roses-la-santa-muerte 3 months
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I am still here my friends, and I pray that you all are too. Be well out there. This world is chaotic.
May she always, always be with us all.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 11 months
An amazing article about La Ni帽a.
It translates well from Spanish, but the pictures alone are beautiful.
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Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Death and the Flower, 1896
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Happy new year to you all. May our Lady, our Mother La Santisima Muerte be with us throughout this year. May she nurture us as she did and has always done. May she protect us. May she keep us safe and keep us prosperous. May she keep all weapons formed against us far, far away.
She gazes on us with a smile, because we haave made it another year with her. And to all of those that she took in the past year, they smile down upon us from right by her side.
Take care everyone. Stay safe.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
The Many Different Colors of Death: The Symbolism of Santa Muerte
Each different aspect of Santa Muerte is depicted as a skeleton wearing a robe of her respective color. In the case of a seven-color statue, all seven colors are displayed; below these colors are listed in the order they appear from top to bottom on a typical seven-colored statue: White: This color of Santa Muerte is used principally for purification and is called on at the inception of major projects, both mundane and magical. She is also used for certain types of healing.
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Blue: This color of Santa Muerte is the patroness of the activities of daily living and the relationships on which our lives depend. This aspect increases social wisdom and increases patience. She is used to build long-term relationships and so is used to repair broken family ties, improve business partnerships, and gain new friends.
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Green: This color of Santa Muerte is associated with justice, ethics, and law. She helps restore balance, imposes fairness, and can affect the judgement of both law courts and your peers. Because many people who pass through the criminal justice system are affected by addiction and mental illness, the green aspect of Santa Muerte is petitioned for issues resolving behavioral health issues.
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Gold: Mining gold from deep within the ground is a dangerous occupation that can easily maim or kill; many gods of the underworld are associated with wealth and money for this reason, since mining was seen as taking gold from the pockets of the gods. As a goddess of the underworld, Santa Muerte has this relationship with money, and through it, vitality. The golden Santa Muerte is used to attract money and luck, create fortune in gambling and business, and heal where infusions of vitality are needed.
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Red: The red aspect of Santa Muerte has a definite martial feel, governing issues regarding sex, lust, and passion as well as aggression and physical dominance. She also improves or impairs relationships, being commonly called on for this purpose.
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Purple: The purple aspect of Santa Muerte is that of a goddess of both magic and initiation. She assists not only with spells but also with the direct understanding of magic. This Santa Muerte also acts as a gatekeeper between different ethereal and astral realms.
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Black: This color of Santa Muerte is very Saturnian, overseeing all forms of cessation, negation, decay, dissolution, and denouement. The black Santa Muerte is used to negate bonds and barriers, as well as destroy or dissolve spells, curses, or hexes. She is also used for necromancy, such as speaking with the dead.
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Source: Santa Muerte: The History, Rituals, and Magic of Our Lady of the Holy Death by Tracey Rollin.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
Help for Uvalde
As more and more information about the Uvalde shooting comes to light, please keep the children, teachers and families in your prayers. Below are official links and information to donate to these causes.
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May our Lady La Santisima Murete bless and protect these families and children.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
Do i need a Santa muerte like statue for an alter or does a crystal skull do the job? Thankyou
A crystal skull is fine. As long as you treat this item as a representation of La Santisima Muerte (with respect, by cleaning and offering, by giving her an individual space), that is fine. Wash and cleanse it, set it up nicely, and dedicate it to her. In my experience, when she wants you to have more, she will make it known and you will feel it.
If you can, printing out a favorite image of her or adding a prayer card to your altar would be a good touch, but even a single candle and glass of water make a wonderful altar to La Santisima. Your faith and love for her are most important.
Most of all, analyze how you feel before your altar. Do you feel that she likes it? Do you keep it clean and keep fresh water there? Is it a comforting place for you to be? Pray to her there and she will be the first to let you know how she feels.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. Take care.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
Tonight, please let us all pray for the young children and adults killed, injured, and involved with the shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
18+ elementary school students were killed, with more injured and even more traumatized.
La Santisima, our Godmother, our beautiful Lady in white. Please gather all the little children under your arms and take them home. Release them from all fear, all torment, all pain. Take them to their beds and let them rest. Soothe their parents, family, and friends. Heal the teachers, families and everyone else involved.
Please, please work on the hearts of those who are in charge, and let them see what has happened. Set politics aside and let them protect the children. Keep the little ones who lived safe in their spirits and in their minds. Let them have an outlet for their grief.
It's hard to speak on this. Please keep this event in your prayers going forward.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
To all new and current followers to this blog: Thank you. I am planning some posts and interactions with all of you, but in the meanwhile I appreciate you. We all follow, honor, and love La Santisima Muerte and that connects us indefinitely.
Be safe, and may she always bless you and yours 馃尮
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
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La Santa in the morning 馃尮
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
Santa Muerte - My Most Holy Mother and Friend
I dedicate this post to Santa Muerte in thanks for all the wonderful aid she has given to me. Amen.
Santa Muerte (the Holy Death) is a wonderful, caring and benign saint, granted the power to be a pscyhopomp and aid to us by the Trinity, or is an aspect of the ancient goddess. Either way, she is both loved, feared and respected. I've worked with Her and she is always loving but has a very strong energy, an energy that is worthy of respect and adoration. There is a reason why I referred to her here as My Most Holy Mother and Friend.
Santa Muerte aids all who come to her with sincerity and faith, She does not turn anyone from her door unless that person blatantly disrespects her, mocks her, her rituals or her devotees. I've never had one spell, nor petition, that has gone unanswered by her. Moreover, being a folk saint, she is not petitioned in any major extravagance. She can be offered candles, alcohol, cigarettes, candies, flowers or even prayer. The basis is how, not what. Do you offer it to her the same way you offer a present to your mother? That being with love and sincerity, the same childlike care that you would give to your own mother? If so, then consider that she would accept your offering.
The construction of her altar is both a lengthy and a simple process depending on who you ask. I will introduce that in other posts but for now, here are some prayers to Our Holy Mother of Death, Some Correspondences to Her and some lovely things to know about her.
Santa Muerte can be petitioned and called upon for works relating to just about anything from wealth to revenge to bringing a lover back to you. Some of the miracles she can perform are, but not limited to:
Healing the sick (again, I've seen this first hand. I love my Madrina) Bringing healthy birth to children The unborn are protected for the duration of the pregnancy Families and homes are protected Lives are saved Those near to death obtain a second chance Devotees are protected from accidents The wronged are avenged Lost Lovers are returned Relationships are improved Addictions are broken Justice is served Prisoners are freed and given a second chance Enemies are thwarted (She stopped a person from talking ill) Riches are obtained and protected Peace is maintained (She has helped my family twenty million times) Dangerous enemies are struck down Obstacles are overcome Worries are laid to rest (I can personally attest to this) Evil is dispelled Devotees are protected against malefica and Malocchio (Evil Eye)
The Holy Colours of Our Madrina are varied, although a statue in the colour is not required, having a candle in that colour is of good interest, but she will also accept a white candle.
Amber - healing, breaking addictions and habits Black - Strength, power, total protection against enemies, hexing and revenge Blue - Wisdom, increased mental ability, concentration Bone - Peace and harmony in the home Brown - spirit communication, locating lost objects, divination, protection of pets and animals Copper - exorcism, to remove evil spirits Gold - abundance, wealth, power, success and good fortune Green - contracts, legal matters, courts, justice and unity Orange - cleansing and healing Purple - transformation, high spiritual states, removing obstacles, psychic manifestations and power Red - love, romance, passion and protection from evil Silver - Good luck and success White - protection, peace and harmony in the home, loyalty, health and healing of children Yellow: good luck, learning and wisdom.
Prayers to Our Most Holy Mother
Traditionally, prayers are said after the saying of three Our Fathers and signing the Cross. Thereafter, you invoke Her.
"O' Lord, before your divine presence, The Holy Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I ask permisssion to Invoke Most Holy Death
O' Most Holy Death, I humbly ask you to break all spells, enchantments and evil that may be present in my home or place of business. Destroy all obstacles and bless my home with your holy presence. Bestow upon my your love, prosperity, health and wellbeing. Blessed and praised be your Kindness, Most Holy Death Amen."
Daily Prayer to Our Most Holy Mother
O' Most Holy Death, by the powers given to you by the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I ask that you break all spells, curses, enchantments and evil that are present in me, in my home and surrounding my interests. Break and destroy all inter-generational curses. Cloak me in the holy mantle of your protection. O' Most Holy Death, remove all envy, poverty and sorrow and instead bless me with love, wealth and ahppiness. Enlighten my home withy your holy presence, protect my home, my work and my loved ones. Remove all obstacles in my path so that nothing is impossible and bless me with happiness, prosperity. health and peace. Bind those who speak evil against me under my feet an destroy all my enemies great and small by the power of your holy scythe. (Should you have a petition, place it here), Thank you for the blessings of your infinite love, Most Holy Death, never forsake me, never leave my sides all the days of my life. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
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roses-la-santa-muerte 2 years
so i have a couple questions. first, when you have limited space for an altar, would santa muerte mind having to share that space with someone or should i give her a space of her own? second do you know of any crystals that are heavily associated with her? thank you!
Hi there. Thank you for your questions.
You should always give La Santa Muerte her own space. While there are a few specific figures that she will share space with, I would recommend a dedicated area just for her. Personally, when I felt her calling I told her that I would welcome her in when I had the means to give her a shrine. It took about 3 years and a move, but she reminded me. She is very patient. Even a framed picture of her or a candle is enough, as long as it's for her. Portable or removable altars are just fine as well. She is very understanding.
Personally, I am not familiar with crystals associated with her. I would assume it to depend on the color you are working with and your intentions with her. To my knowledge, crystals are not a common part of her worship (Readers, please feel free to correct) but you can give them to her as gifts if you like, regardless. Some ideas are: Amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, various types of obsidian, garnet, green jasper or agate, and so on. Think about what you come to her for or what color of La Santa Muerte you worship and go from there with crystals and their meanings. Stones for prosperity, protection, love, or energy, and so on. You could even try praying to her and seeing what comes to mind over time.
You're very welcome. Please let me know if you have any other questions. May Our Lady La Santa Muerte keep you safe. 馃尮
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