radixhidayat · 9 years
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Malam ini jadi jomblo lokal. The other half gak ikut ke Bandung. Geje dan mager. Tau gitu bawa laptop aja kan, bisa keluyuran di Skyrim... with Olivia 💉 – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Shoot the oppresive imperial scums! – View on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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If you think that history isn't interesting, there's a Mexican president who held office for a mere 45 minutes. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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One of my bucket list: Build/manage a library, full of books worth reading, be it fiction, history, arts, science, business, and everything that will expand its readers' horizon. And the library is, of course, should be very cozy and comfortable for people to sit, (or in my case, lay around) for hours. That's gonna be lots of sofas and carpets and bean bags. Oh, why don't we add some kind of auditorium to this library too? So we can have routine class/sharing session/movie screening (TEDx, Akademi Berbagi, PechaKucha, yay!) in this place. And I'll encourage to people here to discuss what they've read, so talking *isn't* gonna be forbidden. Talk! Discuss! Exchange what you've learned! Well, in my current situation, it's still far from realization. But perhaps if the circumstances are changed, (or I can convince some rich fellows to make good use of their money for this idea), it'll be sooner to be realized. Selamat Hari Pendidikan Nasional. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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I tend to wait for a year or so after a book was published before reading it. If people are still talking about it after quite a while, it possesses a property that every great work has: timelessness. Great works care not if they're old or new. Great works defy time. Great works are timeless. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Batal lari karena hujan, malah makan HolyGyu. Forgive me Lord for I have sinned. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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My new badass hero: Theodore "TR" Roosevelt. The embodiment of many badass traits: - Getting shot at chest just before he made a campaign speech, decided to give 90 minutes speech before going to doctor. He said "ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you full understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose." - wrote 18 books with subjects ranged from history, ranching, exploration, to wildlife. One of the most scholarly American president ever, alongside Thomas Jefferson. - avid reader, reading tens of thousands of books, at a rate of several books a day in multiple languages. Even when he was busy being a president. - when appointed as NYC's police commissioner, TR went undercover as a beat cop and walked the streets of New York trying to catch policemen slacking off or taking bribes. If he busted them in the act, he fired them, punched them in the mouth and then stuffed them into a garbage can.  - formed his own volunteer cavalry regiment called the "Rough Riders".  He took anybody who wanted to join, regardless of race or creed, and headed out to Cuba to whomp asses.  At the Battle of San Juan Hill, the decisive battle that sealed the American victory in Cuba, Roosevelt won the Congressional Medal of Honor for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity" and was promoted to Colonel. Putin who? – View on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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"Science is generated by and devoted to free enquiry: the idea that any hypothesis, no matter how strange, deserves to be considered on its merits. The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and politics, but it is not the path to knowledge; it has no place in the endeavor of science. We do not know in advance who will discover fundamental new insights." - Carl Sagan, Cosmos – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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"Now I will a rhyme construct, By chosen words the young instruct. Cunningly devised endeavour, Con it and remember ever. Widths in circle here you see, Sketched out in strange obscurity." Count the number of letters in every word, and you'll get.. 3141592653589793238462643383279. Of course, first 31 digits of pi. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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There's discussions among fellow readers that compare 2 forms of book reading: printed books & ebook. The debate is mostly about the differences in style: the melancholy of printed books and the simplicity of ebook. But it went quite far away: tradition vs novelty. Warm pages vs cold metal. One side denounces the others, and vice versa. But... Book itself is a form of technology. Books, and written words are one of humanity's greatest inventions. Therefore, the condemnation of "tradition vs technology" itself, I think, is obsolete from the beginning. And in essence, IMHO, the question between printed book and ebook is more about taste. I prefer ebook for its simplicity and portability. Some, prefer the crisp pages of printed pages. To each his own. No need to be such an authoritarian when it's about personal style. As for myself, I'm an agnostic towards the form of information. As long as it suites me and gives me new information that is useful (or just plain entertaining), I will consume it. The form does not matter: whether it's a book (printed or electronic), magazine, Wikipedia entry, forum posts. I'll still read. The problem is, for me, is that some people give more attention to trivial things (twerking teen?) to critical ones (cancer research?). Or that some people read but don't question what they read. Or that Gramedia nowadays is full of shitty books (motivational, "pencitraan" biography, book with content copied from some twitter account). Well, let's read, and let's read something good. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our force, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. - Sun Tzu's The Art of War – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Teman di kala hujan. with Olivia at Lumber Jack Resto & Bar – View on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Salah satu koleksi buku gue yg paling berharga. Belajar sejarah dengan sangat menyenangkan! Jadi penuh narasi dan fakta ajaib seputar peradaban manusia. Tiap baca ulang, selalu aja ada yg menarik untuk dibaca. Sekarang lagi baca ulang tentang runtuhnya Dinasti Qin dan berdirinya Dinasti Han. Persaingan antara Liu Bang dan Xiang Yu ini digambarin kocak bgt :)))))) – View on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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A metallic case called a hohlraum holds the fuel capsule for NIF experiments. Target handling systems precisely position the target and freeze it to cryogenic temperatures (18 kelvins, or -427 degrees Fahrenheit) so that a fusion reaction is more easily achieved.
Credit: E. Dewald/LLNL
Source: NIF experiments show initial gain in fusion fuel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
H/T to joebardo for pointing me this news, albeit as he says, I already knew the story, only that I��m not too optimistic about the future of this experiment (at least not as an energy source). My bets are on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). In other words, I tend to see more reliable Magnetic confinement fusion than Inertial confinement fusion, and possibly we are still far (decades) of both of them.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
China. Always.
My keenness on Chinese culinary brings me to learn more about it: regional style, ingredients, to the culture, etiquette, customs, and everything Chinese. Their way of eating were started since a long time ago. Confucius himself was portrayed as a very picky person: no rice is white enough for him, no sauce is good enough for him.
And suddenly, I realized that Chinese civilization is a long, unbroken history of more than 4000 years. Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Franks, Germans, Spanish, Dutch, British, and many more rose and faded away from history, but Chinese had been there from a long time ago and will always be there. In Europe, nations emerged and fell, but in Asia, they will always be China.
Mongols and Manchurians had tried to subdue them, but in turn they become Chinese. Japanese even copied their whole culture. Not even Mao Zedong and his Cultural Revolution can undo their long history. The Chinese diaspora to all over the world only means the works of Zheng He will be carried on. And, damn, I envy you. – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Tingkatan makan berdasarkan teori kebutuhan manusia-nya Abraham Maslow: Basic: gue makan biar gak mati, gile lo! Security: makan yg agak imbang gizinya lah, masak tua sakit2an Social: eh, kamu mau makan sama aku gak? Sambil ngobrol2 seru gitu :3 Esteem: *pergi makan ke tempat yahud, terus pamer foto makanan ke Instagram, Twitter, Path, etc* Self-actualization: perjalanan saya soal kuliner ini soal perjalanan rasa, merasakan berbagai cita selera dari pelbagai penjuru dunia, menyelami budaya mereka yangmemasaknya, demi memuaskan sukma, demi pencerahan batin nan adiluhung, saya sudah tidak peduli apa kata orang. #renungan – Read on Path.
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radixhidayat · 10 years
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Don't make promises when you're happy, don't make decisions when you're angry, don't decide on something important when you're emotional, i.e. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. – Read on Path.
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