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1. Rumor Has It - Adele 
This is a song Westley often finds himself singing or humming under his breath as he shares the latest gossip with his devoted blog followers. It also happens to be Harmony’s ringtone on his phone. 
2. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy - Rod Stewart
Westley’s go-to shower tune, although he changes the pronouns if Blaine is present in the apartment that morning, hoping the lyrics and the unlocked bathroom door make a sufficient open invitation. 
3. Lay Me Down - Sam Smith
Definitely among the most played tracks on Westley’s iPod following the split from Blaine last year. Despite the problems that drove them apart, there was the tiniest flicker of hope that one day the path would be clear for them to try again. Regardless of whether or not that day might eventually come, Westley never stopped caring about Blaine’s welfare and wanting the best for him.
4. Something Good - The Sound of Music
A number that's always been a favorite of Westley's when the Platform Players do their musical medley nights. He knows that aspects of his personality don't make him the easiest to love, but that's never stopped him from privately hoping there'd be someone who took a chance on him anyway.
5. You Made Me Love You - Judy Garland
Westley's #1 karaoke choice. He's known to especially ham it up during the "give me, give me, give me, give me" part, which is saying something since the whole performance is generally quite a flirty and emotive show after a few drinks.
6. Popular - Aaron Tveit
A more recent selection added to the list, Westley has kept this cover on repeat this month in preparation for his upcoming performance. His “honorary” pet cat Mimi has been serving as an Elphie stand-in, much to her dismay. 
7. I Won't Let You Go - James Morrison
This piece speaks to Westley because it echoes the kind of comfort he wants to extend to his sister when she's hurting. Though he's fairly certain based on the music video that it's intended as a type of romantic love song, Westley hears no lyric that prevents him from interpreting the song in a more fraternal light.
8. Beautiful City - Hunter Parrish
Godspell is the musical Westley associates with the time in his life when he was beginning to learn about his ability and slowly harness it. Beautiful City in particular remains a favorite of his, and he especially enjoys this version since it is easier to mirror with his own vocals. 
9. Secrets - OneRepublic 
This song speaks of inventing secrets for attention, to prevent oneself from being forgotten. Though Westley tries to have some source or at least a really solid hunch, he's well-aware that at times he's merely grasping at straws. Westley's flair for the dramatic and way with words allow him to dress it up, but there are plenty of times when he's stirring the pot with tidbits that are blown out of proportion.
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PM: A little birdie told me your free time is dwindling....I was wondering what might be the cause of this?
PM: I may or may not have a little show of my own coming up in the near future. Soon I’ll be donning a curly blond wig and singing about giving my dear, green-skinned friend a makeover. ;) 
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PM: Oh.
It’s nothing, nevermind. I did know he was expecting a pretty large turnout, I guess I just sort of… automatically assumed you wouldn’t go, that was wrong of me. I suppose it doesn’t matter. Forget I asked, I’m sorry.
PM: I wasn’t there to hear him. My attention was on the other people in the club. However, in retrospect, I do see why you thought I wouldn’t attend. Are you angry with me?
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I didn’t know they allowed the models to see your finished products. Don’t let the... uh... creative differences discourage you. After all, you are learning to draw everything to scale. If they want attributes to be unrealistically exaggerated, they can commission a caricature. 
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If one more male model complains about the accurate size of which I sketch their average genitalia, I am going to scream. 
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I believe I would have mixed feelings myself. Then again, free cash is never a thing to be dismissed lightly in a city where the cost of living is so high.
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This is getting ridiculous
Turns out….I had fallen asleep on my way to the shopping center and accumulated $25 dollars in my cup holder. I don’t know how to feel about this.
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Was that the high pitched yelp I heard? I was worried one of the city’s infamously large rats had paid our humble theatre a visit...
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So I fell asleep in the theater today, pretty sure I scared the shit out of the person who found me though
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I think the best thing you can do is keep an open mind. Choosing a path this early can be risky but, hopefully, you’ll make the right call or at least find an interesting starting point that can lead down exciting avenues.
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I’ve got a careers meeting today, but how i’m i suppose to know what i want to do for the rest of my life?? This seems stupid. 
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So I’ve seen! 
I support the idea from afar, I suppose, but I haven’t experienced the app except by peeking at other people’s phones. A friend of mine let me try my hand at throwing a Poké Ball but it would appear that my digital aim is every bit as abysmal as it is in reality. She was none-too-pleased to find her stock significantly depleted after my desperate attempts to ensnare a Pidgey. 
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Everywhere I go… there’s people staring at the phone in their hands. Playing Pokemon Go. 
Now, I’m not dissing the game or anything. I may or may not have downloaded it myself. And a hell of a lot more people are frolicking in the streets exercising and trying to catch ‘em all. So it’s helping Michelle Obama achieve what she been trying to do for the last seven years in just a week. But what the fuck is the reasoning behind driving people to obsess and want to play the game so much that they’re playing it when they’re on a bike and almost run me over?
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I hate to break it to you but i pretty sure that’s what happens already. Like everyday.
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They wouldn’t join in with the fun. And I’m sure a little grey hair would suit you.
Fair point. No two are quite alike, that’s for certain!
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I might look quite distinguished.  A silver fox, with any luck.
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Thank you.
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I certainly am. My review shall include summaries of the pros and cons and a star rating system but I would suggest that you read the entire thing.
You’re welcome, Rydel.
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Duly noted. No skimming allowed!
I watched X-men apocalypse
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I think he’s got German blood. The dude loves his carbs! And we like to spread the love around and go to different places… But let me just say that there’s this place off of East 76th that’s got killer crullers.
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English muffins? Croissants? How are you not hungry? Where’s your protein? But yes. I’m related to that little nerd. She’s my baby sister.
Ah, very generous of you. East 76th... hmm... I may have to venture in that direction sometime to find out for myself! 
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It seems to take a while for my legitimate hunger to really kick into gear. By lunchtime, I’m ready for something with a little more substance. I try to work a little meat into my diet later in the day. Haha, I suspected as much! There are three of you in total, aren’t there? I think I’ve seen her mention a sister as well.
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He left. There is no hope. I am hopeless and alone. Thanks for trying though - it means a lot coming from somebody of your… complexion.
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Oh, that’s a pity, but he won’t be your last chance! That’s the plus side of working in a field you genuinely love; you’re around people with similar interests every day. If not this one, then it’ll be another. Why, thank you, good sir! I do try to maintain a consistent skin care regimen. 
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Aren’t you cute to keep all that important information. Sometimes I feel like I need that quantity to full understand Hedwig and her backstory. Oh stop, you’re going to make me blush.
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Speaking of deserving people, did you hear Jon got a tongue piercing?
I am nothing if not a wealth of interesting facts. I know what you mean. A well-written character feels endlessly complex, like you could come back and play the role again in five years and discover entirely new aspects. Oh, the blush would only encourage me!
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I did, indeed. His spontaneity rivals that tattoo surprise of yours! 
Opening night
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Wow. Thank you. My sisters are lovely people but like any other siblings, they can be a tad annoying. You’re lucky you haven’t met us when we were little. We were a handful! I’m the eldest of the quadruplets then I’m followed by Quinn then Candy then Lexi. I suppose the sequence does point out to a few things too.
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Ah, annoying lookalikes are something I know a thing or two about myself. I can only imagine that many small children in one household! That does shed a little more light on the subject, as a matter of fact. I have an elder sister and a younger twin brother although, if you asked him, he would swear vehemently that he is older.
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That does sound like quite a show! I must admit, I’m sad I wasn’t with you to witness it unfold. 
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I have to admit, just when I think this city can surprise me no more, it goes and does just the opposite. Thank you, random group dressed like the Village People, for making my night with your impromptu performance outside the supermarket today. Though next time, maybe consider singing Macho Man without tearing your pants off halfway through.
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Blaine was going to respond, but was rendered easily speechless as Westley sampled the food. The feeling of his soft tongue against his finger startled him in the best way. Blaine couldn’t help but watch soundlessly as Westley enjoyed the food, swallowing it all down. He stared at Wes with darkened eyes. “I’m glad  you think so. Care for some more?”
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Westley held Blaine’s gaze for a moment and scarcely suppressed a pleasant shiver. Though, true, he had made no move since the breakup to find another relationship, Westley didn’t need to “play the field” to know that no one would ever make the air crackle with the same kind of energy that passed between himself and the man across from him. He licked his lips and shook his head a little. “I think I want to try something else,” Westley admitted. He took a deep breath and leaned in close, bypassing the still extended hand between them to instead catch Blaine’s lips in a kiss.
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Come a Little Closer || Blestley
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Does your character have an alias (super or otherwise)? If they do, how did it come about? Did they choose it themselves or did another? If they do not, what would they choose if they needed one?
Westley never bothered giving himself an alias since he never uses his power in any big, public way that would require a separate identity. He has mulled over some options for his own amusement, but the creatures that sprang to mind already had pre-established associations or sounded like cheap knockoffs. "Batman... damn. Mothman... crap. Cat...man? Oh, forget it." Westley does, however, have a nickname. He and Harmony refer to one another as Walter and Hildy after the famous story-hungry duo from His Girl Friday.
Does your character have a power? Do they wish they did? Do they wish their ability was something else?
He has a power, although Westley always feels a bit funny labeling it as such. After all, if someone easily recalls seemingly insignificant details, they don't brag, "My superpower includes remembering what I had for breakfast before my first day of kindergarten." They would simply state that they have a good memory. Similarly, Westley leans more toward categorizing his ability as having very strong hearing. That being said, he does still know that the hyper-intensity of it qualifies it as a power. Being able to pick up sounds multiple rooms away goes far beyond being the reigning champion in the game of Telephone. However, "superpower" just sounds too glamorous for something that is highly unlikely to benefit anyone but himself. Westley was rather 50/50 about his powers for a while. When it was still causing him pain and he couldn't harness it, he wished it would go away. The time it helped him discover something important that his sister had been dealing with in private, Westley was both glad that it allowed him to help her and furious with himself because one day Dixie might resent him for it. Nowadays, he has made peace with what he can do. Westley wouldn't trade this for anything else because he finds that being able to eavesdrop at certain times suits him. It does bear mentioning, however, that he has realized there is a catch. Westley can only run with information that could have conceivably been overheard at regular volume in a public setting. If he utilizes topics discussed very quietly and/or only in private, people might begin to catch wise. Sometimes (though very rarely, since his curiosity always begs to be satisfied), he won't even bother to listen to certain whispered discussions because it's like teasing himself with something he cannot actually use. Generally, after these occasions, Westley ends up kicking himself in the pants because he still wants to know the secret even if he has to keep it to himself.
How did your character fall into the side that they are on? Have they even chosen a side? If not, why not?
Westley does not consider himself allied with any side. However, it could be said that he feels a slightly stronger aversion toward the Reckoning than he does toward the Vendettas or the Vigilantes, simply due to Jesse’s role therein. Any organization so easily persuaded to give Westley’s brother even more power and influence than he already had is not exactly on his good list. Even so, Westley is not someone who believes that "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch." He is willing to bet there are some so-called supervillians who have perfectly legitimate reasons for their actions, but he's certain that Jesse is not one of them. As for Westley's personal reason for not allying with any group, he prefers his place on the outside. Lack of allegiance makes him an impartial observer who can see more clearly, or so he believes (not to mention that he has absolutely no desire to be directly involved in fighting crimes or committing them). Westley is not a man who feels an inherent need to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. He bristles to think that this may make him a coward in some people’s eyes, but is also self-aware enough to know that he doesn't possess the ability to keep a completely cool head in a crisis. 
How does your character take the supers? Are they a sure sign of God? The next stage of evolution?
Westley does not believe divinity has anything to do with the powers some people display. He has internally speculated that it might be the next stage for mankind, but still hasn't riddled out what that could ultimately mean for the future. After all, shouldn't the adaptations all be the same if they are responding to the same needs that present humans cannot yet meet? What do these innumerable and random variations indicate about the environment into which they were born, or the change in conditions they might yet face?
Does your character believe Supers to be ‘above’ those without powers? Either due to their abilities or another reason?
Not in the slightest. His own ability felt more like a weakness/hindrance initially, before he was able to channel the power to his benefit. As for those who actually go out and wield their unusual strengths in broad daylight, well... they have accomplished remarkable feats, to be sure (both good and bad), but then Westley thinks of his brother and is reminded that they are only human. They're a curious and unique blend of good and bad, just like the rest of us. 
What does your character think about the lengths that the Supers are willing to go to get what they want? Do they believe the destruction seen throughout the city during battles to be justified or the destroying of innocent lives?
Westley can never dismiss the loss of innocent lives in the heat of the chases and showdowns that take place around the city. It seems counterintuitive to move in such a reckless manner that you kill some of the very people you are aiming to protect. As a matter of fact, it is those senseless loses that prompt a shift in Westley's overall attitude toward the supers involved in each incident. It is one thing to hide one's identity to evade capture, to protect loved ones, to avoid attacks from opposing sides. However, if you steal someone's life away, if you take them from their family and friends, Westley feels you must come forward and do something to atone for your careless display of strength. Otherwise, it is no better than the superhuman equivalent to a hit-and-run. 
Does your character know of the seedy underbelly of New York (example - The Vendettas’ work)? Have they ever been involved in it or are they blissfully ignorant? 
He keeps himself apprised of the goings-on in all corners of the city, as much as newspapers, blogs, and television reports allow. Westley takes particular interest in the Vendettas, given that Dixie works at one of their establishments. It makes him anxious that she is always a hair's-breadth away from trouble, but Westley hopes he'd be able to help in some way if she were ever to find herself in a truly dangerous situation. He has frequently considered how his ability might actually allow him to track down villains' hidden lairs, but that would put Westley too close to the danger and he might get caught before his information could be passed on to someone in a position to do something about it. Besides, what if the Vendettas went after Dixie in retaliation for his meddling? Westley vehemently insists it's not worth that risk.
Has your character ever come into contact with a Super? Did they aid or hinder your character?
Westley is unaware that his sister's voice is anything other than naturally enchanting. He's in-the-know about his brother's ability but hasn't been in the vicinity while it was being used since they were still kids growing up together under the same roof. Regardless, it didn't take much effort to recognize Tempest's modus operandi as remarkably familiar. Months ago, back in February, Westley was actually rescued by a super. He has since been mentally gnawing on the idea that the masked hero may in fact have been his then ex-boyfriend, Blaine Anderson. There were several similarities at the time that caught Westley’s attention. However, he has not yet confronted Blaine about this possibility. Technically, quite a few of the people around/close to Westley have some kind of ability. It is rather ironic that the man who most wants to discover their identities has a knack for rubbing shoulders with them while remaining completely oblivious.
How does your character react to the fictional Supers they see in the media (such as Superman or the X-Men)? Do they hold the Supers they see in their lives up to standards derived from this media? Do they believe such media is helpful or not to the public’s perspective of Supers?
Westley has no particular interest in the myriad superhero portrayals made available in recent years. The continuity of the some of their narratives impresses him, maintaining that many details in print over decades, but that's about as far as his admiration extends. It doesn't sit particularly well with him that the lines of Good and Bad are so deeply drawn in those tales. If he were to explore the fictional universes at any point, Westley would probably be more drawn to stories that suggest it isn't so simple (a la the recent trend of pitting the "heroes" against each other and examining whether or not the choices those supers make are always as admirable as some might try to paint them). Westley thinks that, by and large, the general depiction of superheroes gives the public unrealistic expectations. No one individual, super or otherwise, could successfully protect an entire city as crime-ridden as their own New York. There are just too many things happening simultaneously. Some people/incidents would fall through the cracks. As such, real life superheroes need to be viewed as what they are: one person trying their best to make a difference. Sometimes they'll be able to help you, sometimes they won't. It's best not to count on them completely if there's any way you can get out of the situation on your own/avoid it altogether. 
How does your character react to the ‘Heroes’ in New York? Are they truly there for the people or working for their own agenda? Does your character believe them to be helpful or just vicious vigilantes who should allow the Police to do their job?
All in all, Westley is inclined to believe that most "heroes" at the very least have genuinely good intentions. He does not always agree with the means they use to achieve those ends, but the subsequent reports suggest that they frequently get results. As for the police, well, Westley would be lying if he said that he thought the NYPD could handle all of the city's problems on their own. He thinks that, at least in some dire situations, only supers can combat other supers.
What are your character’s views on the ‘Villains’? Are they just the lowest of one group or are they a show of what all Supers are destined to become?
Individually, Westley tends to view the "villains" with more lenience than your average New Yorker. He fears something happening to his loved ones, of course, but he isn't willing to lower a blanket label of "evil" over every so-called bad super that lives here. Westley does not believe all those with powers are destined to become darker and more sinister figures. However, past experience has made him all-too-certain that too much power can really go to a person's head.
How does your character feel about the fact that people have been able to require powers through science and procedures rather than from birth? Is this something that interests them? Do they think that science shouldn’t be messing with such things or that it is just the next obvious step?
Westley really isn't surprised by the fact that scientists have stepped in trying to riddle out ways to engineer abilities without waiting for the random hand of fate to make its choices. He also doesn't think they will stop at the stage they've reached. Westley is fully anticipating a time in the near future when people can flip through a catalog and select the power(s) they wish to possess. Sometimes he finds himself imagining older and wiser supers lecturing young people about how "chameleon skin may sound like the answer to all your problems right now but, when you're twenty-three, trying to travel abroad, and being put through endless uncomfortable security procedures to verify your identity, you'll remember how I warned you that you'd live to regret it." Westley doesn't really worry about the scientific experimentation but, if he were to express one concern, it's that perhaps the natural diversity in abilities will eventually turn out to be for a reason. If everyone going to these clinics chooses flight or invisibility, whole regions may one day find themselves up that proverbial creek without a paddle because the nearest person with shielding powers or water manipulation is three states away.
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