reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
He smiled a little and nodded his head, glad she needed his help. “yeah, no problem hang on..” He pulled his hands out of his pockets and left the room. He glanced around at the few odd looks that he got from people. Probably wondering why he came out alone, but he didn’t care. He hadn’t really bothered with people lately, when this all started he wanted to save everyone. Wanted to make sure no one got hurt but lately he had slowly closed off, acting like he didn’t care. Really he was just afraid of losing anyone, so he decided not to get close. After finding the first aid supplies he got what he needed and avoided the eyes of everyone and used his back to push open the changing room door, walking backwards into it before letting the door swing shut. He finally sat down and dropped everything onto the floor. Carefully he opened the bandage that was around her leg. The smell of the infection getting stronger making his facial feathers scrunch up slightly. “it’s been awhile huh” he asked and quickly realized that could have more than one meaning and stuttered out “I mean like since you got this changed” he shook his head a little feeling a little embarrassed. Finding what he needed, he ran a disinfectant wipe over the wound. Watching as the greenish puss came off it. “this is really bad” he sighed a little watching as it cleaned up before putting some baby powder on it and putting on a new bandage. “That should help, the baby powder will soak it up if it pusses again”
Reagan waited paitently as Evan went out the changing room and then came back in about five minutes later, armed with a first aid kit. She stretched her leg out more as he began to open the bandage and her own knows scrunched up from the smell of the infection. "Thats disgusting, I'm so sorry you have to look at that," She said, apoligising as she stared as her bite mark was a mixture of blood and puss. She then heard what Evan said and laughed a little, noticing the embarassed look on his face and she nodded her head at him to answer his question. "About five days ago, and I suppose I should of made a habit of changing and cleaning it every day but, it's not really my forte, like I said."
She sighed a little and raised her eyebrows. "Bad enough that your gonna have to chop my leg off?" She asked him, flinching a little every so often as she felt him cleaning the wound. It didnt take long before it was beginning to look kind of normal ish - well, as normal as a bite mark could look. Evan clearly had some first aid training that he was holding back on. He could be extremely valuable to the group if he made this fact known. But Reagan knew that Evan was private enough already, so she would hardly sell him out.
She felt the muscles in her leg relax as he patted the baby powder on her skin gently and smiled a genuine thank you smile at him, her leg feeling clean and fresh as he wrapped a new bandage around it. "Thanks alot, I don't suppose you mind changing it again tomorrow? You know, to make sure it's not oozing or looking gross and unattractive like it was just then?"
What Remains Unsaid || Reagan & Evan
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
Hearing what she said Evan turned his head slightly, pulling his eyes away from hers. Meeting the ground he wasn’t sure if he couldn’t look at her out of jealousy or guilt. It was true he hadn’t went to see if she was okay when she came back injured. Really he had tried but there had been so many people around making sure she was okay he didn’t get a chance to, and everytime he tried to get a minute alone with her Elliott would be by her side. Evan was stubborn too, he knew that himself. Maybe that’s why he hadn’t spoke to her since - because she had never spoke to him. Unfolding his arms, he slide his hands into the pockets of his jeans. His arms tight against his sides as he breath out heavily, half sighing as his eyes moved back to hers listening as she continued to talk. Shrugging slightly he rubbed his lips over each other before finally answering her, his tone coming out a little harder than he wanted “what did you want me to do? you seemed completely busy with El..” his eyes widened a little, a slight look of anger on his face. It was strange though, because he wasn’t angry with her. He had no right or reason to be, maybe he was more angry at himself for caring so much. He knew he had always easily been jealous, but this was pushing it. He sighed his facial feathers softening as he nodded towards her leg “that’s infected, I can smell it. You want me to clean it up for you?” he thought maybe changing the subject would be easier. After all he was never one to be able to talk things out.
What did she want him to do? Reagan shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her bandaged leg. She wanted him to come and see her, she wanted him to of made the effort to come and see her so at least then she would of known that he cared she was okay and not dead. She didn't expect to have these feelings for someone, especially not in the circumstances that they were in but she wasn't about to spend the rest of her energy fighting them, when she needed it to fight for survival. And that made her feel kind of stupid, that she had let these feelings in, and there was a chance he didn't return them.
But when she heard Evan begin to say Elliotts name, she looked up at him. It was then she knew that he was jealous, and Elliott was probably the reason that he hadn't come around. He had been by her side for alot of the time, and although she was grateful, the last thing she wanted was for Evan to get the wrong idea of the two of them. She had come clean to Evan about her and Elliotts affair because she trusted him, and she didn't want to keep things from him. But now she just thought that maybe telling him was causing him to think that they had started seeing eachother again, which they hadn't.
She was relieved for the subject change. It was clear that Evan wasnt comfortable discussing this so she just smiled and nodded her head, looking back down at her leg. "Sure thing. Camille normally changes it but, shes sick and I'm pretty useless with the hospital stuff. But I have nice legs so I'd like to keep this one and avoid having to cut it off," She said with a laugh, attempting to lighten the mood.
What Remains Unsaid || Reagan & Evan
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
Feeling her fingers curling around the short sleeve of his shirt, Evan felt the muscles in his arm tense as he helped her to her feet. Noticing by the look on her face that she wasn’t all to happy with having to need his help. He wasn’t really sure why she decided they needed to be alone, after all they hadn’t talked in what? nearly two weeks. What could she possibly need to say that she couldn’t say in front of everyone else. As they crossed the room, Evan kept a hold of her. Supporting her weight, a weird tangy smell coming from her wound. It definitely needed to be cleaned the smell of infection was almost nose burning. He wasn’t to sure if she noticed but he knew the girl who usually dealt with all this was sick. What was her name again? Evan couldn’t really remember. He hadn’t got close to anyone over the last few weeks. Not even enough to remember any names, but that’s just how he was. As Reagan pushed open the door to the small changing room, Evan’s eyes couldn’t help but meet Elliott’s. He was watching them and he could probably guess why. He wasn’t sure what was going on with the two of them the last few weeks, but last he knew was what Reagan had told them about their affair. Maybe it was back on. With that thought he pushed his lips together feeling a tightening on his chest as he literally felt his body go cold and emotionless. Ignoring any feelings he was having. He watched her sitting down, and stayed standing. Crossing his arms over his chest as he licked over his dry lips. Glancing to one side before his eyes moved back to hers hearing her question. “is the set up really what you wanted to come in here for?”
Reagan heard what Evan said which made her roll her eyes and she shook her head. She slowly bought her leg up so she could stretch it out properly against the bench - it really helped having it propped up against a raised surface, instead of being bedridden to her sleeping bag. That just made it cramp up and feel even worse.
"No, no it isn't." She said firmly, her eyes flicking back up to Evan as she watched him stay still and standing up. His arms folded over his chest and she wasn't sure if he was doing this in a protective manner, or just because he was pissed off. She hadn't spoken to him alot in the past couple of weeks but she hadn't been able to actually get up and socialise, and he hadn't come to visit her. She knew what Evan was like, and she knew that he did shut himself off from people but she didn't understand why he was shutting himself off from her. Reagan thought they shared a mutual understanding in most things, but this made her think otherwise.
"You've barely said two words to me since I came back from that raid and I can't help but feel like your avoiding me." She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the way she sounded. Reagan was never one of those girls. One of the needy ones that constantly needed attention from the opposite sex. In school, Reagan often got along with guys a hell of a lot more because girls were two faced bitches. It didn't help that she felt something for Evan, especially since they had kissed. And she wanted to know what the deal with him was, and if she was being shut out.
"You didn't come and see me when I was cooped up by myself and," She rolled her eyes again, but she knew she had to say it otherwise it would just play on her mind. "To be honest, you haven't really acted the same towards me since we kissed so, whats the problem?"
What Remains Unsaid || Reagan & Evan
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
What Remains Unsaid || Reagan & Evan
Reagan heard Evan offer to help her up and she swallowed her pride and placed her hand against his upper arm, curling her fingers around his shirt as she pulled herself up off the ground, her face creasing as she felt a familiar pain shoot through her leg. She wasn't sure if it actually needed to be re-bandaged, but Camille was really sick and she was the nurse; the one that everyone went to when their cuts and bruises needed to be sorted out. Reagan would just have to figure something out herself, but right now she just needed to talk to Evan.
Toronto performing arts centre was literally only made up of one big room; the auditorium. And it most definatley wasn't healthy for all the survivours to be stuck in there. There was no privacy, no alone time, and Reagan felt as though Harrison was constantly watching her like a hawk ever since the whole Riser attack kicked off with Lia. However, he didn't flinch when she got up with Evan, so she figured Harrison trusted Evan to not let him be lead "astray," by her.
The only room that Reagan could escape to with Evan was the small changing rooms just at the back of the theatre. So, she guided him over there, pushing open the door as she put most of her body weight on her good leg, being careful not to topple over and make a fool out of herself. When the two of them were finally inside, she let out a sigh of relief and plonked herself down on one of the benches, massaging her temples with her fingers. She was actually relieved to have some peace and quiet - the noise in the theatre echoed so it made it sound ten times louder than it actually was. After a few seconds of embracing the silence, she tilted her head up and looked at Evan and raised her eyebrows slightly before speaking. "So, how do you like this new set up?" She questioned.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
why would I be jealous? we’re just friends..
If you can’t walk then maybe it’s not a good idea to go to far, in case something happens but eh it’s up to you
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Just friends that kiss eachother in the shower? Sure okay, whatever gets you to sleep at night.
My leg is fine I wish everyone would stop treating me like an invaild. Look we can literally just go in the next room so we don't have all the noseys gawping at us - but if you dont want to be alone with me then speak up.
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bored bored..
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
hate to get in the way of you and Elliott anyway
I suppose at least you’re not dead it wasn’t to bad then.. just be more careful or something yeah. This snow is doing my head in, and been in this room with everyone else is just a pain
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There is no "me and Elliott."
Are you jealous?
I hated snow as a kid. I hate how it freezes my fingers and toes. I don't see the novelty in it. And it is kind of noisey in here.. if you can help me up we can find someone a little more quiet to hang out?
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bored bored..
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
really don’t know what you’re talking about
sounds really well.. stupid, what where you both doing out alone anyway
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I think you have every idea on what I'm talking about, you're just choosing to play dumb.
Everyone was setting up camp so we just went on a raid for food. It's neither of our faults if we get jumped by a group of 20 Risers now is it? Whatever, it's over and done with now anyway and no one got hurt... well, hurt badly. Lia got out fine and I'm immune.
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bored bored..
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
I can see you’ve gotten to know more people then.. so what happened your leg
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Dont think that I haven’t noticed that you’ve been avoiding me since we kissed back in the rehabilitation center, I just don’t know how to word it without sounding like one of those needy girl types.
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Long story short, Lia and I went on a raid into the high school and mid-raid there was a huge Riser attack; she managed to get out whereas got a huge chunk taken out my leg by one of those bastards and ended up trapped in a classroom. Fun.
bored bored..
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
Yeah I noticed you hoping around with Elliott lately..
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Yeah, Harrison won't let me be alone in a room by myself and he seems to think that nothing is going to slip by Elliott. Besides, if I spend too much time with Lia by myself I think Harrison assumes we're going to run off and cause havoc again because apparently we're "bad influences on one another."
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bored bored..
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
Try not being able to walk around anywhere without having an assigned babysitter, then I think boredam hits a whole new level.
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bored bored..
and oh yeah.. bored. All the risers around you think I’d be entertained
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
I can imagine. Let’s go for a walk then, shall we?
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My mother always did tell me never to take walks with strange men... I'm sorry but I think we're yet to meet?
It's my fault, I've been sleeping for the best part of a week. Being injured sure does wear you out.
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My legs finally healing over and starting to look a little less gross.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
With your leg looking like that? No way!
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And.. I wanna apologize for what happened. Because of me and my stupid idea of wanting to go to that campus, your leg is so badly injured now.. I am truly sorry, Reagan.
Lia! Don't blame yourself okay, my leg is fine trust me. Elliott sorted it, it's only a little scratch. No one is to blame, I'm just glad it wasnt you. At least this way, everyone lives and no one turns into a Riser.
So just get those bad thoughts outta your head, it's fine I promise!
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My legs finally healing over and starting to look a little less gross.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
My legs finally healing over and starting to look a little less gross.
Sitting around is driving me crazy, I just want to go and do something.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
The entire fiasco of Lia and Reagan going off for raiding purposes had proven lethal, at least physically lethal when it came to Reagan. She was on 24 hour watch, which as much as he tried to convince himself was for her wellbeing, he knew deep down it was for the safety of the group. Anyone handling the wound had to be extremely careful because there was no telling how else the virus could spread. Elliott wasn’t there for the mending process, but he imagined it to be a painful one, especially if they had to cut away any of the infected tissue. 
The group had finally decided to pack up and finally make the long haul to Toronto. Elliott was beside himself when it came to this trip; part of him was wondering why he even bothered anymore. 
Slung over his right shoulder was a backpack full of personal things. Once he was set, he headed on over to the school bus to see Reagan not far ahead of him. She was limping, although she was definitely forcing herself through the pain. Elliott caught up to her quickly and lent out an arm, offering to give her the support she was lacking. “Hey, let me help you out there,” he shrugged. “Least I can do.” 
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Reagan heard the quickening of footsteps behind her and she managed to turn her head ever so slightly to the side to see that it was infact Elliott gaining on her. She was kind of glad, really, because she wasn't sure how long she would of been able to balence herself so she thankfully hooker her arm through his outstretched one that he had offered to her and used him to lean against as she continued to walk towards the bus.
"Thanks, but you really have done enough," She mumbled, sincerely. She knew that he had, after all, he was the one that had come to her rescue. She didn't want him to feel like he had to constantly do things for her. Reagan wasn't actually used to them getting along okay because their previous relationships had been nothing like this one. They had gone from one extreme to another and at the moment it seemed like they had found a mutal balence between the both. Was it that they were now friends? She wasn't sure.
Reagan gritted her teeth together again as she concentrated on getting to the bus. Elliott matched her slow pace and helped her along and she was more than grateful for it, but she was especially relieved when she actually reached the steps of the bus and she unhooked her arm from Elliotts and leaned forward, gripping both her hands against the doors of the bus as she pulled her bodyweight up, one foot at a time. It was difficult; but she managed to get on.
Turning her head again over her shoulder she looked at Elliott and nodded her head towards the back of the bus as she leaned against the side of it, just to give her leg a small rest before she would make her way towards the end. "I'm gonna tax the back so I can stretch my leg out along the back seats and I best do that before Harrison gets here because I'm pretty sure he'll want me sitting at the front under his watchful eye." Reagan said, rolling her eyes as she let out a small laugh before stepping up into the walkway of the bus. She moved her hands to hold onto each seat that she walked past, making her way down towards the very end as she opened her mouth to call back down to where Elliott was; after all, the bus wasnt that big. "So uh, where are you sitting?"
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Bumpy ride || Elliott & Reagan
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
Bumpy ride || Elliott & Reagan
The most frustating part of the whole ordeal that Reagan had gone through was the fact that she could barely walk, and always had to rely on other members of the group to help her. Most of her life she felt like a burden or a problem, but now that feeling was magnified to the extreme.
She was so grateful for Elliott for coming after her, for saving her. She was pretty sure that if he hadn't of arrived on the scene when he did, she would have died from either loss of blood or some kind of infection in her leg. The bite was covered up as much as possible, and treated with various medication and remedies by Camille, but Reagan knew herself that it still posed a risk of some sort of infection and she kept her fingers crossed that it would heal perfectly fine. The last thing she wanted was to have to have her leg amputated. And the thing was, she hadn't managed to talk to Elliott alone. As soon as he bought her back into the centre, everyone was fussing around her (especially Camille) and she barely had any time on her own; Harrison had allocated someone to always watch over her but she didn't think that was for her own safetly, deep down she knew it was the groups safety. Harrison hadn't liked her from the get go and with her and Lia going off to the university and getting caught in the midst of a Riser attack apparently showed "irresponsibility."
Despite all this, Reagan made her way to the school bus by herself. She didn't really trust anyone anyway, and she'd rather not rely on them. Letting out a small sigh, she gritted her teeth as she placed one foot infront of the other, slowly moving towards the big yellow bus. Each time she stretched her bad leg, she could feel a shooting pain slicing up her thigh. She tried not to show it in her face but it was extremely difficult to ignore. The sooner the group got to Fort Rain, the better.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
As Reagan sat, slumped against the wall of an empty classroom, she could slowly feel herself slipping in and out of conciousness. She was sweating, rasping for breath as she desperatley tried to concentrate on staying awake. The "adventure," her and Lia had gone on went terribly wrong, and had ended with her being alone, and bitten; resulting in a dramatic loss of blood.
She gritted her teeth hard as she pushed her hands against the floor, trying to move her body but it was no use, she couldn't. The three Riser's that she had somehow managed to fight off had took a good few chunks out of her right leg; the skin on the outside of her leg was ripped and cut from just below her knee all the way up her thigh to where her shorts ended. Her clothes and hands were covered in her own blood, and if someone didn't come quick, she was convinced she was going to die.
And thats when she heard the footsteps outside the classroom door. Somehow she had managed to firmly lock it to stop any Risers getting in before she had collapsed against the wall just by it. But there was a definate sound of footsteps. And it wasn't the foot-dragging Riser ones either. No, it was a normal, pacing sound. In a frantic moment of panic that whoever was outside would just walk on by the room that she was in, she banged her fist against the door without even thinking that there could be any Risers waiting for her, and with all her might she stretched her arm as far up as she good and flicked the lock of the door up, before yanking it ajar just so she could see exactly who was outside.
"E-Elliott..." She croaked out, coughing slightly. Her voice was raspy and low and she could barely speak louder than a whisper but that was probably a good thing. Of all the people, she couldn't believe that he was here. Why was he here? Did Lia get back safely and warn everyone that she was still trapped inside?
She knew she shouldn't question it; someone was here and she would be safe now, right?
"E-Elliott... h-help... my l-leg..." Reagan stammered, opening the door a little more with her hand as she let out a pain-filled groan. She needed him to come inside the classroom - it was dangerous out in the hallway and she didn't want to put him in danger as well.
Raid Gone Wrong | Reagan & Elliott
If it hadn’t been for his instinctual need to purchase backup whenever it came to technology, his watch would have never lasted long enough without the spare battery to alert him to the prolonged raid Lia and Reagan set off on at the University well over an hour ago. From what he came to understand, the University was not a ways away from their current pit stop. At first, he tried his best to push the ideas out of his mind, but as the seconds turned into minutes, he no longer felt sitting idly was the wisest of choices. Reacting to his fears, Elliott took his flashlight and set off to the University, disregarding half their established rules in the making. 
It was already past midday and the sun had begun its journey to shed some light on the rest of the devastating Earth. The few minutes he traveled till he found the campus could have been better utilized by preparing himself for the sights he saw next. A scattered group of reanimated Risers were dragging themselves limb by tattered limb in the direction of the University. And where there were a handful of them, it was naive not to consider the likelihood of a heard not far behind them.
Elliott felt his stomach drop at the thought that he may have reacted too late. “Fuck,” he sighed, opening one of the side doors and flashing his flashlight inside the darkening building. Once he was inside, upon first impression it appeared there was not much activity. He sighed out with little relief, not convinced all was well and fine.
Down the hallways, Elliott peered into the open classrooms and offices, looking desperately for some sign of their being there. Elliott pointed the flashlight in the next room when he saw there, a group of Risers occupied with a container of what was either fetal pigs or preserved cats; it was irrelevant. All he was certain of was once they ran out of that supply, there would be little to no time in escaping without running into them, if not more hungry Risers. He needed to find the girls, and he needed to find them now.
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reagankennedyx-blog · 11 years
“Yeah.. Same here. Staying in a nut house just give me the creeps. I can’t even sleep properly at night.” Lia grumbled softly as she frowned. For the past few days she couldn’t sleep peacefully and she would wake up at the slightest  sound. She watched Reagan pushed the campus door open while turning on her flashlight and pointing her gun just in case something popped up. Doing the same , she entered the campus while giving Reagan the type of smile that said ‘Thank you for holding the door for me’. “Wow.. this is just..creepy.” Papers were scattered everywhere, some lockers were left opened and there was even a few chairs lying around for some reason. Now it really looked like some killer or horror movie.
They walked down the hallway, passing by rows of empty and deserted classrooms while Reagan flashed her flashlight from side to side. The brunette then spoke in a calm tone, asking her whether she wanted to find the canteen or maybe the science lab. Lia smiled a small smile before answering in a soft tone. “Hmm.. the science lab sounds good. Haha! Yeah, we could totally make an acid bomb or something! Then afterwards we could head to the cante—“ Her words were cut off when she heard a loud crash which seemed to be coming from the classroom near the two girls.
Reagan jumped due to crash and moved back next to Lia. The loud crash made Lia jump too. Her instinct kicked in and she instantly pull the brunette into the classroom which was right next to her. ‘What the hell was that?!’ Looking at Reagan, she too whispered back. “I thought so too. I don’t know. Could it be a Riser..?” Like as if her question was answered, she suddenly heard the sound of groans and feet shuffling across the floor. She slowly moved toward the door and took a peek to see what it was and her face immediately turned pale, body stiffening. There was not one, there was not two but there was a whole bunch of Risers and they were headed their way. Lia gasped softly and immediately moved away from the door. ‘It seems like they didn’t see us yet..’ She then looked at Reagan, whispering in a fearful voice. “T-there is a group of Risers outside..! And a group I am not saying three or four, I am saying maybe a dozen or more…!”
Reagan didn't resist when Lia pulled her into the opposite classroom, away from whatever was coming. They couldn't be too safe. Letting out a heavy breath, Reagan shrugged her shoulders at the girl when she suggested maybe a Riser and Reagan stepped forward to take a look as well, only to be stopped as Lia gasped and moved away from the door. Reagan had her flashlight turned off so she didn't draw any unwanted attention to the both of them but she could see that the colour had drained from Lia's face. She didn't even have to explain - the tone of her voice said it all.
Reagan let out a loud frustrated groan; the two girls weren't anyway near well enough equipped to deal with a Riser attack. A big one, no less. She built up the courage and took it upon herself to look out the door and gulped. They were moving slowly down the hall, towards the classroom that the girls were in but it didn't seem like they had noticed them. Reagan turned her head to the side and hissed to Lia; "Listen, we need to get you out of here safely. I'll be behind you the whole way but I can fight them off with no worry of them biting me and me turning." Reagan didn't want to worry about the fact that she could infact die, she just wouldn't rise afterwards. "I'll protect you, we'll get out of here okay but you just have to stay calm." Lia had been okay when her and Reagan had took out the one Riser, but a group of them was very different.
Keeping her breathing steady and low, she waited for the group of Risers to pass the door of the classroom before opening it slightly and grabbing Lia, pulling her out as she pointed towards the end of the hall. "The Risers are heading towards the enterance, so the only option we have is to go deeper into the school and maybe find a back exit or fire escape or something. No flashlights, we can't draw attention to ourselves and we need to be quiet."
And just as Reagan stressed the quiet part, she found herself tripping over one of the broken chairs that was slung on the floor - making a huge clattering sound as she fell onto her knees. "Shit!" She cried, without even thinking of the consequences but she didn't have any time to think. Stealing a glance behind her, the Risers began groaning louder and turning around to make their way towards the girls. "Shit!" She shouted again, grabbing her gun from the floor and scrambling up to her feet, grabbing Lia's hand to pull her into a sprint.
~One adventure at a time~ Lia & Reagan
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