razzbaie Ā· 17 days
I think Iā€™m just not meant to have any good relationships
Everyone just keeps abandoning me in my darkest moments
Everything I try to do upsets everyone
I have no one to vent too
No help
No validation
Or even acknowledgment
Iā€™m completely alone in this
Iā€™ll die miserable I know it
Iā€™m a failure
Failure as a person and a mother
Failure as a partner
Only thing Iā€™m good for is being used and abused
Thereā€™s no comfort in anyone
No arms to hold me
No words to soothe me
Iā€™ve never felt so unloved before
So ugly and useless
I canā€™t even be depressed in peace
DJ canā€™t see how sad I amā€¦he can tell tho
Poor baby needs me and this pain is keeping the distance between us
I wish someone would love me right for once
I wish I could be happy without someone hurting me all the time
Why is it that when someone meets me they just want whatever they think they can get out of me
When will I meet someone who just accept me n chooses me only
Iā€™m so ugly n broken
Iā€™ll never be enough for you eddie
Youā€™re already doin it again I know it
Why not just tell me?
I wish I could crawl into a hole
DJ deserves better parentsā€¦.
Why am I suffering so god damn much
From yours n someone elseā€™s choices
Why do I have to be in the middle of it all
I really donā€™t fucking matter
Iā€™m so insignificant that yall really threw me under to be that way with each other
You paid her
Your 3 years n then some
Lying to me
My 5 years wasted begging for you
Loving you
Doing everything for you
Im worth dirt
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razzbaie Ā· 22 days
I donā€™t mean anything to you
You just like how I make you feel
Why stay around me if Iā€™m not what you want
If my existence pisses you off
Go find someone better n leave me alone already
I wish someday someone would come along n save me
Love meā€¦.
I wanna feel like Iā€™m worth something for once
I wish you never did what you did
Paying her of all people
You want her that bad
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razzbaie Ā· 1 month
Iā€™m so pointless
Ask for bare minimum and itā€™s too much
Have needs n itā€™s too much
Just deserve to be a punching bag thatā€™s all Iā€™m good for
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razzbaie Ā· 1 month
I hate myself so much and for what??
Trying my best?? Why am I still even hear
Nobodies listening to me nobody cares about me
My mind and my heart are so fucking broken
Why do I even bother when everything I do feels like a mistake
You are already cheating I know it
I wish I was loved for who I am
I wish I was accepted for who I am
I want to hurt myself so badly but Iā€™m not the one who deserves to be punished
I wish my prayers could finally be answered and I could meet someone whoā€™ll make it better n I wonā€™t have to be scared or hurt anymore
I could just be happy
Be a wife
Be in a healthy happy home
But I fear that what I want doesnā€™t exist because itā€™s too perfectā€¦
I donā€™t want to be hurt and afraid anymore
I donā€™t want to pretend itā€™s all okay
I feel so abandoned and ugly as hell
I feel so undesired and disgusting
Iā€™m trash Iā€™m so easily thrown away
She gets you
You saw all of her n Iā€™m left with nothing but a shell of myself and youā€¦.someone I love and fear the most
I wish I could just disappear
If I died would it make a difference
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razzbaie Ā· 2 months
I wish I was worth loving
Why do people make me feel like Iā€™m hard to love why do they want to use me?..
Why is that all Iā€™m good for
People see Iā€™m sad n I get ignored im too much for them
I wish I was enough
Iā€™m scared all the time and I feel so incredibly ugly
I hate myself
I think I will Iā€™ve n die miserable
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m afraid of
I will remain unloved and lied too till I die
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razzbaie Ā· 2 months
Iā€™m struggling with the thought of it all
Your confirmation
You said it and itā€™s trueā€¦.but then you say you find me more attractive and different? You need me?
If that were true you wouldnā€™t have done what you did
Imagine being attracted to a complete whore
An extra dirty manipulative slut who ruins everything and everyone she touches
Maybe youā€™re right then
You deserve that kind of ā€œloveā€
From someone not capable of it
Youā€™re a disgrace to so many thingsā€¦
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razzbaie Ā· 2 months
I know Iā€™m being used again
Iā€™m a body to you
Weā€™re playing pretend
Anything to have ā€œloveā€ and attention
Iā€™m not good for anything else
Just a place holder
ā€¦..what would happen if I told them?
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razzbaie Ā· 6 months
Youā€™re not a bad sub if:
Edging isnā€™t for you.
Denial isnā€™t for you.
Pain isnā€™t for you.
Anal isnā€™t for you.
Oral isnā€™t for you.
Youā€™re also not a bad sub if you need to safeword, if your limits are different today, if you have chronic conditions or mental health struggles that limit you more than youā€™d like.
Thereā€™s so many posts that talk about the ā€œways to be a good subā€ and honestly there is no one way and itā€™s okay to do whatā€™s right for you. Youā€™re not a bad sub at all.
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
ā€œIf people are consistent in one thing - itā€™s in hurting each other.ā€
ā€” tumblrĀ  -Ā Ā Helaena C MoonĀ  /Ā  instagramĀ  -Ā  helaena.c.moonĀ 
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
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Albert Camus,Ā The Misunderstanding (1943)
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
ā€œMy heart is filled with such sad questions, that I have no answer for. All of this stoney-cold year, it has been asking meā€¦ ā€œHave I ever really been loved?ā€ā€
ā€” Helaena C MoonĀ 
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
when kafka said ā€œall the love in the world is useless when there is total lack of understandingā€ and when richard siken said ā€œif you love me, you donā€™t love me in a way I understand.ā€
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
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Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
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The Woman Destroyed; The Monolgue, Simone de Beauvoir
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
ā€œThere are those who unfold in black chasms - Whose souls breathe for the nighttide hue - Whose hearts croon for the moon. And whose love has been fixed with a woebegone blue.ā€
ā€” Helaena C Moon @Ā http://hapless-hollow.tumblr.com/Ā 
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
You donā€™t care about me like I care about you and its making me lose my fucking mind
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razzbaie Ā· 1 year
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Simone de Beauvoir, from a letter to Jean-Paul SartreĀ (Paris, Tuesday 12 September 1939)
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