ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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todays littlest pet shop of the day is … sheepdog #702 !!
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
"Well are you a [controversial identity] supporter???"
My friend I do not know what to tell you here. My rule is and remains "I don't care what you call yourself because your actions and who you are as a person is more valuable to me" and "as long as everyone in the situation is an adult and is giving enthusiastic consent I genuinely do not give a fuck what you do" and "words are stupid and people are complicated so it doesn't matter if The Words Are Wrong as long as it makes you happy"
I'm a longer tables not higher walls kind of guy. Have a seat. Break bread with me. Tell me a story over dinner. I think that'll be better for the both of us.
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
The porn bots win, i hit 80 notifications and I ain't blocking all of those. Welcome to my blog(s) ladies.
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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🌸 Kawaii Shop 🌸
🎀 Discount code “VINTAGE” for 10% off 🎀
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
The rise of vegan leather, which is typically made from polyurethane, a type of plastic that has a more favorable Higg rating, has brought unintended consequences, industry officials say. Even as leather is replaced by synthetics, Americans are still eating lots of beef — which means the hides from those slaughtered cattle have nowhere to go. In 2020, a record 5 million hides, or about 15 percent of all available, went to landfills, according to the U.S. Hide, Skin and Leather Association, a Washington-based trade group.
“They’re throwing the hides in the offal barrels out back,” said Ron Meek, a former meat processor who has been helping smaller plants weather the downturn in leather demand.
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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man what
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
I like characters based on the VIBES which also means I can never get into discourse for them because someone will say "well. They're awful people because they did this and that" and I'll go sgdjhdjbdnd but them. They. Them
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ranboo-love-exe · 1 year
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
This got a note today, so I felt like I should update it.
I am much better now. I carved myself a space online where I can feel somewhat safe in, and most importantly, I got diagnosed with ocd and started medication for that.
Recently it happened again. I was pushed out of a friend group of years because one of them was angry at me and decided to make serious false accusations. I was kicked out.
It should have stung more than the event that prompted the original post, the previous situation involved people i barely knew, and it haunted me. Not this time.
The meds helped me not spiral out of control. I could take to heart what the logical side of me was saying, that i was not a bad person, i just got involved with bad people who wanted to hurt me. And that's not my fault.
Having a group of people to laugh at the ridiculous accusations with was also helpful. Because they were ridiculous, laughable. And I was not alone.
I brushed away the idea of therapy in the original post. I had a bad experience with it, i spent a year trying to treat the wrong thing in a very ineffective way. Getting the right treatment has changed my views a bit. Therapy is good, just make sure it is the right one for you. For me that was medication, for you it might be different.
I feel proud of myself for how far I've come. I think the next step is finding somewhere outside the internet that feels safe, but one step at a time.
there are not enough posts about how to feel safe again after going through traumatic stuff online.
many articles on how to prevent it or report it, but nothing about recovering from it.
how do you feel safe to exist online again after your very existance was frequently attacked?
how do you rebuild trust when innevitably someone does the same thing again?
how do you deal with the fear that you'll be harassed just for existing?
i wish there was more information available about stuff like that.
prevention puts too much fault on the victim, like they haven't done enough to not be bullied somehow. people don't care. you can try everything and still get harassed.
i wish there were more things focusing on the long term. on the after it dies down. how to recover.
there needs to be more availablity of resources for that. sure a therapist could help with this, but I can't really get one, and neither can many people. what then? do we just not get to recover?
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
Absolutely nothing worse than trying to block someone and accidentally following them. Like no, I do not endorse your shittiness, I was trying to block you for it
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
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No reposts, reblogs appreciated
Went a bit experimental with the colouring on this one, I think I like it!
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
It doesn't matter what you think, stop doing it. When someone tells you you're doing something wrong, trying to argue around it just makes you a jackass. Just apologize and correct your behavior.
This, my friends, is what we call "weaponizing progressive language."
Because this would be a completely reasonable response in many circumstances. We've all seen similar things said to people who genuinely need to Stop, like celebrities defending their use of slurs (to name just one example). Devoid of context, this ask seems like someone fighting against an unreasonable asshole.
Except the thing I was most recently told to stop doing was...acknowledging that historical trans people existed.
The only reason I'm not simply ignoring this ask is that, once upon a time, I would have seen it and immediately started groveling. Because I don't want to hurt anyone, and I ESPECIALLY don't want to be doing so habitually. And very young people- like teens -in progressive spaces, I feel, are often cornered like this and made to apologize for "transgressions" that aren't real. They have the compassion, but not yet enough experience to recognize this pattern of behavior.
It's important to apologize and change when you hurt someone undeserving, or a group of innocent people. But it's also important to recognize when someone is trying to use that concern for others against you.
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ranboo-love-exe · 2 years
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