queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
This sounds very much like Simon and Baz from Carry On
reminder to tell people you love when you're thinking about them. bc they won't always know, and love does more when it's put out into the world.
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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I greeted him at the door on 4" heels, a high ponytail, and a satin apron.
He pushed me into my apartment with hungry kisses and desperate gropes.
I peeled back the layers of a long day at work: briefcase with a thud by the door and the friction of his belt through each belt loop. The buckle jingling as it fell to the floor.
He bent me over the table and thrust himself against my back and ass before unzipping and revealing his excitement to me. I ran the stiletto heel up his inseam while using the mental map of his body to guide my hands to revisit my treasure.
His mouth and hands raced to discover every spot that would make me gasp or moan. I cocked my head and squirmed in the shadow of his stature. The high ponytail danced against my skin.
He grasped my long brown tresses at the tip and recalled all the photos and videos in his wank bank of arched backs and bent necks.
He yanked so hard that he herniated C5-6. During the surgery for my artificial disc replacement, my surgeon found a bone shard 3mm from my spinal cord.
The man who whispered in my ear of how i was “marriage material” moved to Toronto 2 weeks after he damn near made me into a quadriplegic. He closed on a house the day of my surgery.
To this day, I jump when someone puts their hands near my head. My ears ring constantly. And every time I see one of you all post a photo of someone having their hair pulled, I think about all the pain one dumb, badly-executed move caused me.
1. Get consent. 2. Give warning. 3. Grab slowly and smoothly at the roots 4. Movement comes from the wrist (minimizes chance of injury to directional force) 5. If need be, let the person with the hair being pulled hold on to your wrist to either limit your movement or as a failsafe. 6. Over time develop trust with your partner to dial up neck extension, force, or speed.
All that and the fucker never even gave me a single orgasm.
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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“Ballet embraces the soft, ethereal and majestic side to women, and yet we often don’t see the media portray black women in this light. My project aims to reveal that women of color possess these qualities. We too are capable of portraying the princess, fairy and swan.”
 —Aesha Ash
Aesha Ash’s prestigious career has included world class roles. Yet she’s now on to a different mission, with three big goals. She wishes to see ballet become more diverse. She hopes to inspire youth from rough areas to pursue their dreams. And she wants to show the world that tough environments can’t hold back talented people, especially those with ambition.
Aesha performed professionally for 13 years. She attended the legendary School of American Ballet; joined the New York City Ballet at age 18; and has danced solo and principal roles for companies like the Béjart Ballet in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Alonzo King Lines Ballet in San Francisco. Now she’s focused on The Swan Dreams Project, in which she uses imagery to tackle stereotypes placed on black women. Aesha commissions photographers to snap her as a ballerina in her hometown of rugged Rochester, New York, and in Richmond, California, and then donates proceeds from photo sales to organizations helping advance inner city youth. She also donates images to organizations for their fundraisers and to people seeking more positive imagery for their children or groups.
The dancer points out that black women have always existed in ballet, yet few become principals, the highest tier of dancers. When Misty Copeland became the first black female principal with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre last summer, Aesha found the milestone a moment to celebrate, yet sad and troubling that in 2016, we’re still celebrating a first. She hopes The Swan Dreams project will give more dancers — and youths in general — the chance to be celebrated for their own talents.
Rochester has one of America’s highest crime rates. But Aesha hits the streets to prove that her hometown is more than violence and gangs. That’s where her Swan Dreams Project comes in. “My community saw that out of our environment came a ballerina, not just negativity — a little black girl from inner city Rochester actually went on to become a professional ballet dancer in a top-tiered company,” Aesha said in a one-on-one interview for this report. “Youth followed me on the street saying, ‘This is what we need. This lifts us up.’”
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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Skins UK, Generation One 2007-2008
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
This overpass in Japan look like an extreme slope from a certain angle.
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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Make Do and Mend: Darning
To keep it S–T–R–E–T–C–H–Y–!
Why hasn’t anyone told me this?
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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This. Scene. Right. Here.
This scene is so underrated. We’ve just met Jaskier in this episode, but within minutes we find out that this bard is confident and well educated. As he and Geralt are trekking through the land looking for the Devil of Posada, we hear Jaskier say a line that’s seemingly unimportant, just more of his ramblings. He says “The elves called this Dol Blathanna before bequeathing it to the humans and retreating to their golden palaces in the mountains. There I go again, just…delivering exposition.” This is information that he prides himself in knowing, most likely taught to him during his time in Oxenfurt. He can even speak Elder, not a common trait for humans. Oxenfurt taught him their language, but the information they gave him is wrong. It’s the teaching of humans, not the truth.  The scene above is the exact moment that Jaskier realizes everything he knew about the elves was wrong. Filavandrel tells Jaskier and Geralt that they were forced from their homes and starving, forced to ask a sylvan to steal for them for survival. Jaskier learns that it was humans that forced the elves into unlivable conditions. Everything was stolen from them, their land, their magic, their lives. 
And I think this was the exact moment that Jaskier chose to follow Geralt. Not because of the stories he would learn and could sing, not because Geralt was good for exposure and protection, but because Jaskier had just learned that elves, witchers, and creatures alike were never the real monsters. 
Humans were the real monsters all along. 
And if what humans said made people like Geralt a monster, he would rather choose to follow a monster Every. Single. Time. 
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
Mathematician. Leader. Heroine. Remembering Hidden Figure Katherine Johnson
Tonight, count the stars and remember a trailblazer. 
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We’re saddened by the passing of celebrated #HiddenFigures mathematician Katherine Johnson. She passed away at 101 years old. 
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An America hero, Johnson’s legacy of excellence broke down racial and social barriers while helping get our space agency off the ground.
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Once a “human computer”, she famously calculated the flight trajectory for Alan Shepard, the first American in space.
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And when we began to use electronic computers for calculations, astronaut John Glenn said that he’d trust the computers only after Johnson personally checked the math.
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As a girl, Katherine Johnson counted everything. As a mathematician, her calculations proved critical to our early successes in space travel.
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With slide rules and pencils, Katherine Johnson’s brilliant mind helped launch our nation into space. No longer a Hidden Figure, her bravery and commitment to excellence leaves an eternal legacy for us all.
“We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics.” - Katherine Johnson 1918 -2020 
May she rest in peace, and may her powerful legacy inspire generations to come! What does Katherine Johnson’s legacy mean to you? Share in the comments. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com 
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | 7x02 February 23rd 2020
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
Kylo Ren’s hair
Reblog if you agree
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queeniebrooke · 4 years
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