schoolsnearme · 1 year
The Power of Storytelling to Improve Learning Experiences for Students
Best School in HSR Layout
For thousands of years, telling stories has been an essential component of human culture. People have been enthralled by stories from the earliest stone carvings to the most recent blockbuster films. And for good reason—stories are effective teaching and comprehension tools.
The importance of narrative in the classroom is beginning to be understood by educators in recent years. Teachers can engage students, improve their learning, and increase their retention of information by introducing narrative into their lessons.
Here are a few ways that storytelling might improve education:
Captivating Students
Having a captivating story is natural. They grab our interest and lure us in. Teachers can take advantage of this inherently engaging process and draw students’ interest and attention by introducing storytelling into their courses.
Also, a narrative has a strong ability to captivate young minds that might not be as interested in typical teaching techniques. Teachers can reach a broader range of pupils by making knowledge more approachable and engaging by delivering it in the form of a narrative.
Making Complex Concepts Simpler
Stories may be a very powerful tool to help make complex concepts easier to understand. By communicating knowledge in a narrative style, teachers can condense complex concepts and make them simpler to understand.
Stories can also assist pupils in understanding how abstract ideas are used in the actual world. Teachers can assist students to comprehend how the principles they are studying apply to their lives by conveying knowledge in a context that they can relate to.
Improving Memory and Retention
Stories have a special capacity to improve memory and retention. This is due to the fact that stories activate various brain regions, including the sensory and emotional centers. Stories can increase the number of neural connections in the brain, which can improve memory and retention by involving many sections of the brain.
Also, stories are sometimes more memorable than numbers or facts. Teachers can make it easier for pupils to recall knowledge and to remember it for extended periods of time by delivering it in a narrative fashion.
Building Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking abilities can be developed using stories as an effective tool. Teachers may motivate students to analyze, assess, and interpret the material they are given by presenting it to them in a narrative fashion.
Stories can also enable pupils to view issues from several angles. Teachers can encourage pupils to examine alternative points of view and to build a more comprehensive understanding of complicated situations by presenting a variety of opinions and perspectives.
The following advice can help you include storytelling in the teaching:
Choose the Right Story
Choosing the appropriate stories for the students and the course is crucial when integrating storytelling in the classroom. The story ought to be interesting, pertinent to the subject being covered, suitable for the kid’s age, and appropriate for their level of maturity.
Use Various Forms of Media
Books, movies, podcasts, live performances, and other media can all be used to tell stories. Teachers can engage children who might have various learning preferences and styles by utilizing a variety of media.
Also, using a variety of media helps improve memory and retention, reinforces the lesson, and helps with comprehension.
Pursue Discussion and Analysis
Encourage students to discuss and examine the facts offered after they’ve finished telling a narrative. Students’ ability to think critically and get a deeper comprehension of the subject matter can benefit from this.
Additionally, debate and analysis can enable students to realize how the ideas they are learning are applied in the real world and acquire a more nuanced grasp of complicated topics.
Be Creative
Finally, it’s critical to be imaginative and have fun while bringing storytelling into the classroom. In order to improve the narrative experience and engage students, teachers can employ theatrics, costumes, and perhaps other creative tools.
Also, teachers can motivate students to be imaginative and tell their own tales, which can improve their comprehension of the subject matter and aid in the development of crucial abilities like creativity and communication.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we put to use these methods and beyond to enable our students to learn more creatively with the help of storytelling. Our innovative teaching methods, creative tools, and theme-based classrooms for young students all work in harmony to enhance learning experiences for our students.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
The Perks of Failing: How Your Mistakes Can In Fact, Make You Stronger
Best School in HSR Layout
Everyone encounters failure at some time in life because it is a normal aspect of existence. Failure can be a challenging and terrible experience, whether it involves failing an exam, not securing a job, or suffering a personal setback. Failure can be difficult, but it can also provide an excellent opportunity for learning. In actuality, failures and setbacks have often led to the greatest victories in history. Here are a few advantages of failing and how you can become stronger by learning from mistakes:
Developing Resilience
The ability to develop resilience is one of failure’s most important advantages. Failure forces us to face our errors, consider what did go wrong, and come up with solutions to make things better in the future. Although this journey can be challenging and uncomfortable, it can also be powerful. We can build the resilience necessary to overcome obstacles and setbacks in the future by reflecting on our errors and making improvements.
Practicing a Growth Mindset
Failure also has the advantage of fostering a growth attitude. We are compelled to face our inadequacies and limitations when we suffer failure. This might be a humiliating situation, but it can also be a chance for improvement. We can cultivate the growth attitude required for long-term success by accepting failure as an opportunity of learning and work to improve.
Learning from Mistakes
The ability to learn from failures is perhaps the most apparent advantage of failure. Failure forces us to look at what went wrong and find opportunities for improvement. Although this process of thought and examination can be challenging, it can also be quite beneficial. By reflecting on our failures, we can acquire the abilities and information required for success and prevent repeating the same errors in the future.
Encouraging Innovation
Failing can also foster creativity. We are compelled to think outside the box and come up with fresh solutions to issues when we encounter setbacks or failures. Breakthroughs and novel discoveries may result from this process of exploration and creativity that would not have been feasible without failure.
Fostering Resilience in Times of Adversity
And finally, experiencing failure can help develop resiliency in the face of difficulty. We are compelled to think outside the box and come up with fresh solutions to issues when we encounter setbacks or failures. Breakthroughs and novel discoveries may result from this process of exploration and creativity which wouldn’t have been feasible without failure.
So how can we take what we’ve learned from failure and apply it to our favor? The following advice:
Accept Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Accepting failure as a teaching opportunity is the first step in learning from it. Try to reframe failure as a chance to grow and learn rather than as a bad experience. You can approach future problems with a more upbeat and resilient perspective by accepting failure as a learning experience.
Recognize What Went Wrong
Finding the problem is the next step. It can be appealing to place the blame for our failure on outside events or other individuals. But it’s critical to acknowledge our shortcomings and pinpoint the particulars that contributed to the failure. Although it might be challenging, self-reflection and analysis are crucial for learning and development.
Build a Plan for Improvement
It’s crucial to create a plan for improvements once you’ve determined what went wrong. To do this, you might have to learn new skills, alter how you approach a challenge or look for more assistance or resources. You can use failure as a launching pad to success by creating an improvement plan.
Seek Feedback
Finally, it’s critical to get other people’s opinions. This can be difficult since it might force us to face our flaws and vulnerabilities. Nonetheless, other people’s opinions can be immensely helpful.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we encourage students to put into perspective their failures at different aspects of life as opportunities for growth and further improvements. Both our academic and co-curricular activity staff make sure that our students don’t view their failures as discouragement. Rather, we push them to see failure as minor roadblocks that can be overcome with effortful pivots in the right direction.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
The Importance of Teamwork for Students at School
Best School in HSR Layout
Collaboration is the process of working with others to achieve a common objective. In today’s culture, where teamwork is expected in practically every field, it is a crucial talent. Collaboration has the potential to increase learning results, communication abilities, and a feeling of connection and belonging in the educational setting.
Here are a few ways that working together can advance your education: 1. Improved Learning Outcomes
Because collaboration enables students to combine their knowledge and abilities and learn from one another, it can result in better learning results. When students collaborate on a task or project, they are able to exchange ideas and viewpoints and develop a greater understanding of the subject.
Also, by working together to tackle challenging issues and come up with innovative solutions, kids can strengthen their analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities through teamwork.
2. Enhanced Communication Skills
Communication skills necessary for collaboration include clear speaking, active listening, and courteous feedback. Students can put these abilities into practice and improve them through group projects, which will help them in both their academic work and future employment.
Also, as they interact with people from various origins and viewpoints, collaboration can aid students in growing their empathy and cultural knowledge. In today’s worldwide society, having a greater knowledge and appreciation for diversity is a useful talent.
3. Increased Motivation & Engagement
Collaboration gives students a feeling of ownership and accountability for their learning, which can enhance their motivation and engagement. When students collaborate, they seem to be more inclined to be engaged in the task at hand and feel proud of the results. Collaboration can also provide students with a sense of community and belonging, which can improve their general well-being and academic performance. Students are more likely to be encouraged to learn and take part in class if they feel a connection to their classmates and their instructors.
4. Preparation for the Real World
Students are better equipped for their future employment by engaging in collaborative activities in the classroom. Cooperation is a crucial ability in the industry. Companies value team players because they produce more work, are more innovative, and have higher levels of creativity.
Also, teamwork can help students grow as leaders as they learn to assign responsibilities, resolve problems, and inspire their teammates. Students can excel in both their studies and their jobs by developing these talents, which are essential in any field.
Here are some tips for effective collaboration in education: Define Roles and Expectations
It’s critical to establish expectations and roles up front while working jointly. By doing so, it will be possible to avoid confusion and misunderstandings and to make sure that everyone understands their roles and due dates.
Communicate Effectively
Collaboration success depends on effective communication. This includes courteous comments, clear communication, and active listening. Students can make sure that all of them are on the same page and pursuing the same objective by speaking clearly.
Foster a Positive Environment
In a setting that is friendly and encouraging, collaboration functions best. Instructors can promote this environment by giving students the chance to get to know one another and by promoting positive reinforcement and feedback.
Embrace Diversity
A collaborative effort can be a great way to accept diversity and get insight from many viewpoints. By assembling different teams and giving students the chance to discuss their cultural backgrounds and experiences, teachers may promote this.
In conclusion, teamwork is a crucial ability that students may use to their advantage in a variety of contexts, including the classroom and in their potential employment. Students can enhance their academic performance, gain proficiency in effective communication, and forge a feeling of belonging and community by cooperating to achieve a common objective. Collaboration can be beneficial and pleasurable for all parties involved with the correct tools and approaches.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
Practicing Mindfulness - The Key to Staying Focused in School
Best School in HSR Layout
In both classroom and daily life, mindfulness is a potent approach that helps keep people present and focused. It is a type of meditation that calls for staying focused in the here and now without distraction or judgment. Many advantages of mindfulness have been demonstrated, such as lowering stress and anxiety, increasing concentration and focus, boosting the ability to think critically and creatively, and enhancing general health and well-being.
Mindfulness can be especially helpful for students in managing the pressures of school life. It is simple to get overwhelmed and lose focus when faced with the pressure of schoolwork, tests, and extracurricular activities. But, by using mindfulness practices, students, can gain control over their stress and enhance focus and attention, both of which can help them do better in class.
The potential of mindfulness to lessen stress and anxiety is one of the main advantages for students. According to research, practicing mindfulness helps lower the body’s levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Students may feel more at ease, focused, and better able to handle the difficulties of school life by lowering their stress levels.
Mindfulness can lessen stress as well as increase attention and concentration. Students can coach their minds to remain present and engaged despite distractions by using mindfulness techniques. This can be especially helpful in the classroom or while studying because it enables learners to remember material longer and more successfully.
Moreover, mindfulness can improve critical and creative thinking. Students may get access to their innate creativity and generate fresh, original ideas by remaining present and concentrated. Furthermore, mindfulness can assist students in approaching issues from a different angle, resulting in improved conflict-resolving and critical-thinking abilities.
Parents can also gain from using mindfulness practices since it helps ease their everyday stress and foster a happier, more serene environment in the house. Parents can teach their kids how to control their own stress and enhance their focus and attention by using mindfulness practices as role models.
Parents and children can practice the following mindfulness exercises:
Deep Breathing: Breathe in slowly and deeply, paying attention to how the air feels as it enters and leaves your body. This can foster a feeling of calmness and relaxation while reducing tension and anxiety.
Body Scan: Focus on every aspect of your anatomy, from your toenails to the crown of your head, as you sit or lie down in a relaxing position. This can encourage a feeling of relaxation and comfort by making you more conscious of your physical sensations.
Mindful Walking: Take a stroll outside and concentrate on the walking-related feelings, such as how the ground feels beneath your feet, how your body moves, and the sights and noises you encounter. This can aid in maintaining your attention and focus as well as fostering a feeling of peace and well-being.
Mindful Eating: Savour each bite while paying close attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas of your food. This can encourage good eating practices and help you get more and more conscious of your body’s demands.
Mindful Listening: Whether it’s the murmur of the classroom or the tweeting of birds outdoors, pay attention to the sounds you hear. You can increase your awareness and sense of present-moment presence by listening with awareness.
You may be aware and focused in work and life by implementing these practices into your everyday routine, and you’ll also benefit from a quiet and serene mind’s many advantages.
Students and parents have an array of mindfulness tools in addition to these techniques. MS Dhoni Global School provides mindfulness workshops or programs, which can give our students the resources and direction they need to start a mindfulness practice. Also, there are several apps and online tools that offer mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness exercises, including Calm and Headspace.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School Near Kudlu Gate
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School in Karnataka
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is not just an institution that imparts education but also a community that fosters relationships and promotes a sense of belonging among its students. The school believes that learning is not just limited to the classroom but also occurs through various interactions and experiences.
To facilitate this, the school has a vibrant student community that organizes various events, activities, and clubs, where students can engage with each other, share their interests, and explore new avenues. The school also has a strong alumni network, where former students can connect and support each other in their personal and professional endeavors.
The school also promotes diversity and inclusivity and provides a safe and welcoming environment for students from different backgrounds and cultures. The school celebrates various festivals and cultural events, where students can learn about different traditions and values.
In conclusion, MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is not just a place to learn but also a community that encourages personal growth, development, and relationships. The school's emphasis on building a strong student community, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and nurturing relationships with its alumni network make it stand out as a holistic educational institution.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School Near Jayanagar
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School in Karnataka
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is not just focused on providing an education but also on preparing its students for the challenges of the real world. The school aims to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in students, which are essential for success in any field. The school believes that education should not be limited to the classroom but should extend beyond it.
To achieve this goal, the school organizes various events, workshops, and seminars, where students can interact with experts from different fields and learn from their experiences. The school also encourages entrepreneurship and innovation and provides a platform for students to showcase their ideas and creativity.
The school has also established partnerships with leading companies and organizations, which provide students with opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and work experience. These partnerships also help the school to stay updated with the latest industry trends and requirements, and tailor the curriculum accordingly.
In conclusion, MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is committed to providing its students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for the challenges of the real world. The school's focus on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, along with its emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, make it stand out from other schools. The school's partnerships with leading companies and organizations provide students with valuable opportunities and help them to build a strong foundation for their future careers.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
Best School in Karnataka
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School in Karnataka MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore not only focuses on academic excellence but also places great emphasis on the overall development of a child. The school believes that every child is unique and has a different set of skills and interests, which should be nurtured and encouraged. Therefore, the school offers a personalized learning approach, where the faculty identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each student and provides individual attention and support to help them achieve their goals.
The school also has a mentorship program where students are assigned a mentor who provides guidance and support in academics, personal growth, and career development. The mentor acts as a role model and helps the students to navigate through the challenges of life. This approach helps students to develop a sense of belonging and helps them to build meaningful relationships with their peers and mentors.
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore also encourages community service and social responsibility. The school organizes various social service programs, where students actively participate and contribute to society. These programs help students to develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards society.
In conclusion, MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is not just a school; it is a platform for overall development, where students are nurtured, encouraged, and supported to become successful and responsible individuals. The personalized learning approach, mentorship program, and community service initiatives make the school stand out and provide a unique learning experience to students.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School in Bangalore
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is a dream come true for those parents who wish to provide their children with an education that is in sync with the latest technological advancements. The school offers a blend of academics, extracurricular activities, and sports to create a holistic approach to learning. The school management believes in nurturing young minds to become leaders of tomorrow by instilling values of leadership, integrity, and hard work.
The school's curriculum is designed to be innovative and futuristic, aimed at developing a child's cognitive, emotional, and social skills. The faculty comprises well-trained and experienced teachers who are committed to providing an all-round education to students. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities such as music, dance, sports, and art, to name a few. These activities help students to develop their interests and hone their skills, making them well-rounded individuals.
The school's infrastructure is state-of-the-art, with spacious classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and a well-stocked library. The school has also invested in technology-enabled learning systems, such as smart boards, to enhance the learning experience of students. The school provides a safe and secure environment for students, with round-the-clock security and CCTV surveillance.
In conclusion, MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore is a perfect place for parents who want to provide their children with a futuristic and holistic education. The school aims to create leaders of tomorrow who will make a positive impact on society. With its innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and committed faculty, the school promises to provide an enriching and fulfilling learning experience to students.
MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore | Best School in Bangalore
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
Why Is It Crucial To Have Science Education in Schools
Best School in HSR Layout
Truthfully, science influences the vast majority of the decisions we make each day, even though it isn’t often evident how it affects our daily lives. Science is integral to every aspect of our day, from maintaining our health and wellness to choosing between paper and plastic at the supermarket or simply responding to a child’s curiosity about the cause of blue skies. Here, we provide a thorough guide for you if you want to learn more about the significance of science education in schools.
Scientific investigation is the methodical study of observation and experiments to ascertain the structure and behaviour of the social, physical, and natural worlds. It is essential for innovation, increased global competitiveness, and human progress. Developing new medications for different diseases or discovering and cataloguing new galaxies are just examples of how important it is for the globe to keep advancing science.
Science is just as important as other courses like the humanities and modern history. Discussions about education today are dominated by the growing importance of STEM education. It is a challenging discipline to teach because of the volume of content to cover and the students’ disengagement caused by the level of science mastery. But every educator’s considerations should centre on the importance of teaching science. There is much more involved than merely repeating rules, concepts, and terminology.
At its most basic, science is social contact that imparts persistence and patience. Along with these benefits, it can teach kids how to think critically about their environment and make them conscious that they have a role to play in resolving global problems.
The Importance Of Science Education In Schools
Students get the chance to learn more about how and why things work through science education. Children can learn about their surroundings through science. Science can explain the workings of intricate systems in anything from human biology to modes of transportation. Science-related knowledge can be employed to understand novel concepts, make informed decisions, and follow a new passion.
Kids and teenagers can learn more and remember things better because science offers concrete or visual evidence for many of the topics we see on screens and in books.
Problem-Solving Skills
Children who study science can develop a healthy sense of scepticism. A student’s understanding and ability to ask questions about the knowledge they have gathered can be improved by science. Many students find science to be engaging and fascinating, which leads them to discover new scientific topics of interest. Science provides children the notion that they can contribute to the solution of global problems, which is a desirable notion. Children who study science are better able to reason and solve problems. The majority of what you observe is the result of people who encountered a problem and used their knowledge of science to find a solution.
Boosts Critical Thinking
In science, theories often begin with an experiment that uses scientific methods and analysis to demonstrate the hypothesis. Students can connect practical and theoretical work by following the scientific method’s framework of a rational analysis to new topics. All disciplines and spheres of life can benefit from an understanding of the relationship between theories and research. Science gives young minds the energy they need to perform at their highest level, similar to gas to a stove.
Encourages A Learning Passion
It is inherently fascinating to learn about the remarkable everyday occurrences that occur, such as how a fish breathes in water, why the sky is blue in colour, or how the sun sets to the east. Science encourages learners’ innate curiosity and motivates them to solve the mysteries of their surroundings. Many people are attracted to a hands-on approach. A love of studying might be sparked by the opportunity to personally illustrate scientific concepts.
Supports Many Disciplines
Knowledge of various academic disciplines is required in order to understand science. For instance, a key requirement for both qualitative and quantitative research is the ability to understand mathematical concepts. Technical skills like careful observation of what is occurring in your ambience and the ability to conduct controlled tests are the foundation of scientific technique. One way to impart the importance of detail and objectivity is through the reporting of findings in scientific reports.
Futuristic Advancements
It’s difficult to think of a single element of life that technology hasn’t affected in some way. It is an essential part of numerous industries, from high technology to agriculture, and all in between. Science education is necessary for the next generation to help them prepare for the future. For instance, programmes focused on science in schools have contributed to the drop in smoking rates.
Science can be helpful in showing kids the risks associated with substance addiction as well as the environmental and health effects of toxins like smoking tobacco.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we ensure that our students experience the most interactive science education in school. We deploy several tried and tested approaches to encourage pace and effect of learning sciences.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
Useful Websites for Students That You Can Explore
Best School in HSR Layout
You undoubtedly have a handful of sites you frequently visit to share content or watch your favourite shows. Without a question, digital media and news websites play important roles in our lives. But do you have a specific list of student-friendly instructional websites that can be vital to your academic success? If you’re still unsure of how to find excellent websites that can assist you, we’ve put together this list of helpful websites.
We’ve put together this list of the top websites for learners with folks like you in mind, so feel free to use it whether you want study aid websites, a fantastic library of scholarly articles, or a top-notch plagiarism checker. A few of these sites will assist you in keeping abreast of the most recent information that can enhance your creativity and make daily tasks easier. For students that require an extra push, there are others that are study websites.
Enjoy the read!
TED Talks
TED Talks is the ideal option for you if you need a continuous boost to your creativity and fresh angles to see the everyday. There are tens of thousands of original films on it, and numerous presenters inspire you to gain new knowledge every day. Almost every topic is covered in a talk given by professionals and business executives.
More than 100 different languages, subtitles, and speech transcripts are all offered on the platform. Everyone can use it for free, and there are other resources available that are hosted by TED.
Among the excellent websites for students that wish to continue learning outside of the classroom is Coursera. Thousands of digital courses offered by the top universities worldwide. For both students and professionals, it serves as an additional source of motivation and gives them the opportunity to learn new skills while maintaining a flexible schedule. You can simply sign up, take advantage of the free courses, and only pay for a certificate of completion if you so choose.
You may find anything from the arts to coding on Coursera, which is not restricted to any one field of study. The course frameworks are simple to understand, and the materials provided by the hosts can greatly aid your future studies.
With all that you have to manage, from finding accommodation to your assignments and exams, a student’s life is already stressful enough. It could be a demanding time when you must give your objectives all of your attention. You can register to Healthline, another excellent website for health and well-being, as an additional self-help resource.
The platform enables you to handle the most typical issues that students run across. However, you should be aware that it is not a suitable replacement for therapy or counselling.
For students, Lifehack is a distinctive website because it provides a huge selection of insightful articles written by professionals and free courses. The platform is a must-have bookmark because it covers a range of subjects, including goal-setting and educational advancement. It differs from numerous platforms that provide “instant” fixes for any issue.
You can discover useful, applicable tips here. There are many topics to think about on Lifehack’s YouTube channel.
One of the top websites for writing and studying is Studyfy. It contains a big library of essays, articles, and tips on writing, editing essays, and many other topics you should be familiar with while dealing with papers. Studyfy has subject matter experts in every field, so you may locate a qualified expert to assist you in reviewing and editing the professor’s comments. You must refrain from plagiarising in order to earn a high academic grade. In response, the majority of educational institutions take action against plagiarism. Institutions have anti-plagiarism policies and penalise students who are caught doing it. An effective way to prevent accidental plagiarism is to employ a student plagiarism checker. This issue’s solution is Copyleaks.
Bright Knowledge
Bright Knowledge is a treasure trove for any learner looking for an easy-to-access collection of pertinent material on numerous subjects. Students can get help from Bright Knowledge with difficult questions and educational opportunities. You can also get a lot of valuable information in a variety of sectors, including finance and housing as well as health and wellbeing.
Without a question, Bright Knowledge is a lifesaver for those without outside assistance.
Wrapping Up
The list of websites here are simply for making the lives of students easier and smoother. Besides, MS Dhoni Global School, as an educational institution, solely believes that thorough knowledge and expertise can only be gained when pursuing something comprehensively involving multiple sources of knowledge procurement including books and notes, online resources and of course, lessons from educators.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
The Top YouTube Channels to Learn Coding
Best School in HSR Layout
The field of computer programming is still expanding. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 170,000 individuals are employed as web designers and developers, with a projected 8% growth rate from 2019 to 2029. (BLS). Nearly 1.5 million people worked as software developers, quality control analysts, or testers, an area in which the BLS anticipates a 22% growth in employment over the same period, a rate far higher than the average 4% growth for all occupations.
Computer programming is suited to flexible work options with freelance options and teleworking arrangements in conjunction to the many available employment. Instead of pursuing a four-year study at a university or college, aspiring software developers can enrol in a coding program and begin their job search within a few months.
Some people choose to learn to code in a more independent manner. Fortunately, there are many free tools available on the internet for those looking towards becoming experts in coding. YouTube is an excellent place to start because the website has videos that teach the fundamentals of coding, such as HTML and CSS, as well as specific knowledge and equipment.
Check out some of the top YouTube channels for learning coding below if you have the drive and perseverance necessary to teach yourself.
FreeCodeCamp, a nonprofit, offers a number of thorough, self-paced coding courses. Several of these courses use YouTube videos with lecturers guiding students through various modules.
FreeCodeCamp broadcasts videos that students watch in a set order to build on their prior knowledge, in contrast to other channels on our list. While the majority of the standalone courses on the channel last between one and five hours, one of the longest exceeds 17 hours. Although freeCodeCamp normally stays true to its name and focuses on coding, topics vary. From tutorials for complete novices to more complex subjects like “Linux for Ethical Hackers” and “Code a Snake Game With Python and Pygame – Tutorial,” videos are available.
Additionally, the channel publishes videos unrelated to coding, such as “College Algebra – Full Course” and “How To Find Freelance Jobs.”
Derek Banas
In the opening of each of his YouTube videos, Derek Banas says, “Well, hello internet!” Although the YouTuber posts instructional videos on a wide range of subjects, his primary areas of specialization include coding, website design, and mobile technology. His early videos concentrate on fundamental programming languages and abilities, such as HTML, CSS, and SQL. Banas has developed courses on Ruby on Rails, machine learning math, and how to create video games more recently.
In addition, Banas has posted lessons on mathematics, precalculus, and trigonometry that might be useful for both programmers who need to brush up on their maths fundamentals and high school students.
Joshua Fluke
Joshua Fluke, a software developer, touts himself as an entrepreneur and content creator who assists people in breaking into the technology sector. Fluke uploads a number of free resources on his YouTube channel in addition to providing paid lessons through his programme Grind Reel.
His YouTube channel features playlists on how to learn Python, get inspired to code, and seek employment. Fluke also talks about other parts of the computer industry, such as how to prevent exploitative work in coding, the benefits of working remotely, and how to succeed at side jobs or freelance work.
Additionally, Fluke frequently engages with his viewers via livestreams like “An HR Lady Asks Me Interview Questions” and “Mock Job Interviews With Viewers,” wherein he speaks with them one-on-one.
LevelUpTuts, quick for Level Up Tutorials, was founded in 2013 as a free learning tool for anyone studying web development. Scott Tolinski founded the channel with his buddy Ben Schaaf after getting hurt while breakdancing and having plenty of downtime inside.
Tolinski continues to operate the channel independently, producing well-produced, approachable, and user-friendly videos. Over 1,000 free films are available on LevelUpTuts on a variety of (and occasionally extremely specialised) subjects, such as “How I Make 4k Video Intros Without After Effects.”
Numerous series are available on the channel, and most of the films are under ten minutes long. The five-part “Meteor 1.4 + React for Everyone” series and other similar video compilations are available for viewers to watch.
Additionally, LevelUpTuts offers paid courses with in-depth video tutorials on subjects like GitHub code automation, Cypress testing, and animating React with Framer Motion.
Life of Luba
With the Life of Luba channel, Luba Yudasina makes a name for herself within the industry that is controlled by men. Yudasina, a native of Belarus, has experience working at Airbnb and Yelp as a product manager, chief of staff, and software developer. She now posts videos on YouTube on technological entrepreneurship.
Her coding tutorials for beginners include the five-minute “How to Learn Code” video and the two-minute “Get Started With Coding: Learn This Line of Code!” video. Her videos frequently centre on navigating the tech sector; she discusses her time in Silicon Valley, how she got a job at Yelp, and how to write a software engineering résumé.
Additionally, Luba discusses work-related and technological subjects like coworking spaces, digital organising, productivity advice, and books for business owners.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we make sure that all our students get the right technological training and knowledge essential to grow and prosper in their respective fields of interest. Fully equipped computer labs and highly-skilled trainers ensure that right knowledge is imparted in the best way possible.
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
Science Facts For Kids That They Didn’t Know
Best School in HSR Layout
The natural curiosity of our children makes them sponges for information. Enjoy some science-related entertainment with them! Check out these unique science facts for youngsters, which cover anything from strange bug phenomena to fascinating space knowledge to intriguing features of the human body.. Your lunchbox notes have just become geeky!
Did you know that your heart beats 3,600 times in an hour.
The number of cells in the human body is around 100 trillion.
Carbon dioxide is exhaled and oxygen is inhaled by humans. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants, who then turn it into oxygen.
Baby teeth and adult teeth are present throughout a person’s lifetime in almost all mammals, including humans. However, reptiles can have a lot more sets—a crocodile, for example, can have 50 sets of teeth and then develop 3,000 new ones!
The temperature of the Earth’s inner core is 10,832 degrees Fahrenheit, while that of its outer core is just 6,872 degrees.
The length of 3.35 lightsabers is ten feet. A stack of 16 “Harry Potter” volumes, a tower made of 318 Lego bricks, and a giraffe with a 6-foot neck can all fit inside of it.
The weight of 1,600 human eyeballs, 5,465 balloons used for celebrations, and 412,375 bees are all 100 pounds. Do you wish to learn more? You’ll have a tonne of fun with the weird units converter from the Omni Calculator Project. You can type in different weights, heights, and distances to get the equal of random things.
In 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard of Apollo 14 played golf on the moon! He travelled with a golf club, two golf balls, and other accessories. The club is currently on exhibit in the Liberty Corner, New Jersey location of the USGA Golf Museum and Library. Still on the moon are the two golf balls.
The element phosphorus is present in several minerals and rocks in addition to the faeces of birds and bats. And it has a garlicky odour.
As a distinctive bottom feeder, the tripod fish (Bathypterois grallator) consumes food from the lower layers of its habitat, or the ocean floor. The pelvis and tail fins of the tripod fish have rigid rays that serve as stilts. It positions itself on the stilts so that it is facing the stream, opens its mouth wide, and consumes all that is in its path!
The Hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules), according to scientists, is capable of lifting up to 850 times its own weight. A Hercules beetle can theoretically lift 255 pounds because it typically weighs between.28 and 0.30 pounds.
When a tomato plant is attacked by a caterpillar, the tomato plant starts to create methyl jasmonate, which really is poisonous to caterpillars.
The Malapteruridae family of electric catfish contains an organ that generates an electric protective shield that will zap any approaching predator. The shock is sufficient to kill smaller prey and discourage predators.
More than 20% of the freshwater on the planet’s surface is contained in the Great Lakes (almost 5,400 cubic miles of water).
Approximately 22,352 steps equal a distance of ten miles. Additionally, it is the same length as 24,759 baguettes (delicious!) and 8,794 elephant trunks laid end to end.
One tonne of carbon dioxide, or the weight of two large pianos or a sizable walrus, can be stored by a tree that is 40 years old.
A female sunfish (Mola Mola) has the capacity to produce up to 300 million eggs in her lifetime.
Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), a blooming plant, can reach a height of 12 feet. It only blooms once every four to five years, but when it does, the bloom smells like rotten meat (no wonder why it’s nicknamed as the corpse flower).
The majority of scientists concur that humans and dogs have been comrades in hunting for over 14,000 years.
The resurrection fern (Pleopeltis polypodioides), which can be entirely dried out for up to 100 years, can seemingly come back to life when moistened. (Anyone for a zombie fern?)
On Pluto, six million hours would be comparable to 2.76 years.
The largest bat on Earth, the huge flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus), with a wing span of up to five feet. But don’t panic, these large fruit bats prefer to sip flower nectar and consume fruits rather than blood.
The hollowed-out teeth of a rattlesnake are what deliver the poison to its prey.
The world’s softest mineral, talc, can break apart in your hands. The hardest mineral is diamond.
Scientists need a drill to pierce the exoskeleton of the ironclad beetle (Zopherus nodulosus haldemani) even after it has died since the exoskeleton is so hard that predators cannot even bite through it.
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schoolsnearme · 2 years
5 Benefits Of Practising Positive Parenting
Best School in Mysore Road
Parenting requires utilising a stern tone and approach when necessary; it does not necessarily entail spoiling and adoring the children constantly. But do you think it’s always essential to yell at your child or force your viewpoint on them about insignificant matters? Or are there any better ways to deal with your child that won’t cause you to lose your cool or perhaps harm their feelings? Learn more about positive parenting in this article so that you may better understand your child and approach the problem with wisdom.
The concept and tactical approach known as ‘positive parenting’ is founded on the idea that our bond with our children is what matters most as parents and how we can support the growth of their self-confidence. Positive parenting emphasises discipline and teaching children how to be independent, responsible adults who treat others with kindness, respect, and gratitude.
What are the benefits of practising positive parenting?
The following are the known benefits of practising a positive parenting approach:
Healthier relationship between the parents and the child
Positive parenting aids in the development of a solid link amongst parents and children, which is extremely important. The trust between children and parents is boosted by this strategy and behavioural development strategies. This is due to the fact that kids will talk positively to their parents more often as a consequence of positive parenting.
These uplifting statements and a positive mindset contribute to a stronger partnership. As your children get older, having a close relationship with them will offer them the assurance to confide in you with any concerns or queries they may have. Your children will experience more events and difficult social-life issues throughout middle and high school, especially, and most youngsters are a little hesitant to share their concerns with their parents. Positive parenting techniques will, however, persuade the kids to include you in this stage as well.
Encouraged effectiveness of communication
Positive parenting methods inevitably involve communication. The basic tenet of positive parenting philosophy is to promote pleasant and upbeat interactions with your children rather than using harsh or unpleasant methods. This can be achieved by allowing the children to openly discuss their ideas, convictions, and emotions while also teaching them how making positive behavioural choices can result in positive emotions and happiness. When communication is two-way, it is most effective.
Therefore, it is very advised that you frequently talk to your kids about your experiences and feelings. Speaking and listening are equally crucial. Make sure you have the patience necessary to hear everything your children have to say.
Reinforces self-esteem and promotes happiness
A joyful family atmosphere that fosters mutual trust and good communication will undoubtedly result in a rise in your children’s self-esteem. Being less harsh as a parent and putting more of an emphasis on progress and encouragement will help kids develop a positive outlook on life. It applies to both children and adults because when we view errors and flaws as opportunities for growth rather than as reasons for self-inflicted shame and negativity, we are better able to cultivate positive behaviour. Less stress for parents and kids equals a joyful and comfortable home atmosphere!
Lead by examples – positive ones!
It’s crucial and difficult to provide your children with an encouraging and positive role model. Young children observe their parents’ behaviour to learn how to act. Parents that are violent and intimidating frequently have disturbed children or children who develop into adults who are just as violent as their parents. In contrast, children whose parents are patient when dealing with the majority of difficult situations will also be patient and amiable in their own way.
For example, if you often spank your child when she disobeys your commands, she may develop the instinct to hit other students at school when they behave similarly.
Helps in curbing negative approaches
A parent’s worst fear is that one of their children would exhibit a pattern of bad behaviour. With teenagers who manage to escape with their nonsensical behaviour while avoiding consequences, parenting can become difficult. It’s crucial to realise that you’ll need to set boundaries for your children as parents. The only distinction is that positive parenting pushes you to substitute constructive behaviour for destructive behaviour.
At Marigold International School, we practise a constructive approach to help maintain discipline and decorum in our students. This in turn helps them grow up by making mistakes and learning from failures.
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schoolsnearme · 2 years
How To Improve Your Child’s Handwriting Skills
Best School in Bangalore
Most parents are almost always concerned about their child’s handwriting as soon as they begin to join the dots to form alphabets and numbers and rightly so. It is crucial because science backs up the fact that handwriting speaks a lot about an individual’s personality. Thus, it is essential that we help our kids have a good handwriting from the very beginning without compromising on their uniqueness.
The following are some practical tips to help improve your kid’s handwriting.
Strengthen their line-game
Lines make it easier to keep the alphabets and words in the right proportion which further increases the readability of a handwriting. If your little one finds it confusing, teach them how to work with the lines.
Use elementary handwriting worksheets with coloured lines for each letter’s guide.
Capital letters should be double the size of lowercase characters and should run from top to bottom of the page.
Help them prevent letters from floating or sinking by ensuring that the bottom of each letter, excluding tails, is always on the line.
They can be assisted in getting this right by emphasizing the bottom part of the area. Tell them that only capital letters may extend above the color and that small characters must remain within it.
Stress on following the right directions.
For the most part, letters should be formed from the top down. Additionally, your child must go from left to right. Try observing your child’s writing. You may be surprised by how he/she writes. Take your child’s hand and guide them through the proper action if you see them creating letters in an odd way. Regularly practise writing letters using the right motions. Make practicing enjoyable to keep the activity appealing.
Don’t skip focus on spacing the words.
After each word, have your child place their finger on the paper. Tell them to begin the following word with their finger on the opposite side. Their words will be properly spaced out, thanks to this method! It will also improve the overall appearance of their handwriting. Dots after each word to indicate space can also help for the ones who have a dominant left hand.
Emphasize on tracing.
Tracing their handwriting is one method you may teach to make them write properly. You can purchase handwriting tracing books or just write on a sheet of paper. If you are doing it yourself, be sure to use a consistent handwriting style. Additionally, avoid writing in font sizes that will be difficult for your child to read.
First, have your youngster pencil-trace over the letters.
They should then rewrite the letters beneath the ones that they traced.
Help your kid differentiate between similar letters.
Some letters are frequently misread or reversed. For instance, people frequently mix up “b” and “d” in lowercase. Horizontally placing both the fists together with both the thumbs out is one technique to help your kid learn the difference. Lowercase “b” appears on the left side, and “d” appears on the right side.
Ws and Ms are again a pair of confusing letters. You can have your child mark all the Ms and/or all the Ws on a page by mixing together a lot of Ms and Ws.
Help them with letter formation.
You might need to review letter formation with your child if they have problems recalling it. It can be helpful to make up mini tales as you go along, such as “T is a small straight line that likes to wear a hat.”
Develop day-to-day scenarios or objects and associate them with different letters to help them memorize each letter or the ones that they find particularly difficult.
To help your child master each letter, practise it again.
Practice till perfection without making it boring.
To encourage a youngster to practise as much as they can is one of the ideal ways to assist them. Make an effort to sneak in writing during the daytime so that your youngster is always exercising.
For example, ask your kid to write down a shopping list for you. Having them write letters to friends or family members is a fantastic additional practice exercise.
Passing notes is an additional method. In other words, leave them notes and request that they respond in writing. You can try several such fun activities to make it interesting.
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schoolsnearme · 2 years
How To Build A Growth Mindset In Kids
Best School in JP Nagar
According to the general consensus, intellect is fixed, and while some people are inherently excellent at specific jobs, others struggle with the same. Adults and kids alike have this mentality, which is to blame people not constantly learning new things or improving themselves. In the past few decades, researchers have learned that intellect can be enhanced and that a person’s capacity for learning may be greatly influenced by their mentality. Growth mindset is a theory developed as a result of what psychologists have discovered about how our minds function. For all the information on how to develop it, keep reading.
What do we mean by a growth mindset?
Carol Dweck created the growth mindset theory after thorough research revealed that kids who persisted despite difficulties thought they might do better or progress. Children who retreated from challenges, contrarily, thought they were incapable of developing their skills.
The idea is relevant to every aspect of learning. One aspect where it’s particularly obvious is in writing. If students believe they are poor writers, they will give up attempting to get better after receiving poor grades on certain assignments. This is referred to as a stuck attitude. However, a growth mentality is demonstrated if they think they can steadily advance and expand their writing abilities.
Everybody has both a fixed and a growth mindset in all aspects of their existence. The majority of it depends on the kinds of experiences we’ve had and the comments we’ve received; we haven’t carved it all in stone. It takes more than just being open-minded and accepting of criticism to have a growth mindset. Additionally, developing ways to get better in the areas of life where we fall short entails reflecting from experiences and putting the criticism to use. Most importantly, it thinks that even after numerous failures, success is still achievable.
Why is a growth mindset important for children?
A growth mindset in kids must be encouraged as:-
It helps in increasing hunger for knowledge and learning.
It helps in achieving better performance in examinations.
It helps prepare them for the upcoming challenges in life.
It reduces risk of mental health concerns with stress like depression and anxiety.
It promotes an inquisitiveness that helps connect with more people with a growth mindset.
How to develop a growth mindset in kids?
Following are certain tips that can aid the process of developing a growth mindset in your kids:-
Redefine failure and encourage acceptance
Risking failure and making the wrong decision when trying something new. But nothing worthwhile has ever been created or discovered without first making a mistake and then fixing it. Teaching kids that it’s alright to make mistakes will empower them to take on any challenge and instil confidence in their ability to succeed.
Encourage experiments and new perceptions
The majority of issues that they run across at school or during any activity can be solved in more than one way. Encourage them to try another approach if the one they are using isn’t working. Even though you might be inclined to suggest it, let them brainstorm for it instead.
Encourage solving harder problems
An excellent strategy to encourage kids to take on issues that call for a methodical approach is to give them significant mathematical problems that involve several steps and are modest challenges in and of themselves. Answers that result from memorising facts of the technique lack the confidence and mental agility that are developed through the solution of these kinds of issues.
Let them learn from making more mistakes
It’s crucial that they understand that making errors is a necessary component of learning. Children who solve issues quickly demonstrate that they are already familiar with the solutions. While it is more likely to make a mistake when trying to solve a difficult problem for the very first time. Teach them to repeat, “Mistakes help me grow,” whenever they make a mistake.
Help develop problem-solving skills
The methods used to solve problems can differ from one child to another. Thus, getting a response requires more than merely following a set of instructions. Teach them to consider the factors that led them to choose one strategy over another. For instance, do they have a written solution or do they first paint a solution before putting it into practice?
Prioritise efforts over results.
Even if the goal of every work is to produce a result, learning can occasionally suffer from a result-oriented emphasis that is too intense. Teach them that the effort is more important than the outcome, so they should give it their all.
Promote a persistent attitude
Every chance you get, express your appreciation for their perseverance and efforts. It doesn’t always have to be praise; just a simple statement like “I know you’ve been working hard” can do.
Marigold International School acknowledges that a growth mindset needs to be developed over time and encourages students to do so at all steps. Our innovative and action-oriented teaching approach helps students to grab the concept sooner in life to make the most out of every opportunity that comes their way.
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schoolsnearme · 2 years
7 Ways To Help Your Children Develop A Positive Attitude Towards Life
It is indeed one of the most important desires of parents to want the best for their children in all aspects of their life. One needs to be optimistic in order to succeed in life. A young person can accomplish anything in life if they have confidence and a positive attitude. You can actually do a lot of things to promote a positive attitude in your children. Learn how you may encourage your kids to adopt a positive outlook by reading this article.
How can a positive attitude help your child?
Children may overcome any obstacle in life by maintaining a positive attitude towards things. A child who thinks positively will learn to approach different elements of life positively and be able to solve issues swiftly. Children may experience negative effects from a minor setback, but they should realize that does not spell the end of the world. They can always recover from challenging events quickly if they maintain their optimism during the time of crisis. Children who are positive, tend to be more resilient.
You shouldn't make your kids ignore their bad thoughts or feelings; instead, encourage them to work through them and move on.
How do children develop a negative approach?
If you see your youngster acting out, there's a chance that he might be doing so due to one of the following problems:
If you have imposed a lot of restrictions on your kid.
If you, as a parent, use excessive negative language.
If you're always being too cautious and overprotective.
If your child is experiencing trauma or psychological issues.
If the environment at home is too challenged.
A child who receives a lot of criticism may grow up to be negative.
Tips to nurture a positive attitude in children
The following are certain tips that can help a positive attitude in your child:
Encourage them to share their feelings
Allowing your kids to express their feelings is crucial to help them embrace a positive attitude in life. Tell them that it's normal to feel happy or sad sometimes, whether it's sadness, happiness, fear, embarrassment, worry, or any other emotion. Negativity won't exist if people begin to accept their emotions. Ask your youngster about his de ella issue of her if he or she is upset or furious. Make sure he knows that you understand his issue from her and his from her sentiments from her from her from her by explaining that these dark clouds will pass. Inform him that rather than obsessing about the issue, he should endeavor to find solutions. He will realize that there is a solution to every issue in this manner. Your little one will soon begin to look at things positively.  
Practice what you preach
Parents teach their kids a lot of things. If you maintain an optimistic outlook on life, your children will do the same. Your kids watch every move you make and feel, even if you're not aware of it. Slowly but surely, children begin to adopt your opinions and beliefs. Demonstrate to them that it is feasible and even beneficial to remain upbeat in the midst of hardship. They will become more optimistic as a result of this.
Don't compromise on encouragement & motivation
Encourage your children to focus on the good things in life if they are feeling down or unmotivated. When they succeed, congratulate them, and do not berate them if they mess up. Never reprimand your youngster for misbehaving. Inform him nicely that her actions of ella are unacceptable and instruct him on how to make amends. Children learn positivism when you teach them how to correct their mistakes.
Give them some space
While it's crucial to teach children discipline, they also need to be allowed some freedom. It's acceptable to let kids act a certain way sometimes. Let them go after their goals and aspirations.
Encourage them to have a positive circle of peers
Friendships have a big impact on us, and being in a pleasant environment has a beneficial effect on how we see the world. The same is true for children, so make sure your little one is around pleasant, upbeat individuals.
Inspire positive talks and discussions
While it is nice to know about your child's day, be careful to place more focus on the positive than the negative. Prove to them that good things may triumph over bad things. It will be easier for children to understand that having a good outlook on daily occurrences in general can lead to stress-free days if you encourage them to concentrate on positive happenings and emphasize how important they are. In the end, they'll tend to have a more upbeat outlook on life.
Instill values ​​and morals
When you instill morals and values ​​in your child from the start, they will grow up to be more positive people than children who don't know right from wrong. Your kids will know they are doing the right thing when they are aware of their values. They won't feel guilty, doubt themselves, or have regrets if they uphold standards and act morally. Kids will find it simpler to cultivate a good attitude when they're not afraid, guilty, and mistrustful.
At Marigold International School, we encourage and practice a positive environment where students can learn and incorporate a positive attitude in themselves during schooling hours.
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schoolsnearme · 2 years
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