scaledback-blog · 4 years
Well I had a creative spurt this morning and i whipped out my journal and starting writing. I typed it up and added a personal note. This reads like stream of conscious for those who be going what in the heck is this chick saying. The audience is for women but hey if it works for you great. Let me know how it made you feel.
Water marks made by bubbling springs. Discarded belts and shoehorns accumulate dust in a beat up leather trunk. Hidden in the seams of the trunk trace amounts of sand and grit kissed by the tropics. Beside the trunk lays a tarnished pewter powder box with a sticky hinge. Beautiful mosaics lovingly crafted by hands longs since gone still cover the surface, some chipped some missing. Scraps of stockings once sensuous now littered with moth holes tell no stories of illicit affairs.
A star flares. Sun flashes on the brightly covered hem of bell bottom pants. Hot summer day mixed with music amidst the turbulent 60’s as a lithe young woman dancing and spinning in a park.
The old manor house with aged darkened wood stands silent except for the soft padding of a cat wondering the halls to find its favorite sun soaked spot on the shiny waxed floor under the heavy leaded window. Sunlight casting a small rainbow that tease the shadows in the heavy folds of damask curtains.
Outside the crunch of footsteps on crushed limestone is this me from a prior life. I feel like it must be a tall teen with strawberry blond hair walks to the edge of a tended wishing well. Her locket opens and small bits of paper flutter down onto the water’s surface. Will her name be Claire or Jody?
Saying goodbye to that ivy covered house certain that the future will be good. Gooseflesh excitement spreading as the door to the motor home closes and tires begin to crunch the limestone for the last time.
A Muslim woman sits quietly listening to the village storyteller her hands nimble and practiced as she embroiders colorful threads among the bead work. Joy and contentment is a warm shawl around her as she stitches her love into a beautiful garment for her daughter. Her daughter will walk in love as she leaves her family and joins hands with the young man who makes her heart sing.
Coconut scents the air as the woman knocks the husks off. Her eyes travel down the beach to son’s playing at the water’s edge. Occasional shouts of mischief blending with the conversation of the men casting nets into the warm tropical water. No need to expend unnecessary thoughts. Here in this time is good.
A feeling of deep calling draws me to the faces of teachers past and present. There is the experiences of deep in the bones satisfaction. Those moments in a child’s life when the spark lights and a new idea or understanding erupts. This is yet another example of love and contentment.
A Female Astronaut hears the chatter of comm’s in her ears and the sound of her own breathing. Looking down into the swirling clouds and blue waters of Earth she is physically tethered by a mechanical arm but her heart feels like it has expanded past her suit and cannot be contained. She feels the love of those who have sacrificed with her so she could have this moment.
An ancient woman places her eye glasses on the table beside her. She glows with the combined experiences of her life. The sorrows no longer have sharp edges. The petty revenges have no importance. She thinks about her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren as she sinks into her bed covers. Lying there listening to softly muffled conversation downstairs she feels a warm presence and the smell of a familiar aftershave seeps into her nostrils. He calls her, one more adventure sweetheart and then a multitude after that. Let’s search them out together.
Old leather trunks filled with scraps and memories, shiny marbles, ragged novels, old coins and broken toys imbued with love, joy and color. All ready to be discovered by a curious young girl. The circle expands ever outward.
Dear Reader,
My vision for you is to find contentment by quieting your mind. Feel yourself becoming one not separate. Let go of self-imposed barriers. Breathe in and know you are breathing in a lifetime of experiences. The love you feel in the moment is a reincarnation of a world of women through time and their experiences. Find joy in tears and remember tomorrow starts with new breathe and new opportunity. Let it infuse you.
With love,
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