serloreon · 11 months
location: red keep; open
The ease of the day hadn't gone unnoticed, with all that had happened the keep itself seemed relatively calm. Most would enjoy the calm, usually the nobles who felt secure would enjoy such a moment. He could understand why, they had people to take on the worries of their safety so they wouldn't have to. Someone like him, a knight in the Kingsguard was there to handle anything that might pose as a threat. He was moving through a corridor, his hand on the hilt of his sword as he went, his mind as clear as it could be while he kept his eyes trained on his surroundings. He had to be alert at all times, especially now that they had a king, any number of people could try and change that.
He had turned a corner a little too sharply and nearly ran into someone on the other side, he did well to step to the side so he wouldn't barrel right into them. "My humblest apologies." He said right away, straightning himself up so he could better help whoever he nearly took out. "Are you alright?" His tone showed how deeply apologetic he was.
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serloreon · 11 months
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We are pleased to announce the arrival of { LOREON LANNISTER, SER, KNIGHT OF THE KINGSGUARD } of { HOUSE LANNISTER } to King’s Landing! The { 30 } year-old { CISMALE } is whispered to be { Haughty & Prideful } but in reality, they are { Loyal & Protective }. They are also said to resemble { ZANE PHILLIPS }They are { NEUTRAL } a new treaty of peace and unity between House Targaryen and House Stark. Things, however, are not always quite what they seem, are they?
NAME — loreon lannister NICK NAMES — lori TITLES & ALIAS’ — ser GENDER — cismale PRONOUNS — he/him/his ROMANTIC & SEXUAL ORIENTATION — homoromantic & homosexual AGE — thirty PLACE OF BIRTH — casterly rock CURRENT RESIDENCE — red keep
POSITIVE TRAITS — loyal, courageous, protective, determined, professional NEGATIVE TRAITS — haughty, prideful, stubborn, selfish LIKES — being a kingsgaurd, tourneys, drinking, sex, horseback riding, training. DISLIKES — his enemies, any sort of ball/dance/party, his kings enemies.
EYE COLOR — blue HAIR COLOR — dirty blond HAIR STYLE — worn short COMPLEXION — has more or less a tan BUILD — toned / athletic / warrior build HEIGHT — 6’1 CLOTHING — as he is usually working he wears the proper attire for a Kingsguard, when he isn't working he usually wears something more casual. keeping in mind that he represents not just himself but his family and the king. FACECLAIM — zane phillips
PARENTS — ruling lord and lady (both deceased) SIBLINGS — steffon, tytos, and leila lannister COUSINS — tbd ROMANTIC INTEREST — daeron targaryenCHILDREN — none PETS — none
RELIGION — the seven KNOWN LANGUAGES — common tongue
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serloreon · 11 months
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Zane Phillips photographed by Aleksandar Tomovic for Bello Magazine
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