeah, yeah. Exactly that. When it comes to music, I love it all! It’s what gives value to incomplete things like us!
9. What are your weak points?
Aah, so mean! I could just kill you! But… don’t love me. You’ll get hurt.
10. What is your motto for life?
Beginning with ‘pien’! Ending with ‘pien’! That’s how Byakuya is! Tada!
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Hasumi Neight — First Interview
1. How old are you?
2. What kind of person would you say you are?
Rational. However, there are times where that rationality breaks. That kind of thinking gets in the way of rock.
3. What instruments do you play?
Drum, bass, guitar, piano… However, I’m most skilled at bass and drums.
4. What does Erosion mean to you?
It’s the place where I belong. There’s nowhere else. My drums are what move this band. In other words, I’m its heart.
5. And rock?
Rock is anti-authority. Our songs will never resonate with those who are satisfied with the way reality is. These songs are for the wounded people who don’t know what’s left for them.
6. Any notable memories of your brothers?
That failing-grade machine, Yoru, would come crying to me every time. I like that his way of living hasn’t made him completely rotten.
7. What made you so devoted to music?
There used to be records from all around the world in my old room. It was an interest of my father’s, I guess. For geniuses, music changes your entire awareness. I guess people just have hearts for it.
8. What’s the genre that you could talk about forever?
If we’re talking conceptually, no other genre can surpass rock.
9. What are your weak points?
Don’t even ask. Does it look like I have those?
10. What is your motto for life?
“He who moves not forward, goes backward,“ as Goethe said. Sorry, I’m getting tired. Leave me alone now, please.
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pzskye ¡ 3 years
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Kuzuriha Yoru — First Interview
1. How old are you?
2. What kind of person would you say you are?
Fuckin’ stupid. How stupid can you get? Don’t ask pointless questions like that. Just look and see for yourself.
3. What instruments do you play?
Instruments? Guitar. Other than that, let’s see. I’m pretty good at the harmonica and the tambourine, I guess. Cute, huh?
4. What does Erosion mean to you?
So that’s it. That’s it, that’s it. You really fuckin’ asking that question? Those guys are super ⭕️ and so ⭕️ that I could just cry.
5. And rock?
Fuckin’ useless thing to ask. Seriously. Erosion is rock. You disagree?
6. Any notable memories of your brothers?
Gonna reveal myself here, but who do you think changed Toxin’s diapers? It was me, y’see.
7. What made you so devoted to music?
We’d all do live shows in the woods, with no one around to listen but shit like the birds and the trees. It was as cool as it gets.
8. What’s the genre that you could talk about forever?
Rock and rap, isn’t it? Other than that, making food. I like just spendin’ time in the kitchen and cooking.
9. What are your weak points?
My mouth. Hah? An exceptionally bad mouth? Yeah, that’s fuckin’ right. And there’s no fuckin’ way I’ll hold back. If I had to do that, I’d wind up shovin’ my face in a crapper.
10. What is your motto for life?
The one who’s laughing wins.
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