sarahsays233 · 55 minutes
i like the concept of soulmates—not a “you’re destined to meet me, and love me” kind of soulmate, but a “i’d pick you, every time.” kind of soulmate. a “no matter what happens, and what has happened, i want to go through it with you.” kind of soulmate. a “i love you by choice, and you’re a blessing, and i’m going to continue thinking about you this way not because i have to but because i want to.” kind of soulmate. a “you help me rest easy when everything is difficult” kind of soulmate. a “in every possible outcome, i want you there, to share it with me.” kind of soulmate.
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sarahsays233 · 8 hours
got bless her hair and makeup team cuz they never miss. Also the fit? She’s just that girl
Ayo Edebiri, the woman you are… 💙💜
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sarahsays233 · 8 hours
Ayo Edebiri, the woman you are… 💙💜
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sarahsays233 · 13 hours
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sarahsays233 · 2 days
Carmy’s Panic Attack
hi! hello! i don’t normally make things like this but i’ve been obsessed with the bear and sydcarmy so i thought i’d make my first meta. go easy on me please lol.
↓ long text below
sydcarmy is a new hyper-fixation of mine recently so i’ve been reading metas and trying to better articulate why this ship is so addictive to me. i kind of came to the conclusion that subtext and words that aren’t really being said but still very present to the narrative is something that i eat up. although, the thing that gets to me the most is THIS scene right here. carmy’s rude awakening panic attack scene. this is when the show really slapped me in the face. i thought of sydcarmy as a ship that might not happen (and i’ve been burned with ships like these before. hello fellow tvd bamon shippers) so, naturally i ship it and pay attention but i don’t get worked up over them. i would catch certain lines and just think *interesting. huh. that has to be intentional right?*
but then we get to the panic attack scene and it all just clicked in place for me. why did we see sydney’s tattoo in a blue filter next to carmy kissing claire? then we get to claire and carmy’s intimate scene which is also in blue and i remember just sitting there watching it with a confused expression the whole time. during it, i kept thinking why are both these scenes blue? why put sydney after claire (and vice versa) all the time?🤨
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all those questions came up to the surface once i saw this scene. it felt like an assassin attempt on my life because i literally lost my mind. i started questioning every thought i’ve ever had. i looked at the dialogue really carefully. i started reading metas to see if people were seeing what i was seeing (they were and a sh*t ton more that wasn’t even in my line of thinking.)
so, after a while i just started binging their scenes over and over again. after this scene, it kinda somehow became a phenomenon almost?? a rare moment in carmy’s head where even though it isn’t explicitly defined, it’s there for us to see.
i watched the trailer for the bear s3 and i just kept thinking of everything i’ve learned and came to the conclusion that none of this is a coincidence.
in the panic attack scene, we’re met with the intimate scene of claire and carmy. then we get snapshots of claire mixed in with his family from the fishes episode. it’s such a strange scene when other people conclude that because carmy just loves claire so much, it scares him. while sydney JUST represents his confidence in his cooking and the restaurant. i kept thinking “how is that the representation of this scene?”
and then i looked at it with a different perspective. as a significant other, wouldn’t i be just a little concerned that another woman can calm him down but not me? then i realized, that’s exactly what’s bothering me about people saying that. because regardless of whether you shipped claire and carmy (all five of them) wouldn’t you be a little upset that carmy can’t even think about his girlfriend to calm down? he doesn’t even call for her in the walk in. he knew she was there. but he called for sydney (the restaurant). he even goes as far as giving claire a fake number. why would i root for that?💀
not to the mention the table scene, which is just straight emotional cheating with a f*cking RESTAURANT y’all. how is it even with sydney representing a restaurant, it still feels disrespectful to claire? you don’t just stare at your restaurant platonic partner like THAT with a hand twitch for no reason. he has more emotional intimacy with sydney, a restaurant. (please let that sink in)
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all of this to say it’s very fascinating to see how much claire was attached to the episode fishes. it’s beautiful storytelling because we didn’t really know/meet the family yet until that episode. then seemingly, we get all these scenes of claire being put right next to his family in the panic attack. at the time, i didn’t understand why until the s3 trailer.
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what was it about THIS little interaction that causes carmy to give her the wrong number and (possibly intentionally) forget her entirely??
and also how can this be seen as a good thing for claire and carmy stans (all four of them)??? carmy looked so frazzled and shifty eyed. just from the trailer alone, it almost looked like he wasn’t even really looking at her. which is interesting because how can people potentially turn this around and say how romantic this scene is? if sydney truly represents the restaurant to some then what does claire represent here if you add the panic scene on top of it? unless you look at the whole fishes episode in a positive light then being attached to a clearly traumatizing day doesn’t really mean good things for that relationship. that relationship was DOA (dead on arrival).
also a little fun coincidence that just doesn’t seem like a coincidence at this point is how claire is wearing a RED puffer jacket. with the way it’s shot, it’s a pretty good juxtaposition of a sydcarmy moment in the s1 finale. coincidentally, this scene was also in the panic attack.
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night is the opposite of day. red is the opposite of green isn’t it? another coincidence???! i’m being delusional??? i don’t know, dude.
seems like claire is in competition with sydney, who apparently just represents the restaurant (how does this not make her a romantic rival?)🙃
also i had another thought that because claire left her “i love you.” on voicemail in s2, if there’s a love confession between sydcarmy, it would be on a call that carmy would answer. i don’t really have in depth thoughts on this theory though so i just thought i’d leave it here to look back on.
thank you if anyone read this. just needed to get my thoughts out before s3 starts and i lose all my initial thoughts and feelings.
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sarahsays233 · 2 days
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carm's clipboard kink
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sarahsays233 · 2 days
season three is about to be a fucking renaissance in the sydcarmy ao3 tag… people’s muses are about to be fedddd. i cannot wait to feast with you, comrades.
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sarahsays233 · 2 days
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#thinking of your 'not-girlfriend' to stop your panic attack #ok then
THE BEAR (2.09)
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sarahsays233 · 2 days
Obsessed with the delivery here. The hesitation. The way he lingers. The little micro expression/lip quiver. The way he sounds so quiet and sad when he says it. And he could say “you wore the apron.” he could make it about the restaurant or the brand or the team. But no, he says “you’re dressed like Syd.” It’s such a simple line but I think it really highlights his headspace. The guilt. The sadness. The regret. The way he’s clearly missing her so much he sees her everywhere
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
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Good morning to Black women and Black women only.
♻️: @violadavis 📸: @kellyaugustine 📝: @rinnyriot https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSBWzbhR7J/?igshid=1wcm6kfxh691
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
ya know, during my first watch of the bear i was excited to see syd and marcus maybe develop a little thing. but then the show started beating me over the head with sydcarmy and i was literally forced to give it up. i held out for a long ass time, but carmen is just like narratively destined to be syd’s man like???
if they aren’t canon, it all just feels like bad writing/production bc truly what a waste of chemistry (between ayo and jaw). chemistry like this does NOT happen often.
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
Very Sydcarmy-under-the-table to me
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Credit: aolanow on IG
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
If they don’t kiss, then I will need her to beat the shit out of him.
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
Syd needs more people in her corner, so I’m glad she’ll have Marcus!
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I am glad Marcus and Sydney will get closer in s3. From the trailer and how s2 ended, we know Carmy will not be in the best place to be the best friend/partner to Sydney. Sydney needs someone (outside Tina, Nat and her dad) to be there for her as The Bear (both Carmy and the restaurant) go through major changes. She needs someone in her corner, so Marcus being her friend, even best friend, is what Sydney needs, and when Marcus opens up and shares his feelings about his mother’s death, Sydney may be encouraged to tackle her own grief over her mother.
Also, jealous Carmy is what I need. I need to see Carmy’s face turn different colors when he sees Marcus make his girl laugh. Plus, didn’t some of you ask to see more platonic relationships between men and women on TV? Well, ask and you shall receive, said The Bear creators.
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
I feel like we breezed past that guy leaving mid shift to smoke crack in the alley in the finale a little too fast
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
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sarahsays233 · 3 days
Recap of Carmy being clueless...
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He gets it right sometimes
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Hopefully he gets it right by the end of the series.
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