scarlet-doll-13 · 25 days
Eddie’s journey, stylistically, was quite specific. We started him as not particularly stylish. He comes from the army, he wears thick jumpers with waxed jackets. He has some sense of style, but that’s not driven him. What I wanted to happen to him was [that], over the series, he becomes more stylish, more put together, more structured, in terms of what he wears. By the end of the season, he’s wearing three piece suits, very structured, very gentleman-esque because he’s ascended to a position of power. With that, he has a sartorial illusion to him, so that was very specifically designed. 
Theo James Talks The Gentlemen, Royals, Comedy, & Career (Sharp Magazine)
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scarlet-doll-13 · 28 days
Dulce Periculum
Chapter Four now up! Hang onto your hats it's a long one.
The Gospel According to Bobby Glass - Part Three
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scarlet-doll-13 · 1 month
Betting on Hearts
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Cross-over: Contemporary! Peaky Blinders x The Gentlemen (2024)
Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Shelby!Reader,
Summary: Being the main face to the (legal*) Shelby Business Empire, you too dabble with the less than legal side when prompted to (against your Brother's wishes). So when a certain Duke and Glass Family start stirring things up on your doorstep, you decide to seduce the duke into compliance but maybe, Eddie had the same idea for you too...
Warnings: 5000~ words, depictions of blood, overprotective siblings, emotional manipulation (seduction), reader is a bit... much. Probably some other tags that I am forgetting
A/N: more notes later.
Masterlist | Taglist Request | read-through and edited.
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↳ The Shelby empire was dominant in many industries and with you being among the middle children, just behind your three older brother's, you mainly took to the newer parts of the business but you of course wrangled your way to the darker sides as well no matter how much your family protested (except for Polly, she openly cheered you on before her untimely passing)
↳ You were the Queen of import/export, the face to the Gin company and co-owner to your new digital sports betting app, your younger sister Ada had stepped in to help you manage it all. Using the earnings from the gambling you put it towards the branding and advertisements of your other departments and the greater Shelby corporation
↳ Arthur, the spirited yet your mentally-barley-afloat brother as he drank half the gin you supplied to his section of the business or found himself high as a kite while insisting on keeping your hands as clean as possible, coming with you on every assignment. Arthur maintained his "Garrison" bars across the country, moving on to establish high dining and was currently trying to stick the Shelby name into hotel management.
↳ John, a man that carried a huge heart with his irresistible charm and humor. He (while trying to convince the youngest, Finn to join him) managed the productions and manufacturing of each one of your industries. Supplying the parts, the bottles and ingredients, alongside the construction materials for every one of Arthur's expansions alongside supplying for your... darker dealings. The company, to a degree, was self-sustainable
↳ And of course, you had Thomas, the mastermind of the whole empire and the one you reported every minuscule detail to at the end of the day. You wouldn't call him kind, but he was considerate to a degree. You could always count on him to protect you where other's have failed but that also caused the greatest conflict between the two of you. It was hard, managing family verses business with him, lines always threatening to be crossed as your relationship was strained. Thomas respected you deeply, you had stuck with him when the rest of the family fell apart and offered him new perspectives to cultivating legal business. Yet he was too protective of you, he couldn't stand to lose you and openly admitted that you where his first choice if he needed to choose who would live
↳ In recent times, your family was playing chess against with a rising power called the Glass family who not so suitably started poking their fingers into your sectors, fixing your gambling sites with their newest expansions. You chuckled to yourself within Tommy's house. The men reported on the new business the Glass family had established, a boxing ring as you shoved Arthur in his chair with a teasing smile.
"Remember when you wanted to become a boxer, brother?" Arthur flips you the finger, a frown emerging from his moustache as he pours himself another drink, mumbling about you being a spoiled little brat yet you don't bother to catch the end of it.
The spy coughs, returning all of your attention back as Thomas glares at you both to hold yourselves, John's face has gone red trying to conceal his laughter at the childish faces you pull at him as Thomas throws his hand up, signalling for the man to continue.
"They have been having some difficulties in expanding their weed enterprise as well, we are still trying to get to the bottom of as to why this is as the documentation we have stolen shows nothing out of the sorts." A series of copied folders and photographs are then spread against the hardwood table as your painted nails sort through each stack, categorizing them in sequential order. Your green nail taps on top of a dead mans face thoughtfully stroking his cheek as you look at the bullet hole placed in between his eyes, "And what is the backstory to this incident exactly?" you comment.
The spy looks towards Thomas who already looks bored, there was nothing of significance to be said just yet but this newest bit of information had him raising as eyebrow. "Well, that kill was confirmed to be done by the new Duke of Halstead as I were one of the men stationed to dispose of it."
The spy throws another bundle on the table labelled, "The Duke." You excitedly snatch the manila folder quicker than anyone else at on the table as your eyes dart across every picture and piece of information you can grasp. Captain, Aristocrat, Medals... More Medals, Service, First Place, Honour Roll, Head Boy, Family Strain, oh... Your thoughts pause, cheeks heating when you flick up a stapled bundle of papers, a defined uniform, blue beret. The next page a Polo champion in college and deep black suit for the funeral. Slamming the folder shut, all eyes snap to the sudden noise.
"We are joining the upper echelon of society, brothers! Do let me meet up with him- I promise not to disappoint," you plead, already knowing that you are perfect for the mission. You and the Duke were both public-facing faces with one foot in reality and another in the pits. It would be a simple mission really, you convince yourself and your brothers as they immediately protest to the idea. Step in, seduce, convince him to sign-out and step out- as simple as that.
You look at Thomas, eyes strong, eyebrows furrowed as you level his stare. "You know I'm the only who can properly do this job, Thomas and if it does not work out, we can just kill them off just like the last, right?" The spy departs, bowing his head before speedily turning out of the room as tension only rises in the room, getting caught in your throat as you hitch your breath watching as Tommy's mouth moves into an echoing, "fine."
↳ So here you sat, in your covered box from the sun at the races. You clapped joyfully with a smile spreading your cheeks. You tip your hat down, seeing your bets adding up on your card as Ada cheered loudly beside you, leaning over the railing as she praises your chosen racer. Interviews for the sportsmen start as the Jockey casts a wink up at your sister. Ada throws down a business card the he clutches, placing it in his breast pocket with a tap to his chest before continuing to answer the post-race questions.
"Have yourself a date?" you tease out, picking up your spiked lemonade to hide your smile curving up into a knowing smirk. "Well you are one to talk sis, I heard down the grapevine that you had a certain duke chasing after you like Cinderella," Ada rebuttals, fixing herself a drink at the cart as you eye the three shots of vodka she stirs in, "isn't that a bit much for..." you look down at your wrist-watch, "...1PM? We do have dinner at Arthur's later tonight you know."
"We all can use a pick-me-up every now and then," she comments as you hum out, eyeing up your singular shot drink before shifting further down the couch to create space for her as she removes a pillow, placing it on her lap as she kicks off her heels and sets her feet up upon the coffee table. "Now, you didn't answer my question, go on then," she sasses, setting her drink down and leaning closer to you with knowing eyes gleaming into your own.
You roll your eyes, face going red while pushing her face away from your own as she laughs, "So you do have the hots for him!"
"No, its just that a second sun is bursting in my face and plus, we could never work," you retort, now refusing to meet her chasing eyes as she grips your hand. "Oh, come on (name)! details, details! don't leave me hanging here, thats brothers work," Ada presses forward just as your resolve crumbles. You place a hand to the bride of your nose, pinching as you eyes squeeze shut. "I won't repeat myself so listen closely," you start recalling the first day you met Captain and Duke, Edward Horniman.
↳ Running around your house, asking various staff members of your estate as to where your old mail had been distributed you felt around the thin papers and pages till you felt weight and lifted out the invitation from the stack. Mr. Johnston's Estate invites you to his quarterly festivities, your fingers trace over the pressed letters and seal before looking towards your closet
↳ You had worn a tailored dress that perfectly accentuated your body for tonights assignment. Within a closer inspection, various hand stitched black branches and birds spread across the top sheer level of fabric set to a black backdrop. Your hair was pinned upwards, showcasing the glowing skin of your neck and upper chest that you spent way too much time blending in with your makeup.
↳ You suitably leaned against the bar-top, feet already sore from the high heels you wore to make your legs appear longer and by the looks around the room, your plan of seduction was already in the works as a woman ordered a drink for the two of you. Her red lipstick simmering brightly under the dim lights, beckoning you in closer yet you held your resolve. Thanking her for the drink while placing a hand on her own before walking towards the neighbouring room. Feeling her stare as you left, you offered her a floating kiss before turning the corner.
↳ The windows were open as you walked down the long hall towards the cheers as multiple guests played various card games within the billiards room, you pulled the sleeves of your dress down further as you dropped the drink on a floating tray- it's sickeningly sweet taste formed a headache as you pinched your temples.
↳ You strolled around the room, smiling at every face that met yours, shaking hands with others as you enjoyed watching every. single. face. fall in recognition to who they were just flirting with. Stuttering apologies, you grew disappointed when their eyes drifted cautiously around the room for a threat of a man, one of your brothers. You scoff at this, turning towards the next.
↳ With the most recent man that was trying to capitalize on the half-attention you were giving him, absent-mindlessly nodding along to his business proposition as you both strolled around the estate, you found yourselves back at the entrance as your eyes snapped over to the late party-goers just making their arrivals, one of them being just the man you were waiting for as he stumbles through the open doors.
His beauty stumps you in person, the blurry pictures you obtained from at the table do not do the man justice as he practically glows under the warm lighting above. His hair tussled in a wind-swept way as your hands itch to fix every strand. Chocolate eyes are all you want to drink in before your attention is being called back as you start to glare at the intrusion.
"So what do you think, Mademoiselle Shelby?" the man asks to you, hand starting to drift up your arm, another on your leg before your eyes snap back down to his face from over the crowd. You rip your arm away from his touch, sending him a cold smile as you fix the lapels of his jacket for him, gripping the suit closest to his neck as you pull him closer to you. Any outside looker would think your reaction to be a romantic display yet by the sweat starting to form at his hairline, you were receiving just the reaction you wanted.
"I have no interest in working with a boy who already starts to sweat at the mere touch of a woman," and with that you drop him, watching as he falls into a group of people who all glare down at him, stepping around as he scrambles out the backdoor. You fix your appearance in your phones camera before making your way towards your mission.
Edward Horniman's Perspective
Re-buttoning his suit jacket, he places his keys in the hands of a staff-member while making his way up the stairs. Susie had been waiting for him in the lobby rather impatiently, her foot tapping against the tiled floors as she dully looked at the floral decorations that hug around the vaulted space before her eyes snapped to Eddie form spinning around to face her.
"You look a bit shit," she says while eyeing him up and down, taking notice to the small amount of blood beginning to form at his side with distaste.
"Remind me why we're here?" Eddie states, taking the conversation reigns as he begins to glance around the room. Susie begins walking closer to him, making their way out of the foyer.
"We are here to learn why Uncle Sam wants in to your estate and subsequently our Business," Susan replies, a subtle shake of her head as if ringing out the terrible idea of it all. Her feet start to falter as she instantly notices you stepping into the room behind them both with a champagne flute delicately place in your hand.
"Then whats his business?" Eddie pushes forwards, moving them both through the sea of people as Susie snaps her head back forwards, doing her best to maintain composure and not cause a scene as she allows Eddie to guide her further into the estate.
"Meth. He's made billions from it."
"Then what are you, Susan, a drug dealer with a heart?" Eddie question's, raising a brow as he stops to pick them both up a drink. A small smile spreading across his lips as they chime together before Susie proceeds to down the rest of it.
"Everything alright?" concern now rising in his features as he looks around the room, his gaze stopping, breath intaking sharply at the sight of you. He is unable to tear his gaze away as you turn your head to face him, you offer a small smile. Eyeing the man from his shoes, the seam of his pants, his neck that swallow deeply as your hand rises from your side, up to your collarbones as you delicately play with the necklace you wear. You finally stop at his eyes as you mouth a cheeky hello before turning around back towards the bar.
Susie still remains looking at her now empty drink, unknowing to Eddie's distraction by the sound of the crowd as she continues conversation normally. "We like money just as the next man, but his gear comes with a rather violent price tag. We stay in our lane because comparatively, its a peaceful one. We let him in, carnage will follow."
Susie now looks up, noticing that Eddie had not replied to her speech as she follows his gaze to your back as your fingers play with the lip of your cup. You laugh at whatever the bartender had just said to you before your glass has been topped off once more, you turn around, flashing them both a smile before slowly making your way closer to them.
Eddie takes a step forwards, wishing to meet you halfway before Susie reigns him in, nails digging into the arm of his suit jacket as she pulls him back to her side.
"I don't think you are quite ready for the big leagues, Captain-" Susan warns, looking at the side of Eddies face before he turns back to her, a charming smile accentuating his features before he speaks.
"I just killed a man, Susie. I think I can handle speaking to a woman-"
"Hm, well thats just not any ordinary woman, Edward. That is Miss. Shelby- the possible saviour to every one of our problems if we did not already... push some buttons," Susie states, smile waning as you get progressively closer, many people still try and gain your attention as you hold up your hand, wishing not to be disturbed.
"And there's room to fix that I'm sure, but what exactly did WE do?" Before Susie could answer, your heels are in front of Eddies dress shoes as you extend a hand forwards in greeting. "Miss. Shelby," Susie greets you with a composed look, her smile dropped as she tries to stare through you.
Edward picks up your hand, pressing a kiss on to the back of it as you hold hands for longer than necessary before pulling away. "Your Grace, Miss. Glass," you greet, "a pleasure it is to see you both here tonight." Your voice is like honey, hanging in the air as you smile at them both.
"The pleasure is all mine, Miss. Shelby," Edward replies, noticing Susie's mock indifference as she shifts her weight slightly under your faux-gentle eyes; sharped to a cutting-stare as you strike her down. "You two make a rather charming couple, if I may ask, how recent is this development?" you question, hiding your growing smirk in your drink as Eddie's gaze falls to your lips and the print you leave against the glass, snapping back up to your eyes- yours crinkle in a second greeting.
"You have yourself mistaken, Myself and Miss. Glass are merely business associates," Eddie clarify as you set your glass gently on the bar-top, hand brushing against Eddies bicep in the movement. Your eyes continue to lock on to one another, a silent conversation being played as you lean a bit closer, taking a deeper look at his features as you notice Eddies gaze roam your's own. In that moment, Susie decides to step back into the conversation.
"What does your family want?" she deadpans, eyeing the closing distance between you and Eddie with hardened eyes as her hand threatens to crush the glass in her hand. "Well, by the looks of it, your business had became my business, thanks to your mingling," you charismatically charm, hand hovering on Eddies arm as you adore the jealous look brewing inside her.
"And if you two are merely just associates, I think this calls for a more... personal discussion with the Duke since our businesses are now becoming tied together, is that not tight Susie?" you finish with as Eddie looks between the two of you, undeceiving of who to follow alongside. But by the look of your eyes snapping to his lips once more as you tongue swipes across your own, parting them slightly- his decision is made.
"I will be back in a moment, Susie," Edward says, following in-step as you lead him out of the crowded space. Just as Eddie reaches the hall, he casts his head back, sending Susie a knowing look as if to say, I'm fixing it before disappearing. Susie glares at your lipstick stained glass sat on the counter with distaste before being led towards Mr. Johnston by his assistant.
Your Perspective
Success, you cheer to yourself, as you loop your arm around Eddies arm, leading him towards a nearby study you know to be empty. The door softly closes behind you both. In the next moment, you pull Eddies arm to his side, shoving him against the door as it rattles from the impact.
Eddie's eyes are blown wide as he hisses out slightly in pain, forgetting about the gun-shot wound before becoming distracted by the feeling of your soft lips against his own. Your heels make you tall enough to capture his lips into a delicate battle of heated touches, your skirt being bunched up by Eddies hands, your gentle caresses of the stubble of his cheeks as playful bite his lower lip, wishing to explore more.
Gasping for air as you pull away, you further taint his skin a deep red to match his lips you coated in your lipstick. Pressing a kiss at the side of his mouth as he whispers out a tease before you trail over to his cheek, paving a way to his chin and down his neck as his head raises, exposing more skin for your greedy lips. He grips your hips, keeping you in place as you suck a mark onto the base of his neck. A soft moan escaping between his lips before an equally greater hiss as blood continues to pour out of his side.
You take a step back, gently opening his jacket, your eyes cast upwards, through your lashes as you playfully pout. You place a palm at his inner thigh, watching as his eyes grow in size as your hand drifts just past the growing bulge in his pants- stopping slightly before the wound as you hum out thoughtfully while looking at it.
"My, my, your grace. Whatever do you have here?" You rhetorically ask before pressing your hand into the opening, listening as he hisses out, hands swiftly moving off your hips and onto your hand as they pull your touch off of him side.
"You little fucking temptress," Eddie curses out, eyes darkened as his tongue sweeps over his lips, you take a few steps back. The Duke presses himself off the wall, taking wide strides as your hands begin to sweat yet you do not break eye contact. Continuing to swiftly walk backwards as best you can in heels before tripping over a rug and falling against the back of a chair.
Eddie's arms cage you in against the chair, your breath hitching as he places his face within the crook of your neck. His facial hair tickling your skin, a soft burn forming with every word he speaks, "Now tell me, Miss. Shelby, what is it you want from me?"
You swallow. Hard. Knuckles turning white at the force you grip the chair with before trying to compose yourself, a shaky breath you exhale conceal in a moan. Pressing a kiss to the shell of his ear, "I want you to kiss me, Eddie," you murmur, hand fixing those curls you wanted to from the start. Your fingers curl around a few strands within an instant as Eddie sucks a bruise to your neck, licking the area afterwards. "What are you here for?" he questions once more as you shake your head, wondering how far you can truly push this.
"No. That was not a proper kiss, sir. Kiss me." You state again, taking a deep breath in as victory when Eddie pulls away, eyes boring into your own, blood now tainting the band of his pants as your eyes flicker down to it. Your chin is gripped as Eddie pulls you into that proper kiss you were begging for but he pulls away too quickly as you press your lips together to hide your frown. Your cheeks were warm, hair a mess, your chest raises up and down like you had just ran a mile.
Edward appears in the same state as he stumbles back, hand gripping his side, eyes tipping down to your chest before snapping back up with a cold look- you needed to answer, couldn't have your signature bleeding out before he could sign.
"I need you out of my bettings, your grace," you breathily state, hand placed on your chest as you feel your heart-rate still bumping fast. You take deeper intakes of air, feeling for your heart starting to slow as you watch Eddie crunch over, blood-loss starting to make him go dizzy.
You swiftly stand and hobble towards the desk, finding a first aid kit in one of the lower drawers as you unknowingly bend down in front of Eddie as he curses you out once more, you look back, murmuring an apology before standing up straight and beginning to make work of his clothes, jacket off, tie discarded and shirt unbuttoned, you pluck the remnants of the bullet out from his side.
Eddie grits his teeth together, hands curled into fists as he watches you work, your tweezers poking into his muscle. "If you would stop watching me so closely, maybe I could focus more and poke you less," you sass, looking up at his while blowing the hair out of your eye. Eddie fixes the stand behind your ear before raising his hand once more. "Well just a minute ago you were practically on your knees begging for me to look at you," Eddie responds with a smirk, you huff and maintain your work, gathering the last bits of metal before treating the area and wrapping his torso snuggly.
The Duke's blood stains your hands as you look down at them thoughtfully. The thick liquid cascades off your fingertips, falling onto your dress, marking a pair of birds. "You owe me a new dress," you say, wiping your hands with the small cloth the kit provided before taking a stand. You start to walk away before Eddie grasps your arm, you pause mid-step, feet now plated in wait.
"Thank you, Miss. Shelby. I will sign to never fix a game with your business if you promise to have a meeting with Miss. Glass and I," Edward compromises, letting go of your arm and watches as you walk towards the exit, "I don't think you are in any position to make compromises, nevertheless demands, Edward. But... I'll keep you updated on my decision," and with that you close the door softly behind yourself for him to get dressed. Pressing your forehead to the wooden surface, you grip your hands into fists before settling your head up high as you descend the stairs and move towards the coat room. You sneak your keys and coat before slipping out the side door and walk towards your car.
A series of hastened footsteps against the gravel have you rolling down the window to your Range Rover, foot on the brake, hands on the wheel- ready to make haste. You do your best not to be surprised when the Duke's face greets you on the other side, a I know something you don't smile resting on his features as you raise a brow to it.
"We never exchanged contacts," he states to you casually, as if it were the weather. You hum out, analyzing his statement while look out the windshield before looking back at him. Light rain begins to fall as you press a lingering kiss to his cheek, "I will find you in due time, you and Miss. Glass. Have a good night, your grace." And with that, you roll up your window, and drive off underneath the moonlight.
You take a deep sip of your drink as Ada sits still, mouth open as you swear to be losing circulation to you hand. Pins and needles start to form at your fingertips form how tightly she holds onto your hand. "Fuck, sis. Sounds like you got him good," Ada says, barley able to conceal her smile.
Shaking your head you take a deep sip of your near melted lemonade before clearing your throat and checking for the time, it would be an hour's drive from here, you both had to leave soon. "Well even if I have managed to, 'get him good...'" you raise your hands in quotations, starting to mock even the idea of you two together yet your heart speaks otherwise, beating rapidly in your chest as you recount the feeling of his lips on yours. The small hickey on your neck still bruised as you wonder if his has healed since then.
Ada raises a brow, watching as you absent-mindedly reach up towards your mark, fingers circling around the mark as you continue to speak, "...Tommy would never allow it-"
"Fuck what Tommy thinks, he's not you. Do YOU want to see him again?" Ada cuts you off, a serious look taking over every feature, tightening into sharp lines- as if daring you to say else-wise.
You refuse to meet her eyes, looking outside to the near empty tracks, "I mean..."
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↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly @iamasimpingh0e @kneelarmhstrung @surazim
↳ A/N: What did you all think? I am quite happy with this being a standalone but I am willing to write a pt.2. If you have any ideas as to where it could go- send an ask, DM, or comment and I'll see what can be done further :) (i'm also taking a break soon... maybe... probably).
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scarlet-doll-13 · 1 month
Dulce Periculum
Chapter Three now uploaded.
The Gospel According to Bobby Glass - Part Two
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Friend of the Captain (pt.3)
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Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Reader
Summary: Fate keeps pulling its strings, but your's and Eddies appear to be drifting further and further apart- only to see one another at weddings or funerals. But maybe one day, luck will be in your side and then something beautiful can flourish (with a side of cash, of course).
Warnings: 5000~ words, language and light teasing, angst (emotional, alcohol and drug usage, dark thoughts) to fluff, jealousy, and pining (of course).
A/N: Apologies for the wait everyone! A few timings changed but I need plot- okay.
Masterlist | Taglist Request | somewhat un-edited.
(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
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↳ "...you're the best friend I could have ever asked for," your words stung, shattering Eddie's heart beyond repair as his face twitched before hiding it in your palm. He made a promise as a child, to always have you in his life yet even as you got closer together, the more he realized how far apart your both were as that moment became a mere distant memory. Eddie was needy for more yet you had already packed up your bags, closed the estate for the summer and went off to find new inspiration worldwide.
↳ He ended up reading a few of the gossip articles his mother left on the coffee table one morning, hot pink, zoomed in features and question marks galore as you walked around in beach wear with another man on your arm. He gripped the magazine, throwing it back on the table before packing his bags and returning back to base.
↳ When Christmas came around once again, you were not at the estate- a newfound tradition it seemed yet your gifts were still left under the tree, perfectly wrapped with each Horniman getting a gift. Eddie looked at the professionally wrapped gift, chuckling to himself at the childish wrapping paper you always insisted on using. This Christmas it was a bunch of little green cars with elf's behind the wheel.
Tearing into the gift, Eddie pauses as he slowly turns the box open to find a custom engraved watch. Flipping it backwards, his finger traces over the engraving- "Always." His mother peers over his shoulder, smiling from ear to ear as she inspects the jewelry. "I'm jealous, Edward," she teases, as Charlotte mockingly coo's- loving as her brother's cheeks paint themselves a pinkish hue. Freddy is already drowning himself in the new bottle of liquor your most recent boyfriend was the owner of its production before Tammy demands her own fair share of the drink.
↳ More years had passed and it was September already. You had yet to go back to dating, stepping away from romance scene at the current news that rocked your world, sending you crashing towards the floor as you fell into your office chair. Gripping your hair, tears streamed endlessly from your eyes as one of your assistants rapidly books the private jet back home to England- both of your parents were just announced dead to the public before you had known privately.
They were on a charity meeting with local schools and had crashed in their helicopter- dying instantly. You felt sick, seeing their bodies broadcasted over live television, smoke exiting from the aircraft as you lunged towards the toilets and threw up your lunch. "The plane has been booked, ma'am," your assistant calls from behind the door as you dress in full black and head towards the airstrip.
↳ You were surprised to find a series of reporters already waiting for you on the runway. Putting on your newest mock-design of sunglasses- it was going to be your first break into another market. Lights flashed in your face, hands racing to pull you into their microphones and endless questions yet the airport staff were not trained for a mob of this size.
They bursted through, making you fall towards the ground as you curled up into a ball- doing your best to avoid being trampled further. You quickly worked your hands through your pockets, clicking the power button thrice in quick succession as your first emergency contact was called and before you knew it- Freddy and Tammy were bursting through the crowd, fists raised as reporters fled the scene.
They were dressed in head to toe in black, ready to take you back towards your family's estate and to the funeral. You stood at the front, head tipped low as your flowing black dress drifted in the crisp cold air. It clung to your bones, finding any skin you had yet to hide as you silently cried, head leaning towards Charlottes already waiting presence as she whispered her condolences to you before pulling away.
You blinked rapidly, doing your best to dry your cheeks as a warm body at your back had you raising an eyebrow, especially when their arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a strong hug as your skin became tickled by their stubble. "I came as soon as I could," Eddie spoke over the wind, watching as everyone started making their way towards their cars as light rainfall began to come down.
You turned yourself around in his arms, cries turning into laughter as you shook your head into his shoulder, hands gripping the fabric of his suit, threatening to tear it apart just as you forced yourselves apart. You shook your head, taking another step back as you continued to laugh, Eddie took a large stride forward, head lowering in worry- trying to catch your eyes as your hair began to fall over your face. Taking a sharp sniffle you spoke in even tones, "We only see each other at weddings or funerals, Edward."
"Darling I-" you hold up a hand, shaking your head once more as you take another step back, Eddie moves forward as you dance around one another, rain falling heavier as you walk yourself under a tree canopy. "I made a promise to my father years ago, he wanted me to stop talking with you- begged me on his deathbed that I was unknowing of recently. I made a compromise of being friends yet... If these are the times we find each... Edward I-"
"Please, don't call me Edward," Eddie cuts you off, heart racing as he processes the information you speak. I always knew that old man hated me from the start, business over pleasure any day of the week, Eddie thought to himself. Hands now grasping your shaking shoulders as you can't support yourself with the overwhelming grief- falling forward into his arms. "Eddie," you whisper out in a pleading tone yet unknowing of what you wanted.
Before you both could think further on the subject, your lawyers were demanding of your presence to sign the papers, as the only child of your parents. You were the Duchess of the estate now as the endless sea of documents and hearings suggested. And those small hugs and words sat still underneath that tree, rooted in place as Eddie got called back to work and in the trauma of it all, you were glad everyone left- wanted everyone to leave you alone.
The cameras everywhere started to become too much, the people constantly checking in- tip-toeing around you, as if you would break with their soft tones and bittersweet, pity-filled smiles that mocked the constant aching of your heart and mind. Articles floated around, showing old pictures, telling the world of how you were living the high life with dead money but you had money, you had fame, before this all and now, you wanted to escape it all.
↳ That man you were with was an old picture, that boat party was in early spring and that engagement ring was false news as you threw your phone across the room as it shattered against the tiles. In reality you were sat in your bathtub, barley breathing above the water. You have been feeling an overwhelming numbness in your present and soon enough, you were pulling at everything to just FEEL something these days.
Looking down at your hand, the family crest engraved ring upon your finger sat heavy as you came to realize what such titles costed. Someone was yelling your name from the other side of the door, pounding against the heavy wood as you sunk under, watching the bubbles of your breath break the surface of the water above.
You close your eyes, emptying your lungs before coming back up to the surface and clearing the hair from your eyes. You drain the tub, wet feet pattering against the marble floors and towards the vanity- your gear already waiting for you as you got strapped in and flung the door open.
↳ Determine to FEEL you tested drugs, tested alcohol but they both lost their kick. You tried sleeping around again yet could never get off, so you drove down country streets as fast as you could, jumped out of planes, flung yourself off cliffs and climbed up mountains.
↳ Your business was running in the background as you let it run itself. You sent all the staff home for the remainder of the year with their wages at the estate as you walked the line between fear and adrenaline.
↳ Sabrina had called you after receiving news of you being in the hospital. You had fractured your shoulder from a skiing incident, you smiled through the drugs, holding a thumbs up for the picture as she cried at the image. You looked so lifeless with those eyes, your skin appearing grey as a walking corpse yet you could care less. People still wanted to sleep with you, to "live that high life" and you allowed them to just as every paper told you to.
↳ What surprised you was seeing Freddy out of all people telling you off by your bedside. Tammy nowhere to be seen as he gripped your hand- pleading. You look at him blankly in the eyes, almost falling asleep to what you have heard a thousand times before. Yet there is one question that catches you off guard, your neck straining as you quickly look away to hide the tears beginning to stream down your face.
"W-What would Eddie think of you right now? He's off somewhere, probably getting shot at- thinkin' that his job was ensuringhis girl is safe at home. What a fuckin' joke (name), if you are gonna listen to anything I say, know that you are a joke- and thats coming from the definition of it."
You shake your head, now playing with the various cords in your hands, threatening to rip them out as you choke back a sob. "I'm sorry, Freddy, I'm so sorry for being such a fuckin' mess," you sputter between your lips, taking shallow breaths as your heart monitor rapidly beeps, nurses running into the room as Freddy stands up from his seat as positions himself at the foot of your bed.
"Yeah, well saying you are is a great step, now make something of it because I can't deal with all these crying people. Fathers health is gone- I think this is it..."
↳ Under a year later, Eddies father had passed. You remember never driving more of a wildly than then down the country roads, almost clipping a gate in the process as you opened the door with your own key. Staggering into the new dukes office and sitting by the fire once more as you held his head in your lap, he clenched onto your waist- crying before a knock at the door had him switching back off, hardened exterior as if nothing happened.
↳ You stood up quickly, brushing off your clothes and nodded to him with pained eyes and shaking hands. Your heart burned, wanting to help yet the hollowed look he sent you with the tip of his head was enough to have you swiftly out the door and here you were, dressed in black again as Eddie stood beside you, face hardened while carrying his father to the hole in the ground and while making no move to touch you. You stepped a bit closer to his side once seeing the woman from across the fence looking intently at you both, please make it not be another reporter.
↳ Eddie folded, wrapping an arm around your torso as he pulled you under his long coat- thinking you to be cold as you gripped his hip, turning your head away from their stares and whispered a prayer, setting your bundle of flowers against the grave as Eddie make his own remarks. You both going inside the home.
↳ Sabrina openly sobbed into your shoulder, this is the first time she had seen you since your most recent accident as she whispered in your ear, albeit a bit loudly- perhaps on purpose as Eddie's head snapped over to the both of you- pausing his conversation with Tammy. "I am so thankful that you are alive."
"Why wouldn't they be, mother?" Edward questions, looking between you both with the most remorse he has shown today. Your eyes snap down to his wrist as he plays with the watch you gifted him a few holidays ago. "I don't think this is my thing to speak about, Edward." And with that, she picks up her drink and strides over to the table as the lawyer stands, emptying various files from their brief case to the table.
Memories flash through your minds before Eddie holds your hand, you intertwine your fingers together, giving it a light swing while being unable to look at him in the eyes as you play with the ring on his finger. "I lost myself, Eddie. I-I'm still a bit lost really... I'm getting better- promise just, I fucked up."
"Hey, look at me, darling, look at me, (name)," Edward calls out to you, using his other hand to pick up your chin as you blink away tears. He presses a kiss to your forehead, using a soft tone, "and we will find you again, promise."
↳ Eddie was later pulled away from you as you made your silent escape and exited the room, Eddie becoming drowned in those all-too-familiar papers. You were un-noticing to Sabrinas thoughtful look as you exited the house just as fate would have it for the two of you, so close yet ever-so far.
Geoff was already standing by the front door, tipping his hat towards you as you playfully bowed back- engine roaring back to life as he knocked on your window. Rolling it down with a charming smile, "Everythin' alright Geoff?"
"Yes, my Lady. Just curious- you're not stayin'?"
"Oh... no... I think... never mind," you stutter, smile fluttering as he hums out in reply. "We hope to see you around more often your grace, mother misses you like her own," you nod politely, "I will do my best to then," you state before rolling back up your window and rolling out back down those country roads.
↳ That day Edward Horniman was established as the Duke of Halstead. The news once again meeting your phone screen rather than the word of those close to you.
↳ You wish you could say that you saw one another right after that, but after you made a spontaneous visit to the Halstead manor. The staff members look panicked as they speedily greeted you and tried to move you towards the seating room as you shook them off. Placing your bags by the door before walking further down the hall and towards the office. You looked through the french doors, heart dropping as that woman you had seen earlier flashed Eddie a charming grin.
Sabrina clapped her hands joyfully at whatever had been said as childish jealousy ran rampant in your chest. You glared at the woman, her face tilted away from yours, everyone unknowing of your presence before you walked calmly back down the hall. Picking up your bags with your head held high, the various staff members chased after you, "How about you stay for tea miss? Oh, I'm sure the Duke will be overjoyed to have you stay, Could I bring you bags upstairs for you?"
You sent everyone a small sad smile, their heads dropping down as they silently understood your decision. You dropped your bags back into the boot of your car, slamming the door close as you drove back down the gravel roads. Luna chasing after your car with a wagging tail.
Edwards meeting had finished as he dismissed everyone from the room, standing while taking a sip of his tea- his heart lunged forwards at the sight of your car driving away. He hastily placed his drink down, running down the stairs as his mother called out to him, warning him of the cold weather that morning yet as he opened the door, he could no longer see your car and that door shut just as quickly.
↳ You would try again to see Eddie, yet that woman was always seen right beside him. There was some dark part of you that hoped Eddie would never go back to dating, that you could be selfish yet it would be unfair as you had done your fair share of it. Unknowing to the pain Eddie kept to himself seeing you so happy with someone else. It seemed to him the only times he ever got to see you was when it rained and rained it did.
↳ You took a ride around the estate, really both of your estates since no formal fences were placed. You strode over the overside of the pond, eyes squinted at the sight of the woman once more falling in step with Eddie as Luna raced between their feet. You continued your ride, looking up to the grey gloomy skies with distaste and the next moment you looked back across, they all were gone - if just by your imagination.
↳ You were dressed to the nines, a flowing emerald gown drifting off each curve of your body, emphasizing your natural features as you swirled around the crowds of hungry business men and jealous wives as you picked up a champagne glass from a walking tray and returned to Mr. Johnston's side.
↳ A hand written and delivered invitation graced your doorstep, too tempting to refuse- it had been sometime since you last stepped into the spotlight and done yourself up, and so you went all out. You showcased your newest jewellery line- finally finding more inspiration the more times you reminisced around your inherited property.
↳ A rather bizarre relationship you held with Mr. Johnston as well, as he had tried to purchase your land yet smiled and waved away his deal like a fleeting thought. Mr. Johnston have given you many expensive gifts since them to keep your company with him- adoring your intelligence in everything accessory or business related as you reviewed materials for him as a side-gig and token of friendship
↳ You swayed lightly to the music as he introduced to you hundreds of faces, beyond impressed that me managed to remember the names and family connections of them all. You smiled politely, kissing cheeks and making small talk before being led to the next person, ignoring the stares as they watched you from behind- gown drifting away with you.
↳ Much to your surprise, you were being introduced to the Duke of Halstead himself yet for once you were not most interested in Eddie but the woman that stood ever-so elegantly by his side.
"Susie Glass, its an honour your grace," she said politely, red lipstick curving up into a small smile as you shook hands lightly, swiftly dropping your connection before Eddie picked up your hand, pressing a delicate kiss to the back of it. You both maintained eye-contact as he did so, never wavering before Johnston coughed, and you tipped your head down, a smile fighting against your lips as did Eddies.
With your gaze down, you ignored the rather pushing tones of both parties, focused on the small red liquid, is that blood?, starting to form at the edge of Eddie's shirt. You shifted your weight to stand closer to him, starting to open your mouth to question before Mr. Johnston was calling your name.
"You never told me, duchess that you and the duke had grown up together, what a wonderful sight to see two friends reconnecting. If you will Ms. Glass, I think we should allow them so time to reunite," Johnston comments, eyeing the closing distance between yours and Eddies forms as you blink a thanks to him as he leads Susie towards the bar.
"Is there something you wish to tell me, your grace?" you tease out, hands drifting up his chest to fix his jacket. You hold him there as his eyes quickly flash down to your lips and back up towards your eyes. Your head tilting, well that has changed....
"Can I not admire the dress? It has been some time since we have last seen each other like this. What was it, when we were 20-something?" You instantly remember that night, cheeks a hard red as you blindly follow Eddie down the hall and into an empty room, the door clicks locked as you become lost in the memory.
Eddie had pushed you up against a wall, the paintings swinging almost off their nails as your own scraped against his roots, ensuring that yours lips stayed on one another in a passionate kiss. The shoulder of your dress began to fall as did Eddie's lips, trailing down your chin, to your throat where he sucked a bruise as you softly moaned in his ear.
It was so wrong, you had a boyfriend waiting for you back at university, it was your childhood best friend- the one you promised your father never to be with and yet as he picked you up, hands feeling up your dress and pushed you onto a bed. It never felt so right.
Eddie climbed on top of you, smashing his lips onto your own once more as you whimpered and moaned as he chuckled, shushing you lighting before continuing his attack. You began to unbuttoned his shirt. Nails working down his abs as you smirked to the sound of his breath hitching as you created your own markings to his neck.
Nothing more ever came from your heated make-out sessions or hook-ups. Always resulting in being, "good friends" with one another who needed help...
"Everything alright there, darling?" Eddies baritone voice pulled you out of the memory as you his chest pressed flat against your bare back where your dress dripped. His hands on your hips, his head on your shoulder as you both swayed back and forth lightly.
You pick your hand up, placing it on top of his hands on your waist, circling around each bloody knuckle with concern. "What have you not been telling me, Eddie?" that you love me, your brain pleads to finish for him yet you hold your tongue, bitting your lip from saying anything more.
Eddie hums deeply into your ear as goosebumps coat over your skin, gods you feel like such a horny teenager. But to be fair, that would be the last time you were romantically involved. "I think I will need a few more drinks before I become an open book but, I have been busy in managing my fathers... businesses."
You step away from his touch, gathering distance, eyes firm, "I know what your family does, Edward. Longer than you apparently. I believe it to be the reason why my father never wanted me settling with someone like you-"
"Someone like me?" Eddie challenges. "Do you even have the faintest idea of what Mr. Johnston has done, what your previous boyfriends have done?-"
"Yes, I do. And that should make you understand why I still decide to come back to you, after everything," you finish with, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs by an unlit fireplace as Eddie stands in front of you, undoing his jacket with a hiss as you tut him off in a posh tone.
"Why, Edward-dear, it appears you are the one learning new ideas, would you like some help with that?" You tease out, watching as his shirt turns a deeper red. Edwards rolls his eyes playfully at you as you drink up the sight of this beautiful man, even when bleeding and threatening to stain the designer rug underneath you both.
You kneel lean forward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as Eddie un-do's his bowtie, it hangs off his shoulders as you dress the wound with the supplies sat conveniently waiting on a nearby shelf. "Arms up now, captain," you playfully command as Eddie complies.
"Never knew you to be such a bossy one," Edward sarcastically comments, looking down at the top of your head fondly. You look up at him through your lashes, blinking twice before continuing your work. "And I never knew you to be bedding your associates-"
A knock at the door sounds as Eddies delicate look before a glare, enforcing that you both would speak about the topic later as you wipe your hands and lean back in the chair, smiling at the women as Eddie leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek in thanks as he straightens his clothes out.
"Hello, Susan," the Duke greets the once mysterious lady as you look between the two of them, jealousy brewing in your stomach once more, your hands itching to hold on to some part of Eddie once more. "What have you done to him, duchess?" Susie asks you, hands presses and leaning forwards against the back of a chair opposite of yours.
You smile gracefully at the woman, beginning to stand yet as you approach her, Eddie softly grasps your wrist, holding you in place. "Well, by the looks of it. He has been shot- what have you been doing with him, Susie?" you fire back.
"Really then?" you cut her off with a scoff as you wiggle your hand from Eddies grasp, moving towards the door, you can hear multiple people moving in the hallway as you curse out, your dress spotted with blood. "Alright then, I think it's time for a sharing circle then..."
"You killed a man?" you ask calmly as Eddie slowly nods his head. "That was something I did- yes-"
"and by the sounds of it, it will not be your last... or hers..." you reply, head leaned into your hand as you found yourself seated once more. The party-goers were dying by the hour as you all soon made your speedy walks back towards your cars.
You joined Eddie that night, helping to redress the wound, dress him for the night, pouring you both another few drinks before pulling him into bed. What surprised you most was his tight grip on your waist as he pulled you down beside him. "Eddie I am not dressed for bed," you spoke softly, not wishing to awake anyone near.
"Sleep naked, wouldn't be the first time-"
You covered his mouth with your hand, shaking it away as he gave it a playful kiss. You heart lunged at the memory of a moment similar to this when you had just been cheated on. Yet you ultimately decide to make yourself comfortable, just as the last, kicking off your shoes but deciding to stare at the side of his face illuminated by the dying embers of the fireplace.
"You know, I think I have had enough drinks for tonight," Eddie comments as you hum out, eyes falling heavy as you press your head into your pillow for the night, taking a deep breath in- "I love you, (name). I've said it so many times to myself that it surprises me to sound so right saying it aloud," you are wide awake now, exhaling heavily as your legs twist together underneath the covers.
"I thought you were with Ms. Glass," you speak in a meek tone, not wanting your heart to explode twice, only one of you can be injured at a time. Edward chuckles, head shaking as he looks at you, brown eyes staring deeply into your own, "Well that same woman told me not to sleep with the help, I'm just taking her advice."
"Well she sounds like a very smart lady then, leaving all the more for me," you tease out, lips pressed together as you eye his own. Eddie leans forward, humming out as your lips connect, your hand finding the back of his head before a hiss escapes between his lips and you rapidly pull back.
"Oh shit, sorry," you apologize, looking under the covers to see your knee brushing into his bruised side. "You can always kiss it better," Eddie retorts as you roll your eyes and press a peck to his lips. "whats that supposed to solve?" And soon you both are up into the early morning hours.
When you awakened the next morning, having breakfast together in the study, you nearly spat our your tea with the words that escaped Eddies lips, "Would you help me steal a car if I asked politely?"
A smirk meets a smile as you tap your chin in mock-contemplation. "sure" you shrug, pulling the man into another kiss with a chuckle. And thus kicked off the rest of your lives together with a healthy side of cash.
↳ Lady Sabrina brought flowers and a bottle of wine to your mothers grave for a chit chat. She poured out to glasses, sitting one by the tombstone as she commented on the nutty taste of the substance.
"I was right in the end, you know. They are a rather marvellous couple and you really should have ended things with that husband of yours. My boy was only ever the most substantial choice, rather embarrassing to think otherwise."
Sabrina could imagine your mother glaring down at her, slipping her the bird while maintaining a pleasant smile. But in due time she would await that interaction as she sipped her wine, embracing victory as she squinted across the field watching as you and Eddie did shooting practice near the woods with a satisfied hum.
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(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly @iamasimpingh0e @kneelarmhstrung
↳ A/N: I think thats a wrap for Friend of the Captain... but definitely not for my writing on the Gentlemen (2024)!
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
"Can you check my heart?"
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Paring: Jack Glass x afab!Reader
Summary: You are part of Mr. Glass's ringside team as a corner/cut man. You care for his wellbeing, prepare him for every fight, and act as an assistant outside of the ring. With all this time spent together- you both appear inseparable but as Jack puts it... your time together is always work-based... right?
Warnings: I know hardly anything about boxing/competitive fighting. Mutual pining, emotional angst, mentions blood and injury, light swearing, violence, protectiveness, jealousy, and fluff.
A/N: I am actually flabbergasted at the lack of gifs, edits, and pictures there are online of this man- your author here was scrambling for todays mood board. Thank you for the ask @gee72sstuff !!
Masterlist | Taglist Request | edited.
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↳ You had been scouted and subsequently recruited to Mr. Glass's team only a mere months ago from an opposing boxer. Jack's trainer insisted that your hands worked magic and now, you had more than sufficiently proved that point.
The bell had rung, the round ending and you only had a few minutes until Jack would be called back to the centre, various voices yelled and cheered around as you stepped through ropes and leaned down in front of a sitting Jack. He eyes were set cold and dark over your shoulder into the other corner, his shoulders were tense as he breathed heavily.
Taking your hands, you raised his arms and set them atop your shoulders before gripping his jaw to inspect his face over for any cuts or scrapes as you made haste of applying the chemicals. He did not wince or stir once as you counted down the minutes in your head and focused on your work unknowing to the small smirk casting over his features.
The boxer opened his mouth, leaning forwards and trying to brush your foreheads against once another yet you pulled back as he scoffed and looked at you in the eyes before you shined a light in his pupils, checking for a concussion after the rather nasty hit he sustained at the end of the round. Blinking rapidly afterwards you patted his shoulders, grossing yourself out instantly by the sweat that now coated over your palms.
With a minute left, you raised his gloves off your shoulders, "Focus up, trainer has some pointers," you shouted over restless fans as Jack provided a firm nod and you slipped back through the ropes. Taking a seat near the commentators, your knee bunched anxiously, mixed anxiety and adrenaline pounding in your ears just as a clear glass of ice and liquor was waved in your face, a few droplets spewing on your pants.
Flicking your eyes over, Susie Glass sent you a smile as you took the drink, chugging it down before placing it on the table behind your chairs as the next round started. "Thanks for that- needed it," you said while wiping your mouth with a new towel from your bag. "I could tell," she said, eyes focused on the match as you did the same.
Jack slammed his glove into his opponents jaw, blood spewing out onto the canvas below as you both stood up, fists raised in a cheer, the ref kneeled beside the downed boxer, the crowd chanted as you started to make your way ringside for a potential early closing of the round, equipment bag slung over your shoulder as the trainer bumped their shoulder with your own with a large smile.
The man kneeled into a stand with a slight wobble as the ref checked them over before signalling for the round to start once more. Jack bounced up and down, feet dancing around as he took a shot to his shoulder as you winced hands now gripping the warn leather strap of your bag as it made indents into your palms. Jack proceeded to duck around a combination of swing before slamming a body shot into his opponents side, the bell ringing a few moments later as you jumped into the corner.
Allowing the trainer their time with Jack, you took a stand at his side, hands casting over his shoulder as you assessed the bruising and placed an icepack gently to the hit. You brought a water bottle filled with electrolytes from your bag, using your other hand to help him take small sips before you both were called out of the ring for the final round.
Your eyes kept flicking between the clock and Jack as you took your seat back beside his sister who now gripped your arm, her bright acrylic nails digging into your arm as she squeezed every time Jack narrowly missed a hit. You cursed out, watching as a small cut appeared on Jack's cheek, blood dripping and falling off his cheek as you prepared your medical supplies, mindlessly taking a quick sip form his water bottle as mouth became dry in panic.
"That was fucking gross," Susie calls from beside you as you snap your head towards the ring instinctively, now further injuries you could see as you swing your head towards Susie who stares down at you, thirty seconds left on the clock. "What was?" you questioned with a raised brow, hands now blindly searching around the bag for were your scissors went. "You just drank out of the same bottle," she deadpans as you shrug your shoulders.
"We share food and drinks all the time, hardly any difference," you state before running back to Jacks corner as the final bell has rung, Susie hot on your heels as Jack raises his hands up in victory. Eyes searching over the crowd before finding his team, sending you a wink that you just barley catch.
You bend over the ropes, you quickly lead Susie through the various guards, reporters and photographers alike towards her brother before trying to slip back through the crowd. Jack hastily grasps your arm, wrapping it around your shoulder before slinging his other arm over your waist as you crash into his chest. Your nose scrunches up in disgust as Jack chuckles above you, his breathing starting to even out in pace as yours only speeds up, cheeks a flushed pink before Jack allows you to pull away.
Susie looks towards her brother with a raised brow as Jack tilts his head, preforming nonchalance as both his manager and trainer lead you all back down the hall and into the locker room. Your endgame schedule follows out as scheduled, Jack holding up his gloved in front of your face with warm eyes as you smile and gently pull them off for him, setting them in a nearby duffle bag before inspecting his hands thoroughly as his trainer begins an ice bath in the back.
Jack's manager and Susie stand with the bodyguards by the door, speaking in hushed tones as they talk money and bets. You pick Jacks left hand up, eyes casting over every knuckle and finger, asking him to extend each once before flipping his hand around and repeating the same actions for his other hand.
The boxer loves this moment, the peace of having you play with his bruised hands and features without a care in the world but your touch against his skin. Black latex gloves now cover your hands as you carefully pull away each bandage and fix every cut, scrape, and bruise to the best of your ability. His trainer places his hands on the back of your chair as you add the finishing touches alongside your favorite part, the infamous kiddy plaster you place against one of his knuckles- a symbol of your work. You open the options, and choose an astronaut themed band-aid as a giggle escapes your mouth as you pat it down onto his hand.
Jack picks up your finished work, inspecting it with a chuckle himself before helping you to stand and leading you towards his sister. "Good fight, Jack," Susie states, inspecting over your work with a satisfied hum. "Thanks sis, great work doc- as usual," he teases as you swerve away from another hug, stepping out into the hall as Jack starts to undresses at the sound of the door closing behind his sister and sets himself to bathe and shower.
You then go into assistant mode, walking alongside his manager towards the end of the hall as you book a car and set a reservation at a nearby restaurant in the downtown core. As you press close on the call and switch your runners into heels, using the wall for support, you stumble forward at the call of your name from down the hall as you spin around to face the opponents manager with a professional smile and extended hand.
Much to your surpass they rotate your hand, bending down and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand as you look to your side, seeing the stressed look of Jack's current manager eyeing you both, eyes flickering down the hall in a panic as you pull your hand away, smile tightening into a thin line. "Is there something you wish to talk about?" you cut straight to business as they send up a smirk, standing tall and fixing their suit jacket.
"Yes there is something, maybe it is better to be discussed behind close doors, I have a... proposition for you-" heavy footsteps come crashing down the hall before stopping beside you, a hand now rests on your lower back. Jack casts a charismatic smile their way, arm flexing under the letter-jacket he wears as clear your throat. "What's going on here, love?" Jack asks sarcastically, "Nothing much, just a potential new job..." you trail off, tipping your head up to his face, "Really now?" he raises an eyebrow. "Yes really, now if you can excuse us both, I have an offer to listen to, Mr. Glass. You have a dinner booked with lovely Susie here and the Duke of Halstead- he sends his praises on todays fight. I forwarded the email a few minutes ago, it should be in your inbox alongside the meeting notes with your manager later this evening. Your apartment has also been cleaned, there are a set of roses on your nightstand from Miss. Audrey."
Jack lets you go, placing a hand to his heart as he mocks heart yet by the hardness in his eyes, some of it stands true. "Ouch, Doc. Last name basis now and everything- I think you need to check my heart, might be a bit broken after that." You shake your head, flicking his forehead before walking down the hall, you don't make it far before Jack calls after you both, "Come meet us for dinner after you are done here, I need you to check over some stuff..."
"We will call tomorrow, Jack. Have a goodnight," and with that Jack watched you turn around the corner as Susie pulls his attention back. "What was that all about?"
"Nothing," Jack states with a huff before leading his sister into the awaiting car.
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↳ A/N: maybe workin' on a part 2 for this.
↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly @iamasimpingh0e @kneelarmhstrung
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Hiii!! I’m so happy to see you back! we’ve missed you!!! Congrats on the new human and job!!! I hope you’re doing well and recovered from the hospitalizations ♥️ take your time getting back into things!!
Is there anything in particular you’re feeling called to write?
Thank you! I am slowly getting back to things. Right now everything I write feels choppy and disjointed. It's been a hot minute since I have written anything.
I am feeling something with Eddie from the Gentleman tv series.
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Maybe the reader is a vet who becomes friends with Geoff since he keeps bringing her crazy animals to treat. Then one night he calls her to come treat a wounded animal that turns out to be Eddie.
“Well this certainly beats the wounded fox you called me to treat last week,” you say, brows raised as you take in the sight of the bleeding man slumped in a wingback chair. His expression is pained and his breathing is fast and a little irregular.
“It’s mostly just a graze,” Geoff assures you, touching your elbow to usher you in. “Thought you could clean it and stitch him up. Skip the fuss of having to go into town and be seen. Just like you did with her Grace's mare last month. Horses and men aren’t too different when it comes down to it, I expect.”
“There is a joke in there somewhere,” you say, eliciting a laugh from the man in the chair that turns into a pained gasp a second later. 
You glance back at Geoff and find he's watching you with a pleading expression. "His Grace would be in your debt," he promises. 
“I am not a doctor,” you remind both men, setting your bag on the table.
“Pretend I am a horse,” his Grace bids, pulling up his shirt to reveal the extent of his injury.
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
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Nothing in life worth having comes without a little danger. THEO JAMES as EDDIE HORNIMAN in THE GENTLEMEN S1 (2024) Created by Guy Ritchie
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Dulce Periculum
Chapter two now posted on A03.
I'd love to post on here, but I'm having trouble with the formatting.
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
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Shouts to Guy Ritchie's "Hot Guy Smoking" kink.
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
No spoilers, but I had the same feeling too.
My trope nose is so honed that we are watching The Gentlemen and by episode 2 I was like "Geoff is the father of at least one of the competent children if not both" and my husband spent all of episode 5 trying to figure out if I was right and concedes maybe I am
We haven't finished 6, 7, or 8 so no spoilers but my god a good ol' D'Artagnan is the best.
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
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Theo James as Eddie Horniman in The Gentlemen (S01E02)
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Can someone settle an argument for me. Halstead Manor must be somewhere in Surrey for how close it is to London.
My point stems from episode 2 after Johnston's gala in londond, Susie drives Eddie home.
What do other people think??
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Friend of the Captain (pt.2)
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Friend of the Captain (pt.1)
Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Reader
Summary: Years had past since you had last seen Eddie. Doctor, CEO and soon to be girlfriend of another man. You end up seeing him at Freddy and Tammy's wedding yet other forces keep pulling your both away from admitting to your feelings. What will it take for one of you to see the truth?- as Charlotte ever so indelicately puts it.
Warnings: 3755 words, utter jealousy, language, and light teasing, angst to potential fluff and lots and lots of pining.
A/N: I have watched an unhealthy amount of edits while on dinner break- I must be stopped (gods i'm supposed to be on break!)- this is way longer than I was expecting it to be, perhaps even a part three...
Masterlist | Taglist | somewhat un-edited.
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↳ Years had past since you had last seen Edward. You still kept in contact with his siblings and his mother, of course. Lady Sabrina refused to let you go- often sending various treats and letters towards your family's estate, you called her ever other week with updates to your studies, travels, and love life. Your mother teasingly voiced her jealousy towards her best friend choosing her own daughter over her best friend.
↳ You often joined the older ladies out for a dinner or lunch with Charlotte tagging along when she was not in school (yet you would never tell Charlotte's parents otherwise to you signing her out as a trusted guardian and taking her even out of the country some weekends). Clicking your glasses together while looking down upon the busy London streets, you smirked seeing someone wearing a piece of yours from across the street.
Tugging at your mothers dress-sleeve she trued around in her seat, grasping your hand in a tight squeeze of excitement and pride as her wrist glittered in your newest bracelet collection. After finishing your PHD of Business Administration you took a fake name to hide your identity for the public and papers for as long as you could. You often blushed now- seeing your face on gossip articles with your date of the evening.
Dinner tonight was a celebration of your recent contract with an up-and-coming movie star- he would be wearing your necklaces on the red carpet by the end of the week. A bottle of bubbly, bubbled your laughter to the surface as they all screamed in your ear, jumping up and down and clapping their hands in the restaurant as you ducked your head, trying to stray away from the attention.
↳ Unknowing to you though is that your's and Edward's mother collected all the gossip magazines, continuing their bet as Sabrinas heart fell every time you looked so in love with your new partner. Charlotte would often make side comments about your "slut era" she called it as you knocked her shoulder with your own, rolling your eyes before your mother swatted your shoulder at the dinner table and insisted on maintaining appearances in the public eye.
↳ When inside your studio-office space, drafting up new designs with your creative team. You spun around of your chair and became shocked when you eventually rolled back around to find a wax-sealed envelope with the Halstead crest so beautifully stamped. Peeling away the wax as carefully as you could, the thick, textured paper settled nicely between our hands as you read through the invitation. Tears beginning to well in your eyes before you were squealing in Freddy's ear through the desk-phone as he winced and handed the phone over to Tammy. Both laughing over your childish excitement to their own wedding.
↳ You called the brainstorming off early, rushing to help Tammy find just the right dress later that afternoon as she thanked you for assisting with the wedding planing (already fed up with Lady Sabrina's input into the event- though she was funding a large portion of it due to Freddys... interesting resume).
↳ Wedding dress shopping happened later that spring as you teared up seeing the woman in white. Helping her into your exclusively design accessories and veil. Later that day, you third-wheeled the couple during cake testing- eating double of your weight in sweets as your teeth ached afterwards.
↳ During the bridal party. You all got dressed up in small red dresses and matching heels as you style one another's hair and got your nails done for the evening. You all went to a bar to start of the week strong, you had never felt so carefree and young after the countless sleepless nights of being a CEO and Doctorate student- you really let yourself go that night. Waking up in the bed of a stranger who wrapped their muscled arm over your waist.
Trying to wiggle your way out of their grip and find your various articles of clothing spread round the downtown flat, you ended up stealing one of their shirts- not bothering to look at the design plastered on the front as you placed your phone on to charge and started breakfast.
The oven dinged, the eggs were done as you put out a spread across the countertop before doing a light clean of last nights activities- doing your best to put away things where you thought they belonged and were stopped halfway by an arm pulling you back into their chest and placing a kiss against your forehead, "thank you, love. Didn't have to do any of this at all- I appreciate it very much."
A blush spread over your cheeks as you led them towards the still hots plates and ate together. There name was William from your foggy memories of last night. By the groaning the man in front of you was excepting while pouring himself a coffee, he seemed as well wasted as you were.
"Can I get you any Advil or orange juice?" William asks, placing a coffee in front of you with a smile as you wipe your mouth and take a small sip. "No, I'm alright." When washing up the dishes together, he offered to place your things in the wash while making small talk throughout and even going for a round three later that morning.
Becoming lost in the bubble you both formed for yourselves, hands casting through the short strands of dirty blonde hair that tickled your palms. Your heart dropped in the slightest bit when his phone rang as a show you were both listening to in the background was paused. He whispered a sorry towards you, patting your knee before taking a stand and walking over to the bedroom, you could only hear the start to the conversation, "Captain, everythin' alright?"
Deeming yourself overstaying your welcome, you walked towards the hall bathroom, preparing yourself for the next day and left a small note with your name attached, softly shutting the door behind you before leaning your forehead against it. A stupid smile showing itself across your features as your hands drifted through your contacts, landing on Charlottes picture as it dinged for a few moments.
"Girl, where the fuck have you been since last night?"
"I think I'm in love Char," you stated while the elevator doors closed behind you and the busy city streets awaited you.
↳ In the remaining days of the bridal party, you all rented out a vineyard, playing various lawn games with sunbathing by the pool. You subconsciously looked up towards the glass doors of the modern home- unknowing of what you were expecting before returning to your book, humming along to the radio as Tammy splashed you with her dive. Drawing a quick 10 score on your phones notes app and presenting it to her, Charlotte snorted and did a dive of her own as you all laughed and enjoyed the warm weather.
↳ Your did frown later that night when William had yet to text you, throwing your phone onto the bed. You really have to get yourself together, you thought to yourself- waiting here on some guy... some guy that treated me fairly. And in this day and age, it was a rare sight to find. Charlotte had already given you a major thumbs up as did the rest of your university friends and some of the past boyfriends you still kept in contact with. They all approved.
↳ Looking into your suitcase, you picked up Williams freshly washed shirt- you had forgotten to return it as your head drifted towards your phone. A perfect excuse to see him once more, your fingers drifted over the keys, breath paused on the send button before tapping the green arrow in a split second. Your adrenaline soared as you ruffled your hair, huffing out and looking at the shirt once more.
Your fingers drifted over the warn edges, pausing at the left breast pocket before your eyes went wide in shock. Displayed was the same coat of arms as Eddies regiment, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. Was all you could think, hands now gripping at your roots as that text now burred your phone and your mind. It was the night before the wedding at by the looks of it, you were going to be up with your thoughts.
↳ The day of the wedding at arrived, you smoothed out your dress as you waited in front of the large wooden doors to the Halstead estate. The wedding was being held in the gardens- now in full bloom as the first week of summer sprang into season. The blush pink complimented your rosy cheeks as you sweated lightly in the blissful heat, everyone had already been partnered up and as the maid of honour- you were more than worried that Freddy's best man had yet to appear
Much to your shock, Edward slowed his steps, feet tripping over the blood red rug beneath your feet as he stumbled to a straight stand by your side. He dropped his gaze down towards your shoes, taking a long drag up of your form before casting you a charming smile. The voices around you soon became muffled as your gaze fell onto his broad shoulders, the scar against his chin and you wondered if the scar you left from throwing a rock at his head while children's was still behind his ear in the same place you remembered it to be.
He wore a navy suit, crisp white shirt underneath as his tie held small pink flowers- perfectly matching your dress. He picked up your hand, maintaining eye contact as he pressed a light kiss to your gloved hand. You were ever-so thankful for purchasing the matching gloves in this moment, holding that the material hid your light shakes from his reassuring hold. His hand soon slipped up your arm. Breath hitching as strings began to play in the background.
His fingers drifted to the skin left uncovered by your tall gloves and dresses arm before looping his arm with your own. The doors soon opened as you both faced forward, smiles plastered on brightly as you walked in perfect rhythm down the isle. You looked towards one another, a few gasps being hear distantly in the crowd yet you couldn't bring your eyes to see where the sound came from. Arms dropping as you continued separately to your respective sides.
Looking up towards the clear blue skies, letting out a breath, your gaze turned to find Freddy looking at you, soft smile on his face as he gave you a singular nod before turning to his wife who began her walk down the isle. You took her bouquet, tears streaming down your eyes as you silently sobbed in happiness for the couple.
You clapped when they kissed, cheered as Eddie dipped her as Lady Sabrina tossed a comment on their outrageous display yet you haded her the bouquet as she shut her mouth abruptly, turning quickly behind to stare at your mother who was already watching as you and Eddie walked down the isle, arm and arm. Your gaze solely focused on the couple, unknowing to the man on your arm who stared at you the whole time- enamoured by your happiness as another stood in the back isle's, rose in hand they stole from the gardens as they waited for the festivities to start.
↳ As the first dance had finished and the cake had been cut, the DJ started to turn on the selected playlist and you headed straight to the bar in order to hug the newly weds who had a mission of getting absolutely wasted by the end of the night. After chatting with them for a few moments, a cough from behind you has your eyes going wide as does everyone else in the general area who stops to watch
You pause, drink slipping through your fingers as they catch it just in time with a smirk. "Hello, love," William speaks in hushed tones, knowing of the curious glances around you. Your eyes fly across the white warm-event weather uniform he wears. The sharp colour of his blue pants matching his eyes as your mouth soon falls agape. He takes a hand, lightly underneath your chin as he closes your mouth, pressing a kiss to the side of your lips.
Your eye's drift over to his shoulder, looking at his rank as you return a kiss to his cheek in greeting, now taking the barstool behind you as he leans against the bar top, taking his hat off and setting it between you. "Why hello there, Lieutenant," you say before taking a sip of your drink to gain some liquid courage as the eyes around you both begin to turn back to their personal conversations.
"You know my rank?" he questions with a raised brow as you shrug your shoulders. "Have close friends in the military as well, memorized all that chest candy," you state, eyes now darting across the metals he displays. Williams chuckles, ordering himself a drink as the bartender nods in confirmation as you both ease into conversation with one another.
↳ Eddie currently talks with his family as Freddy perks his interest. "Did you see that guy she's been talking to at the bar?- dude is seriously laying it on thick." Freddy rolls his eyes as you throw your head back in laughter, hand pressed against the white uniform as the man looks down to your touch with another teeth-filled smile. Charlotte shrugs, stealing a sip of Eddies drink as their mother quickly steals the wine glass from her and returns it to Eddies open hand who tries to peer over Freddys shoulder as he continues on and on about the bachelor party he had.
Eddies eyes go wide, seeing the white uniform, seeing you pressed up against another mans chest as he spins you lightly, eyeing you up and down and how your dress twirls at your feet as you get both of your glass topped off once more. His gaze hardens as he catches Williams face, his arm drifting around your waist, mouth pressed to your ear as he kisses your skin teasingly- eyes darting towards the door as you look up at him through your lashes.
Eddie's hands turn into fists, his eyebrows furrowed as he starts to take a step forward yet Freddy still mindlessly talks as nobody is now listening as Charlotte begins to fill their mother in as she looks towards her son with concern. Hand ghosting on his arm that he has yet to take notice of. He watches as you bite your lip, pulling at his collar as you trace the seams of his uniform. Eddie lets out a sharp breath of air as he seems your lipstick begin to stain his skin, his mothers hand now tight against his arm as he stares down at it.
Charlotte shakes her hand, Sabrina now walking away to talk to your mother sat in the corner conversing with Tammy's parents. Freddy had finally taken notice of the lack of attention, returning to his wife's side as they stole bites from the cake before the official cutting. When Eddie turns back to see where you went, the bar is empty the door swinging closed as he speedily walks towards the hall only to find it empty both ways. As he begins to walk, a cough has him turning around to find Charlotte taking off her heels as she leans against the wall next to a suit of armour.
"Thought that you two were not together, no feelings right?" she presses, gaze determined as she slips off the last of her heels and begins to walk towards her brother who's shoulders only rise in their tensed form. He shakes himself off as she stands directly in front of him, shaking off his suit as he adjusts his suit-cuffs. "No, still is the case- just worried for my childhood friend is all."
"Alright, then..." Charlotte takes notice as his eyes keep darting back down the hall behind her, hope and hatred bleeding through his eyes as she smirk's, going in for the jab. "...If thats all you care about, he's a good man- that not right Captain?- They fucked a few times..." Charlotte presses her heels into her brothers chest as he keeps them there. His sister signals him to follow her outside as they begin to stroll towards the gardens all those Christmas's ago.
"She even told me she's in love with him-"
"What?" Edward asks in a breathy tone, his heart dropping as his sister continues walking further into the gardens and towards the centre fountain. "I warned you before Edwina, she's too good to have to wait so others take action. You had your time with her it seems, now it is time for someone else to take your place." She ends with a bittersweet smile. "You know... I always hoped she would become my actual sister- mom too but a best friend is better than nothing at all, right?"
The sharpness of her words twists itself deep in Edwards heart as he staggers, shoes dropped to the gravel beneath his feet, hands clenching at his tie that now seems too tight, his breathing laboured as he starts to see blood flashing on his hand and across his face. He hears your laughter filling his ears, the smell of your conditioner flooding his nose as it drifts off with the evening air.
↳ When Eddie returns to his work on boarder patrol, checking various people and their cars through the checkpoint. He enters the change-room at the end of every night, giving a nod and handing off his gun towards another officer who would be taking over the night patrol that evening.
↳ He often see's William changing as he enters, his shift ending 30 minutes before his own. He looks at the mans back, the angry red ail marks clawing their way up to his shoulders as the muscles his his back flex when a shirt covers up majority of the markings yet this shirt is old and warn. Having lost a great deal of his green colour, now a muted muddy colour as the neck hands low.
↳ Edward see's the the hickeys you undoubtedly left across his collarbones and neck, he recognizes that bite from the occasional moment you both shared as teenagers. William nods towards his superior officer outside of working hours. Picking up his jacket before moving to the sleeping quarters. Eddie sits on the centre bench, elbows against his knees, hands in his head as he grips and tugs at his hair. Frustration eating him alive as he imagines your touch, your lips against his own, the taste of your skin-
↳ Every day the same, every vacation time taken at a similar point as he notices a year afterwards the diamond ring hanging off Williams dog tags. He constant has been looking at it underneath his uniform throughout shifts, smiling before his mask returns as another car pulls forward. Eddies brain was struggling to come to cope with the images of that small ring hanging off Williams neck. He cursed himself alive as Freddy punched him square across the face when he drunkly ranted towards his brother a weekend he spent back home
↳ When he returned back to base, the ring he had around his dog tags was gone. William nodded towards the Captain as usual, that little display now irking him- pouring more fire into the gaping wound he sustained as the lieutenant paused. Face turning over his shoulder as eh spoke out into the empty change room, "I have been requested by management to switch towards the front lines... It has been a pleasure working with you sir. I wish you the best."
"Thank you, William. Do take care of her," Eddie states, looking at him square in the eyes. "Till the day she loves me no longer and afterwards," William promises before gently closing the door behind himself. Eddie does now feel himself crying before he calls his mother, not saying a word as he cries, she cries, as he can feel his fathers disappointment, his sisters distaste, and Eddies side remarks.
↳ But why stop at that? Eddie was soon being called back for your engagement photo, he glared at the ring on your finger. It's small for a jeweller, he thinks to himself yet had already bought the ticket, a gift and written a card voicing his congratulations to you both.
↳ Edward was beyond confused to walk into the empty venue space a few months later. Handmade stars hug above his head, a tray of champagne by his feet as the lights were dimmed, the afternoon sun finding its way through the blinds casting patterns onto the hardwood floors beneath. In his steps, the floors creaked as your tearstained face meet his eyes. He walked faster, taking a kneel beside you as you flung yourself into his chest as he dropped the gift, kicking it aside and held you tightly to himself. Hands beginning to drift through your hair as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
He felt your tears staining his sweater, the rapid spikes of your shoulders as you sharply breathed between sobs. "H-He, He cheated on me! I fuckin' love another man and he cheats on me!" you wail, shaking your head into his neck as he rubs your back. Eddie holds himself from question the slight hope at, love another man.
"I am sorry to hear that darling, you are the most underserving person of such treatment I know. Downright motherfucker," Eddie whispers into your hair before you fall backwards, tugging Eddie by his shoulders to join you laying on the floors. You both stare up into the various stars coating the ceiling as you squeeze your hand in his own larger one.
A few moments pass as you listen to each other breathe in the empty room. Rain slowly begins to fall against the window panes as you turn your head to already find Eddie look at you with a soft smile. "Thank you, Eddie, for staying here with me... your the best friend I could ever ask for," you speak out softly, hand resting on his cheek as he turns his head to kiss your palm.
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↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
I only ask as I'm slightly in love with Raymond
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Dulce Periculum - Danger Is Sweet
Lizzie Glass has been running from her family and their empire for many years. Upon hearing her baby brother was in a coma and the world has gone to shit, Bobby Glass drags her back into the chaos once more.
Edward was surprised to see a woman with Bobby Glass in the birdcage. She looked a little like Susie from the back, with the same dark hair. But as he approached closer, he could tell the difference. This woman was of similar height but much broader across the shoulders, dressed in ripped jeans and a leather jacket Susie would never be caught dead in. 
“You got some bollocks, ain’t ya? Coming here. Giving my money to the man who battered my son?” Bobby feeds his pigeons. 
Eddie sighs, “I’m sorry about Jack.”
Bobby scoffs; Eddie was toeing a little close to the line in the sand.
“That had nothing to do with me. But I wanted out, so I went to Henry Collins, and that’s why I’ve gone to Mr. Stanley Johnston.”
That little fact intrigued Bobby, “To do what?”
Eddie stands relaxed, hands in his pockets. “To help him acquire your business by obtaining the names of the other lords in your stable so he can take them over. Whoever holds that list holds the keys to the kingdom.”
Bobby turns to face the Eddie, “So you’ve come here to tell me you’ve fucked me twice?”
Eddie tries and fails to hide the brazen look on his face, “Not exactly.”
Bobby turns, gesturing to the woman in the corner. “Eddie. This is my eldest, Lizzie.”
“Susie never said she had a sister.” Eddie held his hand out to shake. 
Lizzie took his hand, shaking with a firm grip. “Technically, I’m dead. But I heard about Jack, and Dad called me back.”
Bobby directed them outside to the table, “Now, tell me your plan.” 
Lizzie was impressed by the speech the Duke had given. After some pause and thought, Bobby Glass had agreed to Eddie’s plan. Now the pair stood outside the prison. The clouds parted, and the spring sunshine shone down. Eddie couldn’t help but watch how Lizzie’s hair shone copper in the light. 
He watched her pull a cigarette from the carton with her teeth. “What you’re about to do could be accused of treason in Susie’s eyes. Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I do.” 
She lights her cigarette with an aged Zippo, and Eddie catches a hint of menthol. She takes a deep breath, savouring the rush of nicotine, before exhaling. 
“Well, good luck, your grace.” Lizzie hands him a folded piece of paper, pulled from her jacket pocket, “my number if shit hits the fan.”
Just his luck, shit did hit the fan. Susie was far from amused to hear Eddie was dealing with Henry Collins. One phone call was all it took for his stroke of bad luck to start snowballing out of his control.
You can also find it on A03: Dulce Periculum - Danger Is Sweet
A.N. - If anyone can help this old gal with story formatting, would be gladly appreciated. It's been awhile since I've posted on here.
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scarlet-doll-13 · 2 months
Friend of the Captain
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Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie grew up together: from jealousy, emotional angst alongside some cute and loving moments, a lot has happened from throughout the years.
Warnings: 3000~ words, jealousy and light teasing.
A/N: I think the utter brainrot has gotten to me once again. Legit have a whole list of scenarios I want to write about... stay tuned~
Masterlist | Taglist | somewhat un-edited.
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↳ From having mothers who were university friends- Your's and Eddie's families were quite close to one another, where one's land ended yours began and vice versa. Holidays shared to both tropical and cold places from skiing in the Alps to winter spent in the South of France. Going over for season festivities- sharing countless gifts and meals with one another you both also always made time to see one another outside of these large events often sneaking off to your shared treehouse or by the pond as kids.
↳ Both of you would always promise to only spend a few hours yet your parents always showed a knowing look- understanding that those few hours extended into sunset and even beyond as you both slept over at one another's estates (in separate rooms of course- you mom would suffer a heart attack to the family reputation if else wise).
↳ Yet you would somehow find one another asleep on the couch or on the floor after nightmares or late night talks. Eddie always made sure he faced the door. A quality you had yet to take notice of at such a young age.
↳ During dinners you would often share food off each others plates as well, trading sides and offering bites of new dishes. Yet when it came to a beloved stuffed bear of yours named effectively- Teddy or the ripping of your new spring dress- you were heartbroken and distraught. Refusing to see Eddie who broke both of them after a series of playtime together.
↳ Seeking revenge, you tossed his dress shoes into the pond and his fencing gear up a tree as you instructed the garden keepers to not help the young boy in anyway as they bowed to your request with laughter in their eyes and hiding in their cheeks.
↳ It got so bad after three weeks of not seeing one another that your fathers had stepped in, setting up a formal meeting between the two of you as Eddie had written he would do his best to not break another thing of yours as you promised to at least listen to what he had to say and to not throw his gear away so close to one of his tests. You remember shaking on the agreement, shaking hard- waiting for him to drop as your hands turned red. Your father pulled you away, proud smile across his features as Eddie shook his hand- glaring at you slightly as you blinked twice innocently back.
↳ Hangouts would soon return after another week, boredom eating you alive after classes. From Hide in Seek in the hallway, sneaking away with a packed lunch towards the treehouse in the woods during the afternoon and stargazing in the evenings as various groundskeepers warned you of the rapidly dropping temperature as you both ran inside, sitting down by the hearth in the living room while dinner was being prepared. At every meal you beside one another, playing footsie or making faces until manners yelled else wise when you both were growing up.
↳ Moving into early teenage years, things started to become weird. Your parents separated you both more often as you were sent to an all girls school. You started to notice changes in Eddie's appearance, his voice dropping- accent darkening. His cheek bones raised and muscles filled yet Eddie watched you as well- often keeping a step just behind your own during events as others witnessed your beauty during dinners and charity events.
↳ During one fall, you two shared your first kiss together after horseback riding inside one of your family's estates. It started to rain soon afterwards as you both darted back inside, stowing the horses away and laughing as he helped to dry your hair before being pulled away by the staff.
↳ Even during more of your rebellious phases, you remember sneaking outside the house- night-robe clutched tightly to your frame as Eddie stood, cigarettes in hand. You took his current one out of his mouth, taking a drag while winking towards a dazed and drunken Freddy that stumbled over, offering you his coat before Eddie swooped in and offered you his in stead. Freddy frowned, tossing the rest of his drink on your sock covered feet and Eddies slippers. Having to throw both articles of clothing away after being unable to wash the smell away from whatever cocktail he had concocted.
↳ However, you were all unknowing to a certain younger sister, Charlotte. Who raised a small eyebrow at you all out of the house in the middle of the night, informing both mothers through the landline as they chuckled to themselves- observing you through the various estate windows with binoculars. "Quite the son-in-law I will be having, at least he lights it for her," Lady Sabrina chuckles, swatting your mothers hand away lightly at the tease. Your mother starts to frown at the statement, "We can never be too sure about things like these..." Sabrina rolls her eyes, "Are you willing to bet?"
↳ After a fight Eddie sustained while trying to stand up for his brother, you ended up your room's bathroom with a first aid kit as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, stool pulled in between his legs as you dressed the various wounds and cuts across his cheek and hands. He tussled your hair in thanks as you huffed out, kicking him in the shin as he cursed out, running after you as you darted down the hall and towards the treehouse.
↳ Eddie's and your parent's watched as Eddie carried you over his shoulder as teenagers, threatening to drop you into the pool as you kicked and squealed in protest. Having stayed the whole afternoon so far on the sun lounge with your book and lemonade. You swung rapidly at his back, fists turning his skin red as he laughed and ended up jumping in with you in his arms. You quickly swam to the surface, trying to fix your hair from your eyes as Eddie swam over to help you- doing his best to contain his laughter that soon became contagious as you splashed water on him- fathers now yelling at you to settle yourself as a particularly big wave nearly drenched them all and the awaiting staff. Mothers sharing a look between one another, clinking their glasses together
↳ You remember listening to Eddie throughout the years as he matured. Unknowing of what he wanted to be and where he should go. You would hold him during those nights, on the same couch by the same fire, leaning against the furniture while sat on the floor. A snacks board set on the coffee table just off to the side with your teas. You talked Freddy back from collapsing multiple times as well, your number set to the top of his emergency contacts- higher than even his brothers yet you pinky-swore to keep that a promise yet somehow Charlotte always knew... almost knew everything.
↳ Last Christmas (I gave you my heart), you were walking around the Halstead estate, champagne glass taken from a stock tray in the hall as you wondered where Eddie had gone. You could only listen to Freddys most recent... indulgence so long or the other young ladies escapades with their stable boys and trainers before taking a breather outside. Walking out onto the balcony, leaning over and letting the breeze cost across your collarbones. The staff offered you a blanket as you thanked them and tossed it over your shoulders.
Suddenly a snap, fabric being shuffled and a series of moans. You peered slowly and further down the estates gardens, eyes squinted into the moonlight and stars as your breath caught in your throat, heart stopping. Tears began to well in your eyes, hands began to shake as you shook your head rapidly. The staff hurriedly asked if you were feeling ill- all you could offer was a shake of your head before stumbling back into the party. Both mothers held your shoulders, fathers stood that much taller as their eyes scanned the crowd in curiosity as to who or what made you have such a reaction.
"Is everything alright dear?" Lady Sabrina asked you, lips pressed together, eyebrows upwards as you shook your head once more. Bowing your head to hide the ruining of your make-up. "I-It's nothing, just emotional about not seeing you all for a little while."
"Oh, darling," she pulls you into a tight hug, her furry shawl brushing against your nose as her hand lighting rubs your back in a comforting motion. She pulls away, hands on your cheeks as she dabs away your tears with a napkin, "You are always welcome to visit, no matter what." You took in a sharp breath of air, smiling at the mother figure before making an early departure that night.
Eddie strolled in as soon as you left, the duchess he kept company with following behind a few minutes afterwards- touching up her lipstick. His cheeks were painted a redish-hue, his dress shirt no longer finely pressed as his mother smiled tightly at him. His father merely shrugging before continuing possible business conversations with your mother and father.
↳ The weekend after, you were spending some last minute time with Charlotte. "Are you an my brother together?" She asks calmly, sipping her tea as you both walked around a shopping centre in need of new clothes for your upcoming extended vacation abroad. You stopped in your tracks, head slowly turning to face her with a sad smile. "No, I don't think things like that are in the books for us... he is my greatest friend, I am my truest self when with him yet, I-I..."
"It's alright, I think of you as a sister no less," she says, placing a hand on your shoulder before tipping her head into another boutique as you smile, picking up your bags once more before walking in with her. Charlotte would later ask her brother the same reply, he looked at her, not meeting her in the eyes before turning his back to her, his foot tapping in contemplation. "Hm, No I don't believe so," Eddie stated before pivoting out of the room without another word.
↳ You and Eddie attended one another's graduations later that year. Your remember breaking a heel while trying to run over to their family who's mother held a large rose display. You ended up falling into Freddys arms as he look as you shocked, his girlfriend Tammy raised a brow before chuckling to herself at the unamused look coming from Eddie. You perfected the hug, standing up straight while whispering thanks into his ear as he shrugged, taking the flowers from his mother and shoving them in your face playfully as you sneezed lightly at the pollen flooding your senses.
↳ Later, using the fake IDs that Freddy obtained for the both of you to sneak out to foreign bars in celebration. The both of you don't remember much of that night spent together, dancing under the strobe lights, sharing un-mannerly touches as your lips dusted over one another's- drinking yourselves delirious before calling Freddy for a ride back against both of your better judgements.
↳ That would be the last summer you would share at the Halstead residence. Your parents taking you away on a world tour before you were off to college. Your father spoke ill about Eddie's family, a dark look painted in his features. "I know you two are close, good friends and I hope that whatever little flutters you are having or just that. I don't want to see my daughter involved in their types of business-"
"Don't they just sell sheep and wine?" you questioned only to receive silence as your answer, you kept your lips shut with this speck of information.
↳ As young adults, you got accepted into an American college and were leaving early to familiarize yourself with the country before the school year started. Eddie had enlisted and began basic training as soon as you left. Yet before boarding the plane, You both gripped one another closely, eyes closed before pulling away, staring deeply in a silent promise to see each other soon...
↳ Eddie was there to listen to your first boarding school abroad abroad as you wrote letters to one another. You checked every week, waking up at the crack of dawn to have the halls to yourself- fingers tracing over every word with a small smile- looking outwards to the rising sun wondering if Eddie was doing the same as he was placed somewhere else across the country.
↳ Eddie anxiously waited for each letter- this was the longest you both had spent from one another and each holiday break seemed to get further and further away as you did too. His night terrors soon faded back in as he patrolled boarders and directed various men and women in war-torn states. Blood coated his hands, his face, staining his uniform and hardening his face. He breathed in the compliance of his staff, the air of freedom- of having a name for himself outside of his family's heritage- he was so close to promotion. Yet he hated dressing his wounds alone in a tent or temporary housing, his thoughts consumed by wondering what you were doing in that moment as the days only progressed by...
↳ You remember jumping into his arms at the airport (Eddie insisted on being the one to pick you up after getting his drivers license) yet he only brought a two seater and was shocked to see another young man standing beside you- shuffling awkwardly on his feet as he waved Hello, bags by his feet.
↳ His arm still hovered over your waist as you introduced your new boyfriend with rosy cheeks and lips as you leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. Eddie remembers the firm handshake they shared, the locked eyes as they froze in that moment. Shoulders up straight, eyeing up one another's business verses military uniforms with distaste before you called for a new driver to take your boyfriend back home with you
↳ Eddie opened your door, taking your hand and helping you to step into the vehicle. Closing the door and unfolding his sunglasses, he smiled teasingly towards your boyfriend who could only silently glare in return- sitting at the back of a black SUV, following you both onto the highway and back home.
↳ Both of your mothers spat out their wine at the introduction of your boyfriend as he kept a polite yet straining grip on your hand as you shook it away, shaking it in an effort to circulate your blood once more. Mothers looked between one another, and then back at you, towards Eddie and then gulped nervously. Eddie's father raised a brow- not processing the possibility of this outcome as yours nodded once in your direction in approval. Eddie took his seat at the usual table, smile falling as you took a seat next to your boyfriend instead- offering him a polite smile in sorry.
↳ Yet this would start the cycle, every other winter break, you or Eddie would come home with a new girlfriend or boyfriend all the way up until your graduation and Eddie's promotion to Captain. Family dinners only became more strained as your mothers were beginning to lose hope in the two of you. Your fathers pulling you both apart, insisting on separating businesses and breaking contracts.
↳ What had formed as children was remarkable now in difference. What had been shared food and time, gifts by the fireplace, falling asleep underneath the stars to distant looks in the hallway. Hands brushing against one another's in boardrooms while learning from each of your fathers before the split was put into effect and in a way that was also the end for both yours and Eddies relationship as your hands drifted apart to collect your pens and papers.
↳ "See each other soon," soon became the occasional video call, to voice message, text happy holidays, and then nothing...
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╰┈➤ A/N: Hope you enjoyed~ Let me know if you want a (pt.2)! Taglist request can be found at the top of this post or under my blogs main materslist :)
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