sapphiretalons · 3 years
//anyone want to strike up a thread? Plotted or casual? I have nomadic wandering Tal at various stages of draconification and modern verse biker Tal too
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Third eyelid slowly closes over his gaze as he tunes you out.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
He scuttles up the rockface like a gecko and parkours out of sight.
Long time staring… air is kinda dry…
Third eyelid begins to slowly creep over eye.
Frowns. That third palpebral is both intriguing and weird.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Long time staring... air is kinda dry...
Third eyelid begins to slowly creep over eye.
Reflected mismatched eyes stare back like a cat in the night.
No movement.
It’s a staring contest now. Cannot blink.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Reflected mismatched eyes stare back like a cat in the night.
No movement.
@sapphiretalons replied:
Squints suspiciously from the low ground.
Looks at directly.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
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falls off the wall and dies
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Gecko climbs up the wall
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
"What- Hey!"
Talon writhes and wiggles angrily in his grip, arms flailing.
"I didn't see any sign!"
Wanders into your territory
He picks Talon by the scruff of his clothes and carries him away.
"You're not a dragon, but you are close enough. Now ask first before you barge into MY territory."
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
He had gotten some time off work, the weather was nice, and he got to spend most of the day with Ezreal- at least until Ezreal shooed him away for being more of a nuisance than a help in the kitchen. Some... nonsense claim about needing to concentrate and how Talon was too distracting during his plunder of Ezreal's many berries.
It was a good day.
He flicked the butt of his cig over the railing of the balcony, leaning over it as he stared down over the streets.
There had been... a lot of good days, with Ez.
He smiled, reaching to tie his hair back before the tempting scent of delicious baked goods wafted through the balcony door. He turned, following after it as he slid the door shut behind him. Yeah... there had been nothing but good days since he had moved in- even the day where he had spent most of the day scowling at the blond...
Were cakes supposed to look like that?
"I'm helping you out, you know- evening it out." He flashed Ez what he hoped to be a winning smile before the stolen morsel was consumed, "Stull tastes rueally good-"
@sapphiretalons ate too much batter….
⋆ — ​ Baking isn’t really his specialty. Or, like, anything that requires following instructions for more than two minutes, but especially baking. Cooking is fine because he can experiment and take risks, but baking? You stop paying attention for one second and suddenly your sugar cookies are salt cookies. Not that he learned that from experience, of course. No way. 
     Anyway, the point is that he’s been working really hard on this one because he knows how much Talon loves sweets, and it’s their anniversary, and maybe he’s feeling a bit domestic. Just a bit though. So when Ezreal pulls the cake out of the oven to find that one side slouches strangely, he can’t help but be a little disappointed. He deflates as he sets the cake down, frowning. “Ahh,” Ezreal complains. “Man. I worked so hard on this, too. What happened? I really thought I got it this time.” 
     He watches the cake for a few more seconds, then turns back to Talon. “Well, it’ll probably still taste good, right? Hey—you can’t eat it now.” Ezreal laughs, “It has to cool before I can even ice it, honey.”
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
I am here to take your unlife.
Nothing I shoot ever gets back up again.
Next time, I swear I will rip him to bloody pieces.
I might be developing a sense of whimsy.
I will know my enemies by the stains of red you leave upon their chests.
I am everywhere and nowhere.
Time has made you so beautiful.
It’s truly amazing what people will do in pursuit of immortality.
It has often been said that I like war. No, my friend, I love war!
Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor - my bullet punishes all without distinction.
What was that? Some kind of evil love beam?
You are ruin made flesh, made beautiful. You are loved, and so I despise you.
Blood is the currency of the soul.
You are a creature who dances between life and death, who mocks the borders between sanity and madness.
Don’t mistake my patience for cowardice.
So many faces a monster has. All of them stolen, all of them lies.
I answer to no man’s will but my own. I am myself in mind, body, and soul.
Beautiful moon tonight, don’t you think?
No one has the power to change this. Not God, not the Devil, not you.
He is king and castle both.
If I am to die, it must be a battle that shakes the very timbers of Valhalla, and nothing less.
I must admit, that after all the defeats I have suffered, victory’s taste is strange upon my tongue.
You can do better than that.
I can hear a symphony of war.
It’s time to put an end to this dance.
I can offer you my pity, but my forgiveness? Never.
Oh, the iniquity! Damn you, bourgeoisie! Damn you!
We ruin the countries we govern and the people within our care. We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies. We keep killing until there’s nothing left but to destroy ourselves. It will never be enough.
The dead shall dance, and all of Hell should sing!
It was never about the money. It was always about the fun.
They’re not real people…. they’re like zombie bumpkins.
Is it my imagination, or are you enjoying this?
Let me see your dance, you freak.
If something can be achieved easily, it likely isn’t worth it.
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing, but dust and to dust we shall return.
Now then, let’s go and die like mangy dogs. Let’s die while yelling “Fuck, Fuck!” as we take gut shots. As we writhe in agony.
Now be quiet and let me slaughter you.
I’m not afraid of anything anymore.
That is why you are my foe, my dazzling count. You are that most precious thing: a worthy opponent, an arch enemy. A king upon which to wage war.
This is not a nightmare you will be waking from.
How unfortunate. It seems my reputation has preceded me.
Don’t you die. I would never forgive that.
I would have been happy to have been born a storm, or a divine threat; a mighty explosion or even a terrible hurricane. A divine force of nature without a heart or pity.
Your voice sounds so lovely when you’re whimpering in agony.
True prayer is forged in battle.
A monster’s reign may be bloody and terrible, but it’s only a matter of time before they fall.
Every word coming out of his mouth is like poison. If I keep hearing it, I’ll go mad.
There’s no such thing as an immortal.
You cut his head off? Is that all?
Humans cry and when their tears finally run dry, there’s nothing left but a monster and one final prayer for death.
So laugh, demon. Laugh that arrogant laugh of yours.
The world would be so boring without idiots like you to amuse me.
It takes a man in order to kill a monster.
Yes…excellent! I haven’t had this much fun in ages! …What did you say your name was?
Maybe it’s okay to have someone like you, someone who’s afraid to walk the night.
The show is over. The curtain’s falling, we’ve taken our bows, it’s high time we made our exit.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
He flinches back, ears flicking, "... Yeah, I stole a sapphire from a temple and then I nearly killed myself on it trying to escape... been starting to look like this ever since."
"You know I'm not actually a dragon, right? I just have one stuck in my chest."
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
//I'm not sure how to slide myself back into the RPC- should I make another promo or start sending people starters or something? Any suggestions? Not sure how the climate here has changed since last year.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
//Send me interaction prompts between your muse and mine for a little doodle
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Mismatched eyes flicked briefly down at the man's hand over his weapon before returning to his masked face. Talon's posture remained relaxed and indifferent, even as the man revealed his name and the recognition to his reputation sparked at the back of the former assassin's mind.
Ah. That masked, counting man with a gun. The one that was whispered about... the one he was specifically told to avoid.
Oh well.
He reached up to rub at the base of his small antlers, overly casual as he went on the alert. "No one special, but I guess I'm Talon."
𝄟 Inhaling sharply through his nostrils, he used this as an opportunity to exercise self-control, though he wasn’t going to beat himself up over it if he did end up turning his gun onto this man.  It sat at his waist, ready should he need it, though for now he merely drummed his fingertips across it’s barrel, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four.  He was uncertain if the other was merely ignorant, or making an effort to irritate him, but either way, it worked.  When he evened out his breathing enough to speak calmly, he replied to him.
“Khada Jhin.” he said, preferring his name to ‘the counting dude’– even if it wasn’t the wisest thing to declare out loud.  
“And who might you be, if I may be so bold as to ask?…”
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
Drops a whole chicken on top of Talon.
He lurches backwards, reflexively punching the chicken as it falls before him.
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sapphiretalons · 3 years
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