simply-mira · 2 days
"Did they fly by for you?" Yeah it was hard to believe it had been ten years, but Mira wouldn't say they flew by for her. Nursing school had been intense, and long, and she definitely had at least on breakdown a semester. She could only imagine law school had to have been much of the same, if not worse. "Yeah you listing all of that out is giving me a migraine. Are you able to ever shut all that out, at least for a few hours?" When Iris asked about Mira, she let her head fall to the side as she thought. "Good, honestly pretty bored. Everyone moved away from town and things became pretty mundane." These texts and everything that came with them was the most social entertainment Mira had since high school. "How are you feeling about these texts?" Iris had been hell bent in school about not letting anything from that party get out, Mira could only imagine how she was feeling about this anonymous pain in the ass.
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"Yeah, it really has been. Can't believe ten years flew by like that." Of course she could, Iris had tried to make it that way. Had stopped thinking about St. Mary's and Chris and everything out the second she had graduated and went to university. Honestly, sometimes it felt like it hadn't been long enough. "I know, I'm just all over the place which is so unlike me. With the video and flood watch, my step mother, the texts and worrying about cases for my job - it's a lot but I'm paying attention now, it's fine." She couldn't afford to be absentminded, that wasn't allowed for Iris. She had to be on her game at all times. "How have you been?"
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simply-mira · 2 days
"i don't think you're alone in that," mira murmured, looking out at all the people around them coming in and out of the carnival. children with face paint and parents holding overpriced toys. "it sounds like most of our classmates that left town haven't really been back to a carnival since... well high school." she shrugged. she definitely hadn't gone the last few years. but that had been because she had been working. maybe she would have gone otherwise. maybe not. "hope it's everything you dreamed."
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setting: event 3: the carnival tagged: @classcursestarters
Arjun stopped in his tracks as soon as he'd walked into the carnival, taking it all in and feeling a wave of nostalgia for this town he hadn't felt since arriving. It had been so easy to put a wall up between Lincoln City and who he was now. It was still there, obviously, but there was also a childlike wonder clawing it's way over the top. "I don't think I've been to a carnival in...fuck, it's been over a decade. I didn't realize they still did this here."
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simply-mira · 2 days
who: @nicholaslehoy
where: carnival
sometimes mira felt as though she was a ghost within lincoln city. quiet, observant, dressed in black, most people either didn't take note of her or the ones that did, looked at her like she was some kind of phantom. it had been funny in high school. now, ten years later, she would just like to be perceived as normal.
walking through the carnival and saying hello to the people that left a neutral taste in her mouth post graduation, mira wasn't even sure why she came. just to be apart of something again? or because she couldn't stay away from the drama she was certain would come out of an event this big.
noticing nicholas lehoy sizing up one of the dozen carnival games, she smirked to herself as she said. "gonna try to use all your athleticism to win?" most of these games were rigged, so athletic or not, it wouldn't help someone. "try not to take it to heart when you lose."
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simply-mira · 2 days
"i was just saying it's good to see you again, it's been a while." mira brought the straw of her grape slushie up to her lips and took a long sip as she took in iris. they had known each other in high school. in fact, iris has been the only one that knew mira was apart of the newspaper, and also, the two had kind of become a little team once chris disappeared. mira helping discover secrets about people that iris could then use to blackmail them with. kinda fucked up but, they were seventeen year old girls. what did you expect, right? "your mind seems to be moving a mile a minute. you okay?"
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setting: event 3: the carnival tagged: @classcursestarters
Iris had already been here for a lot longer than she had planned and there was nothing that she hated more than her plans going awry. Why didn't the universe realize she was right? What she wanted to happen was the thing that should happen? It was exhausting. The last thing she wanted right now was to be at some carnival thrown by this fucking town but she had her part to play and if she played nicely, she could go...or at least that's what she was telling herself. Enough Xanax was currently flowing through her veins that she could almost be nice, almost. But that almost meant she was not paying attention at all to what was being said to her right now. "Sorry, sorry, what were you saying? Were you talking to me?"
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simply-mira · 2 days
mira had been mindlessly enjoying her funnel cake when she heard the person nearby speak up, and realizing that vivian wasn't with anyone, mira deduced she was kind of just speaking to the world as a whole? clearly mira was the only one listening. looking up at the ferris wheel, the dark haired women raised her brows before looking back at vivian. "oh yeah? it's pretty high. good for you if you actually get on it." mira would definitely be keeping her feet on the ground. mostly because she didn't trust these rides or the 19 year old kids that operated them.
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but when vivian said she'd be staying on the ground for now, mirk smirked to herself and nodded, almost as if she predicted how that whole idea would end. "oh yeah, no. not a ride person. maybe if we were at an actual amusement park but i don't trust anything that is built with the intention to be setup and broken down within 36 hours. currently, my plan is to finish this fried dough and then maybe get some more in the form of fried oreos. have you ever had those before? they're incredible."
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maybe its the drinks that she had prior to arriving to the carnival , but vivian couldn't help but feel distracted from the messages as soon as she laid eyes on the ferris wheel . vivian's fear of heights was forever at odds with the memory of her jumping off the roof of her house as a teenager . . . although the smaller things got the higher she went made her nervous , it was the encouragement of her missing neighbor who gave her the bravery she needed to just . . . leap . he always was there to break her fall and that's what vivian suspects made her fear tolerable . except , he wasn't here anymore and the fear remained the same . " i'm going to get on that ride by the end of the night . " vivian announced nervously as she dug into the box of popcorn in her possession , cheese dust lingering on her fingers as she popped one right into her mouth as if keeping her mind distracted from the spiraling reason why she was at the carnival in the first place . she was in the carnival because she wanted to , not because of the dare . . . heather's voice echoed in her mind , but it still flickered in the face of the supposed joy that failed to register in her heart . " just . . . not right now . i kinda need to prepare for it . " typical of her to backtrack , vivian cleared her throat as she glanced over at her companion , a smile blossoming on her lips . " what about you ? is there something you want to do next ? "
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simply-mira · 11 days
mira was expecting this police interview to be quick and painless. she had nothing to hide, because she hadn't really known much about that night to begin with. in high school she was often on the outskirts of everything. even the newspaper, her fellow writers did not know her identity. just that someone was writing a gossip column and that it was somehow appearing in every issue. so when the cop came into the interrogation room and gave her a polite smile, she knew they also were aware that this was merely a formality. they weren't expecting her to know anything.
"where were you on the night of christopher wilder’s disappearance?"
the woman asked, bored and like she was reading from a transcript. so... they were asking these questions to everyone, then? that's how it seemed. "i was at dante's party, like all of my other classmates." she answered, deciding not to elaborate. if they had follow up questions they would ask it, but she didn't have anything else to give.
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"when was the last time you saw christopher?"
she thought for only a moment. the truth was, during the party it felt like christopher was everywhere and nowhere. she could hear his voice from a nearby room, but did she ever really see his face? maybe once or twice in passing, but it's not like they were close. they didn't speak or have any real connection. in fact, if it weren't for the fact that chris went missing all those years ago, mira might not actually have remembered much of chris at all. "uh... maybe around 10:30? with all of his jock friends in the living room? we weren't anything more than acquaintances, so i think we just drifted around each other at the party. didn't really interact." she added one more thing before they moved on. "i didn't follow the kids out to the lake. the ones that went there. that was when i went home."
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"what was your relationship with christopher?"
she pursed her lips and gave them a half hearted shrug. "like I said, kinda just went to school together. we didn't have very many overlapping interests, and i didn't have a lot of friends back then... so. i think maybe we sat next to each other in class... twice in the four years? sorry i can't be more help."
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clearly the cop agreed. either mira wasn't helpful or she wasn't interesting enough to keep interviewing. after those three questions, she was good to go home. so she did.
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simply-mira · 11 days
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Coffee was a godsend when you worked as long as Mira did, it's how she made it through the first few hours of her shift. He shift didn't start for about thirty minutes, and was close, so she was taking a breather outside before the chaos of the day. Surprised to hear a familiar voice, Mira turned to see the seat that was once empty was now occupied. "Oh, no, not yet. I go in tomorrow. I'm guessing you did?"
tagging: @classcursestarters. location: outdoor, public bench.
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       "did you ..."  pink ballerina tipped  fingernails tap against the plastic of her to-go cup of  strawberry-lavendar matcha,  stella's current hyperfixtation of the season,  doe eyes widening as she leans towards the other,  her southern drawl dropping into a  whisper  drifting in the wind.    "did you, by any chance, have an odd interaction with law enforcement recently?" 
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simply-mira · 11 days
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"michael, everything you do has always surprised me." and yet it hadn't. michael's decisions often felt rash or sporadic, but at the end of the day, mira was so used to him being so fucking random that she knew to be on her toes around him. not to really expect... anything. but she was glad he had no intention to lead the church, power hungry men of god had never been good for society, and she was scared what someone like michael would do with all that power. feeling her skin crawling ever since his hand found her shoulder, the dark haired woman, decided she had enough of this interaction. enough dancing around each other and saying too much or too little. the fact of the matter was that no one was going to be leaving lincoln city for at least a few weeks, and she couldn't help but think that the police investigations were just the start of this. she'd have plenty more interactions with michael, to try to sus out what he was really doing and his intentions. "well, i just came to pick up a book. and i found it," she said, holding up the book she had found moments before running into him. "and i want to go home and read it... so. see you around, michael." try not to get crushed under your own ego.
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  whether  god  had  spoken  to  him  or  not  ,  he  carried  himself  as  if  he  was  the  chosen  one  ,  hand  picked  by  their  holy  father  to  speak  .  out  in  the  world  ,  it  worked  well  for  him  .  the  love  and  adoration  only  continued  to  grow  since  his  high  school  days  ,  without  the  fuel  of  illicit  substances  ,  he  could  truly  appreciate  the  attention  he  was  getting  …  file  and  remember  it  .  he  didn't  have  any  animosity  to  mira  ,  the  questions  that  were  coming  not  causing  a  shift  in  his  attitude  as  he  continued  with  his  angelic  outer  shell  .  it  was  a  shame  that  she  didn't  lean  into  it  ,  didn't  spend  time  trying  to  get  to  know  michael  more  because  he  truly  would  have  been  full  of  praise  and  flattery  .  it  was  hard  to  understand  why  somebody  wouldn't  want  to  be  close  to  that  ,  close  to  him  ,  close  to  god  .  "  i'm  sure  it  is  ,  you're  doing  an  amazing  job  ,  for  the  greater  good  ,  continued  encouragement  ,  his  smile  tilted  at  the  edges  ,  inviting  and  sweet  .  he  lets  out  a  small  laugh  at  the  question  ,  a  shake  of  the  head  ,  "  no  .  i  think  that  mr  gordon  does  a  fantastic  job  of  leading  the  church  ,  "  and  he  wasn't  too  sure  if  that  was  true  or  if  he  was  just  another  power  parasite  as  many  turned  out  to  be  but  he  was  definitely  going  to  back  him  up  .  he  didn't  know  the  man  enough  to  want  to  preach  about  the  opposite  .  "  i  never  really  dreamed  of  leading  a  church  ,  it's  enough  for  me  to  set  a  good  example  for  other  young  people  and  stand  side  by  side  with  those  who  were  called  to  that  type  of  role  ,  "  now  ,  that's  true  .  michael  doesn't  want  to  lead  ,  with  great  power  comes  a  lot  more  criticism  and  people  focusing  more  on  your  every  move  .  he  wanted  to  stay  just  to  the  left  ,  where  all  the  positivity  ,  compliments  and  attention  laid  but  if  he  made  a  wrong  move  ,  there  was  still  room  for  forgiveness  and  love  .  "  does  that  surprise  you  ?  "  
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simply-mira · 13 days
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she  wasn't  sure  if  mira  didn't  understand  what  she  meant  or  was  just  playing  dumb  like  the  rest  of  their  classmates  but  cherry  was  sure  somebody  would  crack  .  between  the  insane  people  and  the  just  stupid  ,  there  was  no  doubt  that  someone  would  let  something  slip  and  they'd  all  be  trying  to  dig  their  way  out  .  (  that  wasn't  even  considering  most  people  were  ready  to  throw  each  other  under  the  bus  )  .  "  not  a  good  mindset  ,  that's  for  sure  ,  "  she  simply  responds  as  she  grabs  the  last  few  things  from  the  farmers  market  and  dumps  them  in  her  bag  .  "  anyway  ,  i  have  to  go  and  stand  in  the  kitchen  while  my  mom  makes  dinner  ,  "  with  a  fake  smile  ,  "  stay  out  of  trouble  ,  mira  .  if  we  go  down  we  go  together  ,  or  whatever  the  chainsmokers  said  ,  "  spoken  over  her  shoulder  as  she  takes  off  .  
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simply-mira · 16 days
"You could've easily denied the invitation." She explained, wondering what happened if any of her classmates hadn't come home for the alumni event. Did the police reach out to them and request they return back to Lincoln City ASAP? Or did those lucky few get to stay home in blissful ignorance? If only Mira didn't live in Lincoln City, she would've had her answer.
Letting out a soft sigh and making a show of thinking over her response, it wasn't as exciting as Mira was making it out to be. "Good, working at the hospital," she motioned down at the black scrubs she was wearing, as if she almost didn't need to to say her job out loud for it to be obvious. "Going to therapy. I have a cat now, which I think is the highlight."
She brought the paper bag holding her prescription up to her mouth to bite on it, holding it between her teeth as she quickly swept her long dark hair up in a messy bun. "What about you? What's going on with you?"
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Rhys rests his forehead against his arm that's resting on the nearest surface. There's music softly playing through his earbuds to tune out the noise around him. He has a massive headache and the last thing he wants to do is deal with people around him. He taps his foot against the floor to the beat of the music, thinking about how he could have made this song slap better. It's one of his favorite things to do, pick music apart and fix it later.
He lifts his head up to see Mira, realizing he's not in a typical spot. It's not some cafe or diner. It's a store where people pick up pills. He lifts his hand up to pluck the earbud out of his ear. He coughs, waiting to catch her attention and when he does, the biggest smile curves his features. "In the flesh," he keeps his gaze on her as she approaches him.
"Yeah, I don't think we were given much of a choice." He thinks about the Facebook post on a daily, sometimes he wishes he ignored it. What would have happened? Would this person have come and killed him for not listening? What was the point? There were a million questions that constantly ran through Rhys head. "How have you been?"
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simply-mira · 16 days
well now mira definitely regretted the fact that she had missed the alumni event. it hadn't been so long since that cherry could have fan into multiple people to put a sour taste in her mouth, so mira was betting whatever or whoever was the cause had been during the event or the subsequential lockdown after. against, she didn't comment. she just let out a soft hum as she contemplated her thoughts. "make a confession?" what kind of confession could be made, unless cherry was insinuating that someone had something to do with chris's disappearance? unless she was referencing the god awful dare box. either way, mira was sure any new information would be good for the cops and she wondered if anyone's lips had loosened "its been ten years. who knows what mindset everyone is in." or how stable they were.
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had  she  ran  into  someone  that  left  a  bad  taste  in  her  mouth  ?  she  wasn't  the  type  of  person  to  hold  back  from  saying  what  was  really  on  her  mind  but  she  was  also  guarded  .  there  were  parts  of  her  that  were  always  held  back  because  she  didn't  want  to  seem  weak  ,  like  a  cry  baby  .  she  was  just  an  overgrown  little  girl  who  had  never  learned  how  to  process  things  the  right  way  .  "  not  just  one  ,  "  she  settles  on  admitting  ,  the  sea  of  faces  flowing  back  into  town  something  that  she  didn't  enjoy  even  if  she  pretended  that  she  was  cool  with  being  angry  ,  torn  up  .  in  a  way  ,  at  least  it  was  some  emotion  rather  than  the  way  everything  had  blended  into  the  same  melancholy  over  the  last  few  years  especially  .  "  i'm  sure  they'll  fly  by  …  too  many  big  reps  on  the  line  ,  "  not  her  .  never  her  .  "  unless  someone  decides  to  make  a  confession  …  but  i've  never  known  anyone  around  here  to  grow  a  conscience  .  "  that  was  the  main  thing  that  had  ended  up  binding  them  together  in  their  false  sense  of  security  .
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simply-mira · 16 days
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Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg The Witcher Season 3 Episode 4
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simply-mira · 18 days
it was a scoff and an eye roll that answered michael. honestly, she wasn't as surprised this was the route he had followed after what she had known and seen of michael in high school. he had always wanted to be loved and fawned over, what better way to do that then by becoming a member of the church? not only were people congregating to listen to you speak, they held you in such high regard it was almost as if you were god himself. isn't that was people believed, a priest was who god spoke to? she scoffed once more, this time at her thoughts. eyes narrowing at his comment, because everything that came out of his mouth felt passive aggressive, she just said, "it's very rewarding." humming as she listened to him, wanting to call bullshit on it all, mira's head fell to the side as she continued to look him over. what was his goal? that's what she couldn't figure out. surely the attention and trust people put in him wasn't enough to keep this up. she doubted he found being a priest gratifing. "so whats next? are you planning on moving back to lincoln city to take over as head of the church?"
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it  was  masterful  ,  there  was  no  flaw  to  his  performance  .  sometimes  when  you  acted  for  long  enough  ,  you  forgot  that  there  was  any  other  way  to  be  .  his  persona  was  curated  ,  beautiful  ,  graceful  …  it  was  near  impossible  to  trigger  any  other  sign  of  life  ,  pressure  points  not  reactive  .  (  even  his  parents  might  have  struggled  to  recognise  their  once  unruly  son  )  .  "  someone  has  to  be  holding  all  these  souls  in  their  prayers  ,  "  immediate  response  ,  not  downplaying  her  role  in  the  saving  of  lives  although  he  didn't  ,  in  all  honesty  ,  know  what  exactly  she  did  do  .  "  it's  nice  that  you  have  a  job  that  helps  others  …  it  really  shows  the  quality  of  your  heart  ,  "  compliments  with  ease  ,  not  really  picking  up  on  the  touch  subject  because  he  had  always  been  tactile  ,  nothing  changing  with  his  new  disposition  .  he  didn't  attempt  to  reach  out  again  but  warmth  still  buzzed  from  his  features  as  his  fingertips  brushed  across  the  cross  that  was  worn  around  his  neck  .  he  leans  back  ,  "  apologies  ,  "  marked  and  quick  resolution  .  his  thumb  is  brushing  over  the  indents  of  the  silver  ring  on  his  index  finger  ,  wondering  if  she  is  waiting  for  some  massive  admittance  ,  "  i  woke  up  one  day  and  realised  that  something  was  missing  from  my  life  …  that  the  party  was  over  and  nothing  had  came  out  of  it  .  i  spent  a  few  weeks  wondering  what  to  do  next  ,  coming  down  from  everything  i'd  pumped  into  my  body  since  graduation  …  and  then  i  realised  that  life  has  so  mean  something  greater  for  us  all  .  there's  something  intrinsically  linking  us  all  together  ,  humanity  and  faith  .  i  was  guided  to  find  it  at  just  the  right  time  to  stop  me  from  falling  foul  to  my  own  sinful  path  .  "
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simply-mira · 18 days
Do you want to tell the truth?
About what, exactly?
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simply-mira · 18 days
what was your first thought when the police said they'd found something of chris'?
honestly? that the cops seem pretty incompetent if it took them ten years to find anything that belonged to chris.
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simply-mira · 18 days
sometime's mira's days were long, and exhausting, and could feel like she didn't have a moment to think. today was one of those days. and when that happened, she often found herself decompressing after work at the same restaurant, sitting at the bar with a glass of wine and some food in front of her. so that had been the plan. she parked her car and began to walk towards the entrance, and then saw a familiar face coming the opposite way. "tired, how's my favorite bartender?" she answered his question with an ease, already debating going somewhere else for the night if zeppelin was off. brows raising at his question, because they had never spent time outside of the confines of that building, mira debated her answer for a full minute. she wasn't lying, she was tired. she had just come off at fourteen hour shift... but the spur of the moment idea seemed fun. "that sounds like an ominous invite, where are we going?" she asked, her answer given in her own question.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 , @simply-mira .
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               getting  out  of  work  ,  zeppelin  grabbed  his  things  and  exited  the  restaurant  .  a  deep  breath  escaping  his  lips  as  he  stood  out  in  the  back  ,  the  𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  and  𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒  being  something  somewhat  relaxing  for  the  split  second  as  he  stood  there  .  finally  ,  he  pulled  his  keys  out  of  his  pocket  and  started  to  move  towards  the  parking  lot  .  it  was  then  that  he  saw  the  familiar  face  ,  a  smile  pulling  at  the  corners  of  his  lips  .          ❛     how's  my  favorite  customer  ?     ❜          he  teased  before  looking  over  at  his  car  and  then  back  at  the  girl  .         ❛      you  wanna  go  somewhere  with  me  ?     ❜          getting  out  of  there  with  someone  he  𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐘  liked  sounding  like  a  great  idea  in  that  moment  .
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simply-mira · 19 days
mira tried to keep her initial response to cherry's comment to herself. she didn't want her thoughts and ideas to be known by everyone, and so she had learned over the years to try to not react to the things people around her were saying. because if she pursed her lips and raised her brows in surprise and entertainment, maybe cherry wouldn't be so vocal next time. "it feels like you..." are projecting? no, can't say that. "ran into someone that left a bad taste in your mouth." there, that was vague enough. but not untrue. if cherry was talking about how she never wanted to see anyone that left again, that would probably be because of someone coming home, right? "depends on how quick these police interviews go, right?" knowing how slow the police could be at times, mira wouldn't be shocked if these interviews took at least a month. "have you been called into the station yet?"
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she  might  have  sensed  there  was  something  up  with  mira  if  she  cared  but  cherry  was  far  too  self  involved  ,  focused  only  on  how  things  had  affected  her  .  the  returned  question  almost  makes  her  scoff  but  managing  to  stay  composed  ,  she  offers  a  response  that  says  it  all  ,  "  i  would  have  died  happy  if  i  never  saw  a  single  soul  that  came  back  again  ,  "  but  that  wasn't  the  truth  ,  cherry  would  never  have  died  happy  because  she  was  too  busy  feeling  sorry  for  herself  .  there  were  a  lot  of  people  she  had  once  been  close  to  that  were  filtering  back  into  her  life  and  it  was  an  unfortunate  combination  of  her  own  stubbornness  and  a  feeling  of  betrayal  that  kept  her  fuelled  with  the  wish  that  they'd  never  shown  up  at  all  .  "  i  wouldn't  worry  though  ,  i'm  sure  they'll  be  speeding  out  of  here  in  no  time  …  this  is  just  a  little  pit  stop  on  memory  lane  to  make  them  feel  like  they  paid  their  dues  ,  "  as  if  staying  gave  her  some  sort  of  superiority  .
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