roqayahdesign · 11 months
The End
Reflecting on my experiences this week, I realize I haven't generated significant content to show as my main focus was about printing. However, since this is the last blog I will be writing, I thought it would be fitting to share some reflections on the project as a whole and my experiences throughout the semester.
Regarding the design aspect of the project, I must admit that this project has presented challenges for me. While it was not inherently difficult, I found that my illustration skills weren't as polished as I thought. This meant that many illustration required more time and effort than anticipated. Additionally, I faced other challenges, such as color distribution and concept development. Despite these challenges, I believe that the final outcome of my project is visually appealing and engaging, which aligns with my overall design aesthetic. Ultimately, I am pleased to have found a style that complements both the project and my identity as a designer.
As for my experience with the academic aspect of the project, I found it to be a relatively comfortable project. I thought the graduation project to be daunting and overwhelming. However, as the project progressed, I realized that the situation was far from that. In fact, I found great enjoyment in the independence. While it is true that some weeks were less productive than others, the opportunity to work independently allowed me to engage in greater experimentation and exploration without the pressure of reaching a quick outcomex.
Regarding the concept and its impact, When I first came up with the project consept at the beginning of the year, I did so because I was experiencing confusion and uncertainty in my personal and professional life. The idea of searching for new things resonated deeply with these feelings. As the year has come to a close, I can look back and acknowledge that, despite the challenges and confusion I faced in my personal life, I made a concerted effort to experiment, explore, read, and learn about new things in alignment with my project's values. As I write this final entry, I am filled with happiness and a sense of accomplishment as many things have ultimately been figured out.
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roqayahdesign · 11 months
Week 9
To be honest, this week has not been productive at all. I felt overwhelmed as I had to prepare for more than one presentation and other tasks.
There were some minor changes made to the exhibition, which involved adding text to the podiums.
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We had a brainstorming session on new taglines, and here are the final five:
1. Ride the wave of design innovation.
2. Break boundaries and shape the future.
3. Experience the novelty of design.
4. Dive into the world of design possibilities.
5. Explore uncharted realms of design.
We made some minor adjustments to the content as a whole. Here are the final versions.
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Next week, there will be a long weekend. I will do my best to catch up on the work I couldn't complete this week and print the exhibition posters.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 8
This week, I planned to create an additional box if I had time and work on producing a manifesto and content with my colleagues.
We were able to finish the content. Specifically, I worked with my colleagues on the English content and revised the previous manifesto that was written by my colleagues who worked on the visual identity.
here is it:
Breaking Waves & Leaving Imprints
We, the senior graphic design students of the College of Design at IAU, proudly present The Eleventh – our graduation exhibition that showcases the culmination of our hard work and dedication.
Date: June 8th, 2023 Time: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join us in celebrating our achievements and witness the groundbreaking designs that will shape the future.
Breaking Waves & Leaving Imprints
Join us at The Eleventh, and be captivated by the work of our groundbreaking students as they leave their imprints on the design world.
Date: June 8th, 2023 Time: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Embark on a journey of inspiration and be part of the movement shaping the future of design.
Breaking Waves, Leaving Imprints:
We, the graduates of the College of Design, have embraced the fluidity of creativity, adapting and breaking new ground in our journey. Inspired by our visual identity, we proudly present the Eleventh, our graduation showcase—a playground for all kinds of creativity.
Breaking Waves, Leaving Imprints. This is our mantra, our vision, our promise. As designers, we break away from the usual boundaries and explore the unknown world of possibilities. Our collective works reshape mindsets, transform spaces, and deliver lasting impressions.
We invite the world to join us in our design adventure, where each creation rides the crest of a wave of innovation. Together, we explore the potential of design to reimagine our world and propel us toward new horizons.
Welcome to the future we are crafting at the College of Design.
-web intro
Discover the Eleventh, where our College of Design graduates break waves and leave imprints with their dynamic, creative showcase.
I also improved the exhibition and developed the written text inside the poster, which included creating a new illustration.
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Additionally, I corrected the box design measurements.
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Finally, I started designing a new box related to candle making.
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Moving forward, I will seek feedback in the coming days, prioritizing the development of the exhibition.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 7
This is the first week I'm returning to my regular routine after Ramadan. As a result, I was somewhat productive after a period of inactivity during Ramadan.
I have created a draft schedule, and although I don't think I will stick to it strictly, it will help me know what I need to do and when to complete it in general.
Week 1
- Box structure
- Testing sizes
- Designing
- Send them to Khaled
Week 2
- Create candle boxes
- Prepare cans, threads, oils, and wax
Week 3
1. Designing the exhibition
2. Brochure
Week 4
- Development
Week 5
- Printing
Regarding the exhibition, I initially sketched two concepts for the critique in addition to my old exhibit. After that, I tried to develop it, but it didn't work out as a digital design, so I changed it a bit.
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I also mentioned at the beginning of this semester that I wanted to change the box structure. Therefore, I started taking measurements of the sticker that would be attached to the cardboard (design), and unfortunately, after a lot of effort, it turned out that my measurements were wrong. However, I began adjusting them today and hope my measurements are correct.
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Next week:
I expect much of the graduation exhibition branding to be ready, so we can start writing the exhibition content with my group.
Also, I plan to finish the packaging this weekend as soon as possible, especially since it's not a major development.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
week 6
This week was different as it was jury week and after a vacation, so there was no specific plan. But I made some final adjustments to the design, mainly focusing on the website animation. Also, I spent some time working on my jury presentation.
here are one of them.
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The jury was a positive experience and provided valuable feedback for me. In addition, they offered some ideas for developing the project, like suggestions to clarify the outcome of the boxes. I will consider these suggestions as I continue to refine my design.
In the following weeks, I will collaborate with my classmates and see what we can create together.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 5
my main goal was to continue prototyping the website using Figma or XD. I made good progress towards this goal, and almost completed the design for all the website pages. But I encountered some challenges along the way.
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Initially, I wanted to use Readymag to create the website, but I discovered that this platform was not effective for an e-commerce website. So, I decided to continue prototyping in XD, even though I faced some difficulties with creating smooth and professional website animations.
During my vacation, I also took the opportunity to explore different website platforms to see if there was a better alternative. However, If didn't find a suitable one that met the specific requirements of my project. So, I will continue refining my design and working on the animations in XD
Overall, even though it was really hard to be productive in Ramadan I am satisfied my progress in week 5, and I will do my best to make the website more engaging in the following weeks.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 4
I planned to finish designing the About page, design content for the checkout page, sign up/sign in, and account page, and write content for these pages.
I decided to start prototyping in XD. However, I faced a challenge moving the design from Illustrator to XD since it does not support Arabic, which was time-consuming.
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I realized I need to focus more on the website's interactivity in the upcoming weeks. I plan to experiment more with the interactive features available in XD and other tools to find innovative ways to engage users and make the website more enjoyable to use.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 3
my plan was to complete the production process for the printed box, develop previously designed pages by fixing content issues, and write content for the about page.
However, as I said in the previous , I realized that the box production was not a priority at the moment, so I decided to postpone it to later. Instead I focused on writing the content and designing the about page and made developments to some content
here is the content with some variations
مرحبًا بكم في عالم هلو هوبي!
نحن في هلو هوبي نؤمن بأنّ الهوايات تمثّل جوهر الحياة المليئة بالمتعة والتحديات. لذا فإن هدفنا الأساسي هو مساعدة الأشخاص على اكتشاف هوايات جديدة يمكن أن يستمتعوا بها
عبر اشتراكك في خدمتنا، ستتلقى صندوقًا يحتوي على مجموعة من المواد والأدوات والإرشادات اللازمة لبدء هواية جديدة كل شهر. يتم تحديد محتوى الصناديق بعناية لضمان تقديم تجربة فريدة وملهمة في كل مرة.
لذا انضم إلينا اليوم وابدأ رحلتك في استكشاف الهوايات المثيرة والملهمة مع هلو هوبي!
شكرًا على اختياركم هلو هوبي، ونحن متحمسون لمشاركتكم أجمل لحظات المغامرة والاكتشاف! 🌟
لا تفوتوا الفرصة لتكونوا جزءًا من عائلة هلو هوبي المبتهجة! سجّلوا الآن وابدأوا رحلتكم الممتعة في عالم الهوايات الساحرة معنا! 🎈
مرحبًا بكم في هلو هوبي! نحن عائلة سعيدة تعتقد بأن الحياة مليئة بالمغامرات والاكتشافات الرائعة. نحن هنا لنساعدك على تجربة هوايات جديدة وممتعة بطريقة سهلة ومريحة.
هل تشعر بالملل؟ أو ربما تبحث عن طريقة مبتكرة لقضاء وقت فراغك؟ لا تقلق، لدينا الحل المثالي لك! في كل شهر، نرسل لك صندوق مفاجأة سحري يحتوي على كل ما تحتاجه لتجربة هواية جديدة.
نحن نحب الابتكار والتجربة، ولهذا السبب نقوم بتجميع مجموعة رائعة من الأنشطة والمهارات لتجربتها. سواء كنت تريد تعلم الرسم أو الكروشيه أو حتى صنع الصابون الخاص بك، فإننا نضمن لك تجربة ممتعة وملهمة.
the about page design
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Additionally, I came up with an idea to create an animated landing page that would welcome visitors to the world of hello hobby when they visit the home page. To achieve this, I spent a lot of time adjusting the illustrations and separating the layers so that I could animate them later.
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I also experimented with the sign-in section
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I am also considering developing the first section of the home page and make it more consistent with identity, so I experimented with some sketches
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Regarding Reflection:
I learned the importance of designing non-destructively, even if it takes more time. For example, in the illustration of the box, I did not separate the layers, and they were messy. As a result, I had to spend a lot of time organizing them and redrawing many parts of the illustrations again to animate them.
Moving forward, my next steps are to finish the animations, develop the design of the pages, and experiment with interactivity within the website itself. For this, I will use Figma or Readymade to explore the various interactive features that I can incorporate.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 2
In this week, my plan was to finish the packaging dieline and begin the production process. However, I also wanted to work on some of the secondary outcomes to get feedback on (website design). As a result, I completed the dieline and started cutting the cardboard to create the box structure.
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In terms of website design, I focused on completing the home page, making modifications to the subscription page, and designing the payment page.
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One of the main decisions I made this week was to slightly alter my plan by prioritizing the completion of secondary outcomes before moving on to the development of the previous project, such as the packaging. This way, I can ensure that I allocate my efforts effectively to meet all requirements.
During this process, I learned that remaining flexible and adaptable in a project is essential. While it is important to stick to a plan it is also important to be open to change and prioritize tasks as needed.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 10
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I am supposed to start the production this week, but I found useful feedback that will develop from the project this week, so I worked on designing a layout brochure this week, I will complete the rest of the developments this week, and I will print this weekend, I also worked on the process book and finished it  Almost so I'll be free for the rest of the week.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 9
I am supposed to finish most of the project and start with the structure. Fortunately, I finished most of the project and also started with Dineline, but I need to develop the project based on the feedback. Also the content requires some development. The next step is to try to develop the colors and solve some design problems.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
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Well, due to some changes in the plan, I made a new plan, and in it, I have to be finished most of the contents of the box, and this includes completing the content of the brochures and their design, I did my best to finish them, but I still have to develop them based on the given feedback. And this is what I will do during these days. One of my most important decisions is not to take a long time to develp the details, especially since the project contains many designs and takes a long time.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 7
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I wanted to finish the brochure, but I focused on the content more than the expected time, and also developed the identity. Also, spend lots of time trying to develop the box design
 In the future, I will try to be content with my designs, even if they are not the best thing in the world.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 6
This week I planned to prepare for the Jury and work on the Instagram posts. I completed the identity and developed it. But postponing the design statement was not taken into account, so I was late in making posts. Unfortunately, it is necessary to develop the work based on jury feedback. So I will take a step back, look at the project as a whole, and then decide what I could change and what I could do. With making sure to do my best on the long weekend.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 5
According to the plan, I'm supposed to finish the illustration and start with the logo and fonts.
 I started with all of them, but I feel that they need to develop as a whole instead of working on each element separately, to come up with a unified result.
 Therefore, this week I will continue to develop what I designed, hoping to finish them before Jury
 Also, since most of the box design is finished, I will start experimenting with its size and shape, and the method of opening
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 4
Based on my schedule, I was supposed to finish the brand illustration. And what I did I finish the box illustration with the initial design of the logo and typography. I wished I could finish off the brand illustration but as I am a step ahead on the schedule (in terms of the logo) I would be able to finish them next week without being late.
For the next step, I going to do additional illustrations as the brand graphic elements are supposed to be inspired by the box design.
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roqayahdesign · 1 year
Week 4
Based on my schedule, I was supposed to finish the brand illustration. And what I did I finish the box illustration with the initial design of the logo and typography. I wished I could finish off the brand illustration but as I am a step ahead on the schedule (in terms of the logo) I would be able to finish them next week without being late.
For the next step, I going to do additional illustrations as the brand graphic elements are supposed to be inspired by the box design.
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