rewrittentoaus · 5 years
@rewrittentoaus || closed starter
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 What am I doing here again?”
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“I am sensing a disturbance on Earth, and I need you to find out what’s going on. We need to stop whoever is behind this mess before it’s too late.”
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 Right. Of course.”
As he looked around, he noticed that something was indeed
 Off. Crops seemed to be dying, and there wasn’t a sign of animals nearby. Before he could think on it more, however, he noticed someone nearby–he seemed
 Familiar, but who–
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 Magnus?” He mumbled as he then went to approach the much taller man, cheerfully as ever. “Magnus! It’s been forever since I’ve seen you around!”
Before he could continue on, his mood seemed to change entirely. He had a frown as he looked down, thinking on something. Perhaps he knew exactly what was going on, and there was only one way to find out; by asking him!
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 Anyway, Lady Palutena has sent me down here due to some sort of disturbance going on, and I was wondering
 Do you know anything at all about this?”
{✱};— |“I thought this forest is suppose to be full of animals but even the mightiest of bears run away from me. How am I suppose to eat if I can’t even hunt?”| The rather gruff looking individual muttered while scratching the back of his head. |“At this rate, my stomach is going to probably eat itself ... “|
Then suddenly he was taken back by voice calling to him. Magnus’ eyes widened. |“That shrill voice ...  could it be?”| He then turned around to see a familiar, feathered face before him. The rugged warrior actually smiled down at the angel as he crossed his arms.
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|“I’ll say. It’s been what? 7 to 8 years now?”| While he didn’t seem all that thrilled about seeing the angel again, he was glad about seeing his battle partner once more.
Then he noticed Pit’s expression became more serious, he knew that this meeting wasn’t just for catching up. Then when the angel explained the real reason why he was there, Magnus’ became kinda puzzled.
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|“Alotta’ things is always going on the world. So you’re gonna have to be more specific, Angel Face.”|
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rewrittentoaus · 5 years
Arlon did have a good point. It certainly got Chione thinking–should she press on it more or should she just leave it at that and accept that Arlon wasn’t going to provide any information on the matter?
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“I suppose you do have a valid point.” She mumbled as her expression softened, deciding to leave it at that instead. She wasn’t only putting herself at risk; she was putting Arlon himself at risk too. “But no matter what, I am certain Palutena will notice sooner or later.”
{✱};— |”Indeed.”| His tone so soothingly calm, it hard to tell what he truly meant by that one worded statement. Was he simply agreeing with the facts or was there some deeper meaning behind it? So hard to tell at times. Maybe even for Viridi.
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|”Is there anything else you inquire about, Lady Chione?”|
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rewrittentoaus · 5 years
“It is alright. I will only be here for a short moment.” Chione briefly responded. It didn’t happen often that she approached anyone other than the other members of the Guardians of the Seasons without letting them know beforehand, but she didn’t have much of a choice this time around.
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She frowned at Arlon’s response. Something about it just didn’t sit well with her–was he hiding something?
“Arlon, you are one of the Commanders of the Forces of Nature. Even if you are not involved, you would usually know if Viridi really is up to something, and I need to know.”
Hiding it was really no use as she’d find out sooner or later anyhow. But she wanted to know before it was too late, so both she and Palutena could aid in stopping her.
{✱};— Chione didn’t seem satisfied with the response he had proved. Arlon wasn’t really shook by the winter goddess’s stubbornness, as he too was sticking to his guns. For Viridi’s sake at least.
|”It is true what you are saying. So that means that you must understand the position I am in yes? That if I do know what Mistress Viridi is up to, I simply not allowed to let my tongue slip of any secrets like an open book.”| He stated, his expression still as calm and collected as ever. 
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|”Even if I weren’t loyal to her, I am fairly certain Mistress Viridi could easily snuff me out for treason if she deemed it fit.”|
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rewrittentoaus · 5 years
@rewrittentoaus || closed starter (for Arlon the Serene)
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 Arlon.” Chione had ultimately decided to approach him in person after taking her time to think on this. “There is
 Something I need to talk to you about. Something that’s been bothering me for a little while now.”
There was a slight hint of hesitation in her voice. She could be facing some serious consequences if Viridi finds out about this very conversation, but she really couldn’t help it. She had to know if Viridi was up to something, and she knew that Arlon could answer her question.
“I have taken notice of a
 Disturbance in the overworld; crops have suddenly been ruined, animals are steering clear of the humans entirely
 I must know this, Arlon
 Is this all Viridi’s doing?”
{✱};— Arlon had just gotten finished help fixing around the domain from when he was trying to convince Dark Pit to come with him and Dark Pit quite frankly did not want to listen to what either him or the Mistress wanted. While doing so, he did since that someone else was in the world of his goddess. It was a powerful enough presence that it caused the minions to back off and not attack on sight without Viridi saying so.
When she spoke up, the purple hued man slowly turned around to face her ... and look down as he rubbed his hand within a cloth of sorts.
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|”Ah, this is quite a pleasant surprise, Lady Chione. If I had suspected you were coming, I would have prepared you some tea.”| He noted as he put one hand behind his back and the other over his chest and bowed. Before he could welcome her, the winter goddess had quickly explained the reason why she is was here.
After hearing her own in greater detail, Arlon stood straight up with both arms behind his back, getting into his usual stance. He wasn’t too surprised that Chione already started noticing but rather she is the first one to. He was certain that Palutena would be first one. Then again, Chione, along with the other seasonal guardians, is a part of the Forces of Nature ...
None the less, he would not be spilling the metaphorical beans so easily.
|”I’m afraid what Miss Viridi does on her time of duty is between her and nature itself. I’m not involved.”| He wasn’t really lying about this. Even though he was asked to keep an eye on the progress of the goddess of nature’s plans, the gentlemanly being didn’t have an actual direct hand in it this time at least.
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rewrittentoaus · 5 years
Viridi found herself utterly confused when she heard the explosions; where was it even coming fro–? 
Oh. Now she understood.
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“What makes you think you have the right to insult me like that!?” Viridi yelled. That she wasn’t pleased was an understatement, really. 
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“That aside, I need you to do something for me,” she began, “someone is getting in the way of my plan to wipe out humanity, and I can’t let that happen! So I need you to go after them before it’s too late!”
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{✱};— “You’re going to try that half baked plan again after it unsurprisingly failed?” He had to remind her, didn’t he? “Why should I be the one to do it, anyways?! Can’t you get one of your croonies to do it--OOF!” Dark Pit cut himself off with a yelp as he was struck in the head. It wasn’t a harsh strike but it did get the point across, as he held the top of his head.
The one that struck him was Arlon. It wasn’t often that he initiated direct violence unless he felt it was absolutely necessary and there was no other option. However, Dark Pit was one of those ... exceptions to the rule at times.
|”You should be more gracious. Miss Virdi allows you to stay within her domain, despite not being one of her creations. She grants you the power of flight as you so ask. So I do not think doing one simple favor is out of question.”|
“You’re joking, right? ‘A simple favor’? Your ‘precious’ little goddess is trying to cause genocide to the whole planet just so plants can take over!” Then he folded his arms, shaking his head. Gods and Goddesses ... how ridiculously awful. “Plus, you don’t think Miss ‘Overly-Perfect’ and that over grown chicken boy of hers won’t notice? As soon as she sees what you’re doing, they’re going to try to stop you again.”
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
          I don’t have a fancy schmancy graphic right now but if you would like to roleplay with a AU sideblog that is connected to @rewrittentopixels then could you give me a follow or let me know you wanna rp?
I know not much is here right now but I really wanna start using this blog again and get the blog rolling on some of my AUs!
... and if not a simple reblog will do too shdgsk
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
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((I definitely need to use this blog waaaaay more often
But I also wanna finish doing bios and pages akshjka
... Meh, I might just do that now that I am pretty much finished with my main blog at the moment lol))
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
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“Well, duh. I wouldn’t have asked where he is otherwise.” Viridi said with a huff. She was planning on sending Dark Pit out to get whoever was interrupting her plans out of the way, even if it was someone she knew.
{✼};— Arlon said nothing more as he disappeared into the shadows. Only a matter of seconds later there was sounds of ... explosions? Was there a battle going on? It sounded like it was really heated before all of a sudden it just stopped. When it did, the purple hued, butler like gentleman came back with a certain black winged angel in tow.
|”I deeply apologize about that, Miss Viridi. Master Dark Pit is being more tenacious than usual today.”| He said before placing Dark Pit into his feet.
Red eyes glared up at Arlon as the angel was put down.
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“What’s the big idea you over sized grape taffy stick?!” Then he glared at the goddess of nature herself. “And what do you want, you twerp?!”
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
rewrittentopixelsaus > rewrittentoaus
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
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Budew, Roselia and Roserade
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rewrittentoaus · 6 years
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smalllady’s list of favorite pokemon - roserade
Luring prey with a sweet scent, it uses poison whips on its arms to poison, bind, and finish off the prey.
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rewrittentoaus · 7 years
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Simple 3 colour drawings of every Smash Bros character!
Trying to capture their details with such small palettes was challenging and a lot of fun!
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rewrittentoaus · 7 years
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“WHAT!? This can’t be happening!” Viridi yelled as she nearly crushed the saucer in her hand, but she restrained herself. “No matter who it is, they must be stopped!”
It only took her a little bit of thinking before a smirk appeared on the Goddess’s face.
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“Do you, by any chance, know where Dark Pit is? I have an idea.”
{✼};— Arlon just stood there as the goddess of nature herself had a mini temper tantrum, being as calm and quiet as possible until the storm of her rage had past. “ ... If that is what you wish, Miss Viridi.”
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|“Mmm ... I am not quite sure but I believe I can locate him, if you wish.”|
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rewrittentoaus · 7 years
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rewrittentoaus · 7 years
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spooky ghost pokemon for the halloween season đŸ‘»
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rewrittentoaus · 7 years
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