sarohara · 3 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like music.
You: heya
Stranger: Guy?
You: girl
Stranger: Okie. How are you doing?
You: doing ok :) how are u doing?
Stranger: I'm doing well.
Stranger: Wassup?
You: cool how was ur day?
Stranger: It was okay
Stranger: As Usual.
Stranger: What about you?
You: Eh it was alright
You: Nothing special tho, an usual day just like yours
Stranger: Uhhh.. How old are you?
You: 16! how 'bout u?
Stranger: I'm 25.
You: nice where are u from?
Stranger: India.
Stranger: Wbu?
You: how are things over there?
You: brazil
Stranger: Okay. I'd say.
Stranger: What about there?
You: It's snowing for the first time in ages
Stranger: Wtf. In July?
You: Yup haha we're in winter now
Stranger: It's very early right?
You: You mean like..right now?
Stranger: I'm talking about snow
You: ohhh um..well I don't know
You: It's snowing but only in the south of brazil
Stranger: Hey I gotta go okaie?
You: okie..
Stranger: I was nice to talk to you:)
You: nice talking to u anyways
You: yeah :)
Stranger: :)
You: bye
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sarohara · 3 years
they claim to be Christians but sin as much as everyone else they speak ill of.
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like friends.
You: heyy
Stranger: heyyy
You: haha how you doin?
Stranger: good
You: oh great!
You: where r u from?
Stranger: your basement
Stranger: please let me out
You: I don't have one haha
You: got u
Stranger: can you come get me
Stranger: I'm scared
You: get outta there
You: yourself
Stranger: :(
You: ok fine
You: you're free
Stranger: thank youuuu
You: you're very welcome
Stranger: ❤️❤️
Stranger: love youuu
You: I love you too
You: I mean, I know you do
Stranger: Awwwww
Stranger: i know
Stranger: call me han solo cuz i know
You: lmao han solo
Stranger: 🤌🤌
Stranger: han solo
Stranger: he's hot
You: he really is
Stranger: wow that's kinda gay innit
You: is it?
You: don't think so
Stranger: nah it defo is
Stranger: he's a guy
You: if you say so!
Stranger: i think
You: well I'm not
Stranger: so you're an f1 race car ?
You: I guess I am
Stranger: well that settles it then
You: definitely
You: what's ur name gal?
Stranger: Who said i was a gal 🤬
You: I'm assuming
You: God did
You: jk lmao
Stranger: wellll you shouldn't 😭
You: aren't u a girl tho? hahaha
Stranger: i might not be a gal
Stranger: it depends
You: i know u are
You: I can feel the energy
Stranger: you can feel the feministic energy from within me ?
You: or maybe not
You: but ya
You: kinda
Stranger: hmmmm
You: c'mon
Stranger: maybe your assumption is er5ong 🤷
Stranger: wrong***
You: yeah that's a maybe
You: but who knows
You: I mean u do
Stranger: i know 😼
You: exactly
Stranger: EXACTLY
You: you're whatever u want
You: totally free
You: hehehe
Stranger: Woooowww
Stranger: so liberal
Stranger: i like it
You: Ikr??
Stranger: i love it actually
Stranger: Maybe i wanna be an f1 car too then
Stranger: 🤷
You: I'm dying
Stranger: :(
Stranger: do don't
You: f1 car is just awesome
Stranger: f1 car is kinda sexy 😼
You: I mean it's funny
You: Imma use this term from now on
Stranger: it is indeed verr funny
Stranger: f1 car go vrooooom
You: Hahahahaha honestly so silly but funny
Stranger: you should introduce this term to your very extensive vocabulary
Stranger: it will definitely broaden your linguistic knowledge
You: Yes!! I should! tysm for this term
Stranger: no worrriiiessss
Stranger: the pleasure is mine 😼
You: always
Stranger: soooo
Stranger: tell me something
You: something
You: jk
Stranger: hmmm
You: what do u want to know?
Stranger: what is thy name ?
You: Sarah
Stranger: sarah well i must say that is indeed an amazing name
Stranger: especially since it's sarah and not sara
Stranger: Sarah is 10x better than Sara
Stranger: just sayin'
You: aw thank you <3 that's sweet
You: what's urs?
Stranger: my name isss
Stranger: drum rollllll
Stranger: Aimár
You: suspense
You: I can tell if that's a..um like a female or male name but it doesn't matter cuz it's such a nice name
Stranger: ahahahha thank youuu sarah
You: I can't spell that honestly
You: Aimár, sounds fancy tho
Stranger: it's an unusual name so i can't blame you
You: you defo can't
Stranger: thank youu
Stranger: it's spelt
Stranger: Eye-m-are
Stranger: idk if that made sense 😼😼
You: ohhh I was right then
Stranger: yess you proabbly were
Stranger: you probably nailed it
You: nice meeting you eye-m-are
Stranger: looll
You: it reminds me of Neymar
Stranger: nice meeting you Sarah with an H
Stranger: well lemme tell you that ain't the first time
Stranger: I've heard it
You: Hahahahaha
You: you get that a lot?
Stranger: yeeeaahhh i do
Stranger: whenever i meet new people that's one of the first things they say
Stranger: I'm sure Neymar gets it a lot too
Stranger: just with my name 🤷
You: Hahahaha I bet he does!!!
Stranger: soooo
Stranger: tell me something again
You: what now?
Stranger: what year was thy brought into this world ?
You: Take a guess
Stranger: ehh 2003 ?
You: closeee
Stranger: 2004
You: yes!
Stranger: waaiiiiittt
Stranger: are you for reallll ?
You: whaaaatttt
You: yesss
Stranger: me toooo wth
You: ohhh that's so cool
Stranger: yeahhhh it's super duper cool 😎
You: when are u turning 17?
Stranger: November
Stranger: you ?
You: September
You: I'm older hehe
Stranger: wooowww
Stranger: yeaahhh a couple month smh
You: Heheheh still older
Stranger: yeaahhhh ig
Stranger: you'll have to be my plug when you get old enough
Stranger: 😭
You: your plug? hahahahaha
Stranger: a person to buy alcohol for someone else
Stranger: lol
You: Yeah but I won't do that hehe
Stranger: lol that's good
Stranger: i was just making a shit joke
Stranger: it was better in my head
Stranger: i swear 😼
You: I'm just kidding silly
You: I don't drink so I can buy for u if u want
You: I bet it was better in your head indeed
You: hehe
Stranger: you don't drink ?
You: nope
Stranger: cuz you're 16 or cuz of someth else
Stranger: cuz i don't
You: no it's a trauma thing
Stranger: ohh gotcha
Stranger: won't talk about it then
You: not really
Stranger: where u from ?
You: your basement
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: a lil uno reverse
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i do have a basement actually
You: Hahahahahaha
You: yes well I know I'm from your basement
Stranger: ohhh well that explains the weird sounds coming for there
You: Oops
Stranger: can you try and keep it quiet please ??
You: Yes I'll try, I promise
Stranger: thank youuuu
Stranger: that's very sweet of you
Stranger: it's been annoying me
You: Hahahaha :)
You: I'm so sorry I didn't know you could hear that sound
Stranger: nah don't worryyy bout it
Stranger: I'm curious what you were doing down there tho
You: none of your business sir
Stranger: welllll okayyyy then ma'm
You: or miss
Stranger: no need to be rude 🤬
You: No I mean, sir or miss
You: Hahahahahah
Stranger: you can call me sir
You: oh so you're a sir?
You: ohhh
You: I was so wrong
Stranger: i am of the oposite gender
You: I see I see
Stranger: you was indeed very mistaken
Stranger: i told you tho
Stranger: 🤷
You: You did?
You: I'm slow
Stranger: I'm pretty sure i kinda did
You: a bit low
Stranger: you're an f1 car tho
Stranger: so you're not slow
Stranger: in fact
You: ironic, innit?
Stranger: you're really fast
Stranger: yeah ironic i suppose
You: haha now for real
You: where r u from?
Stranger: innit
You: again
Stranger: guess
You: not my basement
You: how am I supposed to do that lmaoo
Stranger: welll i had to guess your age
Stranger: so it's only fair
You: there are like 200 countries around the world
Stranger: 🤷
Stranger: welll I'm not from sirgisistan
Stranger: I'll tell you that
You: Or less than that, wait lemme google it
Stranger: Only 199 left
Stranger: 293
Stranger: or someth
Stranger: i believe
You: oh whoa I thought it was like 196
Stranger: wait lol
Stranger: i might be stupid
You: 195!!! I was so close
Stranger: it ends with with 90 someth
Stranger: that i know
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: I'm stupid then
You: Yes you are
Stranger: it's cause you're 2 months older
You: Jk sir you're adorable
Stranger: so you have more experience
Stranger: i suppose
You: Yeah, right that's the reason why I know a bit more than you
Stranger: yeah it's only logical
You: yeah of course
You: sirgisistan?
Stranger: what
Stranger: about
Stranger: it
You: what is that
You: sirgisistan
Stranger: I'm pretty sure that's a country
You: I've never of that
Stranger: or i might hsve just made it up
Stranger: idk
You: Yes of course you did!!
Stranger: well you should google it
Stranger: find out if it is
You: it doesn't exist
Stranger: really ?
You: wait lemme check
You: i'm assuming
Stranger: kirgistan
Stranger: maybe that was the one i was thinking of
You: kyrgyzstan, that one does exist
Stranger: yeahhh
Stranger: okayy then i was indeed capping
Stranger: but I'll tell you know I'm not from there
You: obsviouly you were lmao
Stranger: yeah i might be
Stranger: I'm ffom a basement in kirgisistan
You: nah seriously hahahaha
Stranger: okayy guess the continent at least
You: can i have a tip sir?
Stranger: yess
Stranger: there are only 6 of them
Stranger: there you go
You: no kidding genius
Stranger: :))
You: oh cmon
Stranger: Why thank you
Stranger: come oooonnn
You: Asia?
You: Europe?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Not asia
Stranger: europe perhaps
You: yes you're from europe
You: where in europe tho
Stranger: what do you think ?
Stranger: north, south, or east
You: i have no clue
You: italy?
You: portugal?
You: france?
You: norway?
Stranger: wow
Stranger: hold up
Stranger: one of em
Stranger: is correct
You: oh come on
You: ohhh really?
Stranger: yess
Stranger: really
You: do not tell me you're from portugal
Stranger: why not
You: are u????
Stranger: noo sorryy
You: oh shoot
You: it's ok
Stranger: are you ?
You: nope
Stranger: oh okayy then
You: but i kinda do speak their language
Stranger: oh you speak protugese ?
You: not protugese
Stranger: whaaa
Stranger: do they not speak Portuguese
Stranger: in portugal ???
You: but ya I do speak portuguese
You: I'm just messing with u
Stranger: oohh okay
Stranger: lol
Stranger: brazil then ?
You: cuz u said protugese instead of portuguese
You: yuuup
You: damn it
Stranger: lol
Stranger: gotcha
You: you weren't supposed to know that so quickly
Stranger: I'm too good at this game
Stranger: you said you speak Portuguese
Stranger: it's the biggest clue ever
You: well I could be from Africa
Stranger: ehhh yeah sure
Stranger: a bit of a stretch but sure
Stranger: what country in africa speaks Portuguese ?
You: I'm not sure
You: Nigeria?
Stranger: i don't think so lol
You: wait wait wait
Stranger: I'm waiting
You: I don't remember :(
You: but I did know the answer
Stranger: okkkayyy then i believe youuu 🤷
You: mozambique!!
Stranger: ohhh really
You: there are more tho
Stranger: that's awwesome
Stranger: did not know they spoke protugese
You: yes they do!!
Stranger: that's really cool
You: yupp
You: lemme procede to find out where you're from
Stranger: yesss
Stranger: you almost had it
You: france?
You: I don't think so..
Stranger: why not France
You: I mean I don't know
Stranger: well you're assumption is correct
You: so you're not?
Stranger: nope
You: oh good
You: I mean
Stranger: ahaha
You: idk anyways
You: italy??
Stranger: hmmm
You: I feel like you are
Stranger: i will tell you one thing
Stranger: i am 1/4 italian
You: oh come on now
Stranger: but i am not from italy
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it's true
You: no fking way you're from norway
You: that's my fav country in the whole world
Stranger: noo fucking wayy norway was one of your guesses
Stranger: waittt actually ???
You: yesssssss
You: what the heck
You: wow!!!
Stranger: I'm just so incredibly shocked you guessed so quickly
Stranger: like it's the tiniest country ever
You: well I didn't actually guessed that quickly but ok hahaha
Stranger: well out of the five european countries you chose of
Stranger: norway was one of em
Stranger: quite impressive
You: Cuz I love this country!!!
You: that's why
Stranger: that's amazing
Stranger: thank youu
Stranger: have you ever been here ?
You: you're very welcome!!!
You: not yet!!!
Stranger: you should, you'll love it
You: I already do! Norway is absolutely beautiful
You: Everything's just perfect over there
Stranger: aww , lemme know when you visit norway
Stranger: I'll show you around haha
You: okay!!!! I'm already looking forward
Stranger: it's gonna be greattt
You: I'm sure it will :)
Stranger: what time is it in brazil ?
You: It's 19:22 right now
You: what about norway?
Stranger: 00:22
You: pretty late huh
Stranger: so i should probably sleep soon yeah
You: aren't u sleepy?
You: ohh ya
Stranger: a little yeah
You: ok got it, do you have any social media?
Stranger: I've got snap
Stranger: You ?
You: no shoot I don't :/
Stranger: :((
You: only snap?
Stranger: uhh I've got instagram too
You: oh sweet!! what's ur @?
Stranger: aimar.chirico
You: hold on a sec
Stranger: alrighttt i willl
You: found ya!
Stranger: awesommee !
Stranger: got the notification
You: you better follow me back sir!!
You: hehe jk
Stranger: ohhh i did 😅
You: great! :) now you can get your sleep hehe
Stranger: yess haha
Stranger: now i can rest easy
You: goodnight then :)
You: it was really nice talking to u btw!
Stranger: thank youuu
Stranger: it was truly great talking to you as well :)
Stranger: goood nighttt
You: aww!
You: see yaaa
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sarohara · 3 years
You both like Friends.
Stranger: 1
You: 2
Stranger: 3
You: 4
Stranger: 5
You: what is that
You: hahaha
You: 6
Stranger: 7
You: 8
Stranger: I don't know
Stranger: 9
You: I don't either
You: 10
Stranger: Damn u lost
Stranger: U got 2 numbers
You: No I didn't!!!
Stranger: Yeah u did!
You: ohhhhhhhh
Stranger: You just a sore loser
You: Shut up darling
Stranger: Damnnn we are moving fast honey
You: We are? No idea what you're talking about, hun
Stranger: Hmmm maybe I'm crazy suger
You: Yes you are
Stranger: Yeah probably I did say to people that I shat my pants for like a couple minutes ago
You: Hahahahahahaha
You: what did they say?
Stranger: Well nothing much most skiped and some did say great or why
You: Hahahah I mean...lmao there isn't really much to say
Stranger: True true
Stranger: Tho it would spice up the conversation
Stranger: Can't be bothered to say hi all the time
Stranger: It's boring
You: I mean, if you're on omegle it's because you're bored so it makes sense that is boring duh
Stranger: Yeah true true
Stranger: I have heard boring to many times now that it's starting to get annoying when I see the word boring
You: Yeah right? So boring!!!
Stranger: Haha I see what you did there 🥲
You: Hahahah did you?
Stranger: Yupp
Stranger: Soo where u from
You: Brazil, you?
Stranger: Sweden
You: that's pretty cool
You: and what's ur name again?
Stranger: Brazil is much cooler tho
You: I mean, not again
Stranger: My name is Eddy and you?
You: I don't think so, hun
You: Eddy, it sounds like a nickname actually
You: Like Ed
Stranger: It is actually
You: Sheeran
You: Oh yea?
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: My real name is tooo weird and hard to pronounce
You: Tell me
Stranger: Whats your name
You: Sarah!
Stranger: Nice too meet you Sarah!
Stranger: Well my real name is Erdijan
You: Nice to meet u too!
Stranger: Bet you can't pronounce it
You: Oh shoot.
You: Erdijan
Stranger: Hint the E is silent
You: That's...hard
Stranger: Yup that's why I say my name is Eddy
You: well Erdijan is a nice name tho
You: Exotic I guess?
Stranger: Thank you 😊
Stranger: Haha yeah 🤣 it is
You: Np :)
You: Hahaha I can tell!
Stranger: So Sarah how old are you
You: Take a guess, Eddy
Stranger: Hmmmm 17
You: Closeee
Stranger: 18
You: 16
Stranger: Whaaattt no wayyy
You: 17 in two months
Stranger: Same here
You: Ohh that's dope!!
Stranger: Oh wow happy early birthday
You: hahahah thank you!!!!
Stranger: My birthday is like in 4 mounts I think
You: Hmmm november?
Stranger: Close but its October
You: You mean three months hahah
Stranger: Oh shit
You: Where's your math bro
You: hahahah jk!!
Stranger: I actually don't know
Stranger: I suck at math but I still got a D
Stranger: I gotta thank my teacher who helped me cheat
You: What does a D mean tho?
You: Hahaha you had such a cool teacher huh
Stranger: It's the grade we got on here so it's like F E D C B A so on
Stranger: F is the worst and A is the best
You: Ohhh I see!!!
You: we got like 7 8 9 10
Stranger: Hahah nahhh she used to scream at me at first because I sucked at math so much
You: Numbers, not letters
Stranger: Oh wow really
Stranger: I never knew that
Stranger: I thought everyone had like F - A
You: I thought everyone had like 7-10
You: ahahahhah
Stranger: Hahah then we both are wrong
You: Yess!!
Stranger: Soo what are your hobbies Sarah
You: Dancing
You: Writing
Stranger: Oh really
You: Napping
You: Eating
Stranger: I gotta learn how to dance
You: well I can help you sometime hahaha
Stranger: Hahha maybe one day
You: Yea lmao
You: What are your hobbies?
Stranger: Breathing and just trying to stay alive at this point
You: don't tell me you're depressed
Stranger: Nah I like to work out little bit and just chill
Stranger: Nahhh
Stranger: I'm not
You: Oh! good!!
You: You like to work out???
Stranger: Yeah like going to the gym and so on
You: I've never heard anyone say that they like to work out
Stranger: Tho I have only been going to the gym now 1 month I think
You: Trying to get fit?
Stranger: Yeah well I didn't like it in the beginning until my friend forced me to work out with him
Stranger: Yupp
You: He forced you? That's how you know he's a real one
You: Hahahahaha
Stranger: My friend is always calling me when im going to sleep somehow its like he knows what I'm doing
Stranger: Hahah definitely
Stranger: Now its me that is calling him to go work out
You: Hahahah the tables have turned!
Stranger: Hahaha for sure 🤣
You: 🤣
Stranger: Dude is always saying to me if you don't come today u got to do more the next day
Stranger: He's a real one
You: Hahahahahaha I wish I had that kind of friends
Stranger: Hahaha yeah those people are the greatest
You: I bet, dude
You: 🤣
Stranger: But ngl the dude is damn jacked up
Stranger: I knew this dude for 6 years and I didn't see him for a couple months
Stranger: Dude got so big I didn't know it was him
You: Oh wow!!!
Stranger: Soo what about you do you some friends like that
You: My friends are as lazy as me
You: So...no
Stranger: Hahah well thats still good
Stranger: It's fun to be lazy as long as you guys hang out
You: We don't really..anymore
Stranger: Oh damn for real what happened
You: I mean we do, but not as much as we used to, ya know?
You: Like covid stuff, it's still kinda tough in Brazil
You: and most of them started to work so...
You: They're becoming adults haha
Stranger: Oh wow already
Stranger: Well time is changing but don't worry tho ones corona is gone I bet you will get friends and start to hang out with then
Stranger: Them
Stranger: Same here for me too cause all my friends are now changing school because we are starting college
You: Hopefully!!
You: Starting college at 16??
Stranger: Yupp
Stranger: We got a different school system
You: That's impressive
Stranger: Highschool is like 7-9 graders they are like 14 to 16 years old
Stranger: Then we got to college
You: I'll be starting at like 17
You: Ohhh got it!
You: That's so cool
You: I wish
Stranger: Yeah its cool tho it sucks my friends I got to know these 3 years are going to different schools and so on
Stranger: But im lucky tho cause I got like 5 friends
Stranger: So we will probably meet again
You: Oh yeah I feel ya
You: 5 friends, that's a lot I would say haha
Stranger: Haha are you sure about that 😅
Stranger: Well I wasn't that popular or had many friends in school so I'm glad I finally left that school
Stranger: There was annoying people there
You: I mean, that's a lot if they're like..real ones you know? It's a good amount
Stranger: True true
You: Yeah annoying people, that's life
Stranger: One of my "Friends" almoste stole my jacket from me in our first year
Stranger: Friend
You: Hahahahaha I don't blame them
Stranger: Hahaha well it's alright I forgave him
You: I mean my friends used to do that a lot but like..it wasn't really stealing you know
Stranger: When my big brother found out oh boy he was mad as hell and called that dude and terrorized him
You: omg whyyyy
Stranger: Well this dude was stealing from me
Stranger: He didn't even say nothing to ne
Stranger: Me
You: I mean..he was your friend
You: Couldn't you just ask him to give it back to you?
Stranger: Dude put my jacket in his backpack and acted like he was trying to help me find it
Stranger: Nope
You: Oh no!!1
You: He wasn't a real one
Stranger: Yup that's why I said "friend"
Stranger: I had to last out with him for 3 years straight
You: oh ya you did haha
You: Dang
Stranger: Dude was always talking about girls and so on
Stranger: Nothing else just girls
You: Did you get your jacket back tho?
Stranger: Yep
You: Oh that's annoying
You: Like only talk about girls and guys
Stranger: Funny thing is he came to my home and tried to return it tho I wasn't at home when my mom found out ufff she was screaming at him
Stranger: Dude got scared by my mom
Stranger: Yeah too anyoning
You: Dang...
You: kinda embarrassing
Stranger: Dude didn't stop we always said talk about something else
Stranger: Yeah
You: Ugh If I were you I would probably just ignore him
You: or something
You: and Eddy
Stranger: Well I did try
Stranger: Didn't work
Stranger: Yeah sarah
You: Do you have any social media?
You: Instagram..
Stranger: Yeah I got snap insta
Stranger: Yeah I do
Stranger: My insta is Dumbass_Eddy
You: Ohh Imma follow you there hold up
You: wait ahahahah
You: dumbass eddy? hahahahahah
You: that's funny
Stranger: Hahaha yeah
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Well I am a dumbass sometimes
You: I guess everybody
Stranger: True true
Stranger: Well Sarah add me on insta
Stranger: Because I got to go to sleep
Stranger: It's like 3am for me
You: ohh okay :) goodnight!!
Stranger: Good night Il talk to you tomorrow
You: Alright eddy :) see ya
Stranger: See yaaa
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sarohara · 3 years
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sarohara · 3 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like ireland.
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: how ru?
Stranger: :)
You: william?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Sarah?
Stranger: :)
You: Yes hahahha
You: what happened
Stranger: Sorry....power dip
Stranger: bleh
You: Oh yeah it's ok
You: it happens
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: in case we DC again
Stranger: do you have instagram or reddit or something?
Stranger: :)
You: I do have ig..
Stranger: You are one of the VERY few ppl on here who I actually get along with
Stranger: most on here are VERY DULL
You: I'm glad!!!
Stranger: :O
Stranger: :P
You: Hahahaha
You: what's ur @?
Stranger: Whats your IG?
Stranger: willstetson777
You: okay hold u´p
You: up*
Stranger: I deleted my old account. I had a stalker or 2
Stranger: bleh
Stranger: so its my new account
You: stalker? damn
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it comes with the territory
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wait...phone
Stranger: :)
You: territory? ahahha
Stranger: grrr...add me...I gotta run now
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: Like to keep tabs with you
Stranger: :)
Stranger: talk later
Stranger: bye for now
Stranger: :)
You: Bye..I followed you there btw
You: see ya
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
You both like ireland.
You: Heya
Stranger: hi,
Stranger: how ru?
You: dude, you're the first person who asks "hru"
You: thanks
Stranger: happy to make your day
Stranger: :)
You: ahahahaha yeah
You: I'm good, hru?
Stranger: glad to see youre a real human
Stranger: :)
You: same!! lol
Stranger: im doing good as well, thanks for asking
Stranger: :)
You: yeah you're welcome :)
You: what's ur name?
Stranger: William
Stranger: and yours?
Stranger: ppl just call me "Will" for short
You: william, nice name
You: Oh yeah, will!
You: Mine's Sarah
Stranger: yea, the prince stole my name...bleh
Stranger: :P
You: Hahahahaha
Stranger: Nice to meet you, sarah
You: I think you stole his name
Stranger: Surprised to see a lady on here...very few girls on here
Stranger: ...not that I blame the girls tbh
You: Nice to meet u too, Will
Stranger: ...the way guys treat girls on here, would make me run off as well, tbh
You: oh yeah, there's a lotta guys here
Stranger: :o
Stranger: :P
You: yeah ikr? exactly!!
Stranger: Guess I was brought up differently
Stranger: Treat a girl with respect
You: Aw that's sweet
Stranger: then you end in the "brother box"
Stranger: :O
Stranger: bleh
Stranger: hehe
You: Oh come on
You: hahahah
Stranger: Glad to see youre a girl that likes to laugh
Stranger: its good if a girl can laugh
Stranger: :)
You: Hahahaha well you're making me laugh so..it's you
Stranger: Im a SUCKER for a girl who smiles...ESPECIALLY if she can smile with her eyes
Stranger: VERY few girls can smile with their eyes
Stranger: :)
You: It's not hard though
Stranger: If your dad loved you or you got to accept yourself for who you are (mistakes and all), then you will smile with your eyes
Stranger: :)
You: Yoo, accurate
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its true, isnt it?
Stranger: :)
You: yeah that's true
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you seem like a lady with a LOT of wisdom
Stranger: I figure youre not like the rest of the 12 year olds here
Stranger: :O
Stranger: :P
You: aw, thanks! I think.. :)
Stranger: how old are you, btw?
You: well guess my age
Stranger: ...not that age is really an issue tbh
You: sometimes it is
Stranger: I would figure that you have the wisdom of someone in their 30's
You: what?! no hahahah
Stranger: ...and you laugh and accepted yourself for who you are...so it would make you most probably about that age
Stranger: Younger girls are normally VERY hard on themselves
Stranger: ...dunno why, though
Stranger: :o
Stranger: :)
You: I don't know either
You: but I'm 14y younger than that...
Stranger: Ok, then you have to be like 25 at least
Stranger: What??? SERIOUS?
Stranger: So youre like 16 or 20?
You: I'm dead serious
Stranger: wow...Im impressed!
Stranger: :)
You: I'm 16
Stranger: You surely would have fooled me
Stranger: Then you must really come from a home where your dad loves you
Stranger: :)
You: Hahahahahah
You: Yeah I guess he does..
Stranger: Be glad he does
Stranger: :)
You: How old r u?
Stranger: Im not a nerd at ALL...BUT I am a bit of a brainiac....so I read up a lot (for fun...bleh...go figure...lol)
You: You seem like a nerd though
Stranger: its interresting the amount of research they are doing on how far ppl reach in life one day and the amount of love they received from their family
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: nah
Stranger: I AM at University though
You: ohh!! what do you study?
You: well..my fam is kinda complicated though
You: hello?
You: is it my connection or?
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
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sarohara · 3 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like norway.
Stranger: hii
You: Heya
Stranger: wyd
You: wanna listen a really cool song?
Stranger: hmmokay
You: name or link?
Stranger: name
You: You by James Arthur
Stranger: playing
You: the lyrics r like..awesome..
Stranger: hey it's nice
You: yeah righttt
You: anyway
You: wyd?
Stranger: was listening to songs only
Stranger: hbu
You: Hahaha same?
Stranger: nice
Stranger: so guy/girl?
You: take a guess
Stranger: place filled with guys man
Stranger: guy i guess
You: No hahahaha I'm a girl
Stranger: ohhh lol'
You: guys would nevaaa..
Stranger: neva what? lol
You: idk nvm
You: lmao
You: hbu?
Stranger: guy here
You: Oh no way
Stranger: next song lol
You: I was like pretty sure u were a girl, dude
Stranger: lmao, really?
You: Next song? hahahahha
You: Yeaaah idk why
Stranger: yeah suggest another one
You: okay lemme think
Stranger: SURE LOL
You: Haha hmm, glorious by macklemore
Stranger: damn
You: what? lol
Stranger: i was gonna say the sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You: Nooooo
Stranger: yeassss lol]
You: There's no waaay
You: r u serious?
Stranger: i'm really not kidding lol
You: oh my freaking god
Stranger: llisten to MGK too?
You: telepathy i would say
You: Yeahhh!! I love his songs!!
Stranger: telepathy 101
You: Hahahaha
Stranger: fovourite mgk song?
Stranger: mine's 27
You: hmmmmm good question
Stranger: rehab
You: maybe Same Love..
Stranger: that's a good one too
You: Yeahhh
Stranger: but love 27 lol
You: That's a really good one
Stranger: how about linkin park?
You: They're awesome for sure, but I don't listen them that much
You: You like them, right?
Stranger: i don't really have some specific favourite artist
Stranger: but there are rather specific songs
Stranger: like crawling, numb, etc by linkin park
Stranger: some from green day
Stranger: some from pink floyd
Stranger: stairway to heaven mt led zepplin
You: Oh that's so cool
Stranger: so far away frm avenged sevenfold
Stranger: many many moreeeeee
Stranger: do i sound like a kid rn? lo
Stranger: lol*
You: nooo nah nah, u got a really great musical taste actually dude..
Stranger: heard the white buffalo?
You: I'm not sure
Stranger: like classics ?
Stranger: cause they are a bang on classic
You: I'm listening to it rn
Stranger: ohh cool
Stranger: tell me if u like it
You: Hideous Heart
You: Oooh he def has a smooth voice lmao
Stranger: yeahh
You: Oooh that's nice...I like it
Stranger: that's not their best btw
Stranger: try darling what have i done
Stranger: or the house of the rising sun
You: Oh how the hell...i'm literally listening to this one rn
You: I mean, What have I done
Stranger: telepathy maxxx lol]
Stranger: i'm listening to it too lol
You: hahahahahah maxxx
Stranger: how old are u?
You: Take a guess
Stranger: cmmon lol
Stranger: 20ish
You: Not even close
You: I mean, kinda
Stranger: younger?
You: Yepp
Stranger: 17?
You: 16..
You: Hbu?
Stranger: ohh damn
Stranger: u sure sound like a 20 to me lol
You: nooo
Stranger: i'm 22
You: I'm sure hahaha
You: Oooh
You: oof!!
Stranger: yeahh
Stranger: can't help it can we? lmao
You: I mean, it doesn't matter
You: I guess?
You: what's ur name, btw?
Stranger: it's alright
Stranger: I'm Dev
Stranger: hbu
You: is Dev a nickname?
You: hey Dev!
You: I'm Sarah
Stranger: i really like your music taste, plus just introduced to a classic that u liked
Stranger: so i'm gonna pass the 16 lol
Stranger: introduced you*
Stranger: and yes Dev's a nickname
You: ok so i'm gonna pass the 22 as well hahah
Stranger: and it's a pleasure meeting you Sarah
Stranger: lmao yayy i guess
Stranger: u already passed the 22 lol
You: You're funny lol
Stranger: ohh compliment huh
Stranger: thanks though lol
Stranger: u seem cute too
You: Oh and same!! It's a pleasure meeting u!!
You: Aw! thank you :))
Stranger: :)
You: okay so..where r u from?
You: Actually no no no
You: Don't tell me
Stranger: where's my next song lol
Stranger: lol okay i won't
You: hold up a second Dev
Stranger: holding my horses Sarah lol
You: you better be lmao
Stranger: not flirting, but that's a really cute name hahaha
You: Sarah? do u really think so?
Stranger: i actually do
You: It's such a common name tho haha
Stranger: sooo?
Stranger: who said common can't be cute lol
You: Aww hahahah thank u, you're sweet Dev
Stranger: i guess i am lol
You: I'm sure
You: I really ur name, it's a nice one :)
Stranger: thanks Sarah
Stranger: so how long do i really have to hold my horses lol
You: Oooh!
You: I will wait by...wait i don't remember
Stranger: lol waiting
You: by Mumford & Sons
You: Noo that's actually the name
Stranger: play the night we met
You: Oh I love that song!
Stranger: by lord huron
Stranger: playyyyyyyyyyyyy
You: okay okay okay!!
Stranger: yayy
You: 8d?
You: It sounds so much better
Stranger: lol sure
You: playing
Stranger: good girl lol
You: Loool
Stranger: yeahh
You: this song has such a good vibe..
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: don't get lost in the song lol
Stranger: I'm here
You: Yeaaahhh same
Stranger: focus on me lol
You: I could easily sleep with this
You: You focus on me, Dev lol
Stranger: going round and round lol
Stranger: yeah all eyes on u lol
You: Awww that was cute
Stranger: tell me how u look right now
You: Tired
Stranger: like everything lol
You: sleepy
You: hungry
Stranger: lol
You: wbu? lol
Stranger: what's your height?
You: 5''3 (or 1,60cm)
Stranger: good
Stranger: hair color?
You: I'm brunette
You: Brown eyes
Stranger: ohh damnn
Stranger: lovely
You: thanks i guess :) hahah
You: wbu?
Stranger: skinny/thickk?
Stranger: 6 feet
You: skinny
Stranger: black eyes
Stranger: black hair
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: i'm not skinny
You: well, okay?
Stranger: yeah completely lol
You: You seem cute anyway
Stranger: and what u wearing rn
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: thanks cutie
You: a white dress
You: cutie lmao
Stranger: ohhh
You: Dev
Stranger: yes
Stranger: sat it Sarah
You: I was just gonna say
You: I gotta go
You: But wanna keep in touch?
Stranger: heyyy
Stranger: stay
You: I can't :(
Stranger: y not
You: Dinner stuff rn
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: would love to stay in touch
You: awesome :)
You: do u got insta?
Stranger: got snap?
You: Not anymore
Stranger: lol download
You: don't u have insta..?
Stranger: deactivated for the time
You: oh no..
Stranger: got addicted to memes a lot lol
You: oh that's me
You: lmao
Stranger: yeah then u know how it is lol'
You: yeah ik..oof i was gonna say get it back but idk..
Stranger: I'll just leave my snap
Stranger: if u feel comfortable
Stranger: just add me
Stranger: okay?
You: K...
Stranger: dewx
You: that's it?
Stranger: "-" between w and x
You: dew-x?
Stranger: just hyphen
Stranger: yupp
You: nice username hahaha
Stranger: lol thanks
You: I'll leave my insta too then ok?
Stranger: sure
You: sarahcvlm
Stranger: okay
Stranger: what now then lol
Stranger: will u download?
You: I don't wanna skip..
Stranger: don't get me addicted again lol
Stranger: then don't skip
You: Idk but yeah now I probably will..
You: I mean, about download..ofc
Stranger: lol okay
Stranger: :)
You: Oof Dev.. it was freaking nice talking to u..
Stranger: it still is with u lol
Stranger: will be more in future too
You: aw
You: I hope so
Stranger: kiss u goodnight i guess lol'
You: Aw lmao
Stranger: forehead
You: Ooooh I was gonna say that wth
Stranger: with lips?
Stranger: lol
You: with lips what
You: anyway
Stranger: what were u gonna sat sarah
Stranger: say
You: U said forehead
You: And I was gonna say that
Stranger: u want on forehead or lips ?lol
You: well...idk
Stranger: got my answer lol
You: hhmmm
Stranger: what happened?
You: nothing?
You: i just don't wanna leave
Stranger: then y 'hmmmmm'
You: but i have to
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: download now
Stranger: we can continue
You: I will, not now but I will
Stranger: cool
You: I have to free up space first u know
Stranger: i'll wait?
Stranger: shit lol
You: yeah but trust me
Stranger: if i don't respond fast
Stranger: then i'm asleep
Stranger: okay?
You: sameeee!!!
Stranger: coool lol
Stranger: you're lovely sarah
You: no, YOU are!
Stranger: kisses on lip
You: Aww stop it
You: Stop being so cute ok
Stranger: i can be naughty too lol
Stranger: just saying
You: um, u don't have to tho
Stranger: okay Sarah lol'
You: see ya hopefully
Stranger: take caree
You: i'm gonna sleep today listening to the night we met
You: just saying
You: take care u too :)
Stranger: thinking about me?
You: what do u think?
Stranger: i guess yes
You: and you're right sir!
Stranger: how about listening to that and hugging me
You: I would literally love it
You: but we can't :(
Stranger: well then tonight your pillow is me
You: awwwww
Stranger: so hug me okay?
You: I will!!
Stranger: :)
You: see ya soon, hopefully! :)
Stranger: up to u lol
Stranger: what time there?
You: 9:30 pm
You: how bout there?
Stranger: till when will u sleep?
Stranger: 6 morning lol
You: Later but not 6am i'm sure hahaha
Stranger: lol
Stranger: text me when u do Sarah;'
You: okay Dev :)
You: Devin?
Stranger: just Dev lo
Stranger: lol
You: But is it Devin?
You: just asking
Stranger: nahhh
You: hahahah im not gonna call u Devin
Stranger: btw
Stranger: what were u doing in Norway tag
You: I love Norway
You: That's a plausible reason I guess
You: but I'm brazilian
You: wbu?
Stranger: it's kind of my go to place, whenever i wanna take a break from everything
Stranger: indian
You: Dude, I gotta go, u forgot?
You: Ohhh
You: That's nice :)
Stranger: text me within 30 mins
You: 30 mins??
Stranger: or i can't guarantee if i sleep lol
Stranger: on snap
You: It's okay if u sleep :)
Stranger: sure?
You: yeah :)
You: i gotta go i gotta go byee
Stranger: lol
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
You both like friends.
Stranger: hi m
You: heya, hru?
You: im f
Stranger: I’m ok thanks.. you?
You: I'm okay as well
Stranger: so what brings you here?
You: well..i'm just bored
You: boredom is what brings me here haha
You: wbu?
Stranger: uhm... bored means also... never mind, me because I’m a bit stressed and I need calmness
You: Bored doesn't nothing but bored, letting u know
You: wym by calmness?
You: doesn't mean**
Stranger: someone able to listen.. to understand.. idk
You: Oh I see!
You: well, if u wanna talk to somethig in specif about ur life or something, u can talk to me
You: about something specific** i hate my keyboard.
Stranger: are you on a pc?
You: Yeah ahahah
Stranger: lol phone herw
Stranger: here***
You: My phone's charging haha
Stranger: ah ok, because nowadays only old people use pcs for leisure I guess
You: Leisure? R u sure about that? hahahah
Stranger: leisure means for fun and personal activities
You: yeah yeah Ik but well, it's not that case, I think pc is way better to study and stuff so yeah
Stranger: yeah I get it.. so that makes you old?
You: Hahahaha maybe!
You: But i'm not hahah
You: too young, i'd say
Stranger: ok.. a little kid
You: My mom says that! hahah
You: Btw, how old r u?
Stranger: 26.. you?
You: 26-10..
You: I'm 16
Stranger: ah... not that young for a girl
You: You're telling me that I'm old with 16y? ahaha
Stranger: in four years (actually less) you’ll be 20 and then you’ll start thinking you’re old
You: Well, i've already thinking I'm old hahah
Stranger: oh no come on... not now
You: No, think
You: In 2 years, i'll be 18!
You: I was like 12 yesterday!
Stranger: uhm... :( sad but true.. idk what to say... my grandfather and grandmother were already engaged and thinking to marry when she was 16
You: Oh wow, i'm not surprised tho!
Stranger: you’re not surprised?! how many marriage proposals did you get already?
You: Hahahahahahahah you're silly!
Stranger: ok ok..
You: well, I'm not surprised bc I think at that time it was normal..u know
Stranger: it was normal??!
Stranger: they didn’t marry then, they waited until she became 20
You: Ooooh
You: how old are ur grandparents btw?
Stranger: and you said it was normal like you know everything... now he is 92 and she is 83
You: I wasn't sure!! I
You: I just said* hahaha
Stranger: ok ok...
You: suppositions and damn
You: r they still together?
Stranger: and damn??
Stranger: yeah they are of course
You: damn bc of their age, dude
You: wow..
Stranger: dude??!?!
You: I'm sorry but idk what is ur name
Stranger: ok ok..
You: anyway
You: where r u from?
Stranger: europe.. you?
You: South America
Stranger: uruguay?
You: Nah nah
Stranger: brazil?
You: bigger
You: Yessir!
You: Brazil
Stranger: ah ok..
You: and well, it is not fair at all, europe has a lotta countries hahah
Stranger: well, nothing is fair so you need to work your ass off... which means you must guess as I did
You: Oh damn lmao
You: UK?
You: Norway?
You: Finland?
Stranger: nope
You: Italy?
You: Spain?
Stranger: yeah
You: wait which one
Stranger: italy
You: Oh that's dope
You: I know that rapper
You: Mr Rain
You: he's awesome
Stranger: well idk but happy you like italian things
You: You don't know???
You: Dude!
You: Oops sorry
Stranger: dude?!??
You: I said i'm sorry
You: But anyway, i do like yeah
Stranger: ok ok..
You: what's wrong with "dude" btw?
Stranger: dude is rude (rhyme)
You: Dude isn't freaking rude
Stranger: dude is something to allude... (to something bad)
You: It's friendly actually
Stranger: dude is dud... dud check means fake check with no money in it
You: Damn, that's a trip
Stranger: thanks
You: you're welcome?
You: haha
Stranger: ok ok..
You: wanna say something in italian and then I can try to figure out what it means..?
Stranger: ok .. could be interesting
You: go ahead
You: remember that I speak portuguese, so it's not hard for me hahah
Stranger: so: vorrei sapere tante cose di te, vorrei vedere il tuo sorriso e conoscere i tuoi pensieri
You: whatttt...
You: lemme think
You: vorrei.. maybe i would like...(??)
Stranger: yeah
You: sapere...know..
Stranger: yeah
You: cose di te...thing of u..
Stranger: things of/about you
You: Oh yeah yeah
You: I would like to know things about u...I would like....your smile and..
Stranger: to see your smile
You: Oooh okay
You: I would like to know things about u, I would like to see your smile and..
You: wait
You: conoscere is like "conhecer" in portugues, I guess so
You: Conoscere..Know.. right?
Stranger: yeah
You: Sapere and Conoscere is the same thing?
You: Oooh I see, it is like Saber and Conhecer for me
Stranger: yeah similar
You: I get it
You: Pensieri is like "pensar" in portuguese so in english it would be thoughts i think
Stranger: yeah..
Stranger: you’re quite good..
You: Tuoi is like "teu" right? it's so freaking similiar
You: Yeah hahaha I guess so
You: Oh teu is like "your"
Stranger: tuoi means your
You: yeah exactly
You: okay so..
You: I would like to know things about you..
You: I would like to see your smile and know your thoughts (???)
You: Oh! you're not serious ofc lmao
Stranger: why not...
You: well, all I can say is: i'm so freaking good at this
Stranger: i’m sure you would like to know the thoughts of people so you can understand if they’re clean and honest and so on
You: Oooh yeah it would love to actually
Stranger: instead we can’t... and we are forced to trust someone based on details and guessing... or sometimes we just trust someone because we’re goodhearted
You: well, I guess that's how life works! It would be so much easy if it was just like that but.. anyway I can relate it
Stranger: why? you’ve been... .. ?
You: I've been..what..?
Stranger: really?!?!
You: I wanna know what u mean..
You: not sure
Stranger: you see.. you can’t read my thoughts ...
You: That's too bad bc I wish I could rn hahahaha
Stranger: me too... because I think that... you knew
You: Yeah..
You: my turn
You: I mean, wanna guess some stuff in portuguese?
Stranger: yeah of course
You: okay lemme think
Stranger: make it good
You: se soubéssemos o que se passa na cabeça da pessoas, talvez não teríamos um coração tão bom.
Stranger: if we knew what is going on within people’s head... sometimes we don’t have a heart so good (as them)
You: oh come on! you googled it!
Stranger: I swear not... you really think I’m like that?!
You: okay, you're good at this then!
Stranger: thx... never studied portuguese and never been in any port country
Stranger: but ..
Stranger: talvez... talvolta in italian
Stranger: tao... tanto
Stranger: que se passa... quel che passa
You: I've never studied italian as well but I intend to one day btw !
You: Talvolta tao quel che passa?
Stranger: ok.. cool
Stranger: ???
You: what?
You: and actually it is:...we'd might not have such a good heart...
You: which has the same meaning.
Stranger: I was just translating(guessing) the words
Stranger: what you
You: oh yeah
Stranger: you’re right... we think that we’re better than others
Stranger: but others might be better in their heart
You: yeah I'm sure about that..
Stranger: better / cleaner / more kind generous etc
You: for sure...
Stranger: and we just want sex and money and chips...
You: This is like a Goddess for most of people ya
Stranger: :(
You: But the is that there r even smaller things than these ones that also have the same effect on our lives and sometimes we're just like..blind..
You: the truth*
Stranger: yeah because we think that we are alone so we’re scared and just want selfish pleasures
You: yeah exactly, bc at the end of the day..
You: all that remains in us is just a deep emptiness..
Stranger: idk...
You: And that's never filled enough..
Stranger: I mean I know... I can’t fool myself... I know it
You: well, we can't but we ended up doing it.
Stranger: yeah it feels so bad
You: yeah ikr..
Stranger: ah ok so you’ve been .. .... , ok
You: I've been... a lotta things, but i don't really know what u mean..so maybe, maybe not..
Stranger: I’m joking.. no worry..
You: ohh okay hahaha
You: you've been..?
Stranger: i dont even want to talk about such things...
You: well, it's okay. i don't even know what my question supposed to mean so..
You: we're even.
Stranger: so maybe we can read each other’s thoughts
You: yeah ur right maybe... who knows?
Stranger: so are my thoughts clean and kind and very appropriate?
You: Mmmm maybe. I'm not telling u.
Stranger: so you want me to look directly inside your thoughts?
You: yeah go ahead
You: I locked it with 7 keys tho but give it a try
Stranger: uhm.. I see... I didn’t expect to find this... and what? ugh (?!) ... kid’s stuff... dolls... and what?!?! woof
You: Hahahahahahaha
You: Shoot! I didn't locked it very well...
You: Get out of my thoughts
Stranger: ok ok..
You: I appreciate it!
You: haha
Stranger: so now you’re reordering your thoughts and preparing tea and a nice dinner so when I enter again I would feel more welcome?
You: Yeah you're not supposed to know that!!
Stranger: ugh sorry ... guess I wasn’t really completely out then..
You: Oof!! But I do really need to clean up the mess inside my mind's house anyway so haha
Stranger: lol
You: Ik that was awful
Stranger: no it wasn’t... just that doll was weird but ok... and that modeling stuff was strange.. but well.. you’ll clean up
You: Hahahaha now i'm curious..what modeling stuff?
You: and I said get out! hahahah
You: About modeling, maybe I was thinking about Kendall this morning yeah..
Stranger: lol
You: Sorry u were typing something right? lmao
Stranger: you didn’t see what I replied about modeling?
You: I didn't, tell me
Stranger: again: your fantasies to be a model and posing in front of the mirror in this and that way
You: Hahahahaha sht!!
You: It's just a fantasy yeah
You: (brb)
Stranger: you want to to on whatsapp since I’m not even sure if yours and my messages are arriving or not
Stranger: ?
You: I said "be right back" I went for a glass of water lol
You: and yeah, sure.
You: I don't even know ur name btw
You: what is it?
Stranger: karim..
Stranger: you?
You: Karim, nice name
You: Sarah
Stranger: nice too..
You: Thx :)
You: Lemme say something. Don't laugh at me bc of that ok?
You: not big deal tho
Stranger: ok
You: It's just like I don't remember my number, ya ik. And i'm not with my phone either so..
You: so..can I get ur number?
Stranger: I’m not laughing
You: It's not funny ik
You: But I said that bc I supposed to know my number
Stranger: uhm that’s ok... +39 3273720878
You: I'm gonna text u there
Stranger: alright..
You: alright..well..
You: wyd now?
You: besides talking to me, of course..
Stranger: it’s 0:20 I’m in bed (usually I sleep much later but tomorrow I have something...)...
You: Something important to do?
You: So u have to get up early..?
Stranger: not too early
You: r u going to sleep tho..?
Stranger: I should...
You: 4hrs ahead btw. It's 20:23 here
Stranger: but don’t want it much
You: Oh..I see..
Stranger: and what are you doing? tv?
You: Listening to music
You: I don't watch much tv haha
You: Just netflix..
Stranger: netflix and chill..
You: Nah nah nah hahahahha
Stranger: uhm...
You: wait, u know what that means?
Stranger: not really
You: good then.
Stranger: no tell me
You: It's a meme hahahaha
Stranger: netflix and chill and chips...
You: It is like an slang term used as a euphemism for sexual activity and stuff...
You: and chips yeah i guess lmao
Stranger: ugh...
You: Yeah that's why I said nah nah nah
Stranger: you’re busted... always thinking dirty
You: Hold up! You who said "netflix and chill" not me lmao
Stranger: since when “movies and relax” means sex... only with you
You: Noo, i would nevaaa think ab that, it's just a meme hahaha
You: I'm too pure for those slangs ok..
Stranger: you’re totally busted... the meme was your second explanation to try to escape from the first... but no worry
You: I'm not tryna escape from anything!! Lmao
Stranger: pure like dew...
You: so funny huh
Stranger: pure like mountain springs and rainbows and...
You: Yeah u bet!!
You: Hahhaha anyway yeah, netflix and chill, alone. me & popcorn :)
Stranger: uhm... popcorn... :)
You: Popcorn is freaking good
Stranger: absolutely agreed... just too much of it is painful for your gums (may cause bleeding during teeth brushing)
You: Yeaaaah I hate that part
You: It always happens to me..
Stranger: I’m sorry.. me too alot in the past
You: why past?
Stranger: anyway
You: Oh no come on
You: tell me
You: I was waiting..
Stranger: you didn’t receive???
You: You joking? Ofc I didn't
Stranger: I did send it damn
Stranger: this omegle is unreliable
You: No probs tho, send it again
Stranger: again (paste): idk I didn’t notice blood in the last few weeks... in the past I used to eat popcorn a lot by myself
You: Oh hahahahah now I receive it!!
Stranger: ah now I know why you didn’t receive it....
You: Either
You: I guess we'll never know lmao
You: Omegle is def unreliable
Stranger: I think it’s not because of omegle but maybe because of you... mischievous
You: Omg it's my fault hahahah
You: Silly haha
Stranger: yes it’s you, I have an explanation... so I know it’s you
You: a plausible explanation tho?
Stranger: absolutely...
You: I'm listening
You: "listening"
You: I'm all ears.
Stranger: ok.. first admit that you’re guilty
You: oh damn..ok ok..if it's for the good of humanity.. I'm the guilty..
Stranger: :) ok - it’s because you switched for a few moments to another app
You: Hey! That's bullshit
Stranger: I’ve already busted you one time... so...
You: You were wrong!
Stranger: so you talked about sex and then I’m wrong... ok
You: I was explaining that to you! It's way different lmao
You: I need my lawyer RN
Stranger: then you admitted to be guilty... but ok no worry... I think I might be picturing you differently and you may be purer than I imagine
You: I'm sure about that hahaha
Stranger: Judge: ok, just bow down to him for a second as an apology .. so you can avoid jail
You: Hahahahha Can I say no?
You: Fine! fine!!
Stranger: Judge: you can say no, but then I would hold you in contempt of this court
You: I get it okay?!
You: My apologies.
Stranger: Judge: lady, I am blind so I can’t see you, are you actually bowing to him?
You: Come on.
You: What if I lie..?
Stranger: Judge: beware of your language young lady, this is a court of law
Stranger: Judge: you can lie and face the consequences
You: Okay okay
Stranger: Judge: So?
You: Done.
Stranger: Bowing?
You: Y...eah
Stranger: Judge: wait wait young lady... accoring to the Law of this country you have to bow backwards
You: You're freaking kidding me
You: I didn't even commit a crime
Stranger: Your lawyer: Miss X, you tecnically admitted to be guilty...
Stranger: you confessed.
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
You both like netflix, and friends.
You: beautiful day outside, don't u think?
Stranger: outside where?
You: It depends!
Stranger: hh it is
You: You tell me where r u from and I tell u, where.
You: I mean, outside where.
Stranger: if i lied?
You: You can do that
Stranger: okay..
You: I don't think u would tho
Stranger: Tunisia
Stranger: beautiful day outside..
You: Yeah it's a beautiful day in Tunisia, i'm sure.
Stranger: u go there before?
You: Nah really
Stranger: went*
Stranger: okay..
You: I'm from Brazil, btw.
Stranger: so ur turn..
You: Already said that haha
Stranger: nice to meet ya
You: Nice to meet u too!
You: what's ur name?
Stranger: Houssém.. u?
You: Is it a common name in Tunisia? Nice name, tho :)
You: I'm Sarah!
Stranger: mm yeah..not much but yes..
Stranger: we have sarah too
Stranger: beautiful name.
You: I don't even how would I spell this, exotic for me haha
You: Sarah's in the whole world hahah
You: and Thanks :)
Stranger: hhhh spell the way you find confortable
Stranger: hihi
You: Oh okay fair enough haha
Stranger: i don't have any friend from brazil..
You: Same about Tunisia
Stranger: u so far ..
You: I met some people from Africa, but South Africa but from Tunisia, it is the first time haha
You: Yeah we're too far away lol
Stranger: okay..let's be friends then.
You: Yeah sure :)
Stranger: i mean keep intouch..we both live on earth..you will never know ..we may meet one day.
Stranger: hh
You: Hahahahah yea yea!
Stranger: do u have an instagram.?
Stranger: i have a snap but i use insta more
You: Yes I do
You: I don't use snap tho hahaha
Stranger: okay..better
Stranger: good..
You: well, what's ur @?
Stranger: r.houssem
You: oh wait, how old r u?
Stranger: i'm 28..
You: Oh wow hahaha
Stranger: what ?
Stranger: am i old?
You: Take a guess ab my age
Stranger: mm under 20?
You: Nope
You: I'm 16, actually.
Stranger: hhhhh can't believe that..
You: Hahahahahahahahahaha
Stranger: u're 16 okay..
Stranger: that's fine but..every girl i meet on omegle is 16
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: oh god hhhh
You: Oh yeah there's a lotta teenagers here haha
Stranger: yeah..i see..
Stranger: i didn't come in here for more than 10 years..
You: Wait what
Stranger: i was just drawing..and it cames to my mind to log in again
Stranger: since i was 18
You: wth, when was this site founded anyway?
Stranger: well..i used it 2011 i think
Stranger: or a bit before
Stranger: it's old
You: I didn't know that hahah Yeah it's kinda old
You: But maybe it is also bc I was a child when it was founded so yeah lol
Stranger: yeah maybe of course..
You: Yep
Stranger: so..
Stranger: why u on text chat not on video ?
You: I'm afraid for that. videos haha things r kinda creepy on omegle.
Stranger: hahaha yeah..
Stranger: before it was better..
You: I bet!
Stranger: people are turning to monsters in here
Stranger: i met my ex here..
You: Oh damn, really?
You: where was she from?
Stranger: yup..
Stranger: russia
You: Ooh russia
You: Far awaay
Stranger: yeah
You: Did u guys met in person?
Stranger: no..we actully have met..
Stranger: we met first in tunisia..
Stranger: twice
You: Oooh
Stranger: and i went to russia
You: So yeah u guys did met in person.
Stranger: we were going to marry
You: What happened?
Stranger: but..things didn't work out
You: Ooh I see!
Stranger: she didn't want to leave russia and i couldn't live there
Stranger: so..
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: we still best friends u know
You: Oh that's tough..
Stranger: she always say i'll be waiting u in russia
You: Aaa that's awesome then!!
You: Aw she seem so nice!!
Stranger: she is so sweet..
You: U guys still like each other right?
Stranger: yeah..i told you will still friends
You: I mean, like like love
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: not really sure
Stranger: we didn't mention love again
Stranger: 'cause it's not a game
You: oh I get what u mean!
Stranger: okay..7
Stranger: but she is always welcome in my family's house..
Stranger: and so i am in russia
Stranger: her family was good with
You: Aww. I bet u guys r a nice couple. But sometimes life's not fair, sadly.
You: was*
Stranger: yeah..life is ..
Stranger: life
Stranger: hihihi
You: complicated
Stranger: yup.
Stranger: yesterday..i met another russian..
Stranger: 16 years old
Stranger: we were talking and she said she is a boy..
Stranger: so..when we were saying good bye..i mean after 10 mnutes conversation
Stranger: she told me she is a girl..and she need someone to talk to..
Stranger: and she 's into hard time now..her mom is sick..
Stranger: parents separated
Stranger: so..i got to listen to what she said
You: I'm so confused
Stranger: why
You: She said she is a boy. Like trans or something?
You: Anyway, it doesn't matter
Stranger: trans??
You: like transsexual.
Stranger: at first..she said she is a boy..we were text chat talking
Stranger: nooooo
Stranger: hhhhh
Stranger: no
You: ooooohh!!!
You: I get that now!!!
Stranger: hhhh okay..
Stranger: you can't see who's talking to u..
Stranger: so u can be who ever u want
You: Ya ya ya!!
You: Ik
You: well, did u guys kept in touch or something?
Stranger: yeah sure..
Stranger: her mom is in quarantine..
Stranger: and she is alone :/
You: and I can relate her problems. I'm going through the kinda same shit
You: That's so sad!
Stranger: her father live in a far city with his new gf
Stranger: yeah i know..
You: oh I can imagine how hard it is!
Stranger: yeah..i hope she can manage her thing alone.
Stranger: anyway..i listen to a lot of stories everyday..
Stranger: that's why i don't use video..
Stranger: all looking for nudes and sex..
You: I would say Omegle's a really dirty website..
Stranger: it is
You: But it's kinda inevitable..yeah
Stranger: what is it?
Stranger: inevitable..?
You: Inevitable like.. inescapable u know?
Stranger: aaah yea yeah..
You: Yeah anyway
Stranger: why u said it's beautiful outside?
You: I was right, no?
Stranger: hhh yeah true
You: Idk, it's just a way to start a conversation
You: I think it worked tho ahah
Stranger: hhhh it did..
Stranger: did u followed me?
You: Yeah I sent a request
Stranger: oohh
Stranger: u with black haid?
Stranger: hair*
You: Yessir
Stranger: hhhhh i think i just bloqued u ..
Stranger: one moment please
You: Hahahaha why u blocked me lol
Stranger: i sent u a request..
Stranger: ur name dosn't look like latino names..is it commun in brazil?
You: Sarah Carvalho, yeah it is too common.
Stranger: aah i know Carvalho
Stranger: i mean sarah is everywhere
Stranger: US ..canada..france
Stranger: sweden
Stranger: germany
Stranger: even in qatar
Stranger: hhhh
You: Hahahahah yeah it's not a exclusive name at all but I like it anyway
Stranger: yeah yeah..it's easy to spell.
Stranger: i like it.
Stranger: is ur insta new?
Stranger: u only have 4 pics?
You: Yeah pretty easy
You: Actually it is not new
You: I just don't do many postsas most of[
You: Oos
You: I hate so much my keyboard
Stranger: hhhh it's okay..
You: I just don't post as much as most of people do**
You: That's what I meant hahah
Stranger: understood..
You: R u gonna accept me or..?
Stranger: i post my drawings..or camping pictures
Stranger: i did
Stranger: u can't see my pictures??
You: You did not
Stranger: sorry sorry
Stranger: i just did..
Stranger: what about now?
You: Now u did!! ahaha
Stranger: hhhh yeah..
You: Ooh nice shots dude
You: You draw really well
Stranger: oh thank uuu
Stranger: i'm an amateur..
You: Yw :)
You: Oh if u say so
Stranger: i discovered that talent two years ago XD
You: You stard drawing only 2y ago? no way
You: start*
Stranger: yup..and guess what..it was a depression who have lead me doing that kind of art..
Stranger: i was drawing anything in my head..and i was focusing on details..trying to clear my head.
You: depression..ouch..
Stranger: and booom
Stranger: i found that kind of drawing actually has a name
Stranger: it's Mandala art
Stranger: indian kind
Stranger: or for bouthies
You: Bouthies?]
Stranger: who worship butha ?
Stranger: i don't know what to call them..
Stranger: like that status..
You: It can be bouthies, i just don't know him haha
You: Them*
You: But anyway, that's awesome dude
Stranger: sorry ou in french is spelled u so..i was saying it wrong
You: Oh dw
You: all good!
Stranger: good?
Stranger: okay..
You: I meant, ur chill
You: Like don't worry
Stranger: hahaha sorry..i'm not fimiliar with some words..
Stranger: or slangs..
You: Oh it's understandable haha :)
You: what other language do u speak?
Stranger: arabic..frensh and german..
Stranger: and some russian sentences ..u know hhh
Stranger: my ex
Stranger: hihi
You: Oh you're polyglot!! that's so cool!
You: when I grow up I wanna be like u hahahahaha
Stranger: actually..tunisian language is a mix of 6 languages.. arabic..french..italian..turkish..maltian and amazighi..the last one is too old..
You: Ooh I didn't know that at all!!
Stranger: so..we understand all arabic people..but they don't understand our dialect..
Stranger: yeah..it's because we are in the centre of the map..and many wars in history were happened here..so..everyone..left something behind
Stranger: i think
You: Oohh I see! Like I speak portuguese, ofc bc I'm brazilian, but I can also understand Spanish, Galician, a bit about anothers latin languages
You: Like Italian, French...but really just a bit bc they're similiar
Stranger: yeah...that's the best part left by history..yeah..you shoud be proud of Latin..it's a great language..
Stranger: i like the sounds of the words in latin..
You: Yeah I'm quite proud :)
Stranger: i used to ask an italian friend to speak anything in italian..and iwas listening to her
Stranger: beautiful
You: Aw! I guess I should thank..
You: We appreciate that! :)
Stranger: ^_^
You: I love italian, it sounds really beautiful!!
You: I wanna learn like fluently one day!
Stranger: they talk fast when they are angry
You: Latinos in general do that hahahaha
You: but yeah I can imagine that. lmao
Stranger: languages are..like a blessing..you will need 'em when u travel..
You: Yeahh!! It is like a gateway!
Stranger: yup..
Stranger: i like ur hair..
You: Aw, thank u!!
You: well, it was so nice talking to u!
Stranger: u'r wlcm ^^
Stranger: u too..
Stranger: i'm happy to find good people here
You: I got some homeworks to do rn but u can text me on insta when u feel like okay? lol :)
You: I'm so happy too!
You: There's a lotta people nice on here
Stranger: yeah sure...
Stranger: insta then :D
Stranger: but u do homeworks first
Stranger: send when free
You: Yeah sure :)
Stranger: okay..
Stranger: ciao ^^
You: ciao :)
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
E, de qualquer modo, é assim que o cristianismo funciona. Quando nos manda alimentar os famintos, não nos dá aulas de culinária. Quando nos exorta a ler as Escrituras, não ministra aulas de hebraico ou de grego, nem mesmo de gramática inglesa. Nunca teve a intensão de substituir ou destituir as artes e ciências profanas: tem, antes, a função de um diretor que as destina às suas funções corretas e lhes infunde a energia de uma vida nova na medida em que elas se colocam à sua disposição.
C. S. Lewis. (via embuscadoreino)
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sarohara · 3 years
You: Heya :)
Stranger: Hello!
You: How ya doing?
Stranger: I'm doing great, how about you?
You: I'm doing fantastic
You: thx!
Stranger: Np! You seem very nice
You: Yeah because actually i am haha
You: Nah i'm joking!
You: But thanks..ig.. u too btw!
Stranger: Haha, thanks xD
You: Sure! lol
You: what's ur name, stranger?
Stranger: I'm Mira, nice to meet you! What's yours?
You: That's a sick name
You: Mine's Sarah
You: Nice meeting u as well!
Stranger: Haha sick? Thank you, I've always thought it to be too regular xD
You: Too regular?
You: why would u think that? lmao
Stranger: I live in Finland, where the name is pretty mainstream :D
Stranger: Anywhere else, well, a different thing I gues
You: Ooh I see! I know a girl called Mitta from there. Pretty similiar, i guess.
You: Yeah it's kinda different for me but not that exotic. I'm brazilian.
Stranger: Ohh that's cool
You: Yeah I think :)
Stranger: A bit different kind of climates, I'd vager xD
You: Yeah I suppose so!
You: I mean, what kinda climate u guys got over there?
Stranger: Too cold right now, I'm freezing. it was only like -20 C the other day but it should get colder
Stranger: Also, it's so much snow that I can't currently use my apartment buildings back door, its covered xD
You: Oh wow that's pretty cold. I'm sure i'd die. hahahah It's like 30
You: 30° C rn**
Stranger: Omg that sounds fantastic
Stranger: I'd love that kind of weathers
Stranger: I feel like I wasn't build for finland xD
You: well, I think u only saying that because you're freezing.
You: hahahahahhaha
Stranger: yes exactly hahaha
You: But yeah, it's cool..I mean.. it's not that hot rn but sometimes it gets like 40°C or something..and trust me...
You: It's feels like hell hahahah
You: it*
Stranger: I'd burn to a crisp xD Btw, is it like 'moist' warm or like dry, I've heard that it depends on the country alot
You: Yeah it is exactly like that!!
You: It really depends! Sometimes it is both! So..yeah
Stranger: Yeah, I'd totally die xD
You: Hahahahahaha
Stranger: I used to the two week summers around here, with like +20 or so xD
Stranger: also it rains all the time even at that point so
You: Oh I wish, girl!!!
You: But u know, there are some regions that are cold like the South, Southeast so..it's a balance u know..but in general it's pretty Tropical. lol
Stranger: That's actually pretty neat, you can just travel inside your country to have a bit different weathers
You: Yeah!! That's the good part ig. haha
Stranger: A couple of years ago I got so tired of the cold that I had to travel to Turkey to get some warmth xD
Stranger: And My skin got sooo sunburned, it was horrible xD
You: 😂😂😂 omg!!!
You: but I bet it was also great tho, right? hahahah
Stranger: Yes! So much fun minus the burn!
You: where was ur sunscreen btw? 😂
Stranger: I HAD sunscreen on xD
You: Oh damn😂
Stranger: I always put so much of it, but I guess I wasn't prepared
You: I think you're not build for Turkey actually 😂
Stranger: I'm beginning to think that I'm build for like Mars or something xD Always freezing or burning
You: You gonna find out ur place one day 😂
Stranger: I do hope so xD
You: Hahahaha
Stranger: But hey
Stranger: I wanted to ask you, do you have any hobbies? What do you do? Ya know, the basic get-to-know questions xD
You: I like that questions tho 😂
You: Yeah I got a lotta hobbies, but not really good at them 😂 Dancing..reading..writing..what else..cooking..
You: I dance hip hop & contempory dance..I write some songs..and that's it..ig..not big deal tho
Stranger: Sounds real cool!
You: what about u? tell me.
Stranger: Well, I like to read and write too! Also, I draw, paint a bit and play games
You: Oh that's dope!!
You: I wish I could draw haha
Stranger: What do you like to read? Have a fav genre?
Stranger: Drawing is hard xD
You: Ummm..good question. I don't really have a fav one but maybe sci-fi. yeah. hbu?
You: Yeah!! I can say that, drawing is hard!
You: I've tried so many times 😂
Stranger: Hmm, I read a lot, but gotta say that my favs are horror and fantasy type of things
You: Oh horror..I'm too scared for horror and stuff
Stranger: I try to find stuff that's too scary xD I wanna be afraid to go turn off the lights when I go to sleep hahaha
You: Whaaaat 😂 r u like normal??
You: wth u wanna be afraid
Stranger: Not sure xD
Stranger: Maybe its an adrenaline thing
You: I'm sure ur definitely not 😂
You: Yeah I see but nah, no freaking way 😂
Stranger: Well, some say Finns are nuts
Stranger: I'd say it's because of the cold. It messes with the brain
You: I've never heard it before but now I know you guys are! 😂
Stranger: The more you know, hahaha
You: It messes with the brain? Hahahahaha Ok I guess it makes sense 😂
You: So proud of living in Brazil rn
Stranger: Totally, brainfreeze
You: 😂😂😂
Stranger: haahahaha
Stranger: How I wish it was summer, it would be so nice
You: How I wish it was winter sometimes.. it would be so nice 😂
You: But not freeking. I don't wanna got brainfreeze or something
You: freezing*
Stranger: Hmm, i wonder what would be closest place for you to visit to have some winter
Stranger: And not like antarctica xD
You: well... Southern region sounds nice to me!😂
You: Antartica, thank u next next.
Stranger: There is winter there??
Stranger: I'm super confused
You: Yeah in the South!!
Stranger: Ohhh whaat! I imagined like a bit colder or something, not like whole winter type of thing xD
Stranger: Is there snow and all?
You: Well I mean there's winter in the whole country but it's not cold at all . But in the south (maybe also in the southeast sometimes ) it is really cold.
You: Not sure about snow bc I don't live there hahah but I guess so. It's pretty rare tho, i'm sure.
Stranger: Oh yes of course! I always connect winter with snow xD
Stranger: But well, its because of finland
You: yeah yeah It's understandable
Stranger: I'd love to see Brazil, would be so cool
You: Aww! I'd love to see Finland :(
Stranger: We should do a house exchange thing for a week hahah xD
You: Dude I was gonna say something like that 😂😂😂
Stranger: Omg xDDD
You: We def should!!! 😂
You: Oh no Mira!
Stranger: What!
You: My mom is calling me now..
You: Wanna keep in touch?
Stranger: Sure! Do you have like instagram or something?
Stranger: I could add you
You: Yeah yeah!!
You: It's @sarahcvlm
You: Imma add u back!!
Stranger: Ill follow and message you afterwards!
You: See ya there then :))
Stranger: See ya!
You: You're so niceee
You: Byee
You have disconnected.
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
Stranger: M
Stranger: 18
You: what's ur name?
You: I'm f
You: and 16
Stranger: Alex
Stranger: What's yours?
You: Sarah
You: nice meeting u btw
Stranger: Thanks sarah
You: Sure
Stranger: Nice meeting you too
You: Thx :)
You: So, how ya doing?
Stranger: What are you upto ?
Stranger: I'm great thanks for asking
You: Nothing really, hbu?
You: Yeah yw :)
Stranger: A little bored though
You: Yeaah Ik
Stranger: Are you bored too ?
You: Yeah that's why i'm here. hahaha
You: Wyd?
Stranger: No I can tell you
Stranger: People come here to find love and stuf
Stranger: Chilling on my bed
You: Find love???
You: Wth hahahaha
Stranger: Yeahhh
You: That's insane
Stranger: I know
You: I'm sure omegle's not the best place to find love or whatever hahaha
Stranger: Yeahhh ig
Stranger: If i don't have anyone to talk ro
Stranger: I just come herr
Stranger: Here
You: Oh that's why you're here then
You: It sounded lonely lmao
Stranger: Noooo
Stranger: Not like that
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: I don't wanna talk to people I know
Stranger: Sometimes
You: Oh I get that!!
Stranger: Just texting random people
You: Yeah Ik, sometimes im like that as well
Stranger: Hahahahaha
Stranger: Sarah is a nice name
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: You must be a very nice and helpful kind of personal
Stranger: All the Sarah's I know
Stranger: Are the same
You: Aw...thank u :)
You: Alex is a nice name too, it's a pretty american name I would say haha
Stranger: Hahahahaha
You: You're from there, right?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Where are you from ?
You: I knew it! hahahaha
You: Brazil
Stranger: That's nice
You: Yeah Ig lol
Stranger: I know
Stranger: Neymar
Stranger: I mean
You: Hahahahahahaha
Stranger: I don't really watch football
You: Here we go again hahaha
Stranger: And Brazil doesn't really play basketball
You: Yeah.. I mean.. not as much as football
Stranger: Yeahh Ig
Stranger: I mean idk
Stranger: A lot about Brazil
Stranger: Coffee football and rio
Stranger: That's it
You: understandable tho lol
You: Coffee hahahahah
Stranger: And the carnival
You: Oh Carnaval hahah yeah
You: Well, do u like basketball, alex?
Stranger: Yesss I do
Stranger: Wbu ??
You: Well.. ahahahah I don't really watch basketball and stuff
You: I just put this tag randomly for some unknown reason lol
Stranger: I watch and play a lot of basketball :3
You: That's dopeee
Stranger: You will meet with tall guys
Stranger: If you are into tall guys
You: Oh hahahahahaha
Stranger: 😂😂
You: I hadn't thought of that 😂
Stranger: That's one positive
You: 😂😂
You: how tall r u btw?
Stranger: I'm not talll
You: Same
Stranger: I'm 5'11
Stranger: Wbu??
You: I'm 5'3 or so
You: 😂😂😂
Stranger: Wowwww
Stranger: It's cool
You: I'm not that short tho ok, it's like 1,60 😂
You: Nah i'm kidding i'm short ahahah
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: It's okay
Stranger: Short girls are
Stranger: Usually prettier
You: that's too bad bc i'm sure i'm gonna grow up oke😂
Stranger: So it's cool
Stranger: Then you will have those beautiful long legs 😂
You: 😂😂😂😂
You: it's funny u trying to comfort me 😂
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: It's okay
Stranger: Do you have an Instagram?.
You: Yessir, do u?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Give me your id
Stranger: So that I can comfort you
Stranger: Better
You: If u say so😂
Stranger: 😂😂
You: @sarahcvlm
You: what's urs?
Stranger: I'm not gonna add you
Stranger: Just for the conversation
You: Huh?
You: wym..
Stranger: Woww sarah
Stranger: You have nice hair
Stranger: I'm saying I'm just wanted to look
Stranger: So that I can comfort you better
Stranger: Lol
You: Oh ab my hair
You: Thank u!
You: hahahah
Stranger: That's the only thing
Stranger: I could see
Stranger: So
Stranger: 😂😂
You: It's a private account so.. u got to add me😂
Stranger: Yaaa ik
Stranger: But if I do
Stranger: My girlfriend will kill me
You: Ooooh
Stranger: For sure
You: Okay it's all good
Stranger: 😂😂
You: 😂😂
You: Dude 😂
Stranger: What?
You: I understand her tho 😂
Stranger: Naaahhh she's cool
Stranger: She's cool about a lot of things
Stranger: But there are some things that piss her off
Stranger: So Imma stay safe
Stranger: 😂
You: Yeah that's what I said that I understand her 😂 She's ur girlfriend so it's quite understandable lol
You: Ya u better stay safe 😂
Stranger: Yeahhh
Stranger: It was nice talking to you
You: Oh
You: Same :)
Stranger: Hope we meet at the carnival 😂
Stranger: We will have a blast then
You: 😂😂
You: Well, see ya at the carnaval 😂
Stranger: Once we meet 😂😂
Stranger: See yaa
Stranger: Bye
You: 😂
You: See ya!
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
“Sejam Bíblias andando.”
— C. H. Spurgeon
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sarohara · 3 years
You both like Tiktok.
You: heyyyoo
Stranger: i like that energy
Stranger: wassup
You: Oh you seems chill
You: ahahah
Stranger: im pretty chill ye
You: laying in bed, looking at the ceiling
You: wbu
Stranger: same
You: oh that's cool right?
Stranger: getting lost in my head
You: but also enjoying the moment right
Stranger: exactly
You: yeeaaah ik
You: what's ur name, stranger?
Stranger: izzy
Stranger: wbu
You: ooh that's so nice, i'm a girl too
You: Sarah
Stranger: oh yea i get that a lot
Stranger: im a dude
You: whaaaaaat
Stranger: my full name is izaya but my friends just call me izzy
You: oh damn, didn't expect that lmao
Stranger: its cool dwbi
You: It's a nice name btw
Stranger: thx
You: np
Stranger: i like the name sarah too
You: Ty :))
Stranger: if i was a girl i would want that as my name
You: Really? I don't think u would
Stranger: well its in my top 3 choies
Stranger: choices
You: what about the other 2?
Stranger: lizzy, spinoff of my name
Stranger: and alexa
You: u mean, choices like a daughter?
Stranger: ig
Stranger: idrk
You: I love the name Alexa
You: I wish my name was Alessia
Stranger: i have never heard of that name
You: Alessia???
Stranger: but it sounds rlly cool
You: what about Alessia Cara?
Stranger: nope sorry
You: She's a singer
You: like, a famous one
You: oh damn, i mean, okay hahah
You: where r u from?
Stranger: Texas
Stranger: wbu
You: You're from Texas and u don't know who Alessia Cara is? lmao
Stranger: why is she from texas
You: I'm quite shocked
You: Nooo hahahahahahah
You: She's from Canada actually
You: Anyway
Stranger: oh shes a country singer isnt she
You: I don't think so
Stranger: oh
Stranger: okay
You: hahahhaha anyway anyway
You: I'm from Brazil
Stranger: ohhhhh
Stranger: cool
Stranger: whats it like over there
You: It's normal I would say lmao
You: do u know anything about br?
You: or nahh
Stranger: they love soccer
Stranger: idk
You: Well, i do not
You: hahahahhaahhaa i'm kidding
Stranger: so yu do like soccer?
You: yeah kinda
Stranger: i played soccer once
Stranger: wasnt my thing
You: Well
You: We should play, again, some day
You: It's nice okay
Stranger: okay fs
You: deal
Stranger: deal
You: how old r u btw?
Stranger: oh my bad im 16
You: sameee
Stranger: no fucking way
You: yeeees waay
You: why'd say that? lmao
Stranger: idk i rarely find ppl my age
You: well, really? I mean, it's not hard to find these ppl tho
Stranger: im not super socila
Stranger: social
You: hmmm i get that
Stranger: yea
You: but I mean like, on omegle uk
Stranger: oh yea no most ppl ask if im a female bcuz theyre horny
You: ohhh yea ik ik
You: or bored or horny or both
Stranger: exactly
You: yeaaah
You: wyd now?
Stranger: listening to my music while i stare at the ceiling
You: sameeeee
You: actually, i'm like always listening to music so..
You: ahahah
You: what song?
Stranger: oh yu wouldnt kno i
Stranger: it
Stranger: its underground
You: Underground? lol okay but what is the name?
Stranger: opp pack
Stranger: by lil gotit
You: lemme check it out
You: oh it's a nice one btw
Stranger: thx
Stranger: what were yu listenin to
You: hmmmm
You: mood by 24k golden
Stranger: ill check it out
You: oh ok
Stranger: i think ive heard this
You: Yea it's a popular one
You: bc of tiktok, i suppose
Stranger: its always tiktok
Stranger: lmaoo
You: hahahahahaha yeaaa
Stranger: i gotta say
Stranger: yu seem rlly nice
You: aw :) thank you :)) so are you!
You: you seems really cool
Stranger: so do yu
You: ty ty :)
Stranger: ;)
You: well, how was ur day?
Stranger: pretty good
Stranger: wbu
You: can't complain
Stranger: ikr
You: hey
You: are u on ig?
Stranger: not rlly
You: Oof :(
Stranger: ohh wait i was able to get my account back
Stranger: so yea i am
You: oooh
You: i mean, u don't have to..u know idk
You: but
You: idk okay
Stranger: have to what
You: nothing
You: well
You: what's ur @? mine's @sarahcvlm..
Stranger: did yu want my insta?
Stranger: @fizzypoppedoff
You: imma follow u there
You: hold up
You: done
Stranger: followed back
You: right then :)
You: okay so, see ya there?
Stranger: see ya
You: it was really nice meeting u, Izzy :)
You: have a wonderful night :)
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
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