rvbbic · 2 years
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Her panic surprises him. Stops him in place on his knees, almost frozen as he realises he might have gone too far. He was expecting embracement or anger. Not the fear her eyes transpire. His voice is lower and actually his when he asks “Are you alri-” her hand flies out of his and into her grasp. Clutched to her chest. “It’s ok, it’s alright.” he says getting up with palms facing her “I’m sorry.” he nods at the leave. “Ok, i’ll go. It’s ok, I’m sorry. Some kid-” he decides explanations aren’t whats needed now. He fucked up “I’m sor-” he doesn’t get to say more before something - someone’s fist - collides with his jaw. He takes a step back eyes closed as he grabs at his nose. Shit. “ Blyat ” His hand comes away bloody when he looks at it and he puts it back. “Was that fucking necessary?” He likely deserved that - but he was still angry. Annoyed some people resolved to violence as their first response. Had the physical attack came from the woman he would have understood at least. @wicbkc​
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Her mind couldn’t keep up with the words that were coming out of his mouth all while accommodating the thoughts and assumptions she was making about the situation. She was certain the skin on her hand was tingling where he had touched it. No, it probably was just in her head. For certain. But what if it wasn’t. She wanted to wash it so badly before it touched anything else. The first step he took  away from her brought a very small ounce of rationality to her, and then Robbie was by her side. Rinsing the worst of her anxiety away. Her shoulders took a natural position once more. The little pieces that quieted her mind were all there: his tall frame, a sense of familiarity, and the security his presence brought. Like balm on a violent wound. Until he ripped it all away himself. Her body tensed as she watched anger get the better of him, turn his mind off, and bring him down to the level of an animal. Her free hand, the one that was not being treated like toxic waste, gripped his forearm behind her back and stiffly pulled it off. His witty greeting felt out of place when there was a man spewing swear words at him… her… them. “You escalated this.” Her words were quiet, they came with deep breaths; a phrase of delicate German that was meant only for him. Her attention did not diverge from the maniac in front of them. He could not hit a bear and not expect it to get angry. [ @rvbbic​ ]
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 "   Haud yer weesht ,    gowk .    Funny guy ,   ain’t ye?  Think it’s funny ,   going 'bout harassing women 'cos you’ve had a few too many ---   ”  control your temper Robert.  He would’ve done worse, he should’ve done worse, he should’ve pulled out his spleen and hung him like a Pinnatta for the people at the party to enjoy, but there were more pressing matters that required his attention.
The blindness of his righteous Scottish boiling anger seems to only subside once Wiebke’s tender words reach his ears.   Robbie’s brows meet at the center of his creased forehead ,   the red of his face draining into a light shade of pink along with a laborious sigh -- she’d ripped him off like a band-aid and he knew, he deserved it,  but the look on her face, that hurt.  
“   I know!  I know ...   I know.  I just saw you ...  and I wanted to ---   ”   kill him .    “    I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I upset you,  but I got ... I should’ve been here earlier,    I thought you’d be with Kaspar.   ”    they’re speaking a language of their own now, hushed whispers exchanged solely to and for each other: Robbie’s significantly raspier. 
He’s elected to completely ignore the wounded eejit on the floor. @pctro​
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rvbbic · 2 years
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LEE PACE for Thom Browne - “The Park”
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rvbbic · 2 years
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He ran a had through his hair as he passed one of the mirrors, messy was the goal. His cheeks were already slightly flushed from the drinks, he slapped them a couple of times to worsen the state of them. He supposed this was were his jokes with Aleks about the nobel families of Iceland would come in handy. Aleks was gonna love this story. He stoped for a second, stupid smile looking back at him on the mirror. Focus. “Did you see- nothing” he told the person closest to him just as he spotted the purple fabric. She looked fine. He forced the accent, not broken english, more never met another person. Less than 200 people he remembered Aleks telling him as he laughed. “- Miss. You’re so beautiful. Ólafur Petursson” He introduced himself a hand on his chest “I’ve been watching you - all night.” he said gesturing large and comedic “I simply can’t contain it anymore. Allow me” He grabbed her hand and kissed it. Leon was going to murder him. Still he fell at her feet. “Would you do me the HONOR.” His words were pointed “of marrying me?” ( @wicbkc​ )
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She didn’t like partied because there was always too many unfamiliar faces. She didn’t like parties because when people got drunk they became unpredictable. She didn’t like parties because the venues always changed and she never knew them by heart, and she didn’t like parties because stranger men with even stranger objectives talked to her. Her jaw clenched at the man’s loud voice. It drew attention. Her shoulders shrank a bit and her eyes left his almost immediately. No, no, no, she did not like this one bit. Whatever it was. Her palm was sweaty even before he so boldly took it into his hand. Both revolt and fear surged through her at such force that her body felt removed from her mind. Whatever was happening she did not understand it, had not been able to expect it, and could not figure out how to stop before it escalated into something wor– Now he was on his knees and Wiebke was looking around herself quite helplessly in order to figure out if he had a bad case of face blindness. Her heart was daring to jump out of her chest. She wrenched her hand out of his grasp and held it by her chest — close enough to be able to guard it better but far enough to make sure the contamination did not spread any further. “Get away from me, please.” The words came slowly from her mouth. Each weighing the same amount. “This is–” She felt like squirming a bit. There were words to describe his behaviour but her mind was empty of them. All she wanted was to make sure he was taken away and kept as far away from her as possible. How did these stalkers get into exclusive parties? “Leave.” 
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Before he knew, the party, the laughter, the clinking of glasses had all faded into white noise --- he’d been aimlessly searching for his wife, concern already spreading across his previously busy brain like rust, only to find her petrified in a corner, frozen solid still as one of medusa’s helpless victims.   Her eyes, wide as the moon and hands shaking and shoulders recoiling as if she wanted to crawl inside her body never to come out ----- and what was that ...  that   wankstain  on the ground ,    kneeling ,     taking his wife’s hand by force and slobbering all over it like some starved hound .   
Most people in his family would label Robbie a lighthearted man, but if there was ever a situation that drained him of patience:    that was it.  If you were to ask him later ,    he couldn’t tell you when he got there ,     only he found his hand in its habitual place --- steadying Wiebke’s waistline like a pillar, and the other ---  rebellious little bastard--- had bloodied its knuckles colliding against Petro’s jaw, which should hopefully keep him from enjoying what remains of the party.
“ I’m so sorry, love, I got caught up in my work...   if I had any idea they’d let patients of the asylum out, I wouldn’t have bothered with the tie.”  @pctro​
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rvbbic · 3 years
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“But what if Mathias’ stops developing his social skills here?” Wiebke asked nervously fiddling a strand of her hair. “There’re no kids his age who speak German or English.” She had looked into it. “Do we dare to put him in an international school here? What if he gets attached? And Anna… I can’t have her befriend Margaux d’Orléans and I don’t know if there’s anyone else! I didn’t think this through…” [ @rvbbic​ ]
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Wiebke storms in like a pandemonium,  riddled with doubt and agonizing on what-if’s---it’s very natural for her, he’d dare to find it charming if it weren’t detrimental in the long run, so instead, Robert settles for the role of peacekeeper:   setting down his piece of literature and leaning back on his seat .    "   Mathias?   Do you know what that little shit said to me last time I tucked him into bed?   Told me he wanted  mama ,   ‘cos I looked like the big bad wolf in the story...   I don’t think it’s his social skills we need to worry about.  ”    That outrageous favoritism is getting outta hand, can’t a man with bushy eyebrows be left alone?  Next time he’ll read him The Witch of Laggan, see how he likes Wiebke then!    "   ---- We have Aurel!  ”    Him and the kids were matching outfits during the auction!  Now, to actually attempt and soothe her mood:   “  They are more resilient than you give them credit for, honey.  They’re at the best age to pick up a new language, Anna-Amalia could run for office with how easily she cons the other kids into giving her their favorite toys, and I’m sure they’ll adapt better than us... But if you’re still worried, how about private tutors?   ”
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rvbbic · 3 years
i find it very sexy of me that i’m storming in late like this.     you’re not allowed to judge me it’s what lennys do.
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&&. announcing his royal highness, ( robert finn stuart ), the ( 43 ) year old ( prince ) of ( scotland ). he is are often confused with ( lee pace ). some say that he is ( stubborn and impatient ), but he is actually ( charming and humorous ). ( OOC: lenny )
tw: hella offensive views on cheese.
robbie is an extremely driven person, he’s not afraid to go out there and do the work if that’s what it takes to move things along. he’s passionate, loud, and has a thunderous laughter--- his presence is not small, and nothing about him is tame nor quiet. that’s not to say he’s not reasonable or unwilling to listen to counter arguments---of course not, that’d make him nothing more than another ignorant person with a loud voice, but you must at least be ready to present your case.
as much as he   might seem intimidating from afar,  with his broad shoulders and his imposing stance, robert by far one of the warmest and friendliest people you’ll ever meet, if you get to know him properly. god knows, in his youth he was quicker to make friends, but he’s accepted it’s a natural part of life to gradually become wearier of people’s intentions after gaining some experience.
as much as he likes to think of himself as being completely unparanoid, god forbid someone opens an umbrella indoors,   or a blackcat walks across him in the street; suddenly robbie has a fever and he’s indisposed.
From a very young age, Robbie was raised to be proud of his country---to be proud of where he came from everything they’ve accomplished, of the amazing scots who ventured out into the world and made incredible changes through their way of thinking and determination. He was of course, given a head start many didn’t have: loving parents, financial stability, and the conscience that his actions had the potential to affect the world. He made an effort, from a young age, to truly participate and get involved in causes and voluntary work that had potential to promote change, and made sure the people’s love for his family was rewarded through actions.
Being the baby of the family meant he wasn’t under as much scrutiny as the other members of his family: for the most part, so long as he didn’t party too hard and didn’t make it to the evening news---Robbie was welcomed to do as he pleased, and he quite enjoyed his freedom. A carefree jokester by nature, he wasn’t afraid to laugh at himself, and you could always count on the prince of Scotland to have that impish smile on his face at parties, whispering something to his brothers and laughing, waiting to make his mother laugh with a terrible witty line or pun.
Despite all this overflowing optimism, Robbie never felt lost nor did he lacked ambition, he knew exactly what he wanted:  to leave his own mark into the world like all those brave Scottish man before him.  This positive way of looking at the world would work as a spell,  people looked at Robbie as something shiny and bright and captivating. He matured, along with his thoughts and ideas, but his idealism shifted as opposed to disappearing: it changed into resolutions, and resolutions into plans, and those plans and the will to set them in motion is what lead him down the road of getting into the University of St Andrews; it aligned not just with his purpose but he felt like they understood him as an institution better than any other could, being a point of pride for Scotland. Robert desperately wished, with all his heart, to honor his country and blaze a trail would bring it newer heights to compete with places such as Cambridge and Oxford, fruits of a work he’d live to see come to fruition. Robbie's education didn’t stop there, however, knowledge was a fountain that kept him parched, and that was only one of the many steps taken towards later obtaining his PHD in economics.  He believes that spark, that drive and charisma were the things Wiebke first noticed when they first looked at each other, so many years ago---and that’s why he ever managed to catch her eye to begin with.
When they first met it was something otherworldly, he’d been with girls before but nobody quite like her. All of his thoughts were suddenly consumed by her: how her eyes would crinkle when she smiled, and her name tangle itself on his tongue like a riddle. The merciless taunts of his peers were unescapable... but what was even stranger even than this sudden encounter causing such tempestuous emotions was the fact he didn’t seem to mind their incessant jabs, in fact, the idea of her was more appealing by the second. It was true, at first she was an idea, a projection of what he’d longed for, and when the real person emerged that inevitably caused damage to their relationship. For awhile, he thought that’d be it, and his pride and his ego, and frankly, his broken heart, kept him from picking up the phone to make amends... Luckily, she did.
The more time they spent together, the more he understood her, and the more he wanted to understand her---she’d laugh or attempt to laugh at his terrible puns, and he’d slowly unravel himself for her bit by bit. He never abandoned his roots, but instead chose to embrace hers as well: his body was big enough for the both of them. Her culture became his own, he learned how to get rid of his accent, how to work as a team, and he gained a true partner---in politics and in life.
fun facts !
after so many lectures, robert excels at public speaking ( it gives his captivating personality a chance to shine ok )
likes to pretend he’s only “haha jokingly superstitious” but actually... takes it very seriously.
was briefly betrothed to a princess in his early 20′s ( country tbd )
he can play the fiddle like the devil’s coming to collect his soul
would scare the living shit out of his kids before bed with ghost stories :) #justdadthings
he is a very proud person: humble enough to want to understand the things he doesn’t know, and willing to explain the things he does, but if you’re just gonna be an ignorant person he's happy to leave your brain to rot alone
the whole world could come to an end this man will not get up after he goes to bed. if he’s asleep, he’s dead 'till morning
hates cheese because it’s too cheesy ?
if you say wiebke’s name three times in the mirror he can be summoned, true story
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