qucntindupre ¡ 2 years
( open starter ) location: outside area 51
     rae’s ears were buzzing. there was no way of telling if it was due to how loud the music was inside the nightclub, if it was because of the pills and the alcohol in her system, or if it was simply a combination of all those things. they were done with their set. it had been a good one, rae could feel her hands shaking ever so slightly. she had gotten used to it, this always happened after a particularly brutal drum set, it was like all the energy in her body went into the drums and after it was done she was left glitching. she closed her hands into fits until they stopped shaking enough for her to open the door and head outside.
     she wasn’t going to drive back home in this state, she just wanted to get inside her car and rest for a few minutes before going back in. it took her some time to find her car, in the dead of night they all look the same to her. she was surprised the window was down, she could’ve sworn she had locked it with the downs up. without question it she stuck her hand through the window to open the door. she closed her eyes and rested for a few minutes, leaning her head against the steering wheel, causing it to honk once. 
     the seats felt uncomfortable, and the scent of the car felt off. rae turned her head to the window only to be met with someone’s presence. a beat, and then the realization. “ this isn’t my car, is it? ”
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He could’ve gone in to get Zoe. He should’ve gone in to get Zoe. But his shift at the Crashdown had been long – he was convinced he still smelled like french fry oil – and when she said she’d be out in twenty minutes, Quentin believed her. He didn’t want her to stand outside this late, so he showed up early. When 20 minutes gave way to 30, and 30 crept up on 45, he decided to crawl into the back seat and grab a few minutes of sleep while he waited. What he thought he would wake up to was a call from her – what he woke up to instead was a horn, and a new person in his car. He scrambled up in the backseat, regarding the intruder with the bleary eyes of someone who’d slept far longer than they meant to, and woke up with little to no understanding of the world, or his current place in it. 
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“Look, if it’s the car you want, you can just have it. It’s got great gas mileage but you kind of have to turn the key a few time before it starts – not too hard or it’ll snap off, and the mechanic told me he’s charging me double next time and I think he meant it. Just... let me get the D and D sheets out of the glove compartment. It’s seven years of work, and if I have to start over, you might as well just kill me,” he said, words all tumbling out in a rush, each colliding into the last. 
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qucntindupre ¡ 2 years
for: @roswellstarters​​ ··· location: the crashdown cafe time: early morning
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Esme sometimes just needed a little caffeine, and that was the reason she found herself at The Crashdown Cafe. Unfortunately, the spread of milkshakes was always more tempting than the coffee. She still had some time before having to head to the radio station. Still, Esme took her time looking over the menu, ever the indecisive type. She turned to the person beside her, talking absentmindedly. “I never know what to choose, you know? Strawberry, chocolate, maybe vanilla.” She bit her lip. “What are you having?”
Quentin knew that coming into the Crashdown on his day off was... well, it was the kind of choice made by people who didn’t have lives outside of work. When he took into his account that he’d woken himself up this morning reciting an order someone had placed in an entirely too vivid dream, Q had to accept that growing possibility that that was who he’d become. Still, he flashed a smile. “Strawberry. Always strawberry. Just... ignore the weird parts that you have to chew more than drink. It just means it’s like, actual strawberry,” he said. As he often did, he heard his words as they were coming out his mouth rather than thinking them through before they got there. Giving Esme something close to an apologetic smile, he raised his shoulders in a shrug. “Or vanilla. Vanilla’s always safe,” he started, crinkling his nose. “This isn’t actually helping, is it?”
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qucntindupre ¡ 2 years
location: the local talent stage
starter for: the karma chameleon gang + anyone else! ( @roswellstarters​ )
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“i don’t think i can get up there.” wylie’s voice is gruff as she turns to the person next to her, her expression a cross between terrified and worried. “i don’t know how or why my name got on that list to perform, but i seriously can’t do it.” the exclamation was downright ridiculous; the blonde didn’t have a fear of performing in front of people, but being in broad daylight with people trickling past and giving everyone strange looks certainly ruffled her feathers more than she liked. “can’t we just forget about this and go get greasy festival food or something? anything but this.”
“C’mon, course you can,” Quentin said, looking at the stage as though she were seeing something he were missing entirely. Rabid animals with bared teeth, or an audience locked and loaded with tomatoes like in some old comic strip. “There was this one time in the fifth grade when this kid signed me up for this middle school talent show. I tried to get out of it for weeks, but only like, three kids signed up, and I felt bad. The thing is, the only real talent I had was being fast, and I think watching some eleven year old kid run back and forth on a stage is like, maybe actual torture. So I thought, singing’s probably not that hard. Doesn’t matter that I was cut from the elementary school choir – do you know how bad you have to be to get cut from the elementary school choir? Whatever, not the point – the point is, I got on stage, and I did a one man Bohemian Rhapsody, and it was the entire reason the middle school held off on doing that show again for like, seven years.”
As he went on with his anecdote, Quentin managed to lose the thread in how it was meant to be encouraging or supportive – especially when he got called Galileo up until he graduated high school. He shook his head, apologetic smile curving his lips. “What I mean is, you really can’t do much worse than that. And if you totally bomb up there, I’ll go up right after and do a reprise so bad that no one will be able to remember anything else,” he offered, leaning back. “Seriously. You’ll do great. Get outta your head.”
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qucntindupre ¡ 2 years
location: alien gulch paintball park
status: open !! @roswellstarters​ ( capping at 5 responses ! )​
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“ cover me !! “ a yell from a goggle-eyed brunette as he dashed from one hay bale to another , trigger-happy and pelting a 6-foot-tall alien cardboard cutout with viridian paint splatter . it was as close as he was going to get to ever being an extra in a sci-fi movie ; perhaps , if stranger things had a casting call , his passion alone would land him a bystander role , ten-point text in the rolling end credits . “ another one bites the dust — hah !! who’re you targeting next ?? “ 
“Got your six!” Quentin called out, completing an entirely unnecessary barrel roll from one hay bail to the next. So far, he had proven himself useful in exactly two categories – shouting out warnings he’d seen in movies (not always entirely correctly), and maneuvering quickly from one obstacle to the next (not always entirely successfully). He wasn’t a terrible shot – but it was shaking out that Q was far better with a joystick than he was with an actual paintball gun. Something he proved almost immediately when he managed to shoot himself in the foot in the training round, and subsequently denied doing, despite the bright green paint covering the entirety of his left shoe and half of his leg. That was when he realized he would be playing Goose to Jaden’s Maverick – even if things hadn’t exactly worked out for Goose. Staying low, Q fired off a round at a peering around the corner. “Captain, was it a hit? Can we confirm the kill?” He asked, squinting as he got to his feet, doing an overly theatrical sweep of the area as he all but backed up to Jaden. “How many do we have left? Feels like they’re on all sides,” he said, voice low and with all the seriousness of a military general who feared the battle was lost.
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qucntindupre ¡ 2 years
quincy fouse & he/him/ cis man‷ watch out , quentin dupre has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 25 years old and celebrate their birthday on january thirteenth. they are from roswell, new mexico, reside in greystone complex and are currently working as a waiter at crashdown. one thing you should know about them is he believes a friend put a curse on him on his birthday when he was a kid and has spent every year convinced he might die on his birthday that year‷
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Roswell born and raised.
Was a little overachieving NERD in high school, still a nerd but achieves so much less lmao
Was a track star, got a full ride because of it, has only since used his speed to be the first one out of a situation if there’s ever a weird noise
At his shared birthday party with Zoe Lovel in the second grade, one of their friends approached and told them they were gonna die on their birthday and to enjoy the time they have left. This kid was absolutely fucking with them, but it doesn’t mean that Quentin has not spent every birthday since clenching his teeth and halfway thinking he’s going to die
Which leads me to... this dude is gullible. He believes everyone about everything and if you don’t tell him you lied to him he will genuinely never know.
(has also been in love with zoe since like, kindergarten, but my boy is happy to just be her best friend who he stares at lovingly and would do anything for and is just happy to listen to her speak about anything 🤡)
Works at the Crashdown because my boy went through the trouble of getting a broadcast degree and had the nerve to be shocked when jobs were hard to come by. One day he’ll do something with it, he says.
Characters: April Kepner (Grey’s Anatomy), Lexie Grey (Grey’s Anatomy), Charles Boyle (Brooklyn 99), Kitty Foreman (That 70′s Show), Samwell Tarley (Game of Thrones) – okay so i’ve never seen grey’s anatomy if these character suck it’s a mystery 2 me.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Enneagram: Type 7
Temperament: Sanguine
Moral Alignment: Neutral good
Primary Vice: Guile
Primary Virtue: Kindness
Element: Water
High school friends, old teammates, someone he tutored in school, etc. etc.
I would love someone who straight up can’t stand him because he is overeager and annoying 
Regulars at the Crashdown
Literally anything
Best friend/ unrequited love: Zoe Lovel
Best pals: Jaden Lapointe, Theo Fischers
Rival/friend: Ender Baptista
Good influence/bad influence: Striker Cannon
discord is shay#4516, excited to throw ideas at you my friends.
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