shannonmurphy2718 · 1 month
assignment 2
Little Mosque on the Prairie
The show may have reinforced stereotypes related to Islam and Muslims, It's possible that certain characters or situations were depicted in a way that played into common misconceptions of Muslims, such as portraying all Muslims as devout or conservative in their beliefs. I watched the first episode of the first season and right off the bat, I witnessed the word terrorist used in the church which is a common racial stereotype for Islamic and Muslim people. How even within their own borders they still convey themselves as the "enemy" Internally not actually.
I believe one of the show's goals was likely to humanize Muslim characters and showcase their everyday lives, struggles, and aspirations. By doing so, it may have challenged stereotypes by highlighting the diversity of experiences within the Muslim community and breaking down the racial stereotypes
"Little Mosque on the Prairie" also explored interactions between Muslims and people of other faiths, including Christians, in a small-town setting. These interactions could have served to challenge and reinforce stereotypes due to the many interactions with other people that turned out to be compared and then contrasted
From a historical perspective, the show's portrayal of Muslim characters and themes would have been influenced by the socio-political context of the early 2000s, since that is when it was made. around that time there was a huge shift in people's perspectives about Muslim communities, for instance, in the scene where the Muslim man was brought into a room by the airport security just for being a Muslim. where they couldn't give him an answer so he blamed it all on him just being from Islam.
Semiotically, the show's use of symbols, language, and cultural references would have contributed to how it conveyed messages about identity, community, and belonging within the community
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shannonmurphy2718 · 1 month
Blog one
M.C. Escher was a master of manipulating shapes, depth, and perspective in his artwork. His unique style often blended mathematical precision with artistic imagination, creating visually captivating images that challenge our perception of reality. 
Escher's use of shapes was both meticulous and imaginative. He frequently employed geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, and circles, which he transformed and repeated to create intricate patterns and tessellations. For instance, in his famous work "Metamorphosis II," he skillfully combined various shapes to depict a seamless transformation from one form to another, showcasing his ability to manipulate shapes to convey a sense of continuity and transformation 
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Depth was crucial to Escher's compositions, particularly in his optical illusions and impossible constructions. He employed techniques such as foreshortening and overlapping to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. In works like "Relativity," Escher ingeniously played with contradictory perspectives, leading the viewer's eye in multiple directions and blurring the distinction between foreground and background, challenging the viewer to look and describe all of the different perspectives he defied traditional rules of perspective, creating staircases that seem to loop endlessly and defy gravity. His careful attention to detail and precise execution of perspective tricks contributed to the mesmerizing and perplexing nature of his art.
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Escher's construction of images often involved meticulous planning and precise execution. He would start with a mathematical concept or idea, then translate it into a visual representation using his artistic skills. His drawings and prints were often highly detailed, with intricate linework and shading that added depth and realism to his fantastic creations. He used geometry to create many images and incorporated mathematical forms into others.
Overall, M.C. Escher's manipulation of shapes, depth, and perspective was central to his artistic vision. Through his innovative techniques, he crafted images that fascinate and intrigue viewers, inviting them to explore the boundaries between art, mathematics, and perception.
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