Reverse Receding Gums
Possibilities For Preventing Gum Disease Naturally
Gum disease is caused by dental plaque bacteria that settle around, on and between the teeth. If these bacteria are not removed by regular brushing and flossing, they can lead to gum irritation and subsequently to red, swollen gums and bleeding gums. These are early symptoms of gum disease, also called gingivitis.
Reverse Receding Gums Naturally
If these symptoms remain untreated for gum disease, small cavities or "pockets" between teeth and gums may result. As these pockets deepen, one of the most severe forms of gum disease, periodontitis, can develop, When this stage of gum disease is reached, damage may already have occurred. If the disease is not treated, it may even lead to tooth loss.
That's why it's so important to stop this journey with effective treatment of gum disease at an early stage (gingivitis) to keep your gums healthy.
TREATMENT OF DENTISTRY IN THREE STEPS Healthy gum is a prerequisite for strong teeth, and  good oral care routine is the best way to get your gums healthy.
There are only three simple stóps required to keep the gums and teeth clean and to help Prevent gum disease.
STEP 1 - BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE DAILY WITH PARODONTAX DAILY FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE Brush the teeth twice a day for at least two minutes with a manual toothbrush or a small head electric toothbrush with soft rounded bristles. Use natural toothpaste. It eliminates plaque bacteria deposits on the gingival margin leaving the gum and tooth seal intact. It is four times more effective than a conventional toothpaste when used twice a day to treat gum bleeding.
Can Gum Disease Be Reversed ?
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Remove dental plaque in interdental spaces and other hard-to-reach places with dental floss or interdental brushes. Remember to gently guide the floss between your teeth. Otherwise, you could injure your gums.
STEP 3 - VISIT THE DENTIST REGULARLY TO REMOVE PLAQUE AND PREVENT GUM DISEASE. Take regular precautionary visits to the dentist. At the check-up, gum problems can be detected before symptoms appear. Your dentist can also clean your teeth, rid them of tartar and polish them to remove stubborn deposits of plaque bacteria (tartar) and prevent gum disease.
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By follówing these three steps, you can help prevent gum disease and maintain healthy gums and strong teeth.
Reverse Gum Disease Receding Gums
If you recognize symptoms of gingivitis or are already suffering from gingivitis, these three steps can help prevent progression to periodontitis. This is important because periodontitis is irreversible and can lead to tooth loss without treatment. If you already have gum disease, you should consult your dentist, who can stop it from getting worse.
Natural toothpaste for receding gums can remove more plaque than a conventional toothpaste after professional cleaning and brushing twice a day.
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