re-the-bear · 2 days
Replying to comment specifically about "screaming into the void". Sometimes it's necessary. Whether it's writing a letter you'll never send, or vague-booking on FB at 3am, or posting on AO3 w/o tags, or literal screaming, it can be cathartic. It can totally be someone's MO even. Like I get that as a writer of narrative fiction most of the time you want some feedback. Heck feedback is how a lot of people learn and grow. However that isn't the only way, and honestly there is a discussion to be had about obsessive attention to clicks/likes/interaction online and how that can harm a person. But OP's original suggestion swings too far, over correcting for a niche problem that is actually indicative of overall societal issues around personal identity, manners, and para-social relationships.
Unpopular Opinion but I think AO3 should try going a year with all Comments and Kudos disabled, if that's what it takes to teach this generation of writers that (fandom) writing shouldn't be able Making Number Go Up
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re-the-bear · 2 days
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re-the-bear · 2 days
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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re-the-bear · 2 days
Quick question: Does the cold bother you? If not and if you require a new companion, maybe this winter dragon is of interest to you? Much better than a snowman, don't you think?
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re-the-bear · 2 days
welp, somehow im glad im not the only one
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re-the-bear · 2 days
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re-the-bear · 17 days
"Why are there so many female archers in fiction?"
Please forgive the clickbait-y title! This is a super complex and interesting topic that I barely scratch the surface of here, but I hopefully will be able to do more justice to things like this in the future!
Also, it's not the point of the video, but I had fun with the outfits in this- do you have any faves?
As always, please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, or watching on youtube if not!
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re-the-bear · 17 days
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[Image ID: A drawing of a fat person pulling up a sweater to show off top surgery scars. The sweater has a trans flag on it. He has short spiked hair, and stretch marks on his stomach and thighs. He wears boxers. There are wavy trans flags surrounding him, and the text to his right reads "Fat people deserve trans healthcare." His facial expression is enthusiastic and happy. /.End ID]
Please remember that fat trans folks experience increased medical discrimination and decreased access to life-saving medical transition.
It's very common for surgeons to have upper weight limits measured by BMI (body mass index), an outdated and bigoted system that many healthcare professionals have spoken out against as flawed and medically inaccurate.
Doctors often cite potential weight gain as a reason to deny trans people HRT (hormone replacement therapy.)
It is also common for trans people to be asked to lose weight prior to surgery. This is dehumanizing and abusive to the patients.
Fat trans people are often silenced in discussions of their own health. They are exposed to higher rates of medical abuse, inappropriate medical conduct, and bigoted medicine practices.
Fat trans people are often unsafe and unable to advocate for themselves in medical settings.
Furthermore, finding medical professionals who will work with you instead of on you is time-consuming, draining, and costly, on top of the preexisting difficulties of transition.
Advocate for and protect your fat trans friends, particularly your fat trans friends of color, and help prevent medical abuse. Having an ally in a doctor's appointment can be the difference between access to life-saving healthcare and a note to lose weight.
In short, remember to help fat queers where you can, and especially those in the medical field, challenge your colleagues when they reinforce fatphobia. It can be the difference between life and death for a patient.
Parents with fat children, speak up for them. You might not remember it, but your kids can recall each and every time their doctor noted their BMI and you didn't say anything.
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re-the-bear · 17 days
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re-the-bear · 17 days
The Netflix series was really cool too.
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people correcting for correcting about Yasuke as well.
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re-the-bear · 25 days
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re-the-bear · 25 days
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daphne's blessing 🌿
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re-the-bear · 25 days
❗️urgent meds help 05/09/24❗️
hey we need $78 for food for the week and $30 for moms meds that she just got prescribed and needs to avoid going to hospital? IMPORTANT we get help for this as we have nothing after we got insulin and uber trips thanks to yall. We also have 2 kids & 4/5 adults who are disabled we also have 0 family or friends to rely on & i know times are hard and ppl aren't rich. If you cant help, dont worry but if ur able to d*nat anything reblogs appreciated if you do send hate, blocked.
p3yp3l v3nmo c3sh app k0fi
(this is thelastpyl3r/avatarerin, heres why i ask for help so much.)
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re-the-bear · 25 days
"The most accomplished of all herbicide survivors is a little Poa annua found on a golf course, which resisted seven families of herbicide."
Nature abhors monoculture.
I've started to actually get excited for school starting, I spend a lot of time online reading scientific papers about my favorite weeds, and I think I want to study weeds forever.
Apparently it's an ongoing mystery why dandelions in North America are so diverse, when all dandelions that have been found so far are apomicts that reproduce only by cloning themselves.
However, any given site will have many distinct dandelion genotypes, with many different traits.
For example, a site might have one dandelion strain that blooms primarily in fall, and another that blooms primarily in spring.
One theory is that there's new genetic information constantly coming in from Eurasia somehow. Apparently dandelion seeds can spread on the wind 150 KILOMETERS! Perhaps some are just blown across the ocean in a storm? But if that's the case, why weren't dandelions found all over North America already when European settlers came?
The other theories are that there are sexually reproducing dandelions here that we just haven't found yet, and that they somehow make new diversity very rapidly purely through mutations and recombination and such.
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re-the-bear · 3 months
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re-the-bear · 3 months
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re-the-bear · 3 months
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Do you have enough love in your heart To go and get your hands dirty? It isn’t that much, but it’s a good start So go and get your hands dirty 
dirty, grandson
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