siberianspirits 7 years
UnderSedge Sans - Sedge
This is UnderSedge鈥檚 Sans. His most common nickname is Sedge, although he is also called Sans and Firecracker. He was born a wolf, and his first language was Latin. Although he has since learned English, Sign Language, and a verrry small amount of Wing Dings.
Sedge was originally an Epsilon (Guardian), but got demoted to Nu (Sentry).
His father is Gaster, (Ghost), and never knew his mother. He has one younger sibling, Papyrus, who is mostly called Pal. Sedge is four and a half in wolf years, roughly 29 in human/monster years.
He has way to many secrets, and lies a lot to protect them and himself. Unfortunately, that makes it hard for him to make friends and keep relationships. (Is currently with MysteryTale鈥檚 Chara, Arcana. @moonphaze24 鈥檚 universe)
When he visites universes that aren鈥檛 all animal, he transforms into a skeleton. You know, to try and fit in. He can change back into wolf, but it鈥檚 dangerous and he rarely does it. Being used to the great outdoors, Sedge gets really uncomfortable in houses and places he can鈥檛 come and go from freely.
Despite being a bit shady.. and a pain in the tail. If you can earn his trust, he鈥檚 a great and loyal friend.
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siberianspirits 7 years
Quick Explanation and Wolf Rank Key - UnderSedge
(Sorry about all the repeating. This same bit is on my WattPad if you check it out.. *cough* "SiberianSpirit" *cough* Shamless Plug) I don't think I've mentioned yet that UnderSedge is made of mostly wolves, and foxes.. So there you go!
I just want to say up front, that although I love writing about animals, I'm not an expert on them. So this is not terribly accurate, to real life, or to the original UnderTale story line.
I'm also not really 100% certain on in this universe. Things are constantly changing, so I hope that doesn't bother you to much. That being said, I hope you keep an open mind and enjoy anyways!
This is the Wolf Rank structure I'm following... and I totally stole it from:聽
So I owe a HUGE thank you to the creator of that website.
High Rankings:
Alpha (1-2) - Usually there are two within a pack, although sometimes there is only one. There can only be one of each gender holding this position. They are normally the active mating pair. They are dominant over all the rest of the pack, and what they say should be considered law. They take an interest in what goes on in their pack, and if they've been away for any length of time look to the Beta to learn of what went on. (Leaders)
Beta (1-2) - There may be one or two in a pack, one of each gender. They may or may not be mates and are second in command. When neither alphas are around, they take charge. As it is the responsibility that falls to them. The Beta is there in order to test the Alpha in skirmishes which are never truly serious and results in little to no damage of either creature. Although there may come a time when the challange is serious. (Second in Command)
Gamma (1-2) - Those holding this position are usually, if not always, the oldest and wisest of the pack. Through their stories and their phrases, they pass on to the others within the pack their wisdom. They delight in telling stories to pups, though sometimes what they tell is just legend. However, still each story usually has some sort of moral to it. At one time they may have been the Alpha. Although, the current Alphas may put others here should it seem right to them. There is usually only one or two who fill this position and normally only one of each gender. Especially if they were a prior Alpha pair. Those who hold this position are much respected and loved by the rest of the pack. (Elders)
Delta (1-4) - They are the messangers of the pack. They go between, and among the Allies then sometimes even the Axis. They risk their own lives by doing so, but it is their duty and they must make sure that those who need to know are told. Sometimes they work in conjunction with the Upsilon. Those who seek this position must be agile, patient and have an even temperment while speaking with other packs. (Messengers)
Epsilon (1-2) - They are the Gaurdians of the pack. Their job is to ward off intruders and are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the pack. They should have at one time been either an Zeta, Eta or Iota for they will need the skills of peace and fighting. Though they should only resort to violence should peaceful persuasion fail. (Guardians)
Zeta (1-3) - The war general of the pack. They take direct orders from the Alpha in case of a war. The Alpha may be the one to declare war, but the Zeta leads the army and plans the plans for war. They also train new recruits for positions such as Eta. Eta being more likely to take his or her place in future. Normally there is only a single Zeta, but if the populace is high there can be as many as three. (War General)
Eta (2-8) - There are at least two in a pack. The Eta are the warriors of the pack. They are led by the Zeta or the Epsilon during skirmishes and wars. Although they will take orders from the Alpha or other higher ranks if given, but the Alpha's above all. (Warriors)
Theta (1) - They are the lead medics within the pack, therefore it is they that the Iota aspire to be. (Lead Medic)
Iota (1-2) - They are the medics of the pack, knowledgable in herbology. They have vast knowledge upon what plants and other natural resources will help cure and heal others. (Medics)
Kappa (1-2) - They are the lead hunters in the pack. Normally there is only one, though sometimes there are two depending upon how large the pack is. They lead the packs hunts when the Alpha tells them to. They make sure that the entire pack is well fed and will not starve. They oversee as well, that the pack will have a well balanced diet. (Lead Hunters)
Lambda (Unlimited) - They are the hunters of the pack. They follow the Alpha or the Kappa in the hunts. Those who hold this position are loyal and quick to follow orders. They have stealth and agility on their side and together are able to take down larger prey. (Hunters)
Mid Rankings:
Mu (1) - They are the peace keeper of the pack, using mediation between those who're angry with one another. The Alpha may take a Mu with them to speak with another pack over starting a peace treaty. They make sure that no serious fights break out within their own pack. They may at times also work with the Delta, Zeta or Upsilon. (Peace Keeper)
Nu (1-6) - They are the sentries of the pack. Their duty is to keep track of natural resources, finding dens and areas of abundant food for the pack. They also must keep watch of the pack making sure to call the Epsilon, Delta, Lambda or Upsilon. (Sentries)
Xi (1-2) - Their main duty is to keep an eye on their resources such as water supplies and potential den areas. They may at times even assist the hunters. Should an unwelcome visitor infiltrate the packs territory they are able to call upon the Gaurdians/Epsilon. (Resource Watchers)
Omicron (1) - The Omicron is usually the lead Pi and oversee to it that each one is taking care of the rest of the packs problems in a way that wont harm anyone. They are those who with permission from the Alpha may choose who will become a Pi. (Top Therapist)
Pi (1-4) - The Pi are therapists within the pack. Often the other members will come to them to confide in, because it is the duty of the Pi to keep such confidences confidential and try and help those who come to them by giving them advice and advising them on what might be best for them. Although they are not always right, but should be able to help out and be a good listener. It is also advised that they themselves do not make judgements of others. (Therapists)
Rho (1-2) - The Rho are secretaries to the Pi, making sure that they have breaks in between appointments. They also are the ones that those seeking the therapist must come to in order to make an appointment so things do not become to chaotic if everyone wishes to speak with the Pi. (Secretaries)
Sigma (1-2) - The Sigma are the Tutors of the pack. They know much about each thing. They often work with the Phi in order to teach the pups as well as the subordinates and others who might need a bit more knowledge within the pack. (Tutors)
Tau (1) - The Tau is the lead Scout/Upsilon. They give orders to the Upsilon on whom to spy upon or what packs to look at. They are also known as the best of the Upsilon and only those who've proven themselves may be promoted from Upsilon to this position. However their direct orders come from the Alphas. (Lead Scout)
Upsilon (1-4) - The Upsilon are the scouts or spies of the pack. They go into other pack territories in order to find out what's going on. Afterwards they report back to the Alpha and tell them about all that they have seen, even should it just be that pups have been born. They will also report to the Zeta if they were asked to find wolves of their own for battle, or they report to the Alpha pair. (Scouts/Spies)
Lower Rankings
Phi (1) - They are the pup sitters of the pack and delight in teaching the young that which they will need in the future. However if a pup gets lost or hurt they are hold accountable should the pup have been under their care at that time. (Pup-sitter)
Chi (1) - They are the jester of the pack. They help to make others laugh when things get stressful. (Jester)
Psi (Unlimited) - These are the subordinates of the pack. Usually new memebers or yearling wolves start here and must prove themselves before they are given a better ranking. However they need to be careful and achieve a higher ranking least they become the Omega. (Subordinate)
Omega (1-5) - They are the scape goats of a pack. Often they are picked on by the other wolves and are last to eat. Sometimes things may become so bad that they might even up and leave the pack, though there are those who remain to stick it out. (Lowest Rank)
Pups - They are the young usually born into the pack under the age of one. Depending upon morality and the attitude of a pack as well as the food that is available, the number of pups in any pack may vary
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siberianspirits 7 years
The Universe of UnderSedge
This is UnderSedge as it stands today. Everyone is located in a remote valley on the surface hidden by magic. The dominant languages being Latin and Wolf English.
The Ruins is a tunnel through the mountain, rather than a pit inside the mountain that leads to SnowDin. There are a few parkour puzzles and lever puzzles, of course nothing to extreme.. Perhaps left by humans? Torial visits a couple times, but has never lived there.
SnowDin. The first thing you see on the way out of the Ruins is blinding white snow and a long corridor of trees. There are no puzzles on the way there because.. well, that's just silly. A fallen tree marks the entrance to the heart of SnowDin, and all around are groups of wolves. Will they welcome you or eat you? Who knows! (Probably eat you)
Following the faint trail to the East out of the tree corridor will lead you to WaterFall. Although having few waterfalls, there are many water patches to spash around in. There is also a River, called Sapphire River, and a Sapphire Lake. The peninsula of water on the south-west side of the lake is home to Shimmer Fish. Evil fish with sharp teeth and scales that can walk on land. If that wasn't enough, they also hate wolves. As well as a tree in the far corner of the valley wth roots that are shaped like a star. They call it the Life Tree.
Crossing the far side of Sappire River will bring you to the Dark Forest. (Such a creative name, I know!) The trees are so close together it's hard to move around, and it's full of scary creatures. In the middle of the Dark Forest, the Dark River (I'm on a roll with these names!) surrounds Shadow Island. On Shadow Island is the only place you can find Star Stones. Magical healing rocks, said to have gained power from the stars.
If you somehow manage to make your way out of the Dark Forest alive.. Venturing South will bring you to HotLand. A very hot, barren place. If the heat doesn't kill you, the fire mice might. If you run into a pack of fire mice, you are almost guaranteed to loose your pelt. Granted that you don't fall into the Lava Spring first.
Special Places: Sedge's Cave, Theta's Cave, and Echo Cave
Following the even fainter trail to the north of the east trail will bring you to Sedge's cave. Be sure you are invited though, he really doesn't like strangers.
To the far north at the western part of Snowdin is Theta's Cave. The healer of the packs, she is known mostly as Alphys, but it's polite to use her Rank to speak to her. Inside her cave is a spring that she calls Healing Water. It flows out her cave and into the forest. So if you ever get lost, just follow a river. After you check for Shimmer Fish of course
The central mountain of the valley holds a dark secret. Echo Cave. Not much is known about it.. they say only those that has been inside can tell the secrets.. but not all that have been inside have lived to tell the tale.. All we know is that it's pitch black inside, with only a few Echo flowers, dimly shining, and repeating all they hear.. Criminals and those sentenced to death are locked inside the Echo Cave. It blocks magic from being used, and for those that live with magic pulsing through their viens, it's extremely painful.. Sounds like a horrible place. Trust me when I say that you do not want to end up there..
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siberianspirits 7 years
Arcana: *throws a bone at sedge*
Sedge: *catches the bone and bites into it* Thanks! I love these
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siberianspirits 7 years
UnderSedge and ArcherTale
UnderSedge and ArcherTale are my two original AUs, and as of Steptember 17, 2017 nobody else (that I know of) has these names. I claim them. Can I do that? *looks around* Well, if I can, I do. *being extremely paranoid*
I'll be posting pictures and backstories for most of my characters, as well as writing a Fanfiction on my WattPad. PolarSpirit. Go check it out if you love reading!
I have to say straight out that I'm not very active on.. any social media platform.. So if you send me messages, or ask my characters questions.. Chances are, I'm to lazy to respond, or I never saw it.
Also, quick shoutouts to my favorite people ever! @multiversemadnessau and @moonphaze24 ! They have universes that come in contact with mine, so you will see more of my characters, as well as some amazing art and characters from their universes. They also talked me into Tumblr.. so.. ya..
So there we go! My first post on Tumblr and I'm already trying to act like I know what I'm doing. Hopefully it carries through. Thanks for reading this, and look forward to some art!
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