random-toria · 4 days
A little analysis of Ratio's owl symbolism. He's absolutely covered (and surrounded) with stylized images of owls. Here are just some examples (feel free to study him to find more). He was even (apparently) supposed to wear an owl mask in an older version of his design. But why.
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1. In western culture, owls are traditionally associated with knowledge and wisdom, which indicates his connection with Erudition, as a scientist. That's the most obvious explanation for his owl imagery, and probably the only one intended by the designers. But why stop here. Why not overanalyze it.
2. Owls are known as highly specialized and effective predators. So basically, an embodiment of the Hunt.
Dr. Ratio (about the phase flame): Do you know what to do with cornered prey? Hunt it to the death.
Btw, considering that paths are not just a gameplay convention but the actual in-universe things characters recognize in themselves and others, it's even more ironic that the character who dedicated his whole life to science and education belongs to the Hunt. Because gameplay-wise, the Hunt is the opposite of Erudition. The poor guy couldn't have been further away from Nous even if he tried.
3. Owls are good at being unnoticed. They hunt by hiding, observing, and waiting for the right time to strike. It reminds me of that mission at Herta Station, where we first met him. Most people on the station didn't even know that he was there, even though he personally saved these researchers. 
Screwllum (about Ratio's involvement in that mission): …and pulling the strings from behind the curtain is akin to laying down the gauntlet to a genius.
There is a theory that more or less the same thing is happening on Penacony, with most characters probably not knowing that he's even there.
4. The special structure of an owl's wings and feathers makes their flight practically noiseless, so they can approach their prey unnoticed. In addition to point 3, with him moving through Herta station unnoticed, it also reminds me of how he silently disappeared a couple of times in the middle of his conversation with Aventurine.
5. They gave him vertical pupils, probably in an attempt to make his eyes more owl-like. The problem is, I wasn't able to find a single photo of an owl with vertical pupils. They are round. So, if anything, it makes him look more like a cat.
6. And the last point, it's most likely not true, it's my little conspiracy/crack-theory. 
But he's sometimes referred to as a Professor; he's as much of an Owl as Aventurine is a peacock. Game, please don't tell me he has nothing to do with Penacony's Professor Owl the origami birds often mention, whoever it is.
In fact, if he wasn't too young for that, I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with the creation of Dreaworld. Because he mentioned before that taking a bath helps him with going to sleep, and on Penacony you take a bath to go to sleep (what are the chances), and then you enter a world filled with images of owls. It's probably actually nothing, but what a coincidence.
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random-toria · 4 days
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i wonder what it is
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random-toria · 4 days
RE: Aventurine's sister. I mean, I won't lie, her actually being alive is a twist I've rolled around in my brain alot. Especially with that whole "3k or so Avgins missing" detail. But also worth considering how tragic it would be on her end: she's been missing her little brother, he might be dead (and he was blessed, wasn't he? What does it mean if he's gone too?), who she basically had to be a parent for after their mom died and he was nowhere to be found after that fight with the Katicans. Only, years later, well, this might be more spitballing on my part, but it's seems alot like the Stonehearts are varying degrees of public figures. So, say she spots a very unmistakable face on some news program. As if it wasn't enough that the men in black betrayed them that day, they took their blessed child, made him one of theirs (heartbreaking, that he's been separated and cut off from them, Kakavasha dresses and talks more like they do these days)...
you're so right, i think she'd be against the ipc too
there's so much drama potential here i need someone to write a fic about it
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random-toria · 7 days
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lil guy examination from doctor ratio
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random-toria · 7 days
Merventurine Masterpost
a compilation of all my merman aventurine series in chronological order
Part 0: Prequel
Part 1: The merman and lighthouse keeper
Part 2: Doctor's new patient
Part 3: Bath enthusiast
Part 4: Chalk eater
Part 5: Numby the trespasser
Part 6: Outdoor experience
Part 7: Little gay merman with little gay dreams
Part 8: Gift of aventurines
Part 9: Professor Ratio
Part 10: Bad dreams
Part 11: Back to the sea
it's mermay everyday for me
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random-toria · 5 months
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random-toria · 1 year
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random-toria · 1 year
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[ID: two digital drawings. the first is of reigen arataka sitting on a throne looking smug while cecil palmer sneaks up behind him with an axe. reigen’s face is badly drawn and has cat ears and whiskers. cecil is a guy with a big eyeball for a head and a body with many arms. his hat says “mash potatoes” and he was a rainbow tie.
the second drawing is of two versions of cecil - him as an intern and him as a radio host. his entire head is one big eyeball with smaller eyeballs floating around it. on the left is he is an intern wearing a party hat that says “why does god allow bad things to happen”, a sweater with a cat face on it, rainbow striped trousers and shoes made of cheese. on the right is he is a full-grown radio host wearing bright yellow glasses, a poncho made of colourful, fabric hands, blue pants and jester shoes. end ID.]
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random-toria · 1 year
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random-toria · 1 year
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Goodnight, Reigen. Goodnight.
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random-toria · 2 years
petition to just release welcome to night vale onto the general public radio at odd hours of the night. i want someone to turn on the news at 3 am whilst driving through the desert and hear a disembodied voice rant about how a company franchise is turning his town into eldritch beings. i want them to go "what the fuck was that?", question everything real they've ever known, and then resume on with their life as if nothing had happened. i just think it would be funny
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random-toria · 2 years
the hoes love to poison my chalice
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random-toria · 2 years
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The chocobros my guy
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random-toria · 3 years
Being kind isn't actually about how much shit you can quietly take. You can be kind and still shut down people who attempt to use and manipulate you. Kindness is about treating others well whenever you can, not about how much you're willing to suffer for others. So don't confuse being kind with being a victim and a pushover. No one with your best interests at heart will claim that it's the same thing.
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random-toria · 3 years
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Anja and her barrier from the TV version of Madoka Magica episode 5
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random-toria · 3 years
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random-toria · 3 years
“Closeted people don’t face homophobia/transphobia” like take a wild fucking guess why they’re in closet in the first place buddy
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