siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & hunter
HUNTER: it's... yes. that is exactly what bourbon is. and all other whiskey basically. it's not bad once you get a taste for it but not really where you want to start, i can say from experience
HUNTER: yeah... good to know we've all got each other's backs, right?
HUNTER: i didn't mean that's the only thing i'm here for... it's just one of the things. i'm no good at spells and all that stuff so if i can help out by helping everyone relax a little to get through this stuff that's something, right?
UNSENT: that's what i'm telling myself, anyway
JAC: Oh, okay yeah that makes sense. My brothers are always teasing my sister about how she likes the fruity drinks. But I'd rather have something that tastes good too.
JAC: Definitely. Bellamy could have left me there, I mean, not that I think she ever would, but she could have. I'm glad that most people here aren't the type to do that really.
JAC: Still, I think you've got a lot. I mean, I'm pretty hopeless at potions still. It's kind of hard to tell sometimes if I'm doing it right with my magic, but you could do them with your eyes closed. And you're really nice. I'd rather have that than someone who is super ultra powerful but also kind of mean.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & kit
[After the mission]
KIT: Oh crap I got so busy with Jordan's birthday and other stuff, but I promise my schedule is free now. We can do all the clearing your head that you want.
KIT: I'm not sure if you still want to with everything that's happened but the offer is definitely still there.
JAC: It's okay, I figured everyone was pretty busy. I didn't mind waiting.
JAC: I'd still like to go if you want? Maybe just for a short walk. I need to get back to training too.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / bellamy & jac
BELLAMY: you passed out cause the magic on that door was all kinds of intense. without you we wouldn't have even gotten in.
BELLAMY: and what's the use in thinking of what could have happened when that's not what actually happened?
JAC: Maybe, but I should have been able to hold more, or at least stay upright.
JAC: The point is that what if next time there is a fight? And the same thing happens. We got lucky this time but luck isn't always going to save us.
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siiphon · 3 years
Not that kind of party, sweetie. We could probably use some drinks, though, if you want to take care of that?
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Right.. duh. Um, Hunter’s probably better at that than I am. I can help set up or clean or... whatever you need?
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siiphon · 3 years
Yeah, no, just tired, you know? The last couple of days have kind of sucked, Not going to lie, I wish I could’ve contributed more is all, I guess.
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I.. yeah, I understand that. Did they suck... more than it was sucking already? It’s not like we were successful, Zara. The girl was dead by the time we got there. Fight’s not over yet.
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siiphon · 3 years
I was getting some stuff and things, you know? Which I guess was for the best, because we needed it. That was, *whew* rough.
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Oh. Okay, well I’m glad it was helpful. Are you okay?
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & eilwin
EILWIN: It wasn't good, but it wasn't hurt because of you. I just couldn't control my magic. Which means pain, unfortunately.
EILWIN: I'm okay. Are you okay?
JAC: But it was because of me.
JAC: I'm fine. Just tired kind of. And guilty.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & eilwin
EILWIN: Whoa, dude, you did not hurt me.
EILWIN: I was fucking tripping balls off that power.
JAC: I... what? But you were... it sounded like it wasn't good.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / bellamy & jac
BELLAMY: were we on the same rescue mission? cause i saw a girl take on a fuck ton of magic and not quit until she literally passed the fuck out
JAC: Yeah, I passed out. If we’d gotten into a fight, I could’ve gotten one of you hurt.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / bellamy & jac
BELLAMY: why are you apologising? you kicked butt out there
JAC: No I didn’t. I almost ruined everything.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & murphy
MURPHY: ill show you how to throw a punch regardless but isn't that where your siphoning comes in?
JAC: Yeah because that was so helpful the other night.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & murphy
MURPHY: uh. sure.
MURPHY: why?
JAC: Because if something happens, I'd like to be able to defend myself and not be dead weight.
UNSENT: Like the other night.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & hunter
HUNTER: huh, never tried that one. my dad at least had some decent bourbon that i could drink until i passed out on the kitchen floor when he was out of town... wouldn't recommend that.
HUNTER: nah. like you said, we're a coven. what's the point if we don't help each other out sometimes?
HUNTER: besides, you're far from the first person to ask me for something along those lines lately. it's what i'm here for.
JAC: You shouldn't. It was ceremonial apparently, not meant for drinking. Which one is bourbon? That's the... brown one?
JAC: Yeah.. that's what I'm thinking too.
JAC: I think you're here for more important things than teaching me how to get drunk.
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / bellamy & jac
BELLAMY: i'm not showing anything incriminating and i can take care of myself. thanks for worrying about me though
[day after the failed rescue]
BELLAMY: just checking in, making sure you're alive
[UNSENT]: you really scared the crap out of us yesterday
JAC: I know you can, but still. Shitty people are out there.
[ ... ]
JAC: Yeah, I think so.
JAC: I'm really sorry.
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siiphon · 3 years
I don’t know about all of you, but I’m ready for a fresh start. First order of business: lifting our spirits — not the Jordan kind. I can do it magically for anyone who wants to try that, or we can do it the old fashion way. Who’s feeling a party?
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I can bring some food. Or... is this not that kind of party?
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & eilwin
EILWIN: So that shit was fuckin' wild, huh?
JAC: I'm sorry I hurt you... Are you okay?
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siiphon · 3 years
sms / jac & murphy
MURPHY: what's up?
JAC: Will you teach me how to throw a punch?
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