reagandunne · 9 months
closed to: adriana martinez! (@adrianamartinez ) location: vanilla unicorn
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"i know i've given this offer before..." reagan trails off, pausing for a moment to take a sip of her drink whilst she keeps her eyes on the club owner. once more, the town's safety is in jeopardy in a way that's more dangerous than before, and she could only imagine the worry that adriana was bearing right now, thinking about the safety of her employees, her dancers, and most importantly...the people closest to her. she could only imagine the struggle of keeping her peace of mind through it all. she worries about her brother herself, but she didn't want to be overbearing. "i'm...new to all of this." she admits, still learning about security work. "but i could offer extra help, if you need, ana. just say the word, and i'll be here."
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reagandunne · 9 months
brandon: yeah i am, where do you want to go? Reagan: how about claymore? it's on me. Reagan: how are you doing?
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reagandunne · 9 months
Adriana: hi reagan, I'm fine really Adriana: just another fucking day in this town Adriana: are you okay? shit here can be.. it's a lot Adriana: the same goes to you.. I mean that Reagan: i'm doing alright, i've just checked up on brandon. is there anything i could help with? bring you whatever you need? Reagan: i could offer extra security, for you and for the little one.
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reagandunne · 10 months
REAGAN 📲 BRANDON | @thebrandxnharris
Reagan: are you free today for lunch?
Reagan: or anytime, just before i go to work
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reagandunne · 10 months
REAGAN 📲 ADRIANA | @adrianamartinez
Reagan: hello, ana. just texting to check up on you. how are you doing? Reagan: if there's anything you need me to help you with, just give me a call, ana, alright?
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reagandunne · 10 months
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"i...i've heard about that news, but i didn't think that would be here--though...given you've caught me up with a couple of things that have happened...it's something that's not surprising. is it wrong to still hope that this memorial doesn't go through the same thing tonight?" reagan then nods at his next words, eyebrow raised as she tries to process the things that the shadow has done to this town, a wildfire of trauma it has left to everyone and from the looks of it, their rampage still isn't over. looking at her brother now, the woman makes a promise to herself to protect him. she isn't losing her only family, not in the hands of these sick people still going around town.
"do you think they're here, at this party?" she couldn't help but ask, the thought of a killer roaming around posing as one of the guests just sending chills down her spine. maybe this is one of those times that she should keep a closer eye on brandon, make sure he's not going to get hurt just in case the shadow decides to strike tonight. "i'm sorry again, about sasha...nobody deserves what these sick people has done to their victims..."
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"Well," he took a deep breath in, "the last t-time the whole town got t-together the previous sh-shadow's killed each other in t-the boss's office and the s-survivors got walked out in cuffs," Brandon explained, letting out the breath as a long sigh. This town was honestly a fever dream. "A month or s-so before that Heather's entire house got burnt down t-to the ground by her brother while s-she threw him a birthday party..." He shrugged a little bit. At this point, he just felt so far removed from what had happened in the first and second rounds of the shadow's antics. Even though it hadn't even been a year since this had all kicked off again, it felt like they'd all lived a lifetime.
Brandon chuckled lightly and nodded. "Yeah, unless you want t-to be baked out of your mind," he warned, glancing at the strawberries. "T-the stuff at this event will probably be alright." Though, as he said it, he kicked himself because what a fucking naive thing to say - nothing was probably alright in Hidehill. He sighed again. When his sister said she was here for him, it felt strange. It had only been a matter of months since his Dad died, but he hadn't really had him to lean on for years. He swallowed. "T-Thanks, Reagan... I just-- I keep th-thinking about her, about how the person who killed her i-is probably here... Under one of t-those masks..."
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reagandunne · 10 months
"that little nickname's stuck forever now, huh?" reagan teases back, grinning in response to a somehow alias that adriana has called her by. she was grateful that the way that her friendship with the club owner hasn't changed, even with the things she's done. but, in a way, she knew the other wouldn't change her perspective of the former con artist, and the feeling of comfort of being able to just tell her anything or everything without the judgement. the moment adriana reached her hand out, reagan didn't let her wait any longer and took a hold of it, letting the other lead her to the dance floor. "i don't believe you were stuck with boring people. i have to admit...i was waiting to finally have some of your time." she couldn't help but think of the conversation they had when she visited the vanilla unicorn, that little challenge, and part of her was wondering if this is going to be what their little dance is going to be about. reagan then gently pulls adriana close, hand on the small of her back as the two starts to sway along the music. "i'm not about to ruin the mood, but...i need you to know, ana, that i'm always here for you." it may not be part of her plan to cross paths with adriana again, but...reagan was just thankful to have her back in her life again, after all this time.
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The night had already been full of events for the brunette. She had done her fair share of socializing, reconnecting, gushing about her sweet baby back at home. She was riding a soft buzz from champagne that left her feeling happy for once, despite the circumstances that held this event. "Wow." She smiled, eyes trailing over Reagan entirely as she was approached. "You clean up nice for a bad girl." She teased, setting her glass down on the table beside her. She looked out around the room, watching all the people together while the music surrounded them. Reaching her hand out, she answers the question by pulling the other out to the floor with her. "And here I thought I'd spend the whole evening stuck with the boring people."
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reagandunne · 10 months
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Gift for thealieninhiding
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reagandunne · 10 months
closed to: adriana martinez! ( @adrianamartinez ) location: conrad masquerade ball
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reagan stayed by the bar for most of the beginning of the event, almost never not holding a glass of champagne as it seemed to be a way for most people to pull through events like this, not that she didn't want to be there, but this was just her first party in town, and to simply explain it, reagan was still getting a feel of everything and everyone, and chatting with her brother did help, though it wasn't just her goal, she wanted to be there to just basically keep an eye on brandon, making sure he was doing alright throughout, and of course, if he ever needed someone, she was there for him. though, an old friend did catch her attention the second she entered the room. of course, she hadn't made her approach, given how both of them were preoccupied with things, and now knowing basically what happened to adriana all these years, she couldn't help but feel the need to check up on her. she downs the rest of her champagne and finds herself now walking over to the other the second she assumed the other was free to talk to. "well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." she greets with a grin on her face. "care to let me steal you away for a dance?"
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reagandunne · 10 months
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"hit me with anything, brandon. i meant it when i said i wanted to get to know this place...you, better." reagan had only become a bit familiar with the history of the town and how deep the history of the shadow was when she arrived town, and have known more upon meeting her brother. of course, she was a little bit shaken up by their first meeting, yet she truly understood when he did what he did, brandon lost someone near and dear to him, and she'd caught him off guard. "ah, people loves lacing food here with stuff? i should keep an eye on those. though..i've already had a couple of those strawberry appetizers they were serving. i'm...feeling normal though." reagan says as she takes another look around, eyes on the servers with trays of different things they were serving people tonight. they're performing a t-tribute for...everyone. two of femme fatale's members were murdered for the past couple of weeks, and that really took a hit for everyone. sasha, elena...the news about them hit where it hurts most, and she could really see how it affected her brother. "hey..." she cautiously takes his hand to hold, squeezing it gently. "i'm here, alright? you've got me, brandon. you can tell me anything."
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"S-Sometimes I feel like I-I'm making st-stuff up when I tell you the, um, the stories and history of this place but... It, er, i-it really is this chaotic all the time..." Brandon chuckled. Hidehill had barely known peace even in the years between the original killings and Carter, Alara, and Nadia's restart of the Shadow saga. Something was always going on. It was just one of those kinds of small towns. He supposed that was why they stuck around - his Dad got the benefits of being a small town Sheriff but was also never bored because nothing was going on.
"Mmh, not really, just-- i-if you get offered s-something that's edible, know t-that it's probably laced with s-shit," he took a sharp inhale, letting the other know that he had learned that tip from personal experience. Needless to say, he was staying far away from any brownies or cookies or gummy sweets tonight. "Crue? Oh, s-she's with Austin and the others, they're, um, well, they're performing a t-tribute for..." He swallowed as his expression dropped, Sasha crossing his mind once again. "Everyone..."
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reagandunne · 10 months
reagan couldn't pass on the opportunity to attend the masquerade ball that is, as brandon said, her first hidehill party. she indeed has seen the intention of this event being held, people do have their own ways to grief, to cope, but at the same time, she understood the feelings of her brother towards the event. the two have spent some time together as of late, especially when she doesn't work during the day. it was a way for her to get to know the brother she's not known she had until three...almost four years ago.
"i do need a good luck--it does look like people here do know how to party." she says, before taking a sip of her drink. "is there any pointers you have for me when it comes to a hidehill party?" she asks, trying to lighten up the mood. he wasn't wrong, there's still a serial killer running around town. "where is you date, by the way?"
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Brandon was struggling to process everything with Reagan. How, after all this time, all these years, he could suddenly have a sister. All his childhood he had wished for a sibling, the wish had featured on his wishlist to Santa until such a time he realized that the big guy wasn't actually real. But his Mom had almost died giving birth to him, and then she got too sick to have another child anyway. And yet... This whole time she had been out there. Then there was trying to wrap his head around how the news had warped his perception of his own Father... It was a lot. But... He had always wanted a sibling...
So, when he saw her at the party, he walked over and sat down. "Welcome t-to your first Hidehill party," he said with a slightly ominous chuckle. "I-I feel like you might need a good luck," Brandon smiled softly. "They, um, th-they tend to be a bit out there at the, um, at the best of times, you know? Let alone when t-there's a serial killer running around..."
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reagandunne · 10 months
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"unfortunately, there was no butt to kick, people seemed to be a little bit more behaved than usual tonight. maybe that's why i'm not feeling tired at all?" reagan's first meeting with marlee was, of course, something she'd never forget. given how she wasn't even needed by the other when she arrived to the scene that was caused by a man who didn't know how to mind his own business. all she had to do is drag him out and ID him that night. it wasn't an ideal scenario to meet someone she'd consider a new friend in town, but, given how this town isn't remotely close to the word usual, she was starting to pick up on things and get used to it.
"words are hard, i need you to know that, marlee." reagan sighs, as in a way, she could relate to the fact that there's things that you do that you can't ever find the explanation for. she struggled, for years, to explain even to herself why she turned out to be the way that she was. it started from a simple rift between her and her mother than it had gotten worse and turned her into something, someone else. "do you...feel like you're rooted to the spot, this town? even if you wanted to leave, there's something that just keeps you here?" she couldn't help but ask. "i believe...the simplest way one could explain is this town, no matter how dangerous it is, has something that you're searching for."
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"Get to kick any butt tonight?" she queried, the tiniest hint of a curve to the sides of her mouth. Because you had to when the world was drowning in sorrow and shadow; find reasons to smile, to laugh, to feel bright things lest you completely forget how to altogether. Marlee imagined that Reagan wouldn't allow herself to stay tied to a town going through such horror if it weren't for her brother. She knew so many people who were stuck here because of family, money, businesses they'd built their whole livelihoods on. Even if you kept your life, if you lingered in hidehill you became a victim of the shadows regardless.
"I know she does," Marlee admitted, pulling her knees to her chest and digging her toes into the sand. "And even if she didn't she'd just be speaking out of concern for me. I logically know it." She feels ashamed when Reagan brings up reasons. Family, money, business, livelihood, those all felt like real, understandable rationalities to cling to. "I think the stressful part about it for me is that when I try to explain to her why I don't wanna leave it's....I can't find the words. I can't find something solid and rational to describe why I feel rooted here. "
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reagandunne · 10 months
"well then, good luck, ana. consider this your toughest one yet." reagan give adriana a smirk, a raised eyebrow of her own in return, letting her know that she was being dead serious, if this is going to be a game they were going to play together. "oh, a spouse with a white collar, cute house, white picket fence? where's the fun in that, ana?" reagan did in fact have a troublesome childhood that adriana had a glimpse of some parts of it, but...she's tried to keep the other away from most of it for the sake of protecting her. they did have memorable times together though, maybe those were the only memories she could recall, not the times that eventually led her to the life that she had. "oh? that's why you couldn't keep me away hmm, ana?" she couldn't help but tease the other more. "drawn to me...that's why you liked keeping me around..." even though so much time has passed, the two quickly picked up where they've left off, as if they didn't stop being friends. "it's not--he didn't exactly tried to shoot me, ana. i caught him off guard that night. though in all honestly, that's not how i envisioned our first meeting, you know?" she pauses to take a swig of her drink, emptying its contents and then putting it down. "but with what's been happening around us...i really couldn't blame him for that, ana. he didn't know he has a sister, and that was a lot to process." it did take her a long while to process whilst she was in prison, with how the truth was laid out to her by her mother all of a sudden that one day.
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"I treat just about everything as a challenge." Her brow raising slightly as she took another drink, giving the woman a look like she really meant it too. "Alright, maybe not the straight and narrow completely. But yeah, I thought you'd be the one to grow up and marry a lawyer or something." A small laugh leaving her lips, she could remember back to all the trouble the two of them used to get into when they were just kids. "I should have expected something much more exciting like this from you though." Her eyes lingering around the features of the now older face the other one wore. There was something about her that made things feel better, like she had brought the security of their childhood with her when she arrived in town. "I think that's what made us so close. I've always been drawn to the bad kids." She said as if she was always the innocent one "Wait- hold on." She wasn't sure which part had caught her more off guard, the fact that she had a sibling that Ana actually did know or the fact that there was a gun involved with their first meeting. "Brandon is your brother and he tried to shoot you?" Confusion was only one of the many expressions Ana wore on her face as she tried to wrap her head around what exactly had happened between the two of them. "Reagan be so serious with me right now, what the fuck?"
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reagandunne · 10 months
"i'm slowly getting accustomed to the schedule, marlee, though i'm not that exhausted yet. it's almost sunrise, right?" reagan turns to look at the scenery before them, such beauty this beach, this town possesses has a nightmare lingering from within, that has people on their toes, because no matter what the time is, no one knows when these deaths will strike except the shadow themselves, and she says this...now that knowing that this has been going on for months, understanding why her brother wanted for her to stay away, but he was the exact reason she was staying, she's not going to let anything happen to brandon.
"as annoying as it is..." she stops herself for a moment, not really knowing how it feels to have a mother who is there for you. reagan's was almost never around, until the very day she was about to be thrown into prison for the laws not only she did not break, but others who made her take the fall. that's when she only felt her presence. not that she was jealous, no, she would never be, as she's accepted the fact that her mother will never be like what others have at a young age. "she does have point. but...we do have reasons to stay in such places like this, don't we, marlee?"
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While Reagan's form might have been hard to distinguish in that space where dawn had painted the sky but wasn't quite illuminating the shadows yet, her voice was instantly recognizable. Marlee felt like the older woman had one of those tones that made everything she said sound firm and sure, confident in a way that Marlee herself felt like she sometimes just played pretend at; still a child walking around in her mother's heels. Her mother was a big believer in you meet the people you need when you need them most. Reagan helped her head feel just a tiny bit more grounded, her chest a little less constricted. As the woman approached and offered company, her vice grip on the pen loosened just a little.
"You just coming off a shift? You must be exhausted," she mused, though there was no part of her that was going to suggest Reagan take off and go home. Marlee was one of those people that could be fine on her own when she had to be, but the second her thoughts took a hard curve past neutral and headed towards anxious or depressed, all she wanted was to not be alone. "That would be nice. It would give me an excuse to ignore my mom's attempts to facetime me. She keeps threatening to fly out here and bring me back to Maine by force."
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reagandunne · 10 months
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reagan decided to stick around la vela to close up with max, the woman still getting used to her new life in town, part of herself feeling like she was once more imprisoned, but in a town where the uncertainty if you would still be alive by the next day is higher than normal due to a killer roaming around town, a new one this time, as she was told about the recent events of thee fourth of july party that happened in the very place she's now working at. she would've swerved from la vela if she'd knew earlier, but somehow, given where she came from, reagan wouldn't be as picky, as long as she has a decent job, that's all what is important about her turning over a new leaf, for her brother.
the bouncer then now finds herself taking a stroll around town when she left the club, eyes immediately landing on someone who was standing on the beach, either they were up this early or they haven't really slept. she walks over to them, and before she could even get a word out, they started to speak. "i'm still going to remind you regardless." reagan says in response upon realizing who it was. "i won't be asking a hit off your pen either. though...is it okay to keep you company?"
@hidehillstart Location: Fig Beach, 5:55am Status: Open
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Fig beach had, in Marlee's opinion, been the sticking location that had made her residency in hidehill permanent. There was something somber about the rocks and the heavy wet sand, the roar of the waves. When she was there she would close her eyes and imagine she was in an opening montage to some new mystery series on television, brooding indie music playing softly as the scene was set. She'd sit on the sand, just far enough out that the waves would tickle at her feet, and take a morning hit off her pen to stave off the constant hum of anxiety under her skin. And then she'd open her messages and sigh as she scrolled through the latest messages from her parents wondering why the hell she was still living in Tennessee and if she was just itching to make them have to identify her in a morgue.
This early there was usually no one else on the beach. The sunrise typically belonged to Marlee alone; pink, orange and yellows fading into that soft yawning morning blue. But today she realized she wasn't alone, footsteps to her left. "If you're coming to tell me I shouldn't be on the beach alone given everything going on, I thank you for your concern but I'm good...got me one of those badass self defense keychains. If you're coming to ask for a hit off my pen the answer is yes, but my price is you have to tell me a funny story."
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reagandunne · 10 months
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↳ Supergirl 4.01 “American Alien”
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reagandunne · 10 months
"are you treating this as a challenge now?" reagan asks with an eyebrow raised, slowly putting down her glass on the counter with a smirk on her face. "because i'm up for it, ana. we'll see if you can do that." the woman never felt in such a playful mood in a while until now. she feels light, in the best of ways. bumping into adriana again is something reagan is thankful for, given how it felt like she had been carrying the world on her shoulders for what feels like forever now. but she was trying to get out of the path she had put herself in in the first place, be a better person this time, possibly...take something from that reagan that adriana knew so well when they were children. maybe having her back in her life was fate's way of steering her in the right direction, not that she believes in it, she never did. it was just seeing her again is something reagan didn't expect, when she was trying to mend the pieces of herself and starting anew. "you really thought i was going to be straight and narrow?" she chuckles before taking a sip of her drink. "you're the only one who has ever thought that." she continues with a shrug, remembering how she does try to separate that part of her from adriana when they were younger, but there were occasions were she did fight people for her. "but i've always been a bad girl, ana." reagan grins playfully at at the other. "yeah...i've met him already actually, and uhm...i was greeted with a gun to my face. but all is well now." she shakes her head to herself. "so i'm guessing you know a brandon harris?"
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"Oh, don't say that." She brought her wine glass up to her lips, taking a sip as she looked over the glass at the dark-haired woman on the other side of the bar counter. "I can break anything." She gave a small smirk, setting the glass back down. She fiddled with the steam of the cup for a moment, listening to what she had to say about the life she used to lead. "Believe me, Reagan, this is nowhere near boring." She looked her features over carefully, trying to remember the way she used to look when they were children. Wondering if she still held that old glow like Adriana used to have before the killings started happening, she wondered if Reagan would lose hers being her or if her past had already made her lose it. "I can't believe that happened to you.. I'm sorry you were betrayed like that." She meant her words, she had always been the person on the other side of betrayal. She was always the betrayer and to know that someone had hurt her friend that way, her heart ached for her. "It's crazy that you grew up to be such a bad girl, I always thought you'd be the one to go on the straight and narrow." Working hard to suppress the smirk that wanted to grow on her lips, thinking about how much a troublemaker they had both turned out to be. "A brother? Here? Bitch, who? Everyone in this town knows everyone, I bet I know him."
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