scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
sorry i haven't been doing much on the dash, folks! i was still experiencing that redirect virus (literally only happening on tumblr) and i'm now paranoid to log in on my computer lmao find me on IM tho! i'm sick today (and probably tomorrow) so i should be around
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
42 character development questions!
PHYSICAL PRESENCE AND GESTURE. 1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy? 2. How much physical space do they use, active and at rest? 3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd? 4. What is their size and build? How does it influence how they use their body, if it does? 5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why? 6. What are they like in motion–in different environments, and in different activities? What causes the differences between these? 7. How do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? What causes the differences between these? 8. Where and when do they seem most and least at ease? Why? How can you tell? 9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions? 10. What energizes and drains them most? 11. How are they vocally expressive? What kind of voice, accent, tones, inflections, volume, phrases and slang, and manner of speaking do they use? 12. How are they bodily expressive? How do they use nonverbal cues such as their posture, stance, eyes, eyebrows, mouths, and hands? DISPOSITION AND TEMPERAMENT. 13. How do they greet the world — what is their typical attitude towards life? How does it differ in different circumstances, or towards different subjects? Why do they take these attitudes, and why do they change? How do these tend to be expressed? 14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed? 15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives? 16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like? 17. Are they more shaped by nature or nurture — who they are, or what has happened to them? How have these shaped who they’ve become as a person? 18. What kind of person could they become in the future? What are some developmental paths that they could take, (best, worst, most likely?) what would cause them to come to pass, and what consequences might they have? What paths would you especially like to see, and why? CONNECTIONS WITH OTHERS. 19. How do they behave within a group? What role(s) do they take? Does this differ if they know and trust the group, versus finding themselves in a group of strangers? Why? 20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships? 21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why? 22. How do people respond to them, and why might these responses differ? 23. How do they respond to difficult social moments? What makes them consider a social situation difficult? 24. How do they present themselves socially? What distinguishes their “persona” from their “true self”, and what causes that difference? 25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it? 26. How do they view and feel about relationships, and how might this manifest in how they handle them, if it does? ACTIVITIES AND PREFERENCES. 27. What do they strongly like and dislike, in any category? Why? 28. What are they likely to do if they have the opportunity, resources, and time to accomplish it? Why? 29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative? 30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much? 31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why? 32. Do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? What are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why? THINKING AND LEARNING. 33. How do they learn about the world–what is their preferred learning style? Hands-on learning with trial and error? Research, reading, and note-taking? Observation or rote memorization? Inductive or deductive reasoning? Seeking patterns and organization? Taking things apart and putting them back together? Creative processing via discussing, writing about, or dramatizing things? 34. How do they understand the world–what kind of worldview and thought processes do they have? Why? 35. How and why do they internalize knowledge? What effect has that had on them? 36. How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this? 37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them? 38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why? 39. What sort of questions or thoughts recur in their lives, either specifically or as a theme? Why are these never answered, or answered permanently to their satisfaction? 40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is? FREE FOR ALL. 41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why? 42. I have a question of my own!
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
someone: you sure that's a wise decision?
me, offended: i've never made a wise decision in my life & never will
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
❤ This is how I’d please you:
Send ❤ and tell my muse how your muse would please them. Get creative or naughty, anons are welcome.
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
“You wanna be the big spoon or the little spoon?”
“You realize I’m like, twice - maybe three times the size of you, right?”
“That does not answer my question.”
“…little spoon.”
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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                “... being sober SUCKS.” 
      Cue Greg sprawling onto the couch miserably, putting himself over Lesley. Maybe having a sugar daddy isn’t exactly a GREAT idea (rule: don’t make big changes)... but here he is. Ohhhhh well! “Can’t we just... take a shot of something... to ease the headache... and the shaking... Lesley.... please... I’m dying here.” (#1 rule: DON’T DRINK.)
|| @mordante
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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        “Yeah, it’s not  —  I wasn’t thinking  —  wait, which of your friends have you kissed?” (Please don’t let it be Josh. Please don’t put another historically superior relationship between us. ) Rebecca doesn’t plan on letting Greg see she’s a little panicked about it, but she is still tipsy, so it’s not 100% within her control.
        “It wasn’t Josh, was it?” She’s not putting out Josh vibes! This is a non-frantic giggle! “Who have you… ?” She half-dips into a curtsy, abandons it before her hand reaches the hem of her dress. “With whom have you… maden out? Made out? Uh, kissed, who’d you KISS, dude? And then we’ll drop it. Then we should drop it.”
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        “Oh, not CHAN.” Greg holds up his hands--it’s bugging him a little bit, that all she can think about is him, that her focus is solely on JOSH CHAN... Alas, she’s here with Greg now, so what’s it matter? He presses his lips together, an awkward smile on his face as he shifts. He can’t even really remember that night; White Josh told him afterward. “I--uh--White Josh. They were still in college, and they came home for a weekend. We all went out... and I got trashed, as one does. And apparently I was getting all grumpy that no girls were talking to me, and I was asserting that I WAS a good kisser... and then I kissed Wijo.” He shifts uncomfortably, a flush of embarrassment on his cheeks. “I’m not gay, though. I don’t even think I’m bi. It was just... drunk.” 
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
things greg does when no one’s home: puts bruno on his lap and strokes his fur and does the whole scene from the Godfather, even doing his best Brando impression
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
reasons not to kiss her 1.) this sort of love is not allowed. you are both too soft, and the world around you is all knives and chipped teeth 2.) no one ever taught you how to love. your war paint and scarred hands could never hold her like she deserves 3.) no one has ever loved you this full surely you would drown in it all 4.) she belongs in a museum, and you are merely here to gaze. look around you, all the signs scream ‘do not touch’ 5.) she touches you like youre fragile, and if you break you wont be able put yourself together again 6.) she is all bubblegum skies and chapped stick kisses, and you cannot watch the love run out of another persons eyes 7.) if you jump, she might catch you, and then youd have to watch as she tumbled through the dark 8.) her gaze is too gentle. you will not be the one to tell her that not everything can be fixed with a smile 9.) she is so good. she is so good, and you cannot ruin one more good thing 10.) you will not watch her crumble under the weight of your sins. she is too light, too breathless to be caught up in the dizziness of your heart reasons to kiss her 1.) she loves you, and her eyes are closed, and didnt your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
lessons in listening to your heart, and not your head (via xanrps)
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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♪ I gave you a UTI, not an STD, no STDs, just to clarify ♪
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