rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
CAS Summary post 03/03/2023
Evidence for completion of CAS project:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
CAS Project preperation post 3/02/23 For my CAS project I decided to create a food and tea blog with my friend Adam. This would be collabor
21/02/23 Cas Project Final Product
We have posted our best ideas and gathered enough information about the things we have described to create a thoughtfull explanations of wha
Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Activity 20/02/23 As I have stated in last post I with my trainer are now focusing on reaching the barrier of time for 100m freestyle swimm
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Activity 9/10/22 Swimming on its own is a good cardio-exerices however in order to improve my times, just doing it will bring results slowe
Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 23/05/22 The experience of collecting rations for Ukrainian people, and with helping around lifeguard base with stuff that will be
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 20/02/22 Since coming back from winter break, I have reconsidered how I should tackle cleaning of forest, and decided to divide it
Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 20/02/22 Since coming back from winter break, I have reconsidered how I should tackle cleaning of forest, and decided to divide it
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Creativity 11/12/22 I am still learning react, and applying what I know to implement Material UI into my projects, I also realised that i h
Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 20/02/23 I am continuing to help my older neighbour with her daily activities, and groceries shopping. I also accompany her at home
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Activity 20/02/23 As I have stated in last post I with my trainer are now focusing on reaching the barrier of time for 100m freestyle swimm
Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
CAS Project preperation post 3/02/23 For my CAS project I decided to create a food and tea blog with my friend Adam. This would be collabor
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 13/11/22 Recently the lifeguard centre close to me started to again collect things for Ukraine children; thus I decided to help the
Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance:
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 23/05/22 The experience of collecting rations for Ukrainian people, and with helping around lifeguard base with stuff that will be
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 17/04/22 I still collect ration for immigrants from Ukraine, and help in the lifeguard centre where more, and more hands are needed
Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions 
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 20/03/22 This is the last post about collected litter from the forest as I have learned that it is no longer consider as CAS activi
Rudolf Rusek CAS Portfolio
Service 8/05/22 I am still collecting rations and donating them to the local help-centres, mainly to lifeguard base in which I also help wi
Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences:
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
Cas Reflelection Post 03/03/23
Through the 18 CAS experiences I was able to develop both as a person and IB student. Through helping my older neighbour, I became much more caring, and open-minded about people’s problems, and their issues. Demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively, as I was able to improve my social skills, and was able to also create CAS project “Raszcooks” through collective effort with my friend Adam. What I enjoyed about CAS was the discipline that it encouraged in my exercise of swimming that I was doing more casually until the start of Activity experience. I was able to achieve the goal of breaking the 1 minute 10 seconds which showed my commitment towards the training with final time of freestyle swimming on 100 meters was 1 minute 6 seconds. The final endurance training was one of the hardest challenges as it was very tiring doing many swimming laps at once, however through enduring them I was able to achieve my goals, and overcome the challenge I set up at the start of CAS experiences. Through creativity starnd I was able to start learning Russian language which I had some knowledge of due to learning it in primary school. It became especially useful during the start of the war in the Ukraine as I was able to communicate with immigrants, and help them in local supply centres. In addition, I also started to learn more about programming languages, most notably the web development aspect which I was always interested in. Through learning basic html, react, and JavaScript I was able to create websites that are friendly to end-users. What is more I also learned php that allows me to connect them to the backend with databases, and servers. Allowing user data to be saved, and for registration forms to work. In conclusion, CAS experiences helped me to understand more about myself, about my own limits, and that with enough effort I am able to break them.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Signature signings 3/03/23
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Table Learning Outcomes 3/03/23
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
Cas Project Reflection post 28/02/23
As we have finished the project, I can coclude that it was a successful team effort. We have both contributed to the blog, and created an enviorment were our readers can also share thier own ideas. However, the promotion of the account itself should have been more towards our whole school community. It could have been dpne with posters in the main avanue of our school, however, as we began the project before the winter break, and finsihed it during it, there was not much time for such actions to be possible. In the future however, if we were to promote the instagram blog more, we should definetly think about possible ways of getting more views, and in turn traffic to our account.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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21/02/23 Cas Project Final Product
We have posted our best ideas and gathered enough information about the things we have described to create a thoughtfull explanations of what teas do, and how to prepare them. My friend adam has also taken great care of his posts about food, where the recipes are easy, and can be made by anyone. Through making of this instagram account we learned in collaboration about instagram promotion, and how to make posts more engaging with the viewer. This knowledge might helps us in the future if for example we open our own businesses.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Service 20/02/23
I am continuing to help my older neighbour with her daily activities, and groceries shopping. I also accompany her at home for about an hour or two per two days, and try to understand her even better. Though it is challenging to help another person, I always feel happy after coming back to my house after spending time with her, as she does not feel as lonely as before.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Creativity 20/02/23
Currently when I am working on the project I started in december, I have begun to program calendar that will be able to present the end-user with an ability to choose days of a month, with appropriate hours. The php which I am still learning helps with projects code to work correctly with the databases.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Activity 20/02/23
As I have stated in last post I with my trainer are now focusing on reaching the barrier of time for 100m freestyle swimming with my current abilities. Right now I am able to do 1 minute and 6 seconds; although it is important to mention that I am doing other styles of strokes as well which help with my body coordination.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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CAS Project Planning Post 10/02/23
As I have stated in a previous post I with my friend Adam decided to create tea and food blog for our cas project. We have focused on what site the project should be operating on, and from choices such as wordpress, tumblr, etc. We acknowledged Instagram as the best for the purpose of our project. Also we have decided on the name of the project as Raszcooks to help us with promotion in our school community.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Service 6/02/23
I am continuing to help my older neghbour with her daily activities and company. Recently she decided that I should drive her to different shops as other supplies she needs weren't available at the supermarket. Of course, I was ready to do that as I lover driving people around, and helping someone who through this expierence despite age difference, I can symphatize with.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Creativity 6/02/23
I have finsihed the tutorials and now can be confident that my sites will be able to correctly connect to databases and servers, which was an issue before I started to learn php. Right now I am coming back to the project I started in react for imaginary company. I cannot wait to put my knowledge into the website that will now function properly.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Activity 6/02/23
As I have staed right now I have finshed my endurence training, and began to focus on freestyle swimming 100m timings. I am currently able to go 1 minute and 7 seconds which I consider a major achievement, and shows off that endurence training was necessary in order to break 1 minute 10 seconds boundry. What is more, this time is able to be improved with futher training so I am hopeful that before the end of CAS experience.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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CAS Project preperation post 3/02/23
For my CAS project I decided to create a food and tea blog with my friend Adam. This would be collaborative effort as I have a great intrest in teas that helps me with my IB studies, and Adam loves to cook, and experiment in the kitchen.
This project has a connection with one of three strands of CAS which is creativity. In addition, creating a blog will provide my a way to promote herbal teas which in my opinion are unfortunetly overlloked when it comes to some help with diseases or ability to relax and wind down. I find it exhilarating that I can show to people how to brew them, and what effects they schould expect from them, and ability to connect with other tea enthusiasts.
In order for our blog to be about it Adam will post about his recipes, and phothos of foods that anyone can make. It is a great thing, as activity of cooking also might be therapeutic and connect people in our community to also present their own ideas.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Serivice 23/01/23
As I am continuing to helps my older neighbour, I decided to volunteer at local supply center for ukrainians, and donated candys for children. I also helped in providing them to people in need, and found this expierience as one which impacted my social skills the most as I did not know any people that were also volounteering at the center.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Creativity 23/01/23
I am continuing to learn more about php programming language. As I have expected it has become much more harder, and challenging to understand. However, as I wrtie more, and more code I feel I will be able to overcome this to learn the language. Especially, because the tutorials I am watching are very in depth about how it works.
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rudolfrusekcas · 1 year
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Activity 23/01/23
I with my trainer are starting to finish the endurence trarining that took a month, and two weeks. I have seen improvement in my ability to hold breath, and in not geetting tired to quickly. My stamina in water also improved which I am very happy about. Now I will start to again swim with time being counted per 100m in freestyle to see whther it has improved.
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