russellian-j · 21 hours
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2738 ( April 30, 2024)
After dinner, my wife and I used to read aloud in turns, and in this way we ploughed through large numbers of standard histories in many volumes. I think the last book that we read in this way was the History of the City of Rome by Gregorovius. This was intellectually the most fruitful period of my life, and I owe a debt of gratitude to my first wife for having made it possible. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-050.HTM
a brief comment Reading silently has its advantages, but reading aloud also has its advantages. If you read aloud to several people and listen to each other, you can notice if you pronounce something incorrectly, and you may even be able to tell that the person is reading without understanding. Repeatedly reading aloud will also help you to speak more clearly to others, which will help you in your lectures. Russell was a good speaker and always drew large audiences, and it is likely that his habit of reading aloud in his youth helped him.  In our times?, students were made to read aloud in Japanese and Chinese literature classes, and the habit seems to have remained strong even today. Some people have been cured of stuttering by repeated reading aloud. The most famous example is King George VI (1895-1952) of the United Kingdom, known from the film The King's Speech. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 21 hours
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2738j (April 30, 2024)
After dinner, my wife and I used to read aloud in turns, and in this way we ploughed through large numbers of standard histories in many volumes. I think the last book that we read in this way was the History of the City of Rome by Gregorovius. This was intellectually the most fruitful period of my life, and I owe a debt of gratitude to my first wife for having made it possible.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-050.HTM <寸言>  黙読には黙読の良さがありますが、音読にも音読の良さがあります。複数で音読して聞きあえば、間違って発音すれば気づくことができますし、その人が理解せずに読んでいることがわかる場合さえあります。音読を繰り返せば、相手にわかりやすく話せるようにもなりますので、講演の役にもたつはずです。ラッセルは講演が上手で、いつも多くの聴衆を集��ましたが、若い頃の音読の習慣が役立ったと思われます。  我々の時代?は国語や漢文の授業で生徒に音読させていましたが、今でもその習慣はしっかり残っているようです。音読を繰り返すことで吃音が治った人もいます。一番有名な例は、映画「英国王のスピーチ」で知られている英国王、ジョージ6世(1895~1952)です。
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russellian-j · 2 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2737 ( April 29, 2024)
During this time my intellectual ambitions were taking shape. I resolved not to adopt a profession, but to devote myself to writing. I remember a cold, bright day in early spring when I walked by myself in the Tiergarten, and made projects of future work. I thought that I would write one series of books on the philosophy of the sciences from pure mathematics to physiology, and another series of books on social questions. I hoped that the two series might ultimately meet in a synthesis at once scientific and practical. My scheme was largely inspired by Hegelian ideas. Nevertheless, I have to some extent followed it in later years, as much at any rate as could have been expected. The moment was an important and formative one as regards my purposes. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-030.HTM
a brief comment Russell's great achievements in many fields and his great influence on people around the world were due to this determination at a young age. Anyone can have delusions of grandeur, but to realize those delusions, there are many factors that come into play, including ability, wealth, luck, historical background, country and region of birth, and other factors.  In terms of ability, Russell was outstanding.  In terms of wealth, Russell had inherited 20,000 pounds from his late father.  Russell's grandfather, John Russell, was twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, so his family background must have been a plus.  Russell's youth was Britain's heyday, but then came its downfall. (The convenience of being British is far outweighed by that of being American.)  Being born and raised in England, the center of the English-speaking world, worked to his advantage.  Russell's life would be suitable for an "epic drama," but it is too complex to be made into a drama for the general public. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 2 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2737j (April 29, 2024)
During this time my intellectual ambitions were taking shape. I resolved not to adopt a profession, but to devote myself to writing. I remember a cold, bright day in early spring when I walked by myself in the Tiergarten, and made projects of future work. I thought that I would write one series of books on the philosophy of the sciences from pure mathematics to physiology, and another series of books on social questions. I hoped that the two series might ultimately meet in a synthesis at once scientific and practical. My scheme was largely inspired by Hegelian ideas. Nevertheless, I have to some extent followed it in later years, as much at any rate as could have been expected. The moment was an important and formative one as regards my purposes. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-030.HTM <寸言>  ラッセルは多方面において大きな業績をあげ、世界中の人々に大きな影響を与えましたが、それは若い時のこの決意があったからこそです。思うだけなら誰でも誇大妄想的に思うことができますが、その思いを実現するには、能力、財力、運、時代背景、生まれ育った国や地域の状況、その他、いろいろな要素が関係してきます。  能力については、ラッセルは抜きんでたものがありました。  財力については、ラッセルは,亡き父から2万ポンド(約4,5億円?)の遺産を相続していました。  ラッセルの祖父のジョン・ラッセルは英国の首相を2度務めており、その家柄もプラスになったはずです。  ラッセルの青年時代は英国の最盛期でしたが、その後は没落していきました。(英国人である利便性は、米国人に比べればずっとおとります。)  英語圏の中心である英国で生まれ育ったことは、有利に働きました。
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russellian-j · 3 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2736 ( April 28, 2024)
If we were really persuaded that pigs are happier than human beings, we should not on that account welcome the ministrations of Circe. If miracles were possible, and we could choose exactly the life that we should prefer, most of us would prefer a life in which we could, at least part of the time, enjoy the delicate delights of art and intellect, to one consisting wholly of houris, wines, and hot baths -- partly, no doubt, from fear of satiety, but not wholly. We do not, in fact, value pleasures in proportion to their intensity; some pleasures seem to us inherently preferable to others. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 9:Is there ethical knowledge ? More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0914.htm
a brief comment You may think this is a banal claim and not worth quoting, but I have collected it because both ChatGPT and DeepL misinterpret it. Quite often, 'if' is an abbreviation of 'even if'. Therefore, the logic of the assertion and the context of the preceding and following relationship (context) need to be taken into account. In this paragraph, ‘If we were really persuaded that pigs are happier than human beings, we should not on that account welcome the ministrations of Circe." is an abbreviation of 'even if …' and should be translated as ‘Even If we were really persuaded that pigs are happier than human beings, we should not on that account welcome the ministrations of Circe.’ If we translate this as ‘if’, we do not know what we are saying. It is an abbreviation of 'even if' and should mean 'Even if we truly believe that pigs are happier than humans, we should not welcome the services of Circe (note: a yoof in Greek mythology) for that reason. It is supposed to mean 'if'. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 3 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2736j (April 28, 2024)
 たとえ、私達が本当に豚のほうが人間より幸せだと信じているとしても、それを理由にキルケー(注:ギリシャ神話に出てくる妊婦)の奉仕を歓迎すべきではない。 もし奇跡が可能で、私達が好むべき人生を確実に選択できるとしたら、私達の大部分は、全てが天女(注:国で男性イスラム教徒に仕えると信じられている美しい乙女)、ワイン、温かい風呂からなる人生よりも、少なくとも部分的には芸術と知性の繊細な喜びを享受できる人生を好むだろう。それは、部分的には間違いなく飽きることへの恐怖からであるが、完全にそうではない。実際、私達は快楽をその激しさに比例して評価するわけではない。私達にとって、ある種の快楽は他の快楽よりも本質的に好ましいと思われる。 If we were really persuaded that pigs are happier than human beings, we should not on that account welcome the ministrations of Circe. If miracles were possible, and we could choose exactly the life that we should prefer, most of us would prefer a life in which we could, at least part of the time, enjoy the delicate delights of art and intellect, to one consisting wholly of houris, wines, and hot baths -- partly, no doubt, from fear of satiety, but not wholly. We do not, in fact, value pleasures in proportion to their intensity; some pleasures seem to us inherently preferable to others. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 9:Is there ethical knowledge ? More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0914.htm <寸言>  平凡な主張であり引用する価値がないと思うかもしれませんが、ChatGPT も DeepL も誤訳してしまうので、採取してみました。 「if」は「even if」の省略形であることがけっこうあります。従って、主張の論理性や前後関係(文脈)をよくとらえる必要があります。この段落のなかの「If we were really persuaded that pigs are happier than human beings, we should not on that account welcome the ministrations of Circe. 」のなかの「if」は「even if」の省略だと気が付かず、「もし私たちが本当に豚のほうが人間より幸せだと信じているのであれば、そのためにキルケー(妖婦=ようふ)の奉仕を歓迎すべきではないでしょう。」と訳したら何を言っているかわかりません。ここは、「even if」の省略形であり、「たとえ、私達が本当に豚のほうが人間より幸せだと信じているとしても、そのためにキルケー(注:ギリシャ神話に出てくる妖婦)の奉仕を歓迎すべきではない。 」という意味のはずです。
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russellian-j · 4 days
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「(週刊)バートランド・ラッセルに関するメルマガ」n882_2024/04/27 https://russell-j.com/magmag/br_magmag_n882_20240427.htm
編集後記 国立大の授業料を3倍にすべきと主張する慶應の伊藤公平塾長
 慶應義塾の現塾長(学長)の伊藤公平氏が政府の中央教育審議会の部会で「国立大の授業料を3倍にすべき」と主張しているということで、話題になるとともに、批判を浴びています。部会で出された資料は次のページに掲載されています。 https://www.mext.go.jp/content/2020327-koutou02-000034778-5.pdf
 ============================== 【2.国立・公立・私立大学の協調と競争を促す学納金体系の確立
  - 国立大学の学納金を(現在の約3倍の)150万円/年程度に設定すること    で、国立大の収入体系の中で利益者負担率を上げながらも、運営費交付    金のレベルを調整することで全体収入は現状からの増加を目指す。公立    大も同様の扱いとする。- このことで大学生の8割近くが通う私立大と    短大は、公平な土壌で建学の精神に基づく経営努力に取り組むことがで    きる。- その上で、学生それぞれの事情に応じた経済的負担軽減のため    の奨学金および貸与制度を、国公私大を通じて共通の土壌で整備する。】  ==============================
 伊藤公平氏は、自分の名に相応しく?「公平」ということを強調しますが、「公平」の中身が問題です。(伊藤氏は伊藤忠の創業者の孫であり、慶應幼稚舎から大学院まで慶應で、カリフォルニア大学の大学院も修了しています。スタート地点から「公平」ではないではないかと思われますが、それは伊藤氏にとっては、ご先祖様が頑張ったご褒美なので、問題外と考えているのではないでしょうか?  いや、「奨学金を充実すれば問題ない」との主張でしょうが、返還義務のない奨学金はそれほど多くないでしょうし、(無利子であっても)返還義務のある奨学金を充実しても、大きな借金を考えれば、大学院進学を躊躇する人が少なくないと思われます。    それにしても、150万円という金額はどうして出てきたのでしょうか? 伊藤氏は「高度な大学教育を実施するためには、学生一人当たりの収入として300万円/年は必要」ということを根拠にしていますが、本当のそのような計算からの発想でしょうか?  慶應の1年間の授業料は約140万円(医学部は約400万円)だそうです。ということは、国立大学の授業料が慶應の授業料と同じなら、多くの学生が慶應を選ぶはずだ! とでも「無意識に(意識下で)」思ったのでしょうか?  因みに、私立大学の医学部の授業料は年2000万くらいしているそうですが、慶應医学部の学生の授業料が安いのは他学部の学生の授業料収入を回しているからだ! と揶揄する他学部生も少なくないそうです。
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russellian-j · 4 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2735j (April 27, 2024)
 私達は,結婚生活の初めの何年かを,多くの外国の国々を見てまわろうと心に決めていた。そこで,1895年の最初の3ヶ月間をベルリンで過ごした。私はベルリン大学に行き、そこで主に経済学を研究した(訳注:ベルリン大学での研究成果は,翌年,ラッセルの最初の著作 German Social Democracy として出版=ラッセルは当時24歳!)。(また)大学特別研究員の資格をとるための学位論文(幾何学の基礎に関するもの)の執筆作業も続けた。私達は,週3回音楽会に行き,そうして,ドイツ社会民主党員達と知り合うようになったが,彼らは当時とても邪悪な人間であると考えられていた。 We had decided that during the early years of our married life, we would see a good deal of foreign countries, and accordingly we spent the first three months of 1895 in Berlin. I went to the university, where I chiefly studied economics. I continued to work at my Fellowship dissertation (on the foundations of geometry). We went to concerts three times a week, and we began to know the Social Democrats, who were at that time considered very, wicked. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-020.HTM <寸言>  ラッセルは1894年12月13日(ラッセル22歳の時)に5歳年上のアメリカ人女性アリスと結婚しています。(ラッセルの両親はラッセルが幼い時に亡くなっていますが、21歳になって成人すると、親の遺産を使えるようになっていました。)  ラッセルは亡き父の遺産を活かし,「原則として」どこにも勤めずに、執筆一本で生きていこうと若い時に決意しました。不労所得はよくないが、お金のために(生計のために)真理に背を向けることなく、あくまでも人類に貢献する学問をするために「遺産を活用する」ことはそれほど悪いことではないだろう、と自らを納得させていました。1921年には遺産をほぼ使い果たしていますが、執筆や講演活動などで生活できると考えていましたので、あまり心配していませんでした。  なお、育ての親の祖母の遺産は相続せず、ケンブリッジ大学や種々の教育目的のために全て寄付しています。
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russellian-j · 4 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2735 ( April 27, 2024)
We had decided that during the early years of our married life, we would see a good deal of foreign countries, and accordingly we spent the first three months of 1895 in Berlin. I went to the university, where I chiefly studied economics. I continued to work at my Fellowship dissertation (on the foundations of geometry). We went to concerts three times a week, and we began to know the Social Democrats, who were at that time considered very, wicked. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 5: First marriage, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB15-020.HTM
a brief comment Russell married Alice, an American woman five years his senior, on 13 December 1894 (when Russell was 22). (Russell's parents died when Russell was very young, but when he reached the age of 21, he was able to use his parent's inheritance as an adult.)  Russell decided at a young age to use his late father's inheritance to live on writing alone, without working anywhere 'in principle'. He convinced himself that while unearned income was bad, it would not be so bad to 'use his inheritance' to study for the benefit of humanity, without turning his back on the truth for the sake of money (for a living). He thought he could make a living by writing, lecturing and so on, so he did not worry too much about it.  He did not inherit his grandmother's estate, but donated it all to Cambridge University and various educational causes. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 5 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2734 ( April 26, 2024)
I asked the grown-ups whether Shelley was not considered a great poet, but found that they thought ill of him. This, however, did not deter me, and I spent all my spare time reading him, and learning him by heart. Knowing no one to whom I could speak of what I thought or felt, I used to reflect how wonderful it would have been to know Shelley, and to wonder whether I should ever meet any live human being with whom I should feel so much in sympathy. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 2, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB12-050.HTM
a brief comment P. B. Shelley (1792-1822) was an aristocrat like the Russells, but he was an atheist and a free-lover, so it is easy to imagine that Russell's family would have ill feelings towards Shelley.  Shelley was a sceptic, rebellious, atheist and free-lover, so shelley had an awful lot in common with Russell. It is natural that as a young man Russell wondered if he would ever meet anyone alive today with whom he could relate so well.  As a philosopher and mathematician, one might think that Russell would have read the most books on philosophy and mathematics, but as he states in his autobiography, he read the most books on history and literature throughout his life. This is why Russell was able to make so many interesting quotations in his writings.  The verse of Yosano Tekkan's 'Hito wo koiuru uta', in which Byron appears, contains the phrese 'Basho no sabi wo yorokobazu'(I can't enjoy his attentive melancholy), but I thought‘yorokobazu' might be a misnomer. The answer in Yahoo Chiebukuro says: ‘[Yorokobazu] is fine. The theory that 'zu' is not a strike-through is incorrect. It says: 'I do not share Basho's sabi.'  If we translate it mean, 'I don't mean to say that I have as much passion as Byron or Heine, I don't mean to say that I have the same passion as Byron or Heine, but something like Basho's rust doesn't suit me.’ That's what I mean. The first part is a humble statement, but I really do have a passion for it. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 5 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2734j (April 26, 2024)
 私は,大人達に,シェリーを偉大な詩人だと考えられないか尋ねた。しかし,彼らはシェリーをよく思っていないことがわかった。けれども,私は,このことで動ぜず、暇な時はいつもシェリーを読んだり,暗記したりして過ごした。私は,自分考えたり感じたことを話すことができる相手は誰もいないことがわかり,シェリーを知っていることは何と素晴らしいことだろうか,また,現在生きている人でこんなに共感できる人と果たしてめぐり逢えるものだろうかと,よく内省した。 I asked the grown-ups whether Shelley was not considered a great poet, but found that they thought ill of him. This, however, did not deter me, and I spent all my spare time reading him, and learning him by heart. Knowing no one to whom I could speak of what I thought or felt, I used to reflect how wonderful it would have been to know Shelley, and to wonder whether I should ever meet any live human being with whom I should feel so much in sympathy.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 2, 1967 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB12-050.HTM <寸言>  シェリー(1792-1822)もラッセル家の人々と同じ貴族でしたが、無神論者であり、自由恋愛論者でしたので、ラッセルの家族がシェリーに悪感情を持つだろうことは容易に想像できます。  シェリーは懐疑論者で、反骨精神が旺盛で、無神論者で自由恋愛論者というのですから、ラッセルとの共通点がものすごくあります。青年時代に「現在生きている人でこんなに共感できる人と果たしてめぐり逢えるものだろうか」と疑問に思ったのは自然なことです。  なお、ラッセルは哲学者かつ数学者なので、哲学や数学関係の本を一番たくさん読んだだろうと思うかも知れませんが、自伝などで述べているように、ラッセルが生涯を通じて最も読んだのは、歴史及び文学関係の本です。そうであるからこそ、ラッセルは自分の著作のなかに多数の興味深い引用をすることができました。  ところで、バイロンが登場する、与謝野鉄幹の「人を恋ふるうた」の4番の最後の歌詞『芭蕉のさびをよろこばず』ですが、「よろこばず」は誤記かと思いましたが、「よろこばず」でよいようです。Yahoo 知恵袋の回答には次のように書かれています。
【「よろこばず」で問題ありません。なお、「ず」が打ち消しでないという説は間違いです。「芭蕉のさびには共感しない」と言っているのです。  意訳すれば、 「バイロンやハイネほどの情熱があると言うつもりはないが、  芭蕉のさびみたいなものは自分の性に合わない。」 ということです。  前半は一応謙遜したのであって、本当は情熱をもっているのです。】
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russellian-j · 6 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2733 ( April 25, 2024)
We are thus led to the conclusion that there is more agreement among mankind as to the effects at which we should aim than as to the kinds of acts that are approved. I think the contention of Henry Sidgwick, that the acts which are approved of are those that are likely to bring happiness or pleasure, is, broadly speaking, true. Not infrequently, an ancient tabu, which it was formerly thought disastrous to infringe, may survive, through the force of custom and tradition, long after the beliefs which gave rise to it have been forgotten. But in such cases the tabu has a precarious life, and is apt to be thrown over by those who come across, by travel or by study, customs different from those in which they have been brought up. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 9:Is there ethical knowledge ? More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0913.htm
a brief comment We make many 'assumptions'. Many people living in the same area think that it is better this way or that it should be this way, but when we go to another place (especially abroad), we see people who think differently from us who are not unhappy or, in fact, happier.  This fact helps us to understand the importance of travelling, studying (learning) and experiencing living in different areas. This is because those experiences allow us to know different 'outcomes' and there is more agreement among many people (in different countries) about the 'outcomes' than about the 'principle theory'. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 6 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2733j (April 25, 2024)
 こうして、どのような行為が承認されるかということよりも、私達が目指すべき結果(効果)について人類の間でより多くの合意が存在しているという結論に導かれる。承認される行為とは幸福や快楽をもたらす可能性が高い行為であるというヘンリー・シジウィックの主張は、大ざっぱに言って真実だと考える。 以前は違反すると破滅的だと考えられていた古代のタブーが、そのタブーを生み出した信仰が忘れ去られてから長い間、慣習や伝統の力によって生き残っていることも稀ではない。しかし、そのような場合、タブーは不安定な生命を持ち、旅行や勉強(学習)を通じて、自分が育った環境とは異なる習慣に出会った人々によって投げ捨てられる傾向がある。 We are thus led to the conclusion that there is more agreement among mankind as to the effects at which we should aim than as to the kinds of acts that are approved. I think the contention of Henry Sidgwick, that the acts which are approved of are those that are likely to bring happiness or pleasure, is, broadly speaking, true. Not infrequently, an ancient tabu, which it was formerly thought disastrous to infringe, may survive, through the force of custom and tradition, long after the beliefs which gave rise to it have been forgotten. But in such cases the tabu has a precarious life, and is apt to be thrown over by those who come across, by travel or by study, customs different from those in which they have been brought up. Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 9:Is there ethical knowledge ? More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0913.htm <寸言>  私達は多くの「思い込み」をしています。同じ地域に住む多くの人が「こうしたほうがよい」とか「こうあるべきだ」と思っていても、別の土地(特に海外)にいくと、自分たちと異なる考え方の人々が不幸になっていなかったり、あるいはむしろ、より幸福だったりする姿を目にしたりします。  この事実から、旅行や勉強(学習)や異なる地域で暮らす体験などの重要性がよく理解できます。なぜなら、それらの経験によって、様々な「結果」を知ることができ、「結果」については、「原理原則論」よりも、多くの(国々の)人々の間に合意があるからです。
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russellian-j · 7 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2732 ( April 24, 2024)
The years of adolescence were to me very lonely and very unhappy. Both in the life of the emotions and in the life of the intellect, I was obliged to preserve an impenetrable secrecy towards my people. My interests were divided between sex, religion, and mathematics. I find the recollection of my sexual preoccupation in adolescence unpleasant. I do not like to remember how I felt in those years, but I will do my best to relate things as they were and not as I could wish them to have been. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB12-010.HTM
a brief comment The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell is a remarkable autobiography with much to gain from reading it. A Japanese translation was published by Risosha between 1967 and 1973 by Ikki Hidaka (trans.), but unfortunately there are quite a few mistranslations. It would be nice if someone would publish a new translation. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 7 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2732j (April 24, 2024)
 思春期の年月は、私にとって、とても孤独であり,不幸であった。感情と知性の(生活の)両面で,自分の家族に対して,頑なに秘密を保つことを余儀なくされた。私の関心は,性と宗教と数学の間に分かれていた。思春期に性に没頭したことを想い出すと不愉快になる。あの頃私がどういうふうに感じていたかを思い出したくない。しかし,こういうふうであればよかったといった希望的なことは述べずに,事実あった通りを以下述べるよう最善を尽くしてみることにしよう。 The years of adolescence were to me very lonely and very unhappy. Both in the life of the emotions and in the life of the intellect, I was obliged to preserve an impenetrable secrecy towards my people. My interests were divided between sex, religion, and mathematics. I find the recollection of my sexual preoccupation in adolescence unpleasant. I do not like to remember how I felt in those years, but I will do my best to relate things as they were and not as I could wish them to have been.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB12-010.HTM <寸言>  『ラッセル自伝』(The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1967-1969, 3vols.) は読んで得るところが多い、驚くべき自伝です。しかし、現在の日本ではほとんど読む人はいないようです。1967年から1973年にかけて理想社から日高一輝(訳)で日本語訳が出版されましたが、残念なことに誤訳がけっこうあります。誰か新訳を出してくれるといいのですが・・・?
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russellian-j · 8 days
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Bertrand Russell Quotes 366 with images, n2731 ( April 23, 2024)
But in retrospect, as I have grown older, I have realized more and more the importance she (Russell's grandmother) had in moulding my outlook on life. Her fearlessness, her public spirit, her contempt for convention, and her indifference to the opinion of the majority have always seemed good to me and have impressed themselves upon me as worthy of imitation. She gave me a Bible with her favourite texts written on the fly-leaf. Among these was "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." Her emphasis upon this text led me in later life to be not afraid of belonging to small minorities. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB11-080.HTM
a brief comment Russell's grandmother was the second daughter of the Earl of Minto, whose husband John Russell (Russell's grandfather) was twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Russell's parents died early, so Russell was taken in by his grandmother at an early age and brought up by her until he went to Cambridge University at the age of 18. His grandmother was strict with herself, not sitting in her easy chair until the evening, and Russell was brought up strictly according to a set routine (piano practice every morning from 7.30am to 8am; family prayer at 8am; simple meals; cold water baths all year round). Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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russellian-j · 8 days
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉366_画像版 n.2731j (April 23, 2024)
しかし振り返ってみると,成長するにつれ,私の人生観を形成する上での祖母の重要性を益々認識した。祖母の恐れのなさ,公共心,因襲の軽蔑,多数意見に対する無関心は,常に私には良いことであると思われ,それらは模倣する価値があると強く印象づけられた。祖母は,見返しの遊び紙(白紙)に祖母のお気に入りの文句をいくつか書いた聖書を私にくれた。その中に次の文句があった。  「汝,群衆に従いて悪を為すなかれ」  祖母がこの聖句を強調してくれたことは,後になって私がごく小さなマイノリティに属することを恐れさせないよう導いてくれた。 But in retrospect, as I have grown older, I have realized more and more the importance she (Russell's grandmother) had in moulding my outlook on life. Her fearlessness, her public spirit, her contempt for convention, and her indifference to the opinion of the majority have always seemed good to me and have impressed themselves upon me as worthy of imitation. She gave me a Bible with her favourite texts written on the fly-leaf. Among these was "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." Her emphasis upon this text led me in later life to be not afraid of belonging to small minorities. Source: Bertrand Russell: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 1, 1967 More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB11-080.HTM <寸言>  ラッセルの祖母はミント伯爵の次女で、夫のジョン・ラッセル(ラッセルの祖父)は英国の総理大臣を2度務めました。ラッセルの両親は早く亡くなったため、幼い時に祖母に引き取られ、18歳でケンブリッジ大学に上がるまで、祖母に育てられました。祖母は夕方まで安楽椅子に座らないという自分にも厳しい人で、ラッセルも決められた日課(毎朝7時半から8時までピアノの練習;朝8時、家族の祈祷;食事は質素;1年中冷水浴励行)のもと、厳しく育てられました。
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