rileymeyer · 4 years
i worked a double shift today so im dead tired lol so im sorry if i owe replies ( IM or IC ) but ill try to be on a bit more tomorrow !
if anyone would like to plot though hmu baby im here for it all!
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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post military eddie was something he wanted to so desperately forget, but his mind kept echoing ‘THE PAST CLAWS ITS WAY OUT’. the fingers in his hair tug again, eyes closing because he doesn’t want this to be real. he still doesn’t want this to be real, but it is and it’s eating him up from the inside. ‘’i.. i wasn’t proud of it, i wasn’t riley. i was.. i was a completely different.. diff–different person, you know?’’ eddie mumbles, still ashamed to look at her. damn it.
‘‘but i am sorry!! you can choose to believe it– or.. don’t, but one of the things i will have to live with for the rest of my life is leaving you and getting you hooked on.. that.’‘ eddie manages to take a brief look at her before he’s looking back down at his hands, like they’re the most interesting thing here. his face lowers into his hands with a groan. it’s when the sound of footsteps running his direction makes him look up in time to see yet another drunk asshole. 
almost like it was instinctive, eddie headbutts the drunk male and tosses him effortlessly behind the bar with a frustrated sigh. this wasn’t the time, nor.. exactly the right place to fucking hash out their past. not in the middle of an all out bar fight.so he chooses to dodge the question, hand rubbing his forehead in thought. ‘’look, can we talk about this somewhere that isn’t here?’’
riley was speechless. that was a first. she had played this scenario in her head countless of times and not once did she ever expect him to actually say he was sorry. he was apologizing again and for whatever reason, she couldn’t stand it. it was humanizing him. making him seem like he wasn’t the monster that she had worked him up to be. it was pissing her off.
i will have to live with for the rest of my life. those words struck a nerve with riley. “you have to live with it?” she spat in disbelief, before throwing her hands up in the air “oh poor eddie! he has to live with fucking someone over for the rest of his life! boohoo!” she waved her hands dramatically, her tone rising into a whiny pitch. she was acting childish. so much so that there was a part of her that realized she was being irrational. a very small part. like a voice in the back of her head. her conscious maybe? no. 
riley jumped again when eddie threw the man away from their direction. she still kept her ground however, quickly recovering as if happened. azure eyes squinted in suspicion at his request to move. “you’re not just trying to run away again, are you?” she glared. he did have a point though. talking in the middle of a brawl wasn’t exactly the best of places. besides, her voice was starting to get hoarse from having to talk over the ruckus. “lead the way.” she would have asked him to follow her, but she did genuinely think that he would use the opportunity to turn tail and run. there was no way she was going to let him off the hook THAT easy. if at all. 
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rileymeyer · 4 years
Riley hadn’t spoken to her father in years. 15 to be exact. So imagine her surprise when she suddenly got a call from him a few months ago. Her father was in his deathbed and wanted to make amends with his daughter. To be honest, Riley might have been a little more forgiving if he had called a few years earlier. She wasn’t as kind as she used to be. The years had proven to be cruel to Riley and so she adapted. The naive and hopeful girl had grown up to be a cynical woman. The type of woman that didn’t care that her alcoholic father was one foot out the door. She remembered how apathetic she was with her father over the phone. How his words seem to go in one ear and through the next. Until he dropped a bomb on her. 
She had a sibling. 
To be honest, a part of her thought that her father was just playing a sick joke on her or maybe just saying that to give her an excuse to come visit him. It worked. She had went to talk to him, demand for answered to the questions she had. Who were they? How old were they? Did they know she existed? Her father tried to answer all of her questions to the best of his ability, but it seemed that he himself didn’t know much about the man either. All he knew were the basics. His name, age, and where he was living. That was enough for Riley to spring into actions.
But what the hell was she doing?
She had asked herself that question at least once every hour these past couple of days. Not only had she looked him up, gave him a very cryptic rundown of their relationship, then came to Springhill to visit him, but she was actually going to STAY. There was nothing left for her in New York. Or anywhere for that matter. So what better time to move? Is what she was trying to tell herself.  Truthfully she was just tired of being alone. No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, Riley was the type of person who sought comfort in others and if there was a possibility of her finding a shed of succor in her half brother then damn it she was going to chase it. However, the woman wasn’t sure what to expect. What type of person her so called half brother would be. Was he friendly? Was he moody? Did he have any allergies? What about pet peeves? She didn't know anything and only added to the knot of nerves inside her stomach. A knot that only seemed to grow the closer she approached the cafe. Riley had arrived a minute or two before the time they agreed to meet up.
She had his picture up on her phone. Just to make sure she didn’t walk up to a random person. It was surprisingly hard to find a solid picture of him that wasn’t of him shirtless. The moment she walked in, eyes locked with a man who resembled the picture on her phone. oh fuck. Long strides carried her over to the man. Despite her clammy hands, Riley carried herself with an air of self-assurance. As if meeting her long lost half-sibling for the first time in 30 plus years was just a walk in the park. Still, she couldn’t help the need to clear her throat before speaking up.
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Declan couldn’t get his leg to stop jiggling. He was so early. He had sat in his kitchen, taking glances at the clock until it started to annoy him. He was unnecessarily restless in his own kitchen, he might as well leave already. Probably should have walked - fresh air, or something. It’d take longer too, but no. He tapped the steering wheel the whole way to the cafe. He ordered coffee and sat down and his leg wouldn’t stop tapping. He twirled his car keys around in his hands, until the sound started to annoy him too. He dropped the keys and scrolled through his phone because his hands not having anything to do just wouldn’t be okay. He’d start picking at his watch or the MedicAlert bracelet or the takeaway coffee cup. Scrolling through his phone was inconspicuous, half the patrons of the coffee shop were doing just that.
He was early. And nervous.
Declan came across as a grumpy asshole - he really was one, but he was a social person. He dealt with people for a living, he could talk to anyone. He liked people, most of them anyway. He wasn’t all bubbly and chummy about it, but he liked people. Between moving around a lot and attending tons of tattoo conventions all over the world for his job, he had met thousands of people in his life. Meeting people didn’t make him nervous. She made him nervous.
Of course he looked her up, didn’t everyone? That was the beauty of social media these days, everyone was there. He knew he was extremely easy to find. His instagram was mostly just tattoos and ridiculously expensive cars and his dogs and shirtless selfies from the gym. He didn’t know if that even told anything about him - he was rich and egotistical, both were true but it wasn’t really much. It didn’t say much, but he was really easy to find. They could have talked through that, he absolutely didn’t need to be sitting at a coffee shop. Glancing up at the door every time it opened.
For fuck’s sake, stress could actually kill him.  (( @rileymeyer​ ))
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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yeah, it was a little too late for it. but best to utter them out now than stand there twiddling his thumbs and give some shit excuse for her. eyes are narrowed the moment he sees that signature smile of hers and some part of him recognizes that. eddie fucked up and she’s going to spend her time making him pay for it. that smile had been one of the things he remembered in his drug filled haze. it seems a little cliche, but it was one of the things that had first attracted him to her. that smile and attitude– were destructive, could destroy anyone.
and he loved that about her.
but now he was on the other end of it, he knew he deserved it for destroying her. eddie seems to sober up as well, fingers rubbing at his eyes in some attempt to avert his eyes from hers because he’s SQUIRMING underneath that cold gaze of hers. his head lolls back against the wall, eyes closing tightly as he tries to think of anything to say. ‘’damn it, riley. i wasn’t.. i wasn’t running away from you.’’ damn his fucking impulsiveness. it was an attempt to justify himself, because he didn’t look to it as running away.
she deserved better than him. 
‘‘i.. i do mean it. i mean it when i say i’m sorry and i know it’d take a lot for you to believe me, but you gotta know i am..’‘ he trails off almost uncertainly as he looks everywhere but HER, hand running through his brown locks and giving it a small tug. damn it this was stressing him out & he wanted to rip every little inch of hair out.  ‘‘i– i wasn’t running. you deserved better than me.’‘
there was something about having him struggle under her gaze that both infuriated and delighted riley. on one hand she was glad she had the upper-hand in the situation. seeing him stressing out and struggling to keep it together in front of her gave riley the hope maybe the thought of meeting again had haunted him just as much as it had her. on the other, she wanted him to look her in the eyes. to face her with the unfiltered truth and solidify her hatred towards him. to stop pretending like he was sorry for what he had done. 
 “you got me HOOKED on t-those --”she stuttered, her mind going too fast for her words to catch up. it was also an bit of an unfair statement. riley was already taking drugs by the time she started dated eddie. however, she had convinced herself that eddie’s departure was what set her on a downward spiral and what ultimately got her addicted. it was easier to blame him than herself.  “-- and now you show up. years later. with a shitty ‘im sorry’?” her tone was rising in pitch, an indicator that she was starting to lose her cool. ice blue eyes narrowed at his words. to her it seemed like he was trying to weasel his way out by saying fluffy bull. she shook her head again, refuting his words with the action. “stop lying. ‘you deserved better than me’? what kind of stupid line is that!”
she didn’t believe a single word he was saying. how could she? she bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop it from trembling and triggering her tears to come flowing again. she didn’t want to cry. more importantly, she didn’t want him to see her cry. any remnants of the old riley was gone. she wanted him to see what was left of her. the apathetic woman he had created.“what were you running from then? why did you leave?”
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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IT WAS HARD TO PROCESS, way too hard. looking back at it now, he hated the person he was getting out of the military too soon. he was depressed, angry at the world, angry at himself & hated everyone in the world. eddie never tried to reach out to anyone and sank further into a hole, which lead him to riley. and.. damn, meeting riley made him feel.. SOMETHING.  but he’d been too stuborn to see it, only concerned with getting his fix and going about his day.
then the day came–he left. left & destroyed her in the process. didn’t bother saying goodbye or anything, just thought it’d be best to get out of her life.
damn it why’d this have to happen now? everything was coming to the surface, everything he didn’t tell his siblings or his new girlfriend & he swore to them that’d he become better at communicating tell them.. everything that was going on with him rather than keeping it all too bottled up. how he’s managing to not cry is beyond him, maybe it was because he was drunk. but he was sad, it was definitely visible on his features. 
so he’s picked himself up off of the ground, hands resting on his knees as he’s hunched over and trying to catch his breathe because that feeling of his chest tightening hasn’t seemed to gone away just yet. it’s too late to apologize, the damage is done and there’s no way she’d fucking forgive him for such an ass nine move. ‘’.. i– i left you. yeah. i’m..’’ clearing his throat, eddie finally brings himself up to look into those ice cold eyes.
‘‘i’m sorry, riley. sorry… sorry for all of it.’‘
“you’re sorry?” she repeated his words, clearly surprised by how easy it was for him to spurt them out. “sorry?” she scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head as she spoke. “a little too late for that now, don’t you think?” her lips curved up into a pleasant smile, but her eyes held no emotion. they remain cold and imperturbable despite how red they probably were.  
she pressed herself against the wall she had smacked into beforehand, allowing the cold cement to hold her still. to ground her. the sadness in his featured was not lost to her. there was a twinge in her heart at the sight. his current expressions as too familiar to the one he constantly wore back in the day. when they were together. he always looked so conflicted, as if he was in a constant war with himself and riley tried to be a solace for him. oh how she tried to help. but she was pushed aside time, and time, and time, again. as the memories came flooding back, so did the pounding inside her head. 
“you're just sorry you couldn't run away forever.” her gaze was unwavering from his face, refusing to let up. he was caught in a bear trap and if he thought he was going to get out of it with a half-hearted sorry then he has another thing coming. “youre a coward. you can keep your shit apology.” this wasn’t enough. she wanted to make him miserable. to build him up and make him whole only to destroy him just like he did to her and it BOILED HER BLOOD knowing that there was no way she could do that. not anymore.
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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RUNNING FROM THE PAST seemed to be a common thing with him. he had buried the years of being addicted to the partying & drugs so deep down he forgot he had a problem. hell some part of him buried riley down there along with it, and now everything he tried to so desperately escape from was coming back and biting him in the ass.
was it karma? probably– no scratch that, it WAS KARMA.
he’s too tired, too drunk to process anything that requires deep thought like this. there was always tomorrow, right? eddie puts his hand to his head for a moment to try and steady himself, but the sound of some drunk asshole yelling and running towards him has the army ranger rolling his eyes. like it’s nothing, he grabs the drunk stranger by the shirt and tosses him over the bar. hopefully that shuts him up for a little bit while he tries.. keyword TRIES to process this.
‘‘what am i doing here? what.. what are you doing here? i live here, riley– i..’‘ hiccuping, eddie’s hands run through his hair as he lowers himself to the ground to try and stop the feeling of nausea. ‘‘damn it, damn it, damn it. i.. this.. this is a joke, this is all it is.’‘ he tries to tell himself with a humorless chuckle, but he looks up again and he’s met with an ice cold gaze. 
‘‘i’m.. fuggin’.. gon’.. crazy.’‘ he manages to get out, head shaking again as he lowers his gaze from hers.
her jaw clenched the moment he spoke her name, snapping her out of her drunken daze. the effects of the alcohol were replaced by the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling. it was him. it really was him. the words rang in her head, taunting her. “you live here? I live here.” her tone was accusatory, angry, as if he had just offended her. to a degree he had. how dare he come back to haunt her after all these years? how could he show his face to her again, after having hurt her so long ago? her eyes were starting to hurt and she could feel water building up inside them. all these years of pent up anger, sadness, betrayal. emotions that she had buried long ago were now boiling up inside her stomach, threatening to release. 
how embarrassing. 
the woman jumped when eddie tossed the drunk man over as if he were nothing but a rag doll. for a second fear bubbled up inside her. what was she doing, facing someone who clearly had a physical advantage to her? this wasn’t the man she had fell in love with years ago. he was practically a stranger to her now. what would stop him from knocking her out? the thought however, is quickly dismissed the moment he lowers himself to the ground and a diverts his gaze. of course. she had no reason to cower away. SHE wasn't the one who left.  another laugh escaped her, this time with a more sneering tone. “this is rich. this is really-” tears manage to escape her eyes, hot and flush against her face. “-fucking rich.” a hand shoots up to wipe the tears in her eyes the moment they arise, before letting her hands lay at her sides as two small fists. 
“you left me.” her voice was above a whisper. she could barely hear it herself over all the commotion.  WHY? she wanted to ask, oh how she wanted to ask. she wanted to grab him by the collar and yell everything she had been wanting to say ever since he left her all those years ago. to scream at him for having messed her up the way he did and she probably would have had she taken a couple of more drinks. her mind was beginning to clear up now, slowly but surely allowing her to regain control of her emotions. “get up eddie.” 
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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one drunk turned to two, turned to three so on and so on. some part of him knew he should’ve stopped, he had just gotten bailed out not too long ago and he was only going to end up right back into jail. but he didn’t stop, and someone had bumped into him and spilled some of his drink as he was going to take a sip which resulted the impulsiveness of the former ranger. ‘’hey–’’ eddie manages to grit out, hands moving to grab the guy by the collar of his shirt.
grabbing turned to shoving, words being exchanged angrily & the fists came flying. damn this seemed a little too familiar, and some part of him wanted to laugh at the memory while he’s trying to hit his guy. it’s when someone– a familiar voice but he doesn’t think to turn around. fist raises but before he can even connect with this guy’s nose, he’s being dragged away.
‘‘hey what the fuck was that? i g–’‘ damn it, some part of him wishes he didn’t turn around. eyes land on an all too familiar face from his past and he feels that all too confident persona of his fade. it was like he even seemed to to sober up some while he stared at her in awe. riley was.. here. in springhill.  
and boy did it.  at this point he’s stunned into silence, not being able to think of anything to say because he wants to imagine it, like this is some fucked up drunk dream of his but he knows it isn’t. eddie felt her pull him away from the fight, and this was all too real. his hand rubs his eye, while the other one is moving to clutch at his chest– like he feels it tighten a little too much.
‘‘I.. i think– i’‘m going to be sick.’‘
God her head was killing her. her breathing had become jagged and quick at this point. truth be told, she wasn't sure if that was the outcome of her dragging a whole grown man away from a fist fight or her heart beating a hundred miles a minute from the pure shock of seeing him. eddie. her first love. the man who left her behind and reassured her. as the realization settled in, her first only tightened around his shirt.
“what are you doing here?” her words were still slurred but her eyes were focused. or as focused as they possibly could be in her state. riley had spent counties if nights thinking about what she would say if she ever saw her ex again. how she would react, wether she would slap him or  not bother pretending to know who he was. she had thought of a thousand scenarios, but nothing like this. “this has to be some sick joke.” a humorless laugh escaped her. 
her brows furrowed together at his words, unleashing him with a small shove in an attempt to get him away from her. “dont. don’t you dare throw up. gross.” despite her words, she wasn’t feeling to well either. she closed her eyes, trying to collect herself. she could feel herself slowly starting to sober up, but her head was still pounding. “shit..” she winced, placing one hand on the side of her temple.  “what are you doing here?” she repeated, this time a little more stable.
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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rileymeyer · 4 years
How unsurprising that she would find herself inebriated in the first bar she set her eyes upon.  it really was a vicious cycle for her, always beginning with her swearing that she was only going to have one drink. one hit. one pass. one whatever had presented her that night. Look how far that line has gotten her. Thirty three years old and still unable to get past a week without indulging herself in one of her many ‘distractions’. Her lack of self control was ridiculous. Almost laughable even. A dry scoff escaped her as she shook her head before drawing back the last drink that was in front of her. The room had started spinning two shots ago with her self deprecation having set a bit before. Now all she could think about was how she has a handy little bag of white powder stashed under her mattress.
She was so engulfed in her mind that she didn’t even notice the fight that had broken out inside the bar until she tried to stand up. She held onto the counter trying to find her balance as fists were thrown around her. Whatever self pity she was feeling the moment prior was now replace with a sense of annoyance. How stupid. God, she wished she could spit in all of their faces. Not that she actually would. Even drunk she knew better than to pick fights that she knew she could not win. So instead Riley took this as a cue for her to head back him. She turned to the door, slowly making her way over when she suddenly noticed something in the corner of her eye.
A far too familiar profile. 
“Hey!” Her cry was drowned by the yelling of curse words and chants encouraging the fight. Slender hands reached out to take a hold of the figure. Once she did, the woman used whatever power and adrenaline she mustered up to pull the man away from the scene. She stumbled back, practically dragging the man with her until her back crashed into the wall. A gasp escaped her as her head began to throb as if someone had just smacked her skull with a sledgehammer. Did she hit her head on the wall? It didn’t matter. That wasn’t where her attention was right now. Instead it was on the man in front of her.  Wide eyes slowly scrunched into a glare. or at least, what was intended to be one. “You.”
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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"May I have Lemon Drop Martini please? Oh, do you have any Rey Sol?” Like in most things, Riley was picky with her liquor. She didn’t like drinking the super cheap stuff. It reminded her too much of her college years. Plus, she had always found the taste of cheap tequila to be absolutely atrocious. Tired eyes looked around the establishment, almost as if to size up the place. It didn’t matter much. All she wanted was a drink to take the edge off. She would drink anything at this point as long as it was strong enough. Finally her eyes landed on the young bartender in front of her and a part of Riley couldn’t help but wonder if she could enough good martinis. “What time do you guys close?” 
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Emilia had been back in Springhill for about a year already, and was still getting the hang of juggling work at Cloak & Stagger on top of her studies. Sure, working wasn’t a necessity for her since she was surprisingly still in her parents will, but even after their death she wanted nothing from them. She was determined to make it on her own, and only returned to Springhill to reconnect with her siblings after four years. Her shift was just beginning, and she made her way out behind the bar, not paying attention to the few faces already there. She ran a cloth across the counter to dry up some spilt water as someone took the stool in front of her. “Can I get you anything?” She asked as she finally looked up and offered a smile. @shstarters​
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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“I can only imagine the shock they went through when they found out that you don’t live under your desk. Isn’t it awkward for you too though? Don’t teachers usually try to avoid living in the town they teach in for that exact reason?” Riley took a sip of her tea, making a slight face at the taste. It was a bit too watered down for her liking. She composes herself as he clears his throat. She didn't have any children, a fact she was grateful for. Not to say she didn’t want any. It was just evident that the fashion designer was not in the right state of mind to take care of a child. Not with her current... vices. At this point, she had basically convinced herself that she was better off without children. “Aside from work? Nothing much. I suppose I could try to explore Springhill a little bit. I’m still struggling to find my way back to my condo when I go on morning runs.” Another sip. “What summer programs are your kids enrolled in?”
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“I ran into a couple of my students this morning while I was out running errands. No matter how many times that happens to me I still find it a little funny.” A light, rueful chuckle escaped his lips as he folded his arms across his chest. “They always look at me as if I have an extra head. You’d think by high school kids would accept that teachers exist outside of school, but they seem just as shocked as younger students.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway – any plans for the summer? Maybe you could help me out. My kids have summer programs and play dates, I can admit to the fact that their social lives are way better than mine.” 
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rileymeyer · 4 years
Text: Open
Jacob: quick.
Jacob: is a hot dog a sandwich? 🌭
Jacob: it's for science
Riley: what a ridiculous question.
Riley: who cares? they're gross
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rileymeyer · 4 years
??? ✉ ???
jake: u r SO joining me to the ny pride by the end of the month!!!
jake: i dont take no as answer and i want to beat my 22 mouths kissed record from last year!!
jake: ive gathered people to join us in a van already
Riley: first of all I would never be caught dead in a van. invest in a limo. and some mints if you're going to be kissing that many people.
Riley: second of all, I think you have the wrong number.
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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is that [SHANTEL VANSATEN]? no, that’s just [RILEY MEYER]. [SHE] is [ THIRTY THREE ] years old and is a [ FASHION DESIGNER ]. rumor has it they’ve been in town for [TWO WEEKS]. on a good day, they’re [AMBITIOUS & PERSUASIVE ]. but watch out! they can also be [VINDICTIVE & SELF DESTRUCTIVE]. [MAYBE THIS TIME BY LIZA MINNELLI] plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill! [cielo, 23, mst, she/her]
hello everyone! im so excited to be here! im going to try my best to introduce my little diva over here lol but she's a very new character so pls bare with me lol this intro is very rushed wowow. anyways im so pumped to write with you all!
history. tw: drugs, tw: stripping
People will leave you behind if you are of no value to them. that was the first lesson Riley Meyer ever learned at the young age of six when her mother decided that raising her daughter was more trouble than it was worth. So she left.
It was two years later that her father grew an inclination towards liquor, finding it easier to drown himself in his self pity than to be a parental figure. That was the second. 
The third was when she was in middle school, when her best  friend decided that Riley’s shy nature was holding her back from making more friends. Friends that would offer more than Riley ever could.
The list just kept increasing from there. 
Having no one for her, Riley found solace in television. particularly fashion and runway shows. that was when she realized what she needed in order to be of worth -- money, fame, and power.  And so her dream to become a rich fashion designer came to be.
After graduating high school she quickly took up as many jobs as she possibly could to pay for college. Without any support from her parents, it was rough making a living on two jobs as well as studying. Riley was stressed beyond belief, as her will to work for her dream began to diminish day by that. Until one day she was offered a job by a local strip club on her way home from her evening shift. Apprehensive didn’t even begin to describe how she felt about taking up a job like that. It was way outside of her wheel house. However, it  didn’t take long for Riley to bite the bullet. She needed money and she needed it fast.
Working as a stripper was the best and worst thing to have ever happened to Riley. Not only did it give her the money and time to work on her career, but she also managed to make friends. Friends who understood what if felt like to be left behind. Friends who Riley believed had her best interest at heart. Boy was she wrong. While working there she ended up participating in party favors. Drugs. The hard stuff. The type that made her forget her own name. It was all fun and games at first. She would only do them whenever she was in need of a pick me up. The trouble began when those moment became more common as the years went by. 
She even got a boyfriend while working at the strip club. There were as toxic as it could be but what else would you expect from a relationship where the number one thing you have in common is your affinity for drugs? Still, he was Riley’s first love and she really did love him. In her own twisted, messed up way. She gave him everything she had and even then, it was not good enough. He left her one day without a word and to this day she has no idea what the heck happened to him.  
The heartbreak both destroyed and fueled Riley. On one hand, it made her dependancy on drugs that much more intense. Needing any fix she could get to stop feeling. Sadness was replace with anger and that determination to become powerful was what got her to where she is today. The moment she graduated college, she packed her bags and headed to New York where she worked as a fashion designer for a prolific agency. 
Now in Springhill, Riley decided it was time for her time for her to start working on making her own boutique and becoming her own boss. Or so she says. In truth she had been fired from her old job after showing up to the office intoxicated and high off her rocker one too many times. Springhill was a fresh start for her. One where she was determined to get clean and finally get her shit together. . We’ll see how long that lasts.
personality ( so far lol )
honestly her mood changes are constantly lol like in the drop of a hat
one minute she's nice, pleasant even and the other she is cold and a little bitchy. 
super judgmental tbh and her face does absolutely nothing to hide it. 
a hard working perfectionist. 
outwardly confident. walks as if she owns the place!
her insecurities slowly turned to anger and now homegirl is just mad at the world lol 
super protective? has the capability to be a great friend tbh. 
would bury a body to protect someone she cares about lol
rarely laughs tbh? and when she doesn't 8/10 it's fake.
wanted connections 
this is so lame lol but maybe childhood buds/bullies, former stripper buds, a drug dealer, maybe someone to show her around town, tinder dates, maybe they both get stuck on an elevator, a hook up or two lol, honestly let my girl be the bad guy she would totally lead someone on, annoying neighbors, fashion lovers, she's bi too so maybe a lady lover idk idk, maybe your character and Riley get in a car accident lolol  im down for anything friends.
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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rileymeyer · 4 years
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rileymeyer · 4 years
i wanna take your clothes off… ;) and then replace them with something else because that outfit is ugly as hell
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